Guide to the Yautja Clans

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hello and welcome to this guide to the Jonker clans before I begin I'm just going to go through what I'll be covering in this video so you'll know exactly what to expect we will begin by exploring exactly what is meant by a clan how a clan is formed how an individual joins a clan the structure of a clan a clan of status amongst the archer community interactions with other clans and we will end by listing as many of the predator clans that I'm aware of as well as some of their most notable members what is a clan a clan consists of a group of yangjia who often refer to each other as brother whilst living and sometimes hunting together although not all predators belong to a clan some groups are highly respected whilst others are seen as disgraced Yaga who are banished by the rest of their kind forming a clan although there is no uniform way in which a clan is formed some writers have suggested that it is determined by an individual rising through the ranks and taking the reins of an existing group or forming the new one all together as a highly respected individual other writers have implied that a lower ranked individual may challenge the position of a leader similar to some animal communities outcast bad blood predators have also abandoned together to form their own new clans in order to increase their chances of survival against the more traditional hunters joining a clan the variety of literature available on Yaga has indicated that there are various ways of joining a clan the most obvious ways to be born into a clan however that does not mean that you will rise to the rank of blood hunter as some unbloodied individuals die on their initiation hunts individuals born into a clan may be related brothers or fathers and sons' these relations however provide added pressure as poor performances may bring disgrace to the father who may be punished as a result of the outter managed to enter clans after proving themselves as worthy members this may be achieved by challenging an existing member or champion of a clan finally clans will even accept members from other species if impressed by their kills and hunting prowess Machiko nagashi was one such human who received a shun des mark after helping him defeat a xenomorph queen the structure of a clan clans have a hierarchy of power the leader typically being the oldest and strongest individual who shares his power with his matriarchal mate below the clan leader are his group of elites of which one will be selected by an elder to be the next in line for the position of leader if a specific elite is not selected upon the leaders death this group will battle for dominance to determine the next leader ancients also have a valuable position within a clan however adopt a more spiritual mentoring role to younger hunters as well as advisors to clan leaders and elites some clans are thought to have a monarchy with younger hunters commanding much higher levels of respect than otherwise given to predators of the same age the masks of these individuals may possess highly ornamental designs to signify their royal status the status of a clan a clan status can also vary from one group to another for instance bad blood clans have low status within yatra society whilst other clans have legendary status due to the hunting prowess of their members these high ranking clans will often outrank and outperform other factions interacting with other clans although clans tend to stick to their own the Council of ancients can pit two clans unknowingly against each other to determine the stronger units in other instances clans have broken out into full-scale Wars due to conflicting ideologies or blood feuds if the occasion demands it clans can converge to partake in large scales animal hunts or to defend your prime against outside threats finally some individuals have moved from clan to clan or collaborated with other clans for a period this can be seen with Viper working with cracked tusks despite having his own serpent clan we will now explore the variety of known yogic lands I will try to discuss as many of the clans as I'm aware of but inevitably there will be exclusions and I cannot possibly include them all we will therefore begin with the jungle hunter clan the jungle hunters have a history of war with the super predators their most notable members include the jungle hunter the Crucified predator an unnamed jungle hunter from AVP evolution the warrior yah-tchi from the same game and it is also possible that the MKX predator may have belonged to the same clan as he looked very similar to the jungle hunter the individual known as renegade predator may have also originally belonged to this clan before joining another tribe the los angeles hunting party also known as The Lost Tribe they landed in Los Angeles in 1997 hiding their mothership beneath the city this group was led by grey back however only the city hunter participated in the hunt their most notable members include grey back boar borg city hunter Guardian scout shaman snake who is or was also a part of the serpent clan stalker and warrior the isolated clan the isolated clan also known as the Antarctica clan is a large cloud of predators who sent their unbloodied individuals to Bouvet Island every 100 years the members of this faction live in isolation from other clans in a mountainous world with freezing cold temperatures they have adapted special spiked footing and thermal netting as well as a full body of armor in order to live in these extreme conditions their best known members include Skaar Celtic or Celtic depending on how you want to pronounce it chopper ancient the super predator clan this exiled group of bad blood super predators were in conflict with a jungle hunter clan they would abduct and hunt other life-forms in a Game Preserve planets whilst failing to adhere to the traditional uture honor codes their most notable members include the Berserker the Falconer the tracker I'm also going to mention night storm here as he was the first yapper who went rogue as a bad blood and formed the super predator race therefore he may actually be the originator of this clan the Gotham City hunting party this clan landed in Gotham City between 1991 and 1997 their most notable members include big red aka samurai predator albino and wasp however it is very likely that there were a few other members including the individuals who fought with Batman in the comics the dark blade clan this highly powerful clan were renowned for their advanced weaponry but likely lost some standing after Scarface allowed their technology to fall into human hands Scarface would later redeem himself and restore the honour of this clan this elite faction possesses some of the most formidable hunters who are equipped with the most powerful customized versions