13 Biggest Villains on The Thundermans Ranked By Threat Level! | Nickelodeon

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Ever wonder what villains in the Thundermans are really the most evil? Let's rank the 13 biggest evil doers and see who's the biggest threat to all of Thunder-Mankind. The first villain on our list is Evilman. Who me? having abilities like super strength makes him a formidable foe. He even tested Phoebe's limits, but for good reason. Maybe if you give up now, I'll go easy on you. I'm Evilman Nothing can stop me. I can't believe you stopped me. Well done. Our friend, Evilman came out of retirement to help us test your sister. And being one of the only villains to successfully retire. He deserves a spot on this board as an honorable mention. You were helping the Hero league? Yeah, bought a ton of those flip up beds, but they also got me a fishing boat you can't tell your mom about. Moving on to our next villain. It's a Fairy Pinchess. With super pinching strength. I want to pinch her so bad. She poses a threat to all heroes with exposed cheeks. Billy help me. No Billy here. Just a boy who’s not a superhero. And she's one deep thought away from being her own demise. They escaped. How are we going to find them before they warn Thundergirl? Watch where you put that thing Fairy. But what happens when she catches you and her intense finger grip? Gotcha. You can't teleport away from my pinchy grip. You'd be powerless. Let her go. But not necessarily helpless. This very specific power makes Fairy Pinchess more of a nuisance than a real threat. Next on our list is Max Thunderman himself. Say supervillains. Supervillains! Even though Max was born in a superhero family, he goes through some villainous phases. If you want to leave this room, you've got to go through me. Or I can go around you. He even turned on his family in his quest to be a super villain. Max, if you go down this path, you are no longer our son. I'm a supervillain now. Well, Max has certainly done some things that were evil. His laugh could use some work [evil laughter] And his crime diary does not help his case. It’s not a diary. It’s a chronicle. Does it have a lock? Yes. You write your dark secrets in it? Yes. Diary. Evil Max is kind of evil. Oh, my sister always thought there was good in me somewhere. So, like, kind of use that to C’mon max. Spit it out. Get out of my head, Phoebe. Did you just call me Phoebe? In the end, Max always does what's right by his family. I got to get out of here. What? No one walks out on Dark Mayhem. Or is brought to justice by Phoebe again and again and again. Oh, I’ll throw myself in. This isn't over! Hopping on to the next villain We have Doctor Colosso? [screaming] Close it. Yep. Doctor Colosso was once a feared supervillain. Terrorizing the Thundermans with his animalizer. With this animalizer. I am going to ruin your wedding. Oh, relax, everyone. His inventions never work. Turning heroes into helpless pets. The hero league found a way to turn us back. But when the tables turned on him, What do you see in him? Barbara? he went from being ferocious. Back to the cage for you Colosso. Into fur-ocious. Oh. Oh, well. While he still has evil in his little heart. Dr. Colosso has become fond of the Thundermans. You've gone soft. I know your heart is broken, but the shower is not. We will shower when we're good and ready. You heard him, girlie. When my Max-y stinks. I stink. Including always being there for Max. Now I'm just an extremely handsome shell of my former self. Making Dr. Colosso also kind of evil. He only wants Allison back, and that's not going to happen. I could find him a new Allison. Well, look no further. This is disturbing in so many ways. I mean, how can you fear a cute wittle Bunny? Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Moving on to son and games, we have Colosso’s only child Bullfer? Baldor? It’s not Baldor, it’s Barfscore. It's Balfour. Balfour turned evil after realizing the Thundermans turned his dad into a rabbit. Dad? Son! Your family imprisoned my father. You ruined my life. And now I'm going to ruin yours. And using his powers to outwit the Thundermans was a pretty genius move. Thundermans attack! Thundermans, nap. But when Balfour realized rescuing Dr. Colosso was a big mistake. Maybe seeing his family with bunny brains will get Max here. Yeah. Then I can fry his brain, too. He's like the evil son I never had. I am the evil son you never had. He turns his dad back into a rabbit. Make a better rabbit than you do father. With Max and Phoebe's twin power, you can't use any powers, I’m the gamer. I’m in control. Balfour's evil plan crumbles. Not anymore. Just like the relationship with his dad. Balfour's kind of evil vengeance was misguided because he lacked a family. Only reason he did all of this is because