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what's up everyone acid glow here so the latest update to predator hunting grounds is out and with it came some audio tapes of dutch from the 1987 movie predator these were voiced by arnold schwarzenegger it tells the story of what dutch has been doing after his mission in valverde which resulted in his entire team getting wiped out these new tapes about dutch are unlocked by your rank the twenty ow lf tapes in the game were recorded by sean keys and it outlines other events in the story which leads up to predator hunting grounds so let's go through these new tapes and see what we can learn it's september 12 1987 my name is major alan shafer also known as dutch u.s army veteran special ops commander and the only survivor of the vali verdi incident these tapes are my personal testimony insurance should anything happen to me what i found won't be lost my team was brought in to rescue a guatemalan cabinet minister and his aide who had been captured by guerrilla forces in valverde we located their downed helicopter and the skinned bodies of those on board hung in nearby trees seemingly at the hands of the guerrilla fighters after assaulting their camp it became clear that the mission was a setup american intelligence had sent us to retrieve the captured agents who'd been on recon for a future military action but none of that matters anymore because while we were clearing out the gorillas something was hunting us an invisible killer tracked us as we made our way to the extraction point in 24 hours it wiped out my entire team rick hawkins blaine cooper mack elliott billy sol jorge ramirez and al dillon the best soldiers i've ever known men i trusted my life were butchered like animals it was a nightmare we walked in with guns but it had the perfect camouflage advanced weaponry and could see heat it was strong and smart a pitiless hunter i waited i watched and when i understood it when i saw how it hunted i killed it as it lay dying in a final fu it activated an explosion device i barely escaped the blast my radiation sickness and the crater of that explosion are the only evidence it was ever here i've given my official statement to agent peter keys of the owlf but it's become clear i need to investigate valverde myself keys was thorough but he asked all the wrong questions we have proof of alien life but that life sees us as a game it's an alien whose first contact with humanity was to hunt us for sport all keys cared about was the technology lost in that explosion he can't see the jungle for the trees i see the threat he sees the opportunity spies are all the same i mean we are not people to them we're just assets how many soldiers will he feed to those monsters just for a chance to steal from them or to learn from them the government can't be trusted so i'll have to do this on my own i'm cutting treatment short and going off the grid i will make my way back to south america to valverde i was told there were stories about demons who make trophies of man i'd like to hear those stories april 8 1991 i'm not dead yet i'll admit i regret not curing my radiation sickness before i left it made leaving the country difficult i cashed in a few favors took one to many off the books flights and rusted out buckets but i made it back to valverde the area wasn't locked down sealed by american intelligence for study the complex centered on the crater from the alien's self-destruction i found a scientist slamming in a local bar a few drinks and a couple of threats later he was ready to talk it wasn't much barely anything i didn't already know the blast emitted a form of radiation they'd never seen before some believed it was extraterrestrial some didn't either they're not that bright or there's nothing to find i decided to let them keep searching in vain it kept them busy and off my trail i've been touring villages and small towns using the cover of an author writing about south america folklore i don't know if any of them bought it but they took my money and told their stories the closer they were to the jungle the more stories of devils in the trees some were bs made up on the spot but some carried consistencies that i couldn't ignore whatever it was the demons who make trophies of men the devil of the trees or the skull taker the stories always began on the hottest summer that they could remember in the summer of 1987 valverde nearly broke its all-time high in temperatures they love the heat it must remind them of home everything else confirmed the truth of the stories proud warriors skinned and hanged skulls and spines ripped from their bodies maybe it was obvious from the beginning but it wasn't until i heard the stories that i truly accepted the purpose of these mutilations i mean they're taking trophies they travel impossible distances to hunt us skin us and mount us over some alien fireplace on another world it would be disgusting if it weren't so familiar where do i go now it's been on my mind all year the takeaway from all of this intel is that they've been doing this for decades centuries maybe they're coming back and i need to be there when they do june 27 1992 it's hard to remember that the most important part of an operation is patience you can plan the perfect op but you can't account for everything if things go south there's nothing to do but to adapt and finish the mission sometimes you just get lucky i was on a dock about 10 clicks down river from the valverde border figuring out my next move i was ready to pack it in i mean i thought i learned everything i could that there was nothing left for me to find the owl had abandoned the detonation site a year ago and i thought it already shipped back to america that's when i saw agent peter keys tied a skiff to the dock i mean i hadn't seen keys since i gave him any official statement it was impossible but there he was with three of his buddies all agents i mean the clean tidy outfits gave them away all the time i mean they won't get down in the dirt you see that's what they pay soldiers to do keys walked up looked right at me and shook my hand with the radiation sickness i'd lost a lot of weight i thought maybe he hadn't recognized me but then he greeted me like we were old pals keys is a good spy saying nothing implying everything we spent the next few hours