The *RANDOM* PHOTO NEGATIVE BOSS Challenge! (Fortnite)

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welcome to the random chapter three photo negative boss challenge one of the brand new super styles i'm gonna unlock and randomize all of the chapter three photo negative skins and only use one color of weapon depending on what skin i get if i get lieutenant john llama it's gonna be green weapons only the futuristic speed racer harlow will be blue weapons your friendly neighborhood spider-man is going to be purple chantal will be gold and finally if we get ronin it's going to be mythic or exotic weapons only complete this challenge i'm gonna have to get a win with two of these skins so make sure you watch until the end to complete this challenge i'm gonna have to get away with two of these skins so make sure to watch until the end and if you want to support me for free make sure to use code typicalgamer in the item shop i really appreciate it thank you okay i mean first up we have one of the coolest photo negative skins i think in a ranking order it's spider-man than shanta cause uh this skin is freaking awesome i love the colors it looks fantastic the only problem here is that uh with her we're gonna have to use gold weapons only and finding gold weapons is extremely difficult but where there is a will there is a way and i have a strategy and uh i think a lot of people will have the strategy too but we're gonna land on this boat over here um there's a supply drop that spawns on it but the problem with supply drops is that uh the odds of you getting a gold are still pretty bad so the odds of getting a purple high gold not so good ooh i might not even make it okay i think i'll make it just barely but there's gonna be a lot of people here and that is not good news for me [Music] and guess what i got a purple weapon i can't i can't take you out bro hey don't don't load what are you doing you're getting so angry at me i'm not even gonna shoot at you bud what i will do is um store this weapon in a nice location that nobody will know about like there i will pop this big pot while looking menacingly at the ship and then i'll open up this barrel get a harpoon yes all according to plan and i'm going to fish fish like my life depends on i need a gold weapon right now i need a gold weapon right frickin now please pretty please it's not happening i've got a blue weapon though very interesting well um yeah it was nice talking to you guys over there on the boat i'm gonna leave now it's not all doom and gloom even though somebody's shooting at me and i'm dodging for my life there's a couple ways to get gold weapons again supply drops one being on that ship instantly which is nice another one of course being uh birds if a crow spawns they can give you uh it can also give you gold weapons if it's a gold crow and then of course i could open some chests maybe like um a special a special chest a special chest would be nice hey what's in this man you just couldn't have disappointed me more huh does this uh this doesn't show you the loot in it does it apparently i can't hit the watering hole [Music] ah is that not a thing anymore let's go ahead and just bomb this thing out oh somebody was here that is awkward um we're gonna take one of these fishing rods though and i have to believe in myself i believe i can achieve come on please that's a lot of shield fish i would like if the odds went to gold weapons more than shield fish now i'm hearing a lot of noises from these zip lines and i i'm gonna be real i feel a little uncomfortable just so just a little tiny bit uncomfortable knowing that somebody's above me oh wow okay that guy's really he's really doing something up there look i have a ton of heels but i don't really have the uh the bills to to match you know got a blue sniper though you know what this wouldn't be a challenge if i wasn't down bad right like come on this would just be a normal game of fortnite we oh look what i found yoink let me go ahead and eat the spicy fish give me that spiderman mythic and this will help with our mobility you know going around the map doing our thing finding gold weapons all things that spider-man does oh okay i'm gonna take this pistol for now it looks like yes the vault is still still closed so we can take out a guard and open it there might be a chance of course i can only use weapons that aren't gold versus robots there we go i'm so sorry about this there you go okay okay come on open sesame oh gosh oh no why are the robots so strong all right let me heal up i gotta drop this gun now pop these open come on fortnite please blue blue blue it's all blue man it's just all freaking blue dog man just truly what are the odds right what are the odds i got to keep an eye out for a supply drop i think that's gonna be one of my best bets here that or a crow like either one hold up maybe i can get a gold weapon from my tent with that count let's see what's in my 10. it's it's all mythics and exotics okay oh that's definitely not helping i can't upgrade weapons because then this wouldn't be much of a challenge would it what i can do is maybe take out a shark like i gotta get creative is essentially what it comes down to let me drop these shield fish off here mark