Every Time The Thundermans' SECRET Almost Got Revealed! | Nickelodeon

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Is that a baby? What? No! Uh, it's my stomach. All that liquid bread. No. That's a baby. Where did she come from? Well, when a mommy and daddy love each other very much... Phoebe! Okay. Okay. Cherry... meet my new baby sister, Chloe. You have a new baby sister, and you didn't even tell me? Don't be mad at Phoebe. You guys are friends. Are we? Honestly, I feel like you're always hiding things from me. Look, I know. The truth is, I do have a lot of secrets. I just can't tell you any of them. What kind of best friends don't tell each other everything? [sighing] Guess that's my answer. No, Cherry, wait! Cherry, I'm so glad you're still here! I had no choice. I'm not allowed to ride my bicycle angry! Hey, look, I know you're still mad at me, but I really need a favor. I need you to watch Chloe while I go run an errand. Where? To the secret store to buy more secrets? Support the head. Thank you. Phoebe, you can't do this! We're not friends any more! Thunder Van, hyperspeed to Metroburg! Hyperspeed repair incomplete. Fine! Any speed! Just go! Initiating. Thunder Van, stop! Get in, Cherry. It's time I tell you everything. Baby secure. That's the whole story. So, you're saying that you and your family are superheroes, your brother has a talking rabbit, and you're going to Metroburg to rescue him from villains? Yeah. It feels so good to finally tell you everything. Do you think I'm stupid? What? No! So, your dad's name is Thunder Man Thunderman? You sound ridiculous. No, I swear, it's true. Arriving at destination. [sighing] And I'll prove it, right after I go save Max from villains. Watch Chloe and stay in the van no matter what. Villains. Stay in the van! Lies! Got it! [screaming] Phoebe! You weren't lying! I take back everything I said about your sister. I need you to tickle Chloe, now! What? Okay! Coochie coochie coo! Coochie coochie coo. Bubbles! [laughing] Time to burst your bubble! Oh. Oh, I am so keeping this! Come on, Colosso! Right behind you. You guys were amazing! You brought Cherry? Oh, you're so dead when we get home. Kids! Daddy? How'd you find us? I followed the Thunder Van's homing signal. We'll deal with why you're in Metroburg later. Right now, I'm just happy you're okay. And Cherry. Hi, Thunder Man Thunderman. If any photo showing you as superheroes actually got out, the consequences for your family would be unspeakable! I know. I'm so, so sorry. And I can promise it won't happen again. That's what you said after Cherry wore your super suit for Halloween. Further action will need to be taken. Further action? You can't ground me, can you? Girl, I can ground your parents if I wanted to. But you're not the problem. Cherry is. You are to stay away from her until the Hero League decides on a course of action. Your future with us depends on it. Whoa. So, if I wanna keep being a superhero, I have to avoid my best friend? Can I avoid something else? Like the cafeteria's clam chowder? Pretty sure those aren't clams. I'm sorry, but when it comes to matters of security, there's no compromising. President Kickbutt, out! But wai... Okay. All I have to do is tell the truth. How hard can it be? I have some bad news. The Hero League has forbidden me to be friends with you. We can never talk again. Okay. Well, then I guess I'm doing this. Phoebe Thunderman has super powers! Okay, so the truth won't work. So, I just have to keep my bestie and hide our friendship from the Hero League. Phoebe, where have you been? You missed the weirdest trucker yesterday. You didn't get in trouble with the Hero League, did you? Oh, no, no, no! That was just about some paperwork I forgot to fill out. You know, sign some stuff, stamp some stuff. Sign, stamp, sign, stamp. Work, work, work. Woo! That was close. Relief selfie! Um, let's... not post stuff like that anymore. Then how are we supposed to get enough votes to win The Best of the Besties? I don't know, let's be different. Spread the word the old fashioned way! With dance? Yeah, with dance. Staircase dance! What is it, Agent Delta? Phoebe Thunderman has violated your orders, Ma'am. I have proof that she did not sever ties with her friend Cherry. I was afraid of that. Don't worry. I'll handle it. Hey, Cherry. Phoebe was just looking for you. I can show you where she is if you want. Oh, okay. Thanks. You're going to prom with Eleanor, aren't you? It's really up to her. Cherry, wait. Uh, good news! I took care of erasing Cherry's memory myself! Cherry, name the 50 states. I can't do that. See? Success. Nice try, but I don't think you understand what's happening. I completely