trading war stories at the bar if you'd heard us you'd never suspect we were trading intel on an alien man hunter his cover was that they'd been looking for a serial killer a sadist who'd been operating in the area for years hunting people like animals and then skinning them alive keys wanted to talk about the monster so it all came out in the cover story in many ways they were just a few steps behind surveying villages for information locating witnesses he did confirm one thing i'd only considered he told me about how the killer chose his victims they were always armed a rifle a pistol a knife in the boot he wasn't taking kids or random villagers he wanted a challenge whatever it was it was a hunter when it killed it killed for sport i wish they were here for a military action recon for an invasion but the truth was so much worse we are prey animals fit only to be hunted keys and his buddies paid their tab and mine but before he left he winked at me and said stay out of the jungle that's where he gets you i tried keys and his team for weeks but they didn't learn anything new maybe they knew i was there maybe they didn't i don't know i've risked enough for now i think it's time to disappear keep my ear to the ground be patient march 3rd 1996 zaire i thought i could wait i thought i could hold back and make my move at the right time i couldn't damn i had to find them i needed to hunt it or let it hunt me i joined up with any private military company that was headed into a hot zone i pulled every string cashed out every favor just to follow the sweat and the death that attracted the demon i eventually put together a team myself lost soldiers and haunted men willing to fight and die wherever i led them they thought i was a legend and i let them believe that i'm quiet and good at what i do i needed them to see me as a legend so i could take them to die in a sweltering jungle we went on more missions than i can remember we didn't fire until we were fired at they thought that it was my code it wasn't i was waiting and watching our last mission was an evac op in the congo a private munitions base had gone dark when we arrived they'd been dead for days bodies strung up on floodlights around the base all of them skinned some missing skulls and spines we secured the site and waited for backup to arrive in the heat of the day i start into the waves of heat coming off the concrete thinking that any minute they might come alive as the invisible killer and then they did i didn't wait i unloaded every round i had trusting me my team fired in the same direction it wasn't the first time i'd done it but this time i knew what i was looking for it was so fast we couldn't hit it we panicked and stray rounds struck a crate of rpgs and that explosion hit other munitions that exploded by the time the smoke had cleared the demon was dead but so were all my men i took samples of its blood pieces of its anatomy and what tech i could salvage and then i burned everything then i disappeared i never checked in with hq as far as i know i was counted among the dead october 12 1997 los angeles i needed to come back to the states it wasn't impossible to sneak contraband through customs but i wasn't willing to risk what i'd found in the congo falling into the wrong hands instead i traveled to mexico aboard a cargo ship bound for the port of altamira from there i made my way to tijuana and i bunkered down i had tangible proof of extraterrestrial life in my possession but no idea what to do with it i'm not a scientist i did a soldier's duty and secured valuable intel this was out of my pay grade i kept an eye on the news los angeles was having a record-breaking heat wave and a gang war on the streets it was perfect i could feel it in my bones i've been tracking them for so long i could think like them i could smell the prey i could see the hunting ground i had to get to la crossing back into the states from tijuana wasn't that difficult but by the time i'd reached the city it was already over like valverde the owlf only found crumbs what i'd hoped might be the alien's ship turned out to be only a launching site i wanted it too much and i got sloppy i breached the owl quarantine and was captured i'd hoped to be bailed out by agent keys but he died with keys gone the owl was leaderless and disorganized i was interrogated but then negotiated my release by bartering the alien materials i recovered in the congo during negotiations it was clear how little they knew they needed someone who understood the threat so i offered to work with the owlf as a consulting advisor they had the funding and the technology i needed to continue my hunt i wouldn't work for them but i would work with them they'll be a weapon i can use to hunt down these predators as they move to fresh ground it's only a matter of time until they see us as a real threat when the prey can fight back it's no longer a hunt it's a war march 3rd 2008 we've gotten good at killing predators every time we find one we come back with more tech more research and the owls funding goes up together we've gotten stronger and more efficient for a time the aliens were surprisingly predictable they had no idea that we knew so much about them but that began to change they sent better hunters every time they're beginning to see us as a threat or we've become a more worthy prize maybe both we know this because our last encounter was special we weren't certain if they had any gender to speak of but that changed when we came into contact with a female she was smarter and deadlier she didn't mess around like the males did she was direct ruthless and skilled i was in laos when he first came into contact with her it was val verde all over again her ambush wiped out my entire team only this time she got me in a small village i lost track of her just long enough for her to pin me with a razor net pinned against the wall razors cutting into my face i had been fighting for so long i was ready to die i should be dead instead of making the kill she cloaked and vanished into the jungle the net relaxed and i escaped with my life and a scar to remember her by she spared me only me like she knew who i was i returned to the ex-fill my first failed mission in a long time are we going about this wrong i mean we've learned so much but in doing so have we made ourselves a bigger