them for later figure out where this shark is this is a purple shark this isn't even a gold shark i i don't even know can purple sharks drop gold weapons is there a chance i i would think not but uh i was hoping it could surprise me spoiler it did not surprise me a harpoon though my luck could change here a lot of floppers a lot a lot of floppers and not a whole lot of anything else huh there is a fishing pole no oh gosh there's a guy over there um no that's where my shield fish are oh no i just lose my shield fish oh he's swimming too old weapon gold weapon gold weapon oh my gosh i wouldn't believe it unless it happened to me a gold smg that arrived actually now it's time to hop in people's boxes don't worry buddy the game's about to be over all right oh yeah did you pick up my fish you did not pick up my fish see what a good samaritan yeah where are y'all at yeah buddy 55 damage let's go oh man life is rough for you oh man it's like every wrong move you could have done yet managed to do which is to be honest fairly impressive and i commend you now let's win the game wait let's james bond radioactive spider man i look sick swinging oh my gosh with spider-man okay we need to see if we can get that drop can i light this thing up bro how does this do more damage than the mark at the distance it is 28 to the supply drop like is that not a little bit crazy all right come on come on come on gold gold gold gold yeah let's take down mini okay there we go i mean we got like we got the loadout right now i mean with the exception of a shotgun we have everything we need with the exception of a shotgun of course because i need a shotgun but i feel like we can still crush with what we got you know i feel like i'm gonna just absolutely rampage somebody here oh if i don't like just turn limp oh what was that okay i almost went down eat up real quick emergency bites there we go what is that down there there's something down there okay it's another ak i really like carrying a case huh a gold sniper okay we can we can work with this maybe okay all gold loadout looking looking fancy looking shiny definitely looking shiny there's that nobody's got a crown it's unfortunate but we still have an opportunity to find one somewhere hopefully [Music] almost slid upwards oh shoot there's a lot going on right now i'm gonna be honest there's a purple crow we want a gold crow shredded one shredded too you're telling me not a single one of y'all let me grab this crown real quick not a single one you all had a gold weapon i'm gonna be honest i'm mildly and just mildly disappointed three people left i hear a chicken spider man where are you going ak by the way 8k by the way ak's like not bad it's also not good i feel like i should have hit that oh gosh it's really spider-man somewhere below me if i go for this guy the other guy is going to okay well i cleared out everybody except for the one guy it's a 1v1 situation let him up a little bit stop hiding from me oh wait are you dead to fall damage oh no he's not i'm coming in eat a k e k let's go gold weapons only oh my goodness gracious you love to see it but don't go anywhere okay that's only one win of two let's see who we get next and let's see if we can get the dove first let me count up those wins fast four time baby 84 on to the next one guys i am way too excited for this next up we have spiderman he looks so so sick i'm so glad they decided to do the super style sports spider-man because i love it i really really do with him we're gonna be using purple weapons only so uh let's jump into it slide into it okay so i have a strategy to get this done it's gonna be very very simple we're gonna land at the boat again okay now listen to me it didn't work last time because we need gold weapons and we found a purple but uh if we need a purple weapon it should be perfect right you also may notice that i don't have a crown i hit ready last time and i went afk and i lost the crown but we're gonna get it back baby we're gonna get it back right now look at those beautiful stars okay there's one person landing with me i really need this to be a purple weapon or else i am royally screwed dude holy shoot i'm alive somehow i kind of want to let them go just so i can heal i'll be smarter i feel like i fight them i probably lose because of my health up these minis all right i hit him two more times i actually can't believe that i'm alive that guy came at me with a vengeance like he he wanted me done he was ready to take me out we got so oh my gosh we got some fruits and vegetables here he didn't open this chest not a purple but i'll take everything inside and like we're solid all right i mean we're alive and that's what counts is stuck in here there we go yeah we're alive and that's what counts okay guy clearly has a better than a green oh shoot wow lasered i don't know if that was a guy but i went here it was because i see a blue smg so i'm just gonna say job well done to myself god well done me now if i could just find another purple weapon just just one more just a little purple weapon you know just tiny little baby for boy oh there's a chest behind me what uh what the flippity-flop bro what up flippity-flop hamster i got this harpoon because you do find a lot of purple