15 Evil Things You Can Do In Fallout 4

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whether you are a new player or on your seventh playthrough there are some secrets and hidden choices in the Commonwealth that you still may have missed after all these years in this video we'll be looking at 15 evil decisions you can make in Fallout 4. in the Nuka World DLC you can encounter multiple slaves named Traders former inhabitants of the park now enslaved by the three Raider gangs all wearing shock collars except for one Lauren Plummer the elderly bartender at Cappy's Cafe when talking to her she will reveal why she doesn't have to wear one I can see the question in your eyes why ain't she got a collar you wanna take a guess I assume it's because the gangs trust you not to run off trust hell no a real Raider don't trust anyone but himself the answer is because they got a healthy mix of fear and respect that's why that and the fact that don't take from anyone in here it's my drinks and my rules but if you don't like this Arrangement by passing a speech check you can demand Lauren to put on a slave collar for no reason just because you can new boss new rules from now on you wear your collar what you serious fine I'll put the damn thing on I'll even serve you a drink but I'll still be hoping you get a knife between the ribs from one of these Raiders she will continue to act as a vendor but from time to time we'll also complain about the caller damn color itches like the devil now what do you need in one of the Random Encounters in the DLC you can meet a traveling Merchant named Cora on her way to Diamond City with her sister Chelsea and brother-in-law Peter being the evil bastard that you are you can convince Cora to abandon their goal of reaching Diamond City and instead head to Nuka World Diamond City is a bust Nuka world is where you want to be damn it I knew it sounded too good to be true I guess we can always try Nuka world but I've heard some crazy stories about that place Nuka world is perfectly safe you guys would fit right in really maybe the rumors we heard weren't true then I'll talk to the others I I think we'll give it a shot this will ensure that they will either get killed or enslaved for the rest of their lives by the Raiders in Walt 81 a young child named Austin will get bit by a diseased mole rat while wandering the abandoned secret area of the Vault Dr Penske will ask the player to go into the hidden section and find the cure for the disease once obtained you can return back to the medical Bay and speak with Dr Forsyth where you will be presented with two choices either give the cure to the doctor and save Austin's life or keep the cure for yourself and let the boy die let him die I'm keeping it you're going to sell it aren't you bastard are you really willing to let Austin die just to earn a few caps he can die for all I care one more dead child in this world no wonder we don't let many Commonwealth people into the Vault you are a cold selfish bastard get out of my sight after some time Austin will pass away and the small memorial will be created for him by the other Vault residents in the vault classroom during the quest turn back the fog in the far Harbor DLC small Bertha will ask you to clear out Echo Lake lumber from all the ghouls so that the harbor men can settle it once you kill them all a crazed cannibal named Malcolm will approach you claiming the place to be his you got them Shameless all dead fog's quiet the land's mine again he will offer you a deal to send the unsuspecting settlers to him so he can Ambush and eat them in return for 600 caps this is by land Keep The Outsiders away oh lamb come send them to me send all of them to me and then I'll hunt them Salvage their gear cut the meat and Toss The Remains for the [ __ ] what do you say got caps make it worth your while you give me the caps and I'll send them over good meat smart meat you can leave send everyone over after some time small Bertha and her brother as well as other settlers will go missing mentioned by far Harbor's residence nobody's heard nothing for those drugs that went Inland implying that they were all eaten by Malcolm going back to Nuka World a religious sect calling themselves the hubologists can be encountered at their camp near the grantchester Mystery Mansion led by Dara Hubble who will ask you to repair an old UFO ride located at the nearby Nuka World junkyard believing it will take her and her fellow homologists to another world for the right to function you need to gather three fusion cores and load them into the spaceship's battery pack this will allow the hobologists to ride it and once it's over exit safely but if you put four Fusion cores in the battery pack instead and turn the ride on it will keep spinning until all of the herbologists are dead allowing you to loot their bodies something's wrong shut it down shut it down foreign north of Neponset Park Billy Peabody a ghoul child is trapped in an old pre-war fridge and has been there for 200 years once you free him he will ask you to escort him back to his old home in Quincy I live in Quincy or at least I used to but I don't know how to get there as you lead him there you will be approached by a gunner named bullet who will offer you 200 caps for the boy cute kid is he for sale for the right price yeah please don't show me to this guy I'll give you 200 caps right now sold kid I found you a new home come on kid I got some holes that need digging you son of a I'll get you for this a pretty messed up thing to do especially since Billy just gained his freedom another option is to reject bullet's offer and help Billy get to his parents wear bullet and some other Gunners will follow you and demand you surrender the boy and his parents do them you there in the house I want those ghouls especially that kid you can give him a peaceful like or die try to save him here you will have an option to just leave the family to be enslaved but this time without any compensation from the Gunners you can have them why should I risk my life all right boys let's collect our new workers you're a monster after successfully teleporting into the Institute and retrieving the experimental