15 Fortnite STORYLINE Secrets

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the entire fortnite chapter 2 story is coming to an end and comparing what we knew at the beginning of this chapter to the end is insane from learning how the loop works to a new secret about jon jones that go blow up the entire storyline let's kick it off with a secret everyone should know about the foundation one of the most important parts of the whole storyline is the existence of something called snapshots and we were only introduced to them at the beginning of the year but it explained practically everything we didn't know about how fortnite works basically the loop is how the fortnite island resets itself and everyone on it every 22 minutes and it's controlled by the imagined order and makes everyone fight each other in kind of like a battle royale but it turns out this also results in something called a snapshot and essentially the loop is not designed for people to escape it so when someone is trapped in the loop escapes or even just leaves it then it actually creates a clone of them and puts that in the loop instead a great example of this is agent jones he was an employee of the imagined order and whenever he went to do his work and entered the loop he'd eventually leave the loop to go back home and will create a new snapshot and so because of this there are tons of people on the island that look exactly like jon jones except they're all wearing different outfits and stuff we even have an explanation for this one now on a lot of missions the islanders might actually remember jon jones to remain undercover he would enter the loop with random costumes like a dinosaur outfit and a lot more and then the luba create a snapshot of him after he leaves the loop and ta-dah you have the rexkin it's pretty crazy because it explains exactly how skins are even released in fortnite and if you remember jon jones himself wasn't even a skin in the game until season 6 when he became trapped in the loop and epic did the same thing for batman characters like when armored batman zero entered the loop in the comics he released in the shop on the same day and here's where the secret comes because it also explains why the foundation hasn't even been released yet as a skin you have to understand his skin has literally been in the file since season six and yet he's still not out yet and that's probably because the foundation story is only just beginning and he hasn't been trapped in the loop yet because of his armor suit the comics really explained this one and speaking of skins releasing in the shop that brings us to the release of naruto we have been waiting for naruto to drop since he was leaked in those epic verse apple documents like half a year ago and the weight has been painful that's for sure but don't worry because naruto is literally days away yes finally fortnite has acknowledged that he exists this set is finally confirmed to be dropping on november 16th at 9 am est and he will also be coming with a creative hub based on the hidden leaf village i'm just happy to know that his release date is finally here we have something to look forward to again but if you want to get back to the storyline then you have to know how to escape the loop so you learn what the loop is how it works and who controls it but something that nobody really knows is how to escape the loop we've heard tales of many characters doing it and might as himself even attempt to destroy the loop for good during the device event but we never knew how to actually escape until the batman comics were released we found out that in order to escape you have to stand in the exact center of the storm circle when the loop resets that means everyone else dies from the storm and then you emerge as the winner we have no idea how it works or why this is the way to escape but hey it is what it is and something that really shocked all of us though was when we learned about the midas and sloan secret now we don't know much about the origins of the imagined order they're pretty mysterious in their own right but back in season seven we learned something insane about them if you went to corny complex and located sloan's temporary office inside of the io base you could find some very interesting pictures on the wall and one of these pictures was an old photo of sloan as a teenager writing formulas onto a chalkboard in front of her class and if you look into the audience you could actually spot a very familiar face of course it is midas himself now this blew all of our minds at the time because not only did it reveal how midas knew about the loop and how to destroy it but it also shows that he knew sloan personally and might have been in the same class as her whether this is the imagine orders academy and midas was an ex-employee that's in the air but it is a huge secret and something that we just learned about was the spirit world secret recently something's been revealed that explains not only the story of dark jonesy but also explains raz and even has a connection to the cube queen herself and that is the existence of a spirit world in fortnite yeah this season a new challenge story has become available around dark jonesy and it turns out he has a snapshot of jon jones who is actually corrupted by the dark energy of the cubes and in his challenges he tells you that the imagined order are in possession of scrolls that have information on something called a spirit vessel once you find one of these scrolls that leads you to the spirit vessel's location but because it's an artifact that's not of this world you have to use it using a shadow stone and then when you hand the spirit vessel to dark jonesy he uses its power to see into the future he tells us that chopper 2 will end in one of two ways either with sacrifice and loss or total annihilation either way it's gonna shatter my heart into pieces but let's rewind a second you remember these squirrels well now that we know it's just something that the imagined order has access to it explains the entirety of raz's story in season six back then raz tried to learn everything he could about the spire and its secret so he explored the whole island and eventually found these imagined order squirrels which then led him to the location of a spirit vessel this time the vessel was a shard of kevin the cube as we all know it corrupted raz turning him just like dark jonesy both of these guys seem to be corrupted by powers relating to the cubes and the dark energy surrounding them now eventually razz using the spirit vessel summoned the cube queen to the fortnite island so there is a direct connection here that goes way deeper than we could even imagine and i gotta admit i can't wait to learn more or speaking of the cube queen here the secret weakness of the queen everyone thinks that the cube queen is extremely powerful and that there's practically no shot at defeating her i mean yeah her army of cubes is getting bigger by the day and she definitely is not gonna give up until we're all completely annihilated but that doesn't mean the queen is without weakness in fact we've figured out exactly why she is so set on corrupting the whole island instead of simply killing us with all the cubes it looks like she actually can't until the entire island becomes the sideways right now the queen can only open small portals around the map to the sideways and that's working to hold the io off for now but over at the convergence the queen and the cubes are getting bigger and bigger and inside of her corruption bubble she's gearing up to put her evil plan in motion eventually she'll shoot a rift in the sky and