target i can't stop thinking about something napoleon said you must not fight too often with one enemy or you will teach him all your art of war i started this believing we were learning how to hunt them or maybe she'd let me live to just be hunted another day we were teaching them how to hunt us january 13 2019 i knew the predator's deployments to earth would make it impossible to keep all this a secret sooner or later there would be another player on the board i'd hoped that it would be another agency one that understood and respected the threat project stargazer our initial intelligence on stargazer was that they were capable funded but inexperienced but they were smart they took the ow lf's funding and got it shut down everyone we could identify in their group was a disavowed member of another agency including the owlf lacking strong leadership and a clear directive they were sloppy and arrogant they were aware of the predator threat and while they had many of the pieces they struggled to see the bigger picture stargazer was so far behind that we didn't see them as a threat until the event in mexico the recovered predator escape pod was an extraordinary find for stargazer but the death toll was a heavy price to pay for taking a predator captive my task force has many directives but one of the most primary is that we do not take captives retrieve technology corpses and other intelligence but there is no value in a live predator only liability the enemy does not want peace the enemy does not negotiate its only drive on earth is to hunt what we might learn from a captive predator would never be worth the risk to our people stargazer did not learn from their mistakes and the technology they recovered has only made them cocky when the government cut ties to the agency it should have shuttered their project permanently but they only shifted their goals guerrilla factions and private military companies are being contracted by stargazer to set up bases and equipment in locations we've identified as ideal hunting grounds we believe that the former intelligence project is setting itself up to be a fully independent dealer of other worldly arms this is a worst case scenario hostile forces will use these weapons on their enemies and they will use them on us all the while the true enemy stalks us unseen it's a distraction mankind cannot afford stargazer will have to be dealt with april 2025 it's hard to believe that i'm still recording this i probably shouldn't be smoking in the med bay but screw it it's my birthday for christ's sake i turned 78 today but i'm out there hunting i should be retired i should be doing anything but this my life shouldn't be possible but the very thing that i hunt that haunts me is what's keeping me alive as we began to understand the predator's technology we started to use it a fight with a predator female went bad and i was critically wounded dying i agreed to experimentation using their medical technology was painful at first but it worked it worked so well that the cells in my body stopped aging pushing 80 now i'm fighting like a man in his 40s it's not the only experiment that i've been part of i'm deadlier now than i was in valverde the owlf has been fully reinstated it's grown larger than ever before we saved sean keys from stargazer his father was peter keys i suppose you could say he was a very dear acquaintance his son is a gifted scientist i worry about the future the earth is seeing unprecedented rise in heat and war as the climate changes and the temperature goes up more and more countries become hunting grounds we have killed so many of their kind but they only send more the number of events that we've witnessed has increased threefold in 10 years we have made an impression on them but not like we'd hoped we wanted to show them that we were not prey to deter them from ever sending another hunter to our world we sent a warning they took it as a challenge i fear we have made things worse if the predators ever decide we've grown too bold i have no doubt that they could burn the earth and all humanity with it my only hope is that while they waste time on sport we can rise up together and stand against them as a species until then we keep moving we keep hunting and we keep our eyes open and that's the full story of alan dutch schaefer it finally comes full circle now we have closure to the character that finally made a return if you look at the pictures of the character in game i noticed he has a knife which is taken from the predator's wrist blade along with a wrist computer on his left arm and also a bio mask on his right shoulder the story also seems to match events that were expanded upon within the novel of predator 2 like dutch getting interviewed by peter keys then getting sick then escaping from the hospital and then finally disappearing so that's a pretty cool way to bring dutch back i liked the story and i'm glad he stayed alive in the end but since he's got predator blood samples in his body he might live longer than a human if you want to see the other side of the story check out my two videos about all the owl tapes in the game it goes over sean keys project stargazer the owlf dutch's battle with the female predator and the experiments he underwent to stay alive if you want to see more lore videos around the predator universe then subscribe to my channel and turn on notifications this way you get notified when i upload a video i would also appreciate a like on the video if you enjoyed it thank you for watching until the end my name is acid glow and i'll see you in the next video you
Channel: AcidGlow
Views: 686,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what happened to dutch after predator, where is dutch, predator hunting grounds lore, predator lore, yautja hierarchy and rituals, elder predaors explained, what are super predators, Dutch returns to Predator Franchise, engineer vs predators, Predator 2 OWLF, Female Predator Lore, what happened to Harrigan after Predator 2, arnold schwarzenegger, all dutch audio tapes, dutch vs female predator, new predator movie, Predator Code of Honor, Narrator, Dutch dlc character, asmr
Id: CrHmGPO5hCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 15sec (1275 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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