understand. And you need to release my friend or pay the consequences. What did you do? I neutralized your superpowers. Oh. Some watch. Where can I get one? It took me 30 years of training to earn this watch. Thirty years? How old are you? Old enough to know Cherry is a serious risk to the Thunderman's. And I'm a serious risk to you! What is going on? I'm saving my best friend! The Hero League has gone too far! Memory wiping and spying on me in school? My straight A's and perfect attendance are none of your business! Agent Delta wasn't spying. He was protecting you! The Thunderman family is very valuable to us. Yeah, well, Cherry is very valuable to me! Her friendship's the best thing that's happened to me since moving to Hiddenville! Aww. If I have to sacrifice being a superhero to keep you from attaching one of those gizmos to her brain and erasing her memory, then... I will. Erase her memory? We're not erasing her memory. We're erasing her phone's memory. What? Cherry continued to take pictures when we ordered you to end contact with her. That forced our hand. And here we are, with a broken lab cart and a 50 year-old-man on his back. Fifty?! That's my superpower. I don't age. Oh, you really thought we were going to erase Cherry's memory? We're not animals, Stevie. We're the good guys! You can't fire me! I didn't know it was Super President Kickbutt's parking spot! That was unfortunate timing. The police will take it from here. Wait! I love you! I mean... Who are you? I'm Thunder Girl. What happened here? Dude! Some superhero named Thunder Girl, just stopped that thief and saved our lives. Thunder Girl? She was like some sort of super goddess! With telekinesis. Ah, so, that word, you know? Looks like we missed something. Yeah. What'd we miss? And so, it looks like there's a new mysterious superhero in our midst. The question that everyone's asking, who is Thunder Girl? Thunder Girl needs to be stopped! And I know just the man for the job. Her brother, Max. Whoa! I'm a T-shirt... enthusiast. Where'd you guys get those? We joined the Thunder Girl fan club. Thunder Girl has a fan club? She's only the most awesome superhero ever. Well, yeah, guess she is. But aren't her gloves blue? Quiet! You don't know anything about Thunder Girl! Who she is, what she thinks, who she loves! Max, meet my associates, Fairy Pinch-ess and Strongdor. [growling] Ah, viva la evil! Dark Mayhem, since when is Vilnic Headquarters in a fast food restaurant? Since your sister exposed our last headquarters. Then stopped diamond heist. Now, we can't pay for our new hideout. I want to pinch her so bad! Gah! Max, are you ready to help us snd finally, join the Villain League? Yes, I'll do anything. Excellent. This is the world's first power sapping orb. I want you to take Thunder Girl's powers. Her powers? Can I just, light an ocean on fire or something? No! You must take her powers so we can be great again! Unless you prefer to live in her shadow. Hey, boss, lunch rush! Tell me when the deed is done. Here's your change. I gave myself a giant tip because my service was excellent. Wait. Mrs. Wong, you're in The Thunder Girl fan club? Of course! Thunder Girl is great and awesome! Like you, but the opposite. Oh. Um. I'll text you guys later. I forgot my bag. - Okay. Bye. - Bye. Oh. Thanks, Link. Link? What are you doing here? I'm here to take you to prom. Really? That's funny, 'cause before you said you couldn't. And now you're here. I know, but I felt bad for bailing on you, So, I told the Hero League, I don't care if you fire me. I'm gonna spend this one special night, with a very special girl. So, what do you say? Will you be my date. Oh. How can I say no to that? Seriously, how? Uh... Oh. [gasping] Phoebe is Thunder Girl? If I expose her, I'll be famous! It's time to go, Paparazzi! Ah ha! Just the proof I need. Eww. I love you very much. Pretend you didn't hear that. Hank, our powers are gone! Hey, I can't laser! And I'm not fast! You know, I'd love to stay and watch you be weak and helpless but... I've got a sister to destroy. Hey, what did I do? And this is the home of Thunder Girl, where she lives with her weird family. And what kind of powers do they have? Super powers, goofball. Big city news chopper! Make room, local hicks! Get out of my way. And who are you with? Channel Six Dumbface News? [laughing] [squealing] Save me, Jimmy Fallon! [squealing] What is that? Dark Mayhem! And I'm here to destroy you! Strongdor here too! What do we do? Take the kids upstairs! I got this! We got this! Colosso! Fire in the hole! Go! Go! Go! Thank you, Colosso! Hey, the only way to save my furry little butt is by saving your furry big butt! Get a longer robe! Nobody is asking