weapons when uh fishing so i'm hoping i could you know fish one up oh there's a guy over here now i'll probably be able to get like me 60 damn oh there's a crow there well i'm gonna take the crow yeah i'm gonna take the crow now that is gonna set him off but uh oh apparently he doesn't have ears you tried definitely tried you failed but you tried i think that's important all right but it's important to know that you could fail it's okay why they put uh a resource on pencils you know but you just gotta get up and try again oh my gosh bro all right well i just got the weapon loadout that i needed literally everything i need i got now yes if if i find a pump i'll take that over what i got i'm not the hugest fan of the auto shotgun we can uh without a doubt make this work you know what i mean all right let's eat some peppers and then let's dip we need to find a mythic if we don't find a fine spider-man mythic you know why do we get spider-man we also need a crown maybe i can get a crown from this guy we'll find out in just about a second yo kakashi what's good my man he's also lacking headphones oh that coned ouch yo is gliding like silent right now because i feel like i'm zooming and booming and like insane speeds please have a pepper nah nah a banana a corn okay spiderman mythic this is uh oh yes i give it to me give it to me there we go i have the power unlimited power the power of spider-man i feel so powerful when i have this it's it's it's so much fun i usually carry two heals nowadays especially in solos but with spider-man i just carry one now oh my gosh yeah about that i got the crown though oh i got a shotgun too nice little direct shot you know tried to escape me we got a crown already our crown's back see purple sniper over there if we would so choose if we would some like do they have a heel here well they do oh they have a lot of things i could use i'll meet the slurp fish there we go i'm feeling good feeling good about my decisions my choices for eating cooked pig tonight get another one so you guys can come over why not a third [Music] [Music] boxed like a feed i'm gonna be honest i kind of want to go back and get that loot but i'm gonna be able to so next best thing is boxing up here lighting campfire and hoping that it works honestly the first day i think campfires didn't work i think they pretty much resolved that issue though now i need to get to like uh full health having 150 health in this uh in this game now is it's not gonna cut it most of the time honestly it'll spray so much that sometimes you can get it real down bad if you don't have swell [Music] what the frick was that noise bro so oh oh ouch what did you have did you have a big pot you did not have a big pot you did not pass go do not pass the vibe check either there's a boar i actually do need your meat no kids the mushrooms first okay six people left i want to grab these mushrooms but i feel like it's like a little bit dangerous yeah it should be fine right there's gonna be a guy hiding behind a tree bam and my lights go out and then it's over for me then i cry myself to sleep okay there's a guy right up ahead i don't think he sees me yet and i don't want to swing because i don't want to attract his attention i could get an insane beam on him there he is all right actually this might work i have no idea where he went oh there he is we both hit each other so much he's not behind that tree is he like stunned myself by hitting that thing oh boy oh my man had no health either huh i am so down bad though this chicken looks mighty delicious holy shoot all right i need to really really survive here so i'm going to go ahead and oh wow that's not good it just like didn't work for a second we're okay okay i think oh perfect at least anything i think this is good oh shoot someone threw a firefly might light this thing on fire oh my gosh we're good now like our health is good okay a man loves fireflies apparently favorite hobby where are you throwing them from oh shoot oh that's not good these are not good noises i built this city on rock and roll okay repairing this wall okay somebody got sniped from 40 meters which is uh fairly close i'm gonna actually push this i think it's my best odds oh my gosh you psychopath i'm scared of this other guy bro he sniped one person what's stopping him from sniping me right oh there he is i'm going to make it a point i don't like this guy let this guy in the box know though this is the guy that i think we're going to have a problem with if it's anybody oh crack them oh my gosh you have no health buddy oh my gosh that was slick oh he's done for why are you so aggressive i don't get it i truly don't get it oh he's getting the loot my gosh he looked at me very menacingly cracked him let's go man that is a dub with the crown the random photo negative challenge is complete and you love to see i apparently didn't have that many more mats dumbs and dumb though g freaking g hit that like button if you enjoyed this and don't forget to subscribe to the bell for more daily awesome videos
Channel: TG Plays
Views: 786,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jNOj0OJPvAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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