he grew up without a family. There might be another form of punishment for him. Maybe father and son can reconnect as two adorable bunnies. How is this better than prison? You and I can catch up and we can play insult The Thundermans all day long. Next up, we have the God of plunder. Strongdor. Boss. Boy here. This gigantic brute is one of the strongest villains in the world. But he's not the smartest. Strongdor will crush you. Strongdor will have to catch me first. Even though Strongdor is easily outsmarted, he's still a highly trusted associate to Dark Mayhem. Gas up the Mayhem-copter. We're going to Hiddenville. With his super strength hammer in hand and third person speech. Strongdor’s turn. It's still not wise to fight Strongdor by oneself. Which makes him one worthy evil companion. Dark Mayhem is on his way to destroy us all. I'm already here. Strongdor here too. Like how the Colosso’s were put in cages for their own good. I searched this entire cave and there's nothing in here. This next villain was also locked up. Phoebe hits the secret lever to reveal Destructo hidden in the cave. I am Destructo. Where’s your body? Dark Mayhem was afraid I was too powerful. So he never attached it. Which stinks because it had armor plates and rocket feet and a bottle opener. Okay your body was cool. I get it. And when he was reattached to his body. If we reset that lever we can still stop the volcano. I don't think so. His powers went from verbal to lethal. Okay, this is bad. But he's never used the body before. It should take him some time to figure it out. Destructo is incredibly agile. I think he figured it out. Can shoot blasters out of his hands and can't feel any pain. Oh, my blasters. Wait. You feel pain? No. But you will. Making him a viable, evil opponent now to take to the sky. But his newfound ability of flying ended up being his downfall Impossible. Not all villains have superpowers. Some are just super well, mean Phoebe's Thundergirl. If I expose her, I'll be famous. Mrs. Wong is the neighbor of the Thundermans. She just wanted you kids to try her new pizza. Not anymore jerks. You kids are crazy. And your breath smells like catfood. And they have had many unpleasant run-ins with her. Stop stealing my customers. You diaper dork. Everything on this side of that burger is my property. So get lost. Mrs. Wong has a long lasting hatred towards the Thundermans. More than most supervillains. Mrs. Wong. Are you okay? Come closer. I hate you losers! She has fired the Thundermans from the Pizza Palace. You’re fired! Kicked them out of SplatBurger. Get out before I hit you with this broom. Oh, wait she’s serious run! Verbally attacked them? Get out of my yard you toned-deaf hooligans. And will disrespect them with sarcasm whenever she can. Hi Mrs. Wong. We'll take 50 free cheeseburgers. How about 50 free kicks in the butt? Mrs. Wong joins Destructo and Strongdor on the evil list. Where are you all going? I can cry too if I had a heart or emotions or a soul. You'll never stop by meteor from destroying the world. We'll see about that. If there's a movie of Hank and Barb defeating a villain, then that villain has some serious street cred. That's the case for Professor Meteor. We took down Professor Meteor, one of the most evil villains in all of Metroburg. He's a bad, bad. Man Hey! That guy ran out without paying for his soda refill. This guy's bad news. We can't just jump out and Don't move Meteor. What do I talk? Professor Meteor gravity blast can freeze the most powerful of superheroes. Why was this guy such a feared villain? Oh, that's why. And he will stop at nothing to exact revenge on Max and Phoebe's parents. Your parents destroyed my lair and all my years of research, I was this close to blowing up the sun Why would you do that? I lost my sunglasses. Don't be distracted by his quirky personality. I took out a piece of the moon, and now it's a meteor headed straight for Hiddenville. You're going to destroy the town? Just one house. Professor Meteor is a real threat. Our parents? That's the one. Revenge! But karma caught up to him and delivered a thirst quenching defeat. Oh, no. Revenge. Next on our list is made of sugar, spice and everything not nice. Just be glad I didn't turn you into gingerbread cookies like I did to my parents. Let us out of here, princess. No. Well, having candy powers sounds sweet. You need a sidekick? Or a boyfriend? Too much candy can cause a problem. Just go in. Okay. You guys okay? Candi Falconman Is my bestie and the sweetest person I've ever met Welcome to my party. She attempts to hypnotize everyone in the world to be her friend. She trapped us in sticky cotton candy. Off to brainwash the town. Time to eat your free. Good thing it’s my cheat day. Who knew someone who creates sweet treats could be so sour? Oh, back for more