you to look! Hey! We have to warn Phoebe! Quick! To the Thunder Van! Whoa! Looks like Hiddenville's about to lose its new superhero. Max, stop! Give us back our powers. Dark Mayhem's on his way to destroy us all. I'm already here. Strongdor here, too. [screaming] We meet at last, Thunder Girl. Go ahead, Max. Take your sister's powers and you'll finally be one of us! Max, please! Look, I know you hate me, but you can't let Dark Mayhem destroy Hiddenville. Oh, Thunder Girl. I'm not going to destroy Hiddenville. I'm going to enslave everyone in it, to build my new evil empire! Is that really what you want, Max? To lose everything? Your friends? Alison? Your family? What are you waiting for, Max? You're this close to having it all! I already have it all. What are you doing, Max? Restoring my family's powers! You fool! Yes! We're back! Oh. Barb, I think I have your powers. What power do I have? Super Speed. Did I just teleport? Thunder Baby, away! Get them! Thundermans, attack! You picked the wrong side, Max! [gasping] Threatening my family is one thing, but ruining my prom dress before I take pictures is crossing the line! [laughing] Max! Gotta save the world. Got him! Now, Max! I don't think so! Gah! [laughing] [laughing] Max couldn't take your powers, but I will. Oh! Mommy says I'm a good boy. Chloe, you used Dad's Super Strength to save us? Thank you. You're welcome. Thunder Baby, away! You were exposed... as superheroes... on TV! So, a few people saw us. Yeah. It's not that big a deal. [chattering] Okay. It is that big a deal. The Thundermans are famous, baby! Chloe, breakfast! Thunder Baby reporting for duty. Aww, Chloe, you look so cute. I'm not cute. I'm a villian's worst nightmare. Well, cute or not, you still can't wear your super suit to preschool. Why not? Everyone knows we're superheroes. Yeah, everything's different now. Last week, Max was an evil villain and now he's a superhero, who just stole my bacon. I just saved the world from watching the weird way you. Okay, it is not weird. I'll tell you what else is different. We get up when we speak now? This changes everything! No! Look at your phone! We both have fan pages with tons of followers! You know, in my prime, my fan club had over a thousand Thunder Fans. I have a quarter million! No eggs for you. Can we please all remember this is family breakfast time? Mom's right. We should send our fans pictures of family breakfast! My wrists are sore from autographing all these bows. Your wrists are sore? I just accepted 43,000 friend requests. Hey! This unicorn tea party isn't gonna have itself! Oh, no. I totally forgot! Sorry, Chloe. We'll just have to do it later. Our fans need us. But I made so much pretend tea. Forget it, Chloe! They're obviously not coming! I feel bad for her, but there's just not enough time to respond to all our fans. Unless, we gather all of our fans in one place we could greet them all the same time. Like a convention! We could call it Thunder Con! Billy, that's brilliant! Why don't you come up with ideas like this all the time? Ow! Brain pain! You just made it worse! Looks like I'll have to unclog it from behind. Any minute now! What did you do? Stuff's coming outta there! You're welcome. Face it! Nora's a better superhero! Her lasers are as hot as her bow style! Yeah! No! Billy's better! He has super speed and a sweet webbed toe! Get ‘em! Guys! Listen! Can't we all agree that Billy and I are both great? She thinks she's as good as Billy! Charge! Good thing everyone made it out. You're welcome, Mrs. Wong! Wait, where's Mrs. Wong? [coughing] Mrs. Wong, are you okay? Come closer. Closer. I hate you losers! [growling] Blowing up a restaurant. Causing a fan riot! And where, may I ask, were you two? Opening pickle jars, ma'am? Grilling steaks, ma'am. Well. Since being exposed has obviously prevented you from being effective superheroes, there's only one thing to do. Never tell the Z-Force and also don't tell the Z-Force? Oh, I told the Z-Force. I meant I'm going to have to relocate you somewhere where you can be undercover again. Wait! We have to move? We're getting up when we talk again? Is it moving a little extreme? This town loves the Thundermans. [rioting] Continue. Beam in the wheel of relocation. Well, that's a fun way to run our lives. Mommy, Daddy. I miss Hiddenville. I know, honey, but... we live here now! Come on, sweetie. Let's go free your dolly from its... ice prison. Well, look who came hopping back. Max, you gotta get back to Hiddenville! Your friends are in danger! And that Candi girl, is trying to brainwash the whole tow... Colosso! Did you hear that, Phoebe? He said our friends are in danger! Please, Your little dress-up buddy would