Max Thunderman's Relationship Timeline ❤️ Every Girlfriend + Crush | The Thundermans

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You may know Max Thunderman for his epic pranks and awesome superpowers. But when he isn't plotting his next scheme, he's planning his next date. Let's take a look at all of his love interests. First up there was Veronica, Max's first girlfriend. Well, sort of. Got your backpack in the library, babe. Babe? Thanks, Max. Sweetest boyfriend ever. I'm here to fight Max for Veronica's heart. Her heart? I thought you were her math tutor. I am, but I'm also her boyfriend. Well, at least on Wednesdays I am. Wednesdays? That's when I do her homework. On the other days, she has different tutor boyfriends. Tell me more about these tutor boyfriends. - Who are you? - He's Veronica's new Wednesday. What are you talking about? I'm her new boyfriend. Yeah, on Wednesdays. You're looking at her Monday, Tuesday and Friday tutor boyfriends. Thursday has pinkeye. Uh-oh, looks like Veronica is using all of these smart boys to get what she wants. This is not going to end well. No. Veronica and I have something special. She said I put the "stud" in "study". Hey, Max. [sighs] Why do I get the feeling you just tutored me? It was the only way I could get you to believe how horrible she is. So you're willing to help me even after I betrayed you? 'Course. How sweet. Phoebe saved Max from a horrible relationship. Then there was Maddy. Sweet, Max. Whenever I see a fat hippo, I think of you. Let's seal this moment with a selfie. Real smooth, Max. I feel so bad about the bracelet. Hey, don't worry about it, we'll check by the Fun Claw. Right after I finish this sploagie. I guess we shouldn't let anything ruin our... [screams] What? Yep, turning blue maybe isn't the best way to get a girl to like you. ...A little... [screams] Sorry for running out on you. Listen, don't worry. This whole blue thing only lasts a day and it's not contagious. Then how do you explain her? And now a cheerleader from school saw me. [sneezing] Oh, no, maybe I'm allergic to you, Max. - [sneezing] - No, no, no! Maddy running off left Max feeling blue. Inside and out. Better luck next time, dude. Well, Veronica and Maddy might have been in the rough, but that's when Max met his diamond, Allison. They're made from the recycled waste of elephants. So you guys are wearing poop shirts. And you could, too, if you signed up like your sister, Max. What are you, like a child-sized medium? But just like his past two relationships, this one isn't off to a great start. Maybe he could make this one work or Phoebe can do it for him, I guess. I don't want to date her. She's trying to save the world, I'm trying to destroy it. True, but she's super into you. Well, guess we have that in common. For someone who has a crush on me, you sure are fine picky. I do not have a crush on you. Phoebe said you had a crush on me. Hah! Not a chance! A simple no would've been just fine. Why would she lie to get us on a date? She tricked us both. We have to get revenge. Why do you care all of a sudden? I care because... I know what it feels like to be told you're going through a phase. That you're going through what? An awesome hair phase? Something like that. So, what do you say we go back in there? Let's do this! Wait, so... Digging the hair, huh? Don't get cocky. Hmm, maybe she does like him. Here's your chance, Max. Then came the denial phase. Your stupid girlfriend's here for her book. She's not my girlfriend. [spraying] You're twirling in a cologne cloud? Who are you? Hi, Mom. I'm gonna hang out at Max's. He finally wants me to meet his family. I told you I was his girlfriend! Oh, no. These two are clearly not on the same page. I told you, she's not my girlfriend. I'm not? I feel like such an idiot. You went to all that trouble to win the car. Come on. It's so obvious. Go get her, Max! Oh, man! She is my girlfriend! I've never even had a real girlfriend before. But if I was going to have one... I'd want it to be you. Aww! So, will you? Yes! Finally. And so began the iconic ship of Max and Allison. Now comes the hard part for Max, not letting jealousy get the best of him. I'm talking about you being so cool with me having a big kissing scene with Nate. I'm catching that heat! [laughs] Should've read the play. Bad news. Play's canceled. Phoebe's sick and I'm just so worried about her. Yeah, right, stagehand. Fine. I don't want you to kiss Nate and marry him in the school hallway. There, I said it. What? Okay, for someone so cute you sure sound like a dummy. I really like you. And no stupid kiss in a high school play is gonna change that. Well, I guess I have been kind of... - The word is "dummy". - Yeah, that. But in my defense, I've never been in a relationship