candy? Oh. Woah. Hope you don’t fall. But the daughter of a Falconman is that bad and poses a real threat to the Thundermans. I don't know what's more dangerous You or this roof. Oh, did I gum up your plans? Moving to our top three of villains We have King Crab. What a kingly catch. And as a leader of the villain league, King Crab is no joke. Oh, man. It's good to have you back, Doctor Colosso. Now the villain league will be restored to its former glory. Seal the exits. I need every available villain to the hall of villains now. Unlike Fairy Pinchess Wait for me. King Crab is big pincer claw is indestructible and can block any superpower. If that's not evil enough, he has a horde of hermit crabs that will eat anything. Things are about to get very. Pinchy. Ha ha ha. Your powers are impressive, but they're no match for this handsome abnormality. Even though King Crab is super evil. Colosso. tell me everything you know about the crab. claw He loves popping bubble wrap with it. Cherry, I need you to tickle Chloe now. Max and Phoebe were able to burst his bubble. Bubbles. ha. ha. ha. Time to burst your bubble. Oh. The second most dangerous villain on our list is Phoebe Thunderman. Everything okay Phoebe? I didn't sleep well. I want to go make myself a cup of evil. I mean, tea. Originally taking Dark Mayhem’s evil powers for good intentions. Could you make sure nobody's watching while I put Dark Mayhem’s powers back? Just do it yourself like you always do. Bye bye evil powers. Uh, I said bye bye. Oh no. I can’t put Dark Mayhem’s powers back. The evil took over and transformed Phoebe into one of the most dangerous Thunderman characters. Oh, why did you do that? I don't know. I think there's something wrong with me. You need my help to defeat Dark Mayhem’s evil. It's my evil now, and it's stronger than yours ever was. The Thunderman kids were no match with her new abilities. Your evil days are over. No. Phoebe. That orb’s your only chance. Then I guess I'm out of chances. Evil Phoebe is so evil, she's super evil. I've got a world to take over. She wouldn't even help another villain out. Malvexium’s in place, ready to be activated. Time to erupt a volcano. Reattach my body? No. Instead, she used her super evil powers to fight her family while she tried to destroy the world. Oh, I'm sorry, guys, but this is a bad time for you. Luckily, that wasn't enough. And the Thundermans brought Phoebe back to the good side. What do you think you're doing? Getting my sister back. Now mom. Careful. We don't know if she's good again. Phoebe, you good again? Yes. She’s good guys. The last and arguably most feared villain in the Thundermans is Dark Mayhem. Thundergirl needs to be stopped and I know just the man for the job. He is the world's most powerful and dangerous supervillain. We meet at last Thundergirl. His powers consist of super strength, flight energy, blast, laser vision and forcefield creation. No wonder he's a top villain. We've even seen Dark Mayhem coerce Max and Phoebe to carry out his master plan of taking over the world. Now go spread mayhem. I'm a superhero. With my evil You can complete my master plan. This is the world's first power sapping orb. I want you to take Thundergirl’s powers. And if it wasn't for baby Chloe's newly developed powers, Dark Mayhem would have succeeded. Max couldn't take your powers. But I Will. No. Even though Dark Mayhem was defeated by a child You used dad’s super strength to save us? Thank you. You're welcome. You can't take away the fact that he is the most prolific and terrorizing villain. Thundergirl. Dark Mayhem. I see you've been working on your dramatic turns. Even when he's behind bars. He is still incredibly dangerous. I don't want to rule the world. You do. I can see it in your eyes. Stop talking. It's just a matter of time. Thundergirl. Soon you'll be just like me. Which is why Dark Mayhem earns the top spot as a legitimate threat to all Thunder-mankind. I'm not going to destroy Hiddenville. I'm going to enslave everyone in it to build my new evil empire. Do you agree with our ranking? Viva la evil. 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Channel: Nickelodeon
Views: 82,350
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Keywords: nick, nickelodeon, nick tv, nick full episodes, full episodes, new episodes, theme song, #youtubekids, nickelodeon shows, kids tv, entertainment, thundermans, thundermans villains, thundermans ranked, ranking thundermans villains, thundermans superheroes, superheroes, superpowers, phoebe thunderman, destructo, dr. colosso, thundermans threat level, hiddenville, ytao_tm, nick tv show, the thundermans return, the thundermans bloopers, thundermans compilation, thundermans ranking villains
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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