15 Fortnite THEORIES Finally BUSTED!

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fortnite is a very predictable game i mean if you see a leaked web slinger item like what happened two weeks ago you probably assume a spider-man collab is in the works or what about if you saw this in the trailer you probably think it was siren head right a lot of people did it turned out to be completely wrong so let's start off with one theory that got busted which is the skyfire event aftermath theory throughout all of season seven epic games been hinting at the imminent destruction of coral castle leaks even backed it up they then abducted the place and we all speculated that the upcoming operation skyfire event would completely destroy it i mean at the time it was obvious that the mother ship was about to explode right down on the island but we didn't know what was gonna happen except everyone was certain that coral castle was doomed and as we all know it didn't happen and it was even worse than we all thought during the end of sky fire so many different bois like steamy stacks were completely destroyed and while we waited for season eight to begin everyone theorized that half the map was going to be devastated by the mothership of course we loaded into season eight and nope all of these pois are fine pretty wild but it's still not as big of a mystery as the siren head one with season a first drop there were a lot of questions but one of them struck waves throughout the entire fortnite community and it blew up everywhere in the original trailer for the season there was a mysterious boss that appeared for just a few seconds and it vaguely looked like siren head i mean everyone thought this was actually gonna be a siren head npc on the map but yeah that would have been absolutely awesome but it was nothing more than a small resemblance looks like everyone's freaking out for nothing because it turned out to be a new enemy called the caretakers and when you run into one in game right now they look nothing like the siren head i have no idea why they look so similar in the trailers but maybe epic switched up the design at the last minute because they now kind of look like squidward's house on legs okay jokes aside though another theory the community got wrong was the redacted bunker theory this was literally the longest running mystery in the entire history of chapter two since day one everyone was wondering just what the redacted bunker on the map had inside of it and season after season our theories got more and more wild it started off with us wondering if the zero point was in there or whether it was chaos agents secret lair eventually as the seasons went on our theories evolved and the community got even more intrigued i mean why was this bunker still in the map after two whole years and why was it not open did it have kevin the cube inside of it how important was this place gonna be and then one day during season eight dr sloane her goons opened the doors for good and it was probably the most anticlimactic thing we've ever seen we went so wild with the theories that the actual answer was never gonna live up to the community's expectations turned out it was just a small imagined order base and is now the current location of sloan but that's about it we're hoping something more comes out of this but to be honest two years of speculation kind of set us up to be disappointed there we can't blame epic but something that was pretty weird was the helicarrier vault theory this time we rewind a bit all the way back to season 4 the marvel season it blew us all away i don't think any of us were expecting it to be that huge and that awesome and one of the coolest things in this entire season was the helicarrier starter island it was amazing to stand on a one-to-one recreation of the ship but there was one thing on the helicarrier that attracted us a working vault standing there playing his day with a missing key card now we all assume that this meant the helicarrier would eventually become a poi in the future or this vault would actually open later in the season so we waited and then waited some more and then the season ended the vault was completely ignored so that was definitely weird you could probably explain this one as epic just reusing assets or something like that but you can't really explain the peter griffin theory okay this was one of the biggest things that has happened in fortnite's community in a while if you don't know the story back in february of 2021 leakers just minding their own business poking around in the fortnite files when they found an encrypted backlink with no skin or set and they weren't even able to view the backbling itself but instead they found this a texture which showed various famous scenes from family guy like peter hurting his knee fighting the giant chicken or dancing the bird is the word all of these were on here and they even edited out the blood from the original scenes and so at this point it seemed practically confirmed that it meant a family guy crossover was in the works and at the time an encrypted skin in the files was also out that had no set and we knew nothing about it except that it was the first ever extra-large skin i mean come on peter griffith is pretty extra large if you ask me but it turns out all of this was for nothing the community's family guy theory was actually completely wrong because it turned out the extra-large skin eventually belonged to thanos you're probably wondering about the family guy scenes in the files well it's possible that i was just epic trolling leakers i mean they really kind of got us with that one which reminds me of the polar peak monster theory in chapter one some of the best parts about the live events were the buildups and the final showdown arguably had one of the best build-ups to date over at boulder peak the iceberg was thawing and inside of it a scary looking creature could be seen but we could only look at its side nothing else and so with nothing else to go on the community assumed that this might actually be an upcoming godzilla crossover now you have to understand the upcoming godzilla king of the monster film was just weeks away from releasing and there's other way more convincing evidence in the film one of the monsters is found after being frozen in ice and there's another one who emerges from a volcano both of these were on the island at the time but the biggest piece of evidence that really fueled the theory was an in-game audio file for the polar peak monster which sounded like this if you compare this at the time to the sounds of the creatures from king of the monsters it was super similar but obviously i'm explaining all this when in reality we all know that the final showdown was not between godzilla and the robot but an original even scarier looking monster i mean literally everyone believed this even us at top 5 gaming thought this one was true but nowhere near as disappointing as fortnite mobile's return i mean this wasn't even an innocent storyline or fortnite theory this is something we were praying would happen after epic vs apple's court case ended it seemed like that was it epic kind of lost but apple said that if epic comply with the terms of service they'd be allowed on the app store again