15 Items you can ONLY Craft on the MOON!

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today guys we covered 15 recipes you can only craft on the moon in minecraft i mean check out this laser gun first of all second of all we've got this ultimate moon rover that we can actually ride around on naturally you've got moon rocks they can throw then disobey the laws of gravity and i know you're going to get your hands on these black diamonds so let's show you all 15 right now so the first thing we actually need to do is get to the moon and that's number one the moon portal suggested by minecraft guru who basically wrote us a small novella so that we could get all the way up to that giant block of cheese in the sky now in order to make this thing you're going to need a whole bunch of nether rice you're going to need to go through the new nether update as well as get some end stone from the end dimension to make your handheld moon porch look at that it's adorable now to be honest i don't know if we're gonna fit this thing it's kind of tiny but you know we could try and make do nah you got to just place it down with a right click and just like that the portal to the moon is ready to go let's jump on in baby and look here we are a very eerie world about us kind of bright for the moon i assume it'll be the sun you know reflecting the earth's ocean light back on us welcome to the moon see the sign says it so you know it's true i mean would i lie to you would a sign lie to you no don't don't look at that too much anyways number two is the black diamond for this you're gonna need a regular diamond some ink sacks to dye that diamond and a whole bunch more end stones so grab your diamond from your mom's wedding ring and or you know your fiance don't worry they're not gonna need it seriously you guys you never see a chance i'm just kidding terrible thing to say anyways get your black diamond ore just like that this one was suggested by nehemiah laciaga probably butchered that but anyways names i don't recognize aside these diamond oars black diamond or specifically can be salt and pepper throughout different moon dimensions so when you locate them you'll be left with eight lovely luscious black diamond ooh exciting and infinitely less unethical labor involved seriously it's just you swinging away at the pig so we'll go and get our hands on some of these diamonds like the breaking effect by the way very fancy because we can actually use these diamonds for some extremely powerful gear you wouldn't believe it but believe it or not you can use black diamonds ready to make black diamond um namely black diamond helmet chest plate leggings and booties love it love booties not like that calm down anyways you can go ahead and equip all this armor so that you can not only look really sick i mean sick new armor bro thanks i just got it you can also use its special ability wearing a full set will pull in items nearby automatically so we're gonna summon in an item and check it out come to me come to me look at that oh that was too good yo institutional gravitational pull hey that kind of runs that's nice though get behind that check that out right away it doesn't matter where the item is you can go ahead and it'll come to you instantly so definitely don't wear this if you want to stay away from items nearby but more importantly by holding sneak you can do the same with nearby mobs like this little piggy that can somehow breathe without his black diamond gear but anyways sneak and there he is instantly approaches come on over see you don't even need carrots anymore this porker is not going to leave you alone i think he thinks my diamond smells good get away from me look he can't even run if he wanted to no no no he played these games okay wait these prizes check it out he doesn't want anything to do too bad pack you come dinner has never been easier to bring together delicious stuff wait water on the moon i think we just discovered something the next recipe is the moonlight sword suggested by maribel kunan man can't y'all be like john smith jane doe please i gotta work on my pronunciations anyways i love your name it's okay marybel i'll forgive you one day i know it's your fault your name though now the right blog of netherright diamond moonlight sword wow check out this beast the biggest oh my gosh stay away from me i'll chop you now because i don't like you anyways you can use the moonlight sword for a few different things but that's a weird position first of all who wouldn't want moonly strength greatsword imbued with it no less right click to toggle its special ability bam did you hear that sound effect we toggled it with the ability on you can perform ground smashing jumps check this out bam oh yo too good any mobs nearby not a problem plus she kind of gets a little extra bounce on that as well hey not bad but be careful because if you land right where you landed which makes enough sense you'll actually be hit with a slowness effect slowness three which kind of makes you feel like you're moving around real slow on the moon makes enough sense but you've also got jump boost six by right clicking with that ability you can use this to deal damage and slow near by mobs so i'm gonna summon in some husks hey you guys hey guys suck oh boy yo the ultimate could you stop and appreciate that oh my gosh oh my gosh it's like they don't have gravity it's almost like we're on the moon or something naturally you can also use it to simply attack nearby mobs but jumping on them is way way better oh boy oh boy my power's like running out stay back beasts e i'm a half heart away from getting sent back to earth the saddest story now you won't want to have your power active constantly because it does slowly chip away at your oxygen levels on the moon and if you do hold it on for too long you're gonna end up dying anyways also i made that last part up hey where's my armor next cheese oh boy oh wow i love cheese red panda 1924 fantastic year by the way suggested this now in order to make cheese you'll just need a whole bunch of end stone believe it or not end stone is also made of cheese allegedly i wouldn't recommend putting in your mouth and at least until you craft another cheese now this will make for a reliable food source here on the moon i mean literally the moon is made of cheese don't listen to science