before. This is all new territory for me. Well, get over it! We're stuck with each other. Aww, they're at the cheek-kissing stage. How cute! And here. My anniversary gift is a bunch of dweebs? I hope you kept the receipt. This isn't a gift. It's a prank-tervention. All of the people you have hurt are here to confront you about your pranking problem. Little did Allison know that there is no getting between Max and his relationship with pranks. Sorry, guys. How about I give you some goodwill mints to make amends? I'm so proud of you, Max. I didn't think you'd be open to change, but I guess I was wrong. It's a trap! This was fun. We should do more of these. Forget it. I'm done. Wait, what? What are you talking about? I don't want to be with a guy who hurts people just for laughs. Goodbye, Max. Hold on, hold on. Okay, for you... I'll give up pranking. Seriously. Yeah, no. That's not going to happen. Yes, let's shake on it. If I shake a fake hand, so help me... What are you doing here? I came to apologize for blaming you for doing that prank. Oh, don't give it a second thought. Thanks for stopping by. Well, I just feel so bad for calling you a liar. I mean, I should've trusted you. Clearly, I'm the one with the problem. I mean after all the trouble you went through to change, I have to be better for you. I'm sorry. Do you forgive me? I'm the one who pranked Bradford. What? Now they're angry eyes. OK, I tried to give up pranks cold turkey, but it was just too hard, so I did one last prank and then Wolfgang got blamed. So you let your friend take the fall and then you lied to me. I'm sorry. I finally understand what you're trying to say, but it took someone getting hurt for it to finally sink in. At least Max learned his lesson. The point is, I never want to prank again. Okay, don't get all angry eyes on me, but I could prank Bradford to get rid of him. I've got this whole house rigged in case my family turns against me. Prank Sad Tad Bradford back to the storage unit he calls home. You've never been more beautiful to me. Well, if you can't beat them, join them, I guess. Allison's coming back? Finally. Who's Allison? Right as things were looking great for this couple, Allison had to move away. Max's girlfriend? The one who's been away volunteering with the Earth Corps for three months? It's Allison! Eww! Max's girlfriend loves him! "Max, I'm... breaking up with you." Did not see that one coming. Wow, I was way off. I realized you're not my soulmate, the Earth is. Stupid Earth! I should've destroyed it when I had the chance! Are you OK, honey? Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. [Max] I'll never love again! Then came Max's first real heartbreak. Luckily, he has an awesome sister who will stick by his side and help him get through it. Breakup was a few days ago, bet you're itching to get back out on patrol. [groans] Come on, Max, you gotta get over this now. I know your heart is broken, but the shower is not. Max, come on. Get up and let's go. That's it. I'm putting you on ice. [blowing] [blowing] What happened to your freeze breath? It was no freeze and all breath. Max loved Allison so much that the breakup made his powers weak. Allison really broke me. Now I'm just an extremely handsome shell of my former self. I know this breakup was hard on you, but there will be plenty of other girls who would be happy to date you. Phoebe, you don't get it. Allison can't be replaced by some random stranger. She's my first real girlfriend. She really understood me. Look, I was afraid that if you didn't snap out of this now that you'd be a sad sack forever. A lot of people let breakups ruin their lives. [whistling] Truth is, Mr Snuggly Poo, getting dumped by Valerie ruined my life. Now, 20 years later, I live in a queen-sized locker. Wow. I can't believe one breakup turned him into that. Yeah. You gonna let this breakup with Allison do the same to you? Out of my way, delinquents! Show some respect for Principal Maxford! Ow! This breakup wont break me. That's the spirit. Now it's time to get back to saving the world. Max might be evil, but he sure has one big heart. He's had some pretty iconic ships. And if you want to see more ships like this, make sure you subscribe to Nickelodeon's YouTube channel. Catch more only on Nick.
Channel: Nickelodeon
Views: 7,527,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nick, nickelodeon, nick tv, nick full episodes, the thundermans, phoebe thunderman, max thunderman, thundermans, jack griffo, max thunderman relationship timeline, phoebe thunderman relationship timeline, jack griffo relationship timeline, thundermans relationship timeline, nickelodeon relationship timeline, ytao_tm
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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