of traditional reactor weaponry the dark blade clans most notable members are long spear Scarface Stoneheart swift knife and the elder the Youngblood pack of BG 386 the Youngblood pack were a group of five inexperienced Youngblood yoga who travelled to BG 386 to prove themselves by taking part in a xenomorph hunt on the planet this pack consisted of a group of five inexperienced Youngblood yoga who travelled to BG 386 to prove themselves by taking part in a xenomorph hunt on the planets however all five members were killed four of these individuals were unnamed predators however the most notable member was Klaw the elite clan the elite clan are a group of skilled brawlers with legendary status both outranking and outperforming most other clans they themselves were only subordinate to the Council of ancients who ruled predators society as a whole the clan was led by Spartan and they would adopt young unbloodied predators who wish to prove themselves worthy of membership and of carrying the title of elite the very most notable members include Spartan alien head predator aka serpent hunter dark hunter wolf and at least one unnamed predator the sand rat clan when Sandra California became infested with Xenomorphs warrior arrived with Hunter to assist the human soldiers Lynn Kurosawa and major Dutch Schaefer in their battle for survival this clans most notable individuals include warrior aka tireless fighter hunter aka Berserker mad predator who was a bad blood duties infected condition and at least one unnamed predator who had a mask similar to Celtx deshaun DS clan or pack deshaun day AKA broken tusk had a powerful clan known for seeding Xenomorphs in order to hunt them as part of initiation hunts for unbloodied individuals unfortunately a big portion of his clan died on Russia where the clans Lander ship was destroyed a young actor named to shindy became a bad blood and took over command of the clan - and II would eventually reclaim power but died fighting a xenomorph queen before marking Michiko Noguchi as a blooded warrior this human would join the surviving members of the predator mothership as a new clan member now please forgive me as I tried to pronounce some of these names - and a scanty waraqa - shindy a Siegen Michiko and agachi beck laters pack another very difficult name to pronounce but it seems like this group belonged to a larger clan that also included topknots and Deshawn Dee's packs as far as I'm aware the known members of this clan included Baek Lita sit day however I'm sure that there are others top Mars pack at some point the members of this group included topknot shorty light stepper - stripes Michiko Noguchi although she subsequently left this clan and two stripes was also banished Smiley's clan this tribe of yeah Joel were conducting xenomorph related activities on an unknown world already colonized by a small group of humans smileys the most notable member as the other still remain unnamed prince's clan this clan was led by the monarchy archer prince and were operating in the early 23rd century on kirari lv1 2:01 the known members of this clan include Prince first light predator second light predator first heavy predator second heavy predator first POC predator second POC predator assault predator and some unnamed dead printer's found by Prince in the canyons near the pods the next clan name is extremely difficult to pronounce and might even sound like something else when I say it so I hope I get this right but its Tilly klopse clan I do apologize for that please correct me in the comments section of somebody but this clan of hybrid Yantra came to earth during the time of the Vikings in order to hunt them as the most powerful of warriors the most notable members of this clan included Tilly clop shriek turaga Catan ooh I do apologize again for butchering all of those names but if you want to know more about those individuals please read the book or the short story sleds keep from the book if it bleeds now my next clan appears in the same book as my previous one also from a short story but this time it's called rematch and this story is about anaconda who pairs up with his mate Barghouti to visit earth in order to find and slay Sloane a former Marine and park ranger who cured a predator in a previous encounter the most notable members include nakhon de Vogel t-this clan may also have included the predator who they were avenging from the story turnabout's so we'll say an unnamed predator possibly the predator destroyed in the story turn about in 2008 the poachers the poachers were a group of predators encountered in alien vs. predator extinction on mission 3 they were possibly a clan of bad Bloods that went head-to-head with a players faction however it was subsequently discovered that they were intentional opponents of the players clan by the Council of ancients to discover their successors their most notable member was the clan leader who was also a disc master the killer predators this cloud of bad blood were considered to be heretics by traditional yoga due to their killing methods refusing to obey the honor code they would kill innocents for pleasure they continued to distance themselves from traditional yarter laws by using xenomorphs and hunting dogs during hunts the killer predators first appeared in Africa at the start of the 21st century in the predator pray to the heavens comic they had a feud with the regular hunters that grew into a full-scale Civil War by the end of the 22nd century their most notable member includes the killer clam predator the Ryu XI hunters the Ryu XI hunters were part or perhaps an entire clan of predators ordered to seek and destroy a rival clan of bad Bloods called the killer predators on Russia on their journey they allied with Michiko nagashi and her marine to assist with the task the most notable member of this group is hunter captain aka alpha male that's Hart Harris clan this clan was present on planet Tartarus where they would find a hab who defeated their champion named hauled head before joining and possibly taking control of the clan it is unclear if this was a Habs initial clan or if he joined us as a new member eventually these predators with unite with the colonial Marines and fight a horde of Xenomorphs although some of their clan members were killed the elder and a have emerged victorious with some others also surviving their most notable members include elder a hub horn head it is also implied that the following predators may also have belonged to this clan crack task the hive wars predator scavenge and green renegade predator however this is unclear to me and they may be two separate clans please let me know in the comment section if you know for sure the larvae clan this was a rare tribe that inhabited the lethal volcanic regions of youch a prime they wore specialized masks and cloaking nets to suppress the high