don't listen to facts reason i mean it's current year guys if i say something in a youtube video you know it's true you know what i'm saying seriously moon is made of cheese look into it if it wasn't made of cheese would i be able i mean look the evidence speaks for itself now we just need technology that allows us to have a button to make us get hungry at all times i wish i had one of these in person because i would love to constantly get hungry so what exactly does the cheese do when you eat it well it fills you up that's it cheese next recipe you can only craft on the moon is moon boots suggested by kobe wilson fantastic today this is jesse colby to make it you're gonna need shulker shells leather and of course to be on the moon place on your moon boots check this out puppy first of all we've got this ultimate slow falling loveliness oh yeah so good groovy boots that grant high jump and slow fall we're gonna give it a try right here bam look at us wow yo we just cleared like a serious amount of distance right there that was amazing oh wow put me in the olympics mom i told you i'd finally amount to something with my life i'm not just playing video games for the rest of it it's all right cause i'm not going to share my cheese with her now let's see if we can make it all the way over to that gold block in less than three jumps okay we didn't whatever i ain't gonna share my cheese with you either it's delicious i think with the proper height we could make it we can make it we're gonna make it uh we failed now i just want more cheese anyways number six moon rocks suggested by on end core 101 encore encore encore to make moon rocks you just need one single end stone and you can smash it up into moon rocks which are really exciting it's skinny rocks but naturally you can throw moon rocks i mean look at this and they've got some serious distance capability because they're naturally messing around with gravitational effects to slowly fall compared to various other projectiles in game small throwable rocks they do a little bit of damage you don't mind about though hey stupid hey what do you suck yo you literally the moon is made of weaponry that we can use to take out mobs he suck hate i missed worst guy are there more moon rocks please he's coming for me oh mama stay away now they're not terribly strong but you wouldn't want him to be because what if you stepped on one it'd be the saddest story it'd be like a lego from outer space i mean like literally that's it's kind of what it is can you die already could you embarrassing me hate get back get don't make me moon sword on you all right moonstorm's more fun anyways check out this puppy right here it's known as the alien blaster it's our next recipe you can only make on the moon suggested by lolly of the oni ahaha to make it you'll need netherride ingots gun powder and a bow for your alien blaster this is alien tech that will damage mobs and set them on fire it also makes a really fun sound effect okay so check this out hey stupid you've been set on fire on the moon somehow never mind that there's no oxygen in space which is required for fire i think i think it's required for fire i don't know i saw interstellar wants gravity a couple times i'm pretty much a qualified scientist but this is alien tech it works in different ways it works a mysterious alien-like ways it works in big-headed big-eyed ways it works all right you get it plus you can spam this thing the sickest hold on a second i wonder if i could hit myself with e e okay it doesn't seem to work can i like can i attack other mobs with it yeah i'll keep this thing on me next moon only recipe the moon crowns suggested by smita despande i think i got that right you'll need five diamonds in a white stained glass for your moon crown oh lovely what am i the prettiest oh my god put me to beauty pad did somebody wink at me ah now what does it do well it's a crown that will gain strength under a full moon or you know if you're on the moon that would probably help as well when worn you'll get a strength bonus bonus to strength haste and resistance fantastic so now check it out i punch faster aren't you proud of me plus i'll take less damage from falls still take damage but definitely take less damage and did i mention i'm stronger and prettier oh wow stop unfortunately it does nothing to help with modesty so people like me you continue to be on your own crashed ufo hold on a second oh this one sounds awesome this one was suggested by aiden schwartz yo can't wait for this one to make you'll need some lime concrete polished black stone and another star for your ufo which is actually the original historical pronunciation of this word oh you didn't know the nerds now the ufos can be structures that are occasionally found around the moon and they can contain special loot and may spawn lost aliens as well hold on a second it also will contain a portal that leads back to the overworld so if you're stuck on the moon like yours truly and somehow able to breathe well you can just find yourself at ufo it kind of look like this i mean i guess they they exactly look like this and upon finding it you can head on home but we got more recipes to cover first and foremost so let me go ahead and just eat on them real quick yeah i'm real good then go mess with me now now by repairing the beacon you may use the ship as a means to return to the overworld so we'll we will need a handful of things you know like some iron blocks whatever ores you happen to have but again you can find a lot of these things black diamond blocks all up y'all ready on the moon and again from time to time you'll find chests within that contain things like blasters netherrite iron and diamonds so we'll go ahead and fix this up to head on back home at the end of the video moving on our next recipe is for an alien yes that's right we've been able to craft them for hundreds of years it was suggested by sure it can blast yeet i think that's what that stands for i always see that anyways you'll need a bunch of glass and one rotten flesh to make an alien which is actually like one of the simplest recipes ever i don't know anyone hasn't determined to make that before now there's a mob that will inhabit this land you probably won't take kind of you being here so we're going to summon in an alien look hey hey stupid hey oh you heard