say anything to get you back. Just do me a favor and call Cherry. [sighing] Fine. But only so I can stop talking to you. Call declined? That's weird. Cherry always answers my calls. She even answered that one time she went scuba diving. Her phone was in rice for months. Well, that proves it. Something's seriously wrong. I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell Mom and Dad. Tell ‘em what? My rabbit's a drama queen, and Cherry doesn't understand how phones work? I'm going back to it Hiddenville to help. Whoa, whoa, whoa, Max! If President Kickbutt catches you back in Hiddenville, you'll lose your powers and then you'll never be a super hero. I'm willing to take that risk. I'm not letting Hiddenville down a second time. There's Candi. We can't let her get that signal out. Okay, let's just quietly sneak over and see... whoa! Candi Falconman is my bestie! Candi Falconman is my bestie! Why did we let Dad flatten this roof? Oh! Back for more Candi? How about a licorice whip? Whoa. I'll get her, Max. Whoa! The only thing you'll get is a Candi cangarang! Pfft! Is that all you got? Ow! Nope. You got more. Whoa! Ahh. Trapped in gum! It's banana flavored. Ugh! Oops. Looks like you dropped something. Oh. That reminds me. Have some lemon drops. Hope you don't fall. Ha! Whoa! I don't know what's more dangerous. You or this roof? Oh, did I gum up your plans? All I have to do is enter the coordinates and this satellite dish will turn all of Hiddenville into my mindless besties! [sighing] Okay. Maybe I can hit that satellite dish with my heat breath. No. We should use our freeze breath. - Heat breath! - Freeze breath! Wait. Why don't we just do what we did back in Splatburger? Make fun of Mrs. Wong? How will that help us now? No. Combine our heat and freeze breath. No, no, no. What's happening? Oh, butterscotch! My bestie! What's going on? Wolfgang? Why am I at a party? I hate parties! Ah! Do you also hate my arm? I just wish I could've lasered Billy one last time. Ow! Nora? Did you just use your powers? I think so. Let's see if I still have mine, too. Ow. I mean... yay. President Kickbutt, what's going on? I didn't take your powers. I just needed to convince the town you're not supes anymore, so things could go back to the way they were. I don't get it. We just obeyed your orders! Just say thank you. It's like you said, Phoebe. You and Max risked everything to save the town. And that's what makes you both true superheroes. Good speech, Phoebe. Just make sure you keep your family secret safe this time. Sorry, I didn't hear a thing. I heard everything. Call me. I thought your parents weren't gonna let you take the driver's test until you passed PE. Yeah, but all I have to do is hit the target in Archery. But you're horrible at Archery! They call you... the girl who's horrible at Archery. But I have a super friend who can help me with that. That's you, Phoebe! 'Cause you've got powers. Right. You love my powers. Guys, I thought we were loading all of our equipment in Wolfgang's car. Yeah, about that. His car's in Germany. Guys, we needed that car to get to our gig on Friday. This band's a mess. We don't speak the same language, we don't have a car, and we had to settle for Gideon. What? I might know where we can get a new car. Oh, no. I got to get across campus. Do you think that you can turn the clock back so the bell doesn't ring yet? Okay, look, I'm starting to think we should be a little bit more careful about how we use my powers. Someone need the clock turned back? Thank you, Max, you're the best! Easy peasy. So, I hear you'll be getting a car this Friday. Just to confirm, that car is in this country, right? [gasping] Okay. That's an F. Who's next? Oh, I am, Coach! Oh, great... Cherry. [sighing] Remember the target's that way. Step aside. Max. I'm gonna help Cherry pass. Beat it. I'm helping her pass. Would you stop trying to steal, my friend. You can have her back after I use her for her car. Oh look, a puppy! Good enough for a C! You pass! Yay! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! That's all you got your new best friend, a C? Watch her real best friend get her an A. Oh, my. Cherry, what are you doing? I'm not sure! I guess a C isn't good enough, even though I'm... super happy with a C! Let go of her! Let go! [arguing] [screaming] [gasping] Look what you did! You! Detention! But, I have my driver's test today! And I used to have a foot that wasn't a shish kabob! Look, Cherry. I'm really sorry about all this. I just... I thought I was losing you to Max, 'cause I wouldn't use my powers. Phoebe, we were friends before I knew you had superpowers. That'll never change. Thanks. Besides, I shouldn't have kept asking you to use your powers. I'll never get good at anything if I let the Thunder Twins do everything for me. Yeah. We don't really go by the Thunder Twins. Well, you should. Oh! I have an idea. Cherry, what are you doing? I am going to fix this mess myself. If I can free that tarantula, we can get outta here. You and me, not the tarantula. How are you gonna free that thing from here? With my mini bow and arrow. 