actually turn the entire map into the sideways and you might be asking why well the cube monsters and the caretakers that she's bringing in from her home world actually can't survive on the regular island you'll notice that if you try to lure one out of the sideways or with how a caretaker drags you into the sideways when fighting you that means without that sideways bubble there is no army and there is the queen's weakness exposed i can't help but wonder how the imagined order will take advantage of that in the meantime but while we're here let's tell you about the origin of the zero point one of the weirdest and most mysterious parts of the entire storyline has been the zero point over the last few years we've learned more and more information about this thing through comics donald mustard hints from characters i mean you get the point in fact the mystery of the zero point has been going on for longer than we first ever thought i mean this thing has been t since the rocket launch when the visitor mentions it during the live event but despite knowing about it since all the way back then we still didn't know where the heck this thing even came from what we knew is that it was the center of everything and is the most powerful energy in the entire universe it's also the thing that connects every single reality together which is why the imagine order uses it to open portals and we'll get to that in a second but where did the zero point come from who created it well the explanation is actually rather simple it has been around since the creation of time in fact it was a zero point that caused the big bang and created every single reality that has ever existed and it lives in reality zero aka our reality an island it created to protect itself from many outside threats and so with this powerful energy comes powerful enemies trying to control it like the imagined order who use it for all of their work including traveling between realities and so with that let's talk about the rift secret with the new batman foundation comic that was released last month we learned exactly how the imagine order uses the zero point to travel between realities if you remember in season five they actually opened up portals using the zero point and brought a bunch of hunters onto the island this type of portal is called a pure portal and it's something that uses the zero point directly to jump between realities but then there's a different type of way to travel between realities and it's the type of portal that the seven and the cube queen use it's called a sideways portal and it's essentially the rifts we all know and love that have been around since chapter one the gun jon jones uses in season five sideways portal and the rifts that the cube queen uses to summon her army you guessed it also a sideways portal i will say this though not to be confused with these sideways bubbles on the map right now completely different thing and now that you know about how the i o works let's talk about the biggest secret of all about them and their leader gino if you remember the trailer for season six you might recall that the foundation agreed to work with jon jones so they could be led to a mysterious group of people known only as geno and the sisters anyway geno has already been revealed and no one is talking about it you see back in corny complex where we already saw the picture of sloan and midas we could then find sloane as a young adult shaking the hand of a mysterious man we didn't know who he was and assumed he could be geno until the new batman comic confirmed it the foundation states that the zero point is in the hands of geno and right now we know that the zero point is being controlled by the io therefore gino owns the imagined order and is almost definitely the man in this photo but that's not even the biggest secret because there is something that i'm itching to know it's possible that gino is actually jon jones father i mean look at the resemblance side by side he literally just looks like an old jonesy with gel back hair i mean you can't tell me epic didn't do this on purpose but that leaves the question if this is geno who are the sisters don't worry we got you covered talking about the sister secret one of the things that has been puzzling the community for months has been the imagined orders logo it has a ton of different symbols on it and we haven't seen them anywhere else except for two different places one of the runes in this logo could be spotted on dr stone's battle armor and the other rune was only seen during season six on top of these spire towers that's it those are the only places we've seen these and despite that it actually reveals everything because we know that geno is the leader of the io it means the sisters must also be a high rank what high ranking female balls do we know sloane of course the same sloane that has the i o symbol on her armor and look at that there are five other runes that we have yet to learn about so all you have to do is connect the dots and you figure out that sloan is probably one of the sisters and there are five others helping gino run the io and so let's keep moving on we have the future to talk about and what might be happening when the io and the queen finally end up fighting and so with chapter three upon us we know that chapter three map may be underneath the chapter two map yes everything's adding up to tell us that the chapter 3 map is actually not going to be a new reformatted island like chapter 2 but instead it is underneath this island have you been up to date on the chapter 3 rumors you probably heard the fact that youtubers like tabor hill or cipher pkft's at the next season is chapter three and then ended their videos with catch you on the flip side and then taber hill went even further and made a whole video quote unquote theorizing that the chapter three map will be below the current island not to mention donald mustard updated his twitter banner a couple days ago to a really mysterious image that shows the zero point inside of an io base underneath the map i mean tabor is literally known for leaking stuff and i doubt he'd make a theory video if he didn't know he was gonna be right and so with the chapter three map we might actually get the grotto back since season 3 the grotto has been completely filled to the brim with water and has remained untouched since it's like everyone forgot about him but inside of epic games maybe not you see there are league phases for the grotto which showed the water draining more and more throughout season 8 and it's drained quite a bit already on top of that the files were brutus and his bodyguards have been updated in a recent patch and if you remember there's even a loading screen in the battle pass that shows what the grotto might look like once it's fully drained that means we could be seeing the return of this place either at the end of this season or on the new chapter 3 map and i cannot wait for that that's all the storyline secrets we have for you thanks so much for watching it's been tommy and keep it here on top 5 gaming
Channel: Top5Gaming
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Keywords: fortnite, 15 Fortnite STORYLINE Secrets, fortnite storyline, fortnite story, fortnite storyline secrets, fortnite story secrets, fortnite secrets, fortnite chapter 3 story, fortnite chapter 2 story, fortnite season 8 story, storyline fortnite, story fortnite, fortnite new, new fortnite, new fortnite storyline, fort, nite, storyline, new, update, video
Id: Jfkv27IAxtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 12 2021
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