i mean apple literally said that and the community just assumed that once everything was over we'd have fortnite ios back but for some reason when the court case actually ended epic began to ask apple if they could bring fortnite back to ios and apple just didn't respond days went on to pass and the community kept asking tim sweeney if he had heard anything well he didn't and that's when the bad news hit fortnite mobile was banned for up to five years while epic appeals the court decisions and everything like that if you'll slap in the face as hard as that one we were all praying that this theory will be true but it was the exact opposite and it sucks something we definitely should have seen coming though was the oro calendar theory all right i think us at top five gaming believe this one more than anyone in the community we were all super invested in the oro calendar theory basically in season two the shark had a secret cell that had a whole bust open in the wall and inside of the cell you could find a calendar people online figured out that the dates on this calendar aligned exactly with the release of oro in the item shop it seemed like this was the perfect reveal that oro was actually the person inside of the cell and that he broke out and we actually believed this theory for over a year that is until one day an epic games employee casually posted to art station that they were responsible for the actual design of the entire shark poi and in this pose they just so happened to reveal that their baby daughter was born when they were working on the shark so they added a wall painting inside the cells that hints to her birthday but that people aka us tried to guess all sorts of things about it and was quite funny very funny indeed mr epic games employee all of us were really thinking this was true but it was just an adorable tribute to the artist's daughter you could already bet we felt dumb after this one was revealed and speaking of creators shutting down our theories we have the fnaf collab during season five youtube twitter everything was going rampant speculating about who could be the next collab skin and you gotta admit it was actually so fun to try and do some detective work and figure out who was about to drop and so one of these mystery crossovers sent the community into literal flames it was a skin code named french fry and people assumed that because french fry was ff it could be freddy fazbear but that was just the beginning the actual footsteps for the apparent french fry skin were also in the files and they sounded exactly like the footsteps you could hear when foxy runs down the hallway in the games like it was exact obviously not exact enough because just after the community got wind of this theory and youtube was filled to the brim in five nights at freddy's clickbait the creator of fnaf himself scott cawthorn shut everything down on reddit he posted that there will be no collapse for now including fortnite or fall guy so there you have it clear as they debunked and yeah we were all really confused about the rick and morty theory earlier in season seven we had rick and morty as skins in the game but there are hints from epic themselves that even more were around the corner keynote players found props in the underground base of corny complex that indicated epic were about to release new skins there were teases for both a summerskin and even mr nimbus from rick and morty season 5. and then nothing happened we all thought for sure that there was more to come especially because they dropped morty and a guest swift emote in the middle of the season but that was about it and i guess we were all really wrong about the marvel vs dc season five because season four was a huge marvel season and the fact that epic were starting to tease the release of a ton of dc skins in season 5 like batman joker poison ivy and more everyone began speculating that season 5 would actually go from a marvel season to a dc one like we actually entertain the idea that marvel and dc will be crossing over in season 5. technically we did get a ton of marvel and dc content in that season but no nothing like the avengers tower being the authority never happened this theory was completely abandoned quicker than it was made and something that is still somehow alive and kicking today though is the chapter one map returning theory every single season for the last two years everyone's been speculating that we eventually see the return of the chapter one map and the rumors got to the highest point they had ever been after the astronomical event when they kept referencing the chapter one map over and over again i mean people really thought that the og map was going to return and of course it never did i mean it's still possible that five years from now epic could bring it back but it's safe to say that if you still believe we're seeing the chapter one island in the next few seasons you might want to avoid getting your hopes up especially if you want a samus collab i mean we can't even blame anyone who speculated that samus was coming to fortnite because she actually was it's one of the only theories on this list that was actually gonna come true except it didn't you see she was teasing the batman fortnite comics in the background and you could spot samus in the leaked season 5 court documents during the epic vs apple trial all of this made us believe she was actually about to arrive on the island but then it never happened but it wasn't as disappointing as tilton's return at this point putting samus in your comics and family guy in the files is one thing when it comes to og tilted towers epic have been trolling us on an entirely different level since chapter 2 began epic has been hinting at the return of og tilted for years and it's got to the point where they literally featured it in the season 7 cover art and even in a promo image for the late game ltm in this same image they revealed the renegade raider skulltrooper skin that wasn't even out yet and in the background boom og tilted so where is this thing well on the chapter two map that's for sure and neither is the shrek collab okay one of the coolest and also most hilarious easter eggs in the chapter two island right now is the shrek secret there's an outhouse on the map with a crescent moon on the door and this is an obvious easter egg referencing the exact outhouse from chuck swamp in the movies obviously it's just a neat reference but some parts of the community took this as confirmation of a shrek lab being imminent there's clickbait out there in everything of upcoming shrek skins or events and it is hilarious and that's it for our theories that everyone got wrong thanks so much for watching it's been tommy and keep it here on top 5 gaming
Channel: Top5Gaming
Views: 1,410,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, 15 Fortnite THEORIES Everyone GOT WRONG!, fortnite theories, fortnite stroy, fortnite storyline, fortnite storyline theories, fortnite new, new fortnite, fortnite chapter 3, fortnite chapter 3 theories, fortnite new theories, fortnite new update, new fortnite update, fort, nite, battle royale, new, update, video
Id: dxSLj7rdIC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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