'Cause you're so good with a big bow and arrow? Cherry, why don't I just use my telekinesis? You know what they call me? Girl who's really great at telekinesis? No more superpowers. I have to do this on my own. [screaming] That toe is like a magnet! Ow! Oh! Wait, wait, wait! Alright! Alright! I'll make a deal with you! No pictures equals no detention. - See ya! - Bye! Peace! Wait! Wait, wait, wait! Somebody help me outta this! Little delinquents! Look, she's pulling out of a parking space! You go Cherry! Come on, Cherry. You're gonna nail this! Technically, she did nail it. We can still make the gig if we run. Okay. That curb came out of nowhere! To be fair, curbs don't really come out of nowhere. Watch out! A snowball in school? How did he do it? Max, you've gotta watch out. Someone might see you using your powers. There's no one here. Which is a real shame ‘cause they're missing this. You wanna have fun, Max? How's this for fun? Eat snow! Snow and school? No way! Pic pic! Pic pic? Yeah. It's a picture of a picture. That's not a thing. Then how did I just do it? What's that? Up there on the wall? Yeah, Max. What is that? Oh, no. Is that...? It is. A security camera? The school got a pic pic of you? See, Nora? It's catching on. Now, if one of us senses trouble, the code word is porcupine. Porcupine. Got it. Alright. Watch and learn, Phoebe. Breaking and entering requires the delicate touch of a surgeon and the technical know how of a... It's already open. I loosened it for you. Figured out why the door is open. Country Western Dancing Club? At our school? We gotta get outta here before someone sees us! Too late! You two are busted. Hedgehog! Opossum! Armadillo? Porcupine? That's the one. Could this get any worse? It's bout to. Miss Williams, Max wants to dance with you. You're on, partner! What are you doing? Trust me. I have an idea. Howdy, everybody! Just put a little up in your giddy and scoot boogie to the latest moves! ♪ So, grab a partner do si do!♪ ♪ Round and round And here we go ♪ Yahoo! Yee haw! ♪ Chicken in the Outhouse 10 feet wide ♪ ♪ Step to the left And do the slide ♪ Woo! ♪ Now raise your Hands up in the air ♪ ♪ And walk them boots To the county fair ♪ Woo hoo! ♪ Swing your partner Round and round ♪ ♪ Take your keys and Throw 'em down ♪ I love these hip, new dance moves! ♪ Flap your elbows ♪ ♪ Slap your thighs ♪ ♪ Fox in the henhouse ♪ ♪ Cover your eyes ♪ Not you, Max! ♪ Well, everybody, It's been fun ♪ ♪ Sorry to say, But this gal's done ♪ [sighing] You are good, Phoebe Thunderman! Now, all I need to do is wave the degauss... Wait. Where is it? [sighing] Nora! Hello, Pheebs. What's the haps? You know very well what the haps is. I need that degausser! No, you need us. Just bring it here. Say you need us. [sighing[ I need you. Now without the attitude... - Nora! - On our way! Pic pic strikes again. You're a sweet kid, Nora, but step on it! Don't rush me. I'm savoring the high. Uh... guys, who's that? Oh no! We're busted! She's gonna see the tapes and find out we're superheroes! I knew this wouldn't work! Look, it worked! I never had a doubt! Let's get outta here! Come on! Pick up the pace! And the pencils! Well, look what we have here. Oh! Miss Williams, I can explain everything! Is it so hard to pick up a pencil? What did you want to explain, Max? Uh... We zapped the footage. What was that? I said, I wrapped my foot itch and I found your keys. Well, aren't you a gentleman? You know what I owe you? One last do si do! I'm gonna have to give that a no si no!
Channel: Nickelodeon
Views: 2,748,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nick, nickelodeon, nick tv, nick full episodes, full episodes, new episodes, theme song, #youtubekids, nickelodeon shows, kids tv, entertainment, thundermans, thundermans full episodes, thundermans secret, thundermans secret superpower, superpowers, superheroes, thundermans superheroes, thundermans cherry, thundermans secret revealed, ytao_tm, the thundermans, the thundermans phoebe, phoebe thunderman and max thunderman, superheroes and villains, entertainment for kids, shows for kid
Id: 0GkAqe2jlO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 41sec (2321 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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