me we're gonna go ahead and set you on fire though now aliens obviously don't make any noise because if they did that'd be really creepy i'm gonna kill you you've died and check it out alien nice well i can't even wear his head what kind of barbarism is this oh you could actually summon in more aliens so they'll deal damage to you which is you know sucks and they've also got a really cool helmet on they look kind of nasty as well but hey you can kill them that's what you do when you don't like something right you kill it next recipe for moon only cadets is the moon rover suggested by sam dews things does things oh wow right there as well now to make this you're gonna need four iron ingots of redstone dust and a minecart and then you've got this ultimate rover can we just appreciate oh yeah oh too good hey i'm gonna put that down a minute it's a speedy way to zip around the moon i mean just take it all in folks the ultimate roon rover device i think i just said rune rover anyways we're going to spawn in it check this out movement the ultimate naturally we're floating above it because gravity don't ask too many questions guys it's not a big deal you can navigate harsh terrain with it at a moment's notice and hey we got a nice fast way to get around this is basically a space horse ah and you don't need to feed it too well i mean presumably some fuel but you know emissions it's got a bunch of health on it too so if you happen to cross any aliens it should be non-issue to go ahead and oh oh boy get back it's gonna blow the fur boy brings us the laser cannon to make this puppy you're gonna need some netherride ingots another right block some ironing it's a and another star and then look at it oh yeah are you all ready check out this puppy yo it's the hugest oh my goodness hold on a second now this will fire a barrage of damaging lasers oh bro not even mad not one bit hold on a second let's summon some nasty i didn't even stand a chance hold on hold on a second can we just ah that's much better oh my gosh they're literally everywhere and now they make noise of course dude dude oh my wow chop them down they just had no chance this is the sickest weapon i've ever used in the comments and crafting and probably just in minecraft they can't even reach me yo this is funny y'all ain't getting my cheese i already told you it's not for sale it's for me i mean i'm hungry i get hungry from time to time but look at that just mow them down like nothing too good ah no survivors my favorite recipe 12.5 is to ask you to subscribe so you can see more awesome comments to crafting but number 13 is the artemis bow suggested by lava crystal 2791 the ultimate check this out to make it you'll need three string three blaze rods and a glowstone for the artemis bow very moonlike recipe to be perfectly honest we'll go ahead and grab some arrows so that we can use this puppy now this will one shot mobs at night on impact though it will make nearby mobs glow as well so let's go ahead and get some target practice hey uglies you're the worst now it's obviously not night right now but it is capable of making all the nearby mobs wherever that arrow lands glows so that you can at least see these guys with more relative ease but preferably i'm just gonna go back to town on them with the laser cannon i'm not i'm not messed up first i guess really i'm not don't look into it mooncake naturally you could only make moon cake on the moon that's our next recipe today suggested by muhammad shakil to make it you'll need three wheat sugar three milk buckets and instead of an egg a fire charge because this thing's gonna blow your mind check it out after eating a slice punch the air to summon meteors oh my gosh that sounds awesome yo i'ma do it hold on eating a slice okay where's the meteors where's meteors where's the meteors i'm a little bit nervous to be honest are the meteors going to come oh eat the meteors oh boy i think they're like appearing somewhere nearby i mean i'm not seeing them anywhere could they be hmm maybe we gotta eat another piece of cake for that trouble to happen huh yeah baby ah over here this is oh gosh well there's the meteors holy goodness you're the best whoa all over the place all i had to do is try and punch this button yo this is the coolest so apparently whenever you use the mooncake anytime you try and press another nearby button you'll go ahead and set yourself up for ultimate success yes by getting serious meteors all up all over well okay it's a creeper meteor what do you want and finally the celestial moon rings suggested by a56 bart six it sounds very alien-like name to me you'll need a gold ingot for iron ingots to get your celestial moon ring which is wow if someone brought this to me and proposed instant yes oh my gosh anyways during the offhand during the night what did i just say when it offhand and during night it will give you certain buffs namely you'll be invisible and you'll be given a strength boost as well all they'll see is this glorious ring glorious i said glorious ring approaching them so check this out die hate ooh and not only that but if you happen to punch with this ring in your hand it will cause them to float in the air so that you can quickly make haste of them dispatch yes instantly get it yeah but again if you'll notice something it does not last forever so you'll have to make quick work of any nearby mobs you happen to cause floating in the air because you can just punch them and up they go fantastic hey he dropped his helmet so that's all 15 recipes guys let us know which was your favorite in the comments below and subscribe for more comments to crafting we'll see you later
Channel: Comments To Crafting
Views: 65,407
Rating: 4.906816 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, new items in minecraft, new weapons, new armor, c2c, comments to crafting, logdotzip, crafting recipes, new crafting recipes, minecraft crafting, minecraft update, nether update, how to, minecraft crafting recipes, new minecraft crafting, moon, space, outer space, astronaut, moon landing, lazer gun, lazarbeam minecraft, lazarbeam, ray gun, moon rover, moon in minecraft, minecraft moon, new sword, moon boots, moon rocks, alien, aliens, ufo, ufo crash, 1.16
Id: 0GdEDK81hHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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