Fallout New Vegas - All Low Intelligence Speech Checks

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sorry son I fixed up your head as best I knew how I guess I missed a spot this is a restricted area State your business I can't tell whether you're joking or radiation melted part of your brain but either way I don't see a good reason to let you through Welcome to the New Vegas Medical Clinic I'm a fully qualified physician and can fix whatever is wrong with you for a reasonable fee if you've got the Caps I've also got several implants available to enhance your physical attributes uh no implants not plants they're little machines I can put inside you to make you faster quicker or smarter I recommend the smarter implant it's unusual to see a new face here are you a soldier or a scientist I see then you must have some special business here for them to have let you through sting forgive me for praying but I'm curious are you with a particular group then for everyone's sake I hope you serve a worthy Master are you a maker of war or peace that's reassuring although many have made that claim to the Followers of the Apocalypse over the years have had less than pure intentions third floor access is for executives only please identify thank you sir have a nice day no offense intended but why should I go anywhere with you hmm wow you sound like you really do need some help look I can help you out but you can't do anything stupid I mean you can't help bad people who want to hurt the locals in free side if you do I'll leave does that make sense [Music] what the hell are you thinking uh you you're gonna kill all the Troopers down there that's it I'm out good luck getting out of this place without being shot to Pieces by NCR soldiers assuming they aren't going to fry to death what an ugly little worm you are what pile of excrement did the lieutenant pluck you from worm I must admit that a conversation with an imbecile may be far worse than the kind of torture I was anticipating hold up there this area is locked down by the NCR military until we can dislodge some Legion snakes from Nelson you're one of them special folks ain't you they ain't real snakesy they're Legion soldiers I just called them snakes because they're low down and sneaky like a snake you here to fight in the arena then you're talking to the right man no imbecile that's not how it works I set up the fights then you go in the arena and fight I can't talk to you it's not loud they do say that I guess you can be my friend um can you help me Anthony took Sergeant Teddy away and gave it to the stinky dogs I want him back he's a toy I'm not a baby you know [Music] huh friend not a few minutes ago I chanced upon a pair of destitute orphans grappling over just such an item if you cover the area methodically I'm quite certain you'll happen upon them with only the most insubstantial of delays be well and do try and avoid the tragic path of the sought that led me to my present infirmities and spiritual woes I had to run in with this group calling themselves the Brotherhood of Steel pretty strange Bunch do you know anything about them wow I've got to admit you have completely defied my first impression of you eye lasers I'll be sure and look out for that next time any other juicy bits of Intel sharing knowledge with an outsider organization I knew Veronica couldn't be trusted we tracked your movements a long way but it was worth the catch her in the act passing Brotherhood secrets to Outsiders is the lowest form of treason what have you got to say for yourself did you just how dare you belch in the face of a paladin of the Brotherhood of Steel and the name of the Elder I hereby sentence you to death well well look who finally dragged themselves in out of the Wasteland and where have we been crawling through pits of radioactive and muck again uh yes well you do know that those particular organs don't have neurons and others incapable of speech yes very well let me put this in terms you'll understand brain smart hot stupid spine very stupid you exceptionally stupid does that explain the matter I don't have oh I have an inferior frontal gyrus wired directly into a speech synthesizing processor your heart can be wired up to a thought synthesizing processor you can't talk to it oh if you can get me a weapon the rest will be easy in the hall outside they still have my possessions in a locker there's a gun in there that should be small enough to get past the lieutenant when she comes back I want you to go and get it for me simple enough I don't know why I'm taking this chance on an invalid I'll explain again hey if you can help I'll take whatever I can get doctor's bags would be a huge help but what I really need are medical texts I'm not trained to deal with major psychological trauma and we've got a lot of kids in this camp yeah I'm an army field medic I can treat bullet wounds shrapnel trench foot no problem but this the kids in the psychological trauma and all the rest is out of my league thank you any help you can give would be a godsend well it's about damn time what took you oh I've been in the Reaper's Shadow for a long time now and I thought he'd finally showed up to collect he's just mocking me now what I was talking about death kid guess that one went right over your head didn't it old sergeant Dornan would have had a field day with you welcome to the casa Madrid if you get an itch need scratching you came to the right place just watch how you treat the merchandise all right then looks like I need to talk slow and use small words there's sweetie Maude and Jimmy 100 caps no kissing no rough stuff we can go right over here baby you damn idiot I just counted those caps you gave me and there's not enough there I figured you were a bit slow but I never thought that forget it it's done I'm happy you cleared that up for me but we've got another situation to worry about there's a merchant hanging around near the prison something feels funny about him and I want you to deal with him shake them down if he's legit but if not take him out not haha funny you funny as insuspicious he's not trying to run away like most people there's something about that robot that doesn't seem all right to me I'm not saying we shouldn't take it with us I'm just saying that if it were to fall into Lake Mead and be irreparably damaged and if you threw an EMP grenade in after it well there are worse things happening in the world right it's yeah a thing a science thing it hurts robots don't worry about it silly arcades just telling magnetic field jokes for his own amusement shall we H is my act that bad are you just that dumb yeah that's right got me a nice juicy contract with the management yeesh say you wouldn't happen to have been my manager in a past life would you you've got all his money smarts it's inappropriate for anyone at first Recon to behave that way I could discipline her but I'd rather she get medical help yes talk to Betsy and try to convince her to get medical help for her trauma I sure hope you understand what I'm asking you're back do you need medical attention I'm assuming you're referring to mental trauma I'll make time in my schedule who the hell are you they bring you in to replace me they're replacing me aren't they gosh man you're direct You're No Nonsense how am I supposed to compete with that I gotta pay these chem bills well he mostly stays out of the way which is a good thing he'd probably end up doing some real damage if he tried to make himself useful right now we mostly let him operate the switchboard for the intercom flipping switches seems to keep him pretty happy well to each their own I guess by the way don't get up or make any sudden motions no matter how uncomfortable that chair gets the cushions just for show great a just what I need look that seat you're sitting in it's a bomb go boom get up without my permission I'll blast your ass so far through your head it'll turn the moon cherry pie red so let's keep this sweet and polite and finish our conversation with no misunderstandings Christ if that color blows I don't know if you'd know the difference you'd probably still keep walking around with that dumb blank look just because I work in entertainment doesn't mean I'm a I don't know a thing about no missing refugees from that Aerotech Camp go cry to somebody else yeah well I must have heard rumors and um you you got nothing on me and Dermot what do you have to say for yourself you better believe I'm mad you aged a one-man campaign to drag our good name through the mud and I'll be held accountable you probably don't even know what I'm talking about this is what I get for hiring an idiot to do such an important job here just take this and go I have damage control to do wait I'm supposed to send you to Colonel Moore up at Hoover Dam the why she wants to see an imbecile like you is beyond me so go to Hoover damage see Colonel Moore got it Hoover Dam Colonel Moore maybe it's time to retire dog trapped here too this place not like West they're like copper wire gut heavy hurts beeps sometimes back West in bone cities dog wore a collar on wrist turned him into color of ground turned him into color of sky is true dog wore it right on his hand where bear trap is now he thinks my hands are tied I can't go against orders can I you're right the gray cons are free to go
Channel: Alternative Gaming Channel
Views: 571,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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