levels of radioactivity larvae clan warriors carried specialized weaponry specific for hunting large deadly insectoid beings known as the vy track as it stands there remains one notable member the aptly named lava planet predator the serpent clown the notorious serpent clan are renowned throughout the Yowie underworld as the most skilled and brutal group of mercenaries they specialize in xenomorph hunts and occasional clan wars with their only code being to finish every job this clan is run by Viper and his brother snake who is possibly the same individual from the Lost Tribe predators the notable members include viper snake the night hunter this clan are based in a pitch-black region of ya're Prime near their southern pole having developed unparalleled night vision technology the members of this clan hunt in coordinated packs over large open areas their translucent skin is an environmental adaptation that allows their luminous green blood to shine through the glow also acts as a location signal in the absence of light although the majority of their preys blind this clan prefers to hunt in packs so that they can gain an advantage on their large and extremely dangerous prey this can are isolated from the rest of the planet and thus hunts more for survival than for sports the night hunter clan is one of few predator clans that does not possess cloaking technology as there is no use for it in that environment the most notable member is stalker but despite sharing the same name this does not appear to be the individual from the Los Angeles hunting party the space tribe this tribe began hunting non-organic mechanical beings because it proved to be more challenging in addition to hunting robotic life a mysterious rival yocha the pirates called Razer has threatened several space tribe missions and thus has also become a target the leader of the rogue space tribe is spiked tail who is allied with the armored lost and laser shot predators spike tails unorthodox hunting methods and use of illegal weapons caused the exile of his team from the outer prime the widowed clan this clan refers to a pair of female Gauchos who have lost their mates during hunts therefore becoming widows there are seasoned warriors themselves and the clan is highly respected by other predators the only known members of this clan however are harsh Ori and nine-feet this female is the largest natural adult predator ever seen she's the only yarder to speak and understand English fluently and took pleasure in torturing her prey were various Yantra devices the second member of this clan is Wendigo a female yea-uh nicknamed for her wild screaming and aggressive temperament this was in stark contrast to the calm demeanor of her deceased partner Shimano I am also going to include the HQ 10 in this list the HQ 10 are possibly an answer or subspecies of yoga there are less intelligent less honorable with differing physiology to regular yoga another major difference is their kill gland an organ that produces strong hormones increasing their strength and driving the creatures into an uncontrollable rage if the gland is left uncontrolled they will even attack and kill their own kind which can lead to their own extinction in their own language their name translates to the people who take territory and they can also brainwash other races to become their slaves the hich q10 society also possesses a hierarchical structure with a clan leader taking command some known clans include the clan cook this clan led by shesh cook had exclusive rights of a safari planets 3 9 9 8 planned kepta the leader of clan corrector launched a nuclear attack on a rival clan lost under the influence of the kill grant I'm also going to mention the MK X predator within this clan now this is because in Mortal Kombat you can actually select this predator in a he-she q-10 form so he could possibly belong to the HQ 10 the final clan on this list are the Council of ancients this Council of a superior and prime ruling authority of the out jur comprised of the most respected clans they were responsible for upholding rituals and traditions and their decrees were law with other clans looking to them for guidance before clans could have exclusive hunting rights to a planet they would have to initially petition to the council for permission the council would also administer punishment against threats to yo from other beings in order to keep the honor of their own race if the ancients have selected successors following the completion of the proper trials the Future Council acts as a subordinate plan to the current council ancient clans would eventually look to the strongest and most distinguished of lesser clans to be their successors once elected these clans are kept ignorant to their nomination the ancients will order the chosen to participate in two clan trials designed to showcase skill in bravery and strength seizing the skull of a marine leftenant without alerting other humans would display stealth whilst infiltrating a mature hive two Slayer queen would exhibit bravery upon successfully completing these two trials a clan becomes the successors to the council the known members of the Council of ancients includes ancient new carrier the addition of the Council of ancients concludes this list and takes the total number of clans up to 27 now some of these may be sub clans or packs but either way I have listed 27 in total guys I'm going to make no pretenses but this video is extremely difficult to put together there is so much information out there and a lot of it is quite vague and in some cases quite confused with numerous writers in different media creating a plethora of individuals I really think that it could do with some tidying up but I'm definitely not the guy to do that therefore if I have made any errors or exclusions and I'm sure that I have then please let me know and I will make the necessary adjustments and re-upload the video later on thank you very much for watching and please remember to Like and subscribe if you'd like to subscribe but more importantly stay safe and well during these times [Music]
Channel: Schizofenik
Views: 282,178
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Keywords: +all yautja clans, +all predator clans, +yautja clans, +predator clans, +every predator clan, +every yautja clan, +yautja clan leader, +yautja pack, +yautja hunting party, +yautja tribe, +all yautja tribes, +every yautja tribe, +guide to the yautja clans, +predator clans explained, +strongest predator clan, +strongest yautja clan, +dark blade clan, +elite clan, +predator, +yautja, +schizofenik, +clan, +deadliest predator clans, +deadliest yautja clans, +list of all Yautja clans
Id: kQEoz9QSu7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 2sec (1262 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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