serum for Virgil you can go back and lie to him that the serum wasn't there and even convince him to kill himself what am I gonna do am I stuck like this what about the virus won't your condition get worse over time I I don't know God what if you're right could I end up like those dumb brutes no no I couldn't live like that then end it now while you can still make that choice or don't think I can I don't have the stomach to kill myself would you you could do it go ahead try to make it quick all right all right whenever you're ready in the far Harbor DLC if you're part of the Institute you can report Acadia the synth Colony led by Dima to the SRB who will dispatch a Strike Team to attack and recover all the synths living there they should be ready to receive the sponge back at The Institute it looks like they can be salvaged thankfully odds are most of them will be back at work before you know it this according to the runaway sense is the worst fate possible and they would rather die than be taken back to be enslaved in The Institute again also if the player is a member of the Brotherhood of Steel you can report the colony's existence to them instead who will just simply go in and kill all the synths without Mercy seeing them as an existential threat to the human race another evil thing you can do in the DLC is to turn off far Harbor's fog condensers that are the only thing keeping the fog and all the monsters in it at Bay this can be done after retrieving dima's memories once turned off the town will be invaded by fog crawlers Anglers and gulpers massacring and eating everyone in it after completing the Battle of Bunker Hill Quest and siding with the Institute father will name you as his successor which does not go down well with the other scientists in particular with Max Loken and Lawrence Higgs who will barricade themselves in the bioscience lab cutting off the institute's food Supply Newton oberley another scientist after trying but failing to reason with them will open a side door that leads to the bioscience observation room and give you a bioscience system access holotape with this you have an option to release the synthetic gorillas who will kill both of the rebelling scientists and anyone else inside the lab thus ending the rebellion in the most violent way afterwards when talking to Newton he will mention that the rest of the scientists will not forget what you've done and will start to fear you that was unfortunate we don't like violence here and I fear your actions will have consequences stop whining and be grateful that I got your food supply back yes of course sorry if I seemed ungrateful Mama Murphy the chem addicted fortune teller possesses a unique gift called the site to look into the future she will use this ability in exchange for chems to reveal some parts of the Soul survivor's future encounters which can be done a total of five times giving her the final Camp psycho will cause her to overdose on it and pass away you will not be loved but you will save Humanity however you choose to Define it oh no she should have seen this come and go the rest of the settlers will gather around her to mourn her death with Marcy long blaming the player for causing Murphy's passing I believe you and Preston let Mama Murphy die like that you should have stopped her although her death is regrettable her Visions can be very useful to help avoid difficult combat situations after learning that Paladin dance is a scent from the obtained Network hack of the institute's Mainframe Elder Maxson orders you to go find dance and execute him in the abandoned listening post Bravo despite having an option to save dance and convince Maxson to spare him you can execute dance and shame him for being a synth not caring about the fact that he's your friend and helped you join the Brotherhood in the first place ah and victorium brother during the last Voyage of the USS Constitution sidequest instead of helping Ironsides the century bot Captain to obtain working turbo pump bearings for the ship's Rockets you can instead with the help of Mandy Styles sabotage them so that the Rockets will explode when fired up this will allow Mandy and the other scavengers to storm the ship and destroy all the robots then she will turn on you and try to kill you with the rest of her crew this will leave you with nothing but bodies and robot Parts scattered everywhere you alone standing on the now permanently damaged landlocked ship when helping investigate The Disappearance of Amelia Stockton in the Covenant and following the clues you will discover her being locked up in an underground compound created by Dr Rosalind Chambers as a secret synth prison slash torture area talking to Chambers will provide the player with two choices either try freeing the girl but as a consequence turn the whole compound against you or let the doctor kill Amelia Stockton and reward you with 300 caps for not getting in her way what what are you doing I'm certain the autopsy will confirm my hypothesis Fair in Vault 118 you will be tasked with uncovering the murder of Ezra Parker if the player does a deep investigation of all the residents he will discover that Ezra was never actually murdered and the deceased Robo brain is a woman named Juliana Riggs murdered by Ezra who has disguised himself as Juliana with a voice changer Ezra was embezzling your money that's why you killed him and framed Keith were so close shame shame I could keep the ruse going a little longer oh well had to end eventually I suppose somehow the victim had found out about Ezra's money embezzlement scheme and had to be silenced after discovering this you can report your findings to Maxwell who will simply kill Ezra ending the quest or you can take a bribe from the robo brain and let him leave the Vault letting him also get away with murder just walk away I'll leave and you can tell them I escaped if I'm Gonna Let You Go I want a cut of what you've stolen ah detective no am I free to go okay I'll let you go
Channel: Alternative Gaming Channel
Views: 26,934
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Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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