Blowing Up 1 MILLION TNT Blocks At ONCE!

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what an absolutely beautiful day in the world of minecraft in today's minecraft video we are in a beautiful city that took over three years to build this city has skyscrapers roads working buildings i mean this city has everything you name it it has it now you guys are probably wondering unspeakable why are you in a city today well that's because we are going to destroy it that is one massive tnt block let's go ahead and explode oh geez i should probably run unspeakable was blown up by big tnt well that is just one explosion from mr big tnt we have lots of other big tnts and other nukes that we're gonna mess around with but first i gotta see what's going on with this machinery so this is an excavator and this is pretty much used to dig up the ground and pretty much anything you want tearing up the concrete right there someone probably took years to build this sidewalk but no not for this excavator it can tear it up in seconds just like that look at that we're destroying these walls like it's nothing pretty sure this is a train station or a bus station but it's going down okay so the excavator is cool and all but um we're gonna need some more firepower what about a wrecking ball have you guys ever seen a wrecking ball in minecraft because i have not oh my gosh i just i'm just destroying all the flowers all the flowers oh i feel so not terrible let's see what a wrecking ball does to this wooden structure oh my gosh you just took half of it out we're going in for another swing and boom oh look at that let's go head on with one of these buildings here these buildings are pretty big i'm not gonna lie i think we're gonna need a lot more than just a wrecking ball to destroy most of these buildings because unfortunately i'm sure you guys know this but gravity does not work in minecraft oh my gosh this thing just walk anything you walk through it just destroys it this wrecking ball is insane look at that we just destroyed half of this first story of the skyscraper the wrecking ball pretty insane oh wait look there's even a crack in the wrecking ball we can only use the wrecking ball so much to breaks and we're gonna have to find something else but tnt i have millions we're gonna try to explode this entire skyscraper right here now what i have in my hand is a tnt bundle it is basically like 40 tnt blocks and one little bundle i'm gonna plant these all over this skyscraper and what i mean all over i mean all over i will have to say that we have went all out on placing this tnt every single floor has tnt we are ready for the explosion let's see how well the tnt bundle actually works guys hopefully this does not freeze my game oh my gosh we got the oh i'm lagging so hard right now sorry to interrupt the video this is from if you guys ever need any merchandise hats hoodies accessories we even got t-rex costumes ladies and gentlemen check out the merchandise link at the top of the description or head over to for some merchandise first floor is working and then it's going up to the second i'm completely frozen right now i am moving my mouse right now and it is not doing anything it is not moving i think we might have placed just a little bit too much to take just a little bit too much i mean there's like 40 tnt blocks in just one oh look at all the sand falling on the side of the building all the sand is falling down oh snap okay so the building finally loaded in and this is what we see the rest of the tnt up here did not ignite so let's go ahead and ignite most of it there we go let's ignite this floor this floor and then we got also the very top floor that we did miss as well oh it's lagging so bad i can barely ignite it there goes the rest of the building i love when the tnt explodes it's like this confetti it's like red and pink and wow there goes the building okay so the only part that didn't explode was the top and that's the only place we didn't put tnt it's safe to say that that building is uh gone before we continue there's a big skyscraper behind me and there's also a massive stadium that we need to destroy but we need to figure out what our next weapon is going to be so i kind of want to test some tnt a couple different tnts here we got the implosion tnt what does this do does it place blocks oh oh oh oh oh okay so it kind of digs like a deep hole we could probably place those on like a top of a skyscraper this one is called the cluster tnt what exactly do you do oh oh okay that's pretty ob that would be really good for destroying something really big like that stadium next we got the firework tnt i'm assuming yep it's gonna fly up into the air then explode that is pretty cool you can place a bunch of those at the bottom this is the fire tnt i'm assuming fire yeah okay that's what i thought so if we have a building that has a lot of wood we'll definitely want to use that and then we got the geyser tnt i don't really know what what is going oh my gosh what did you see it through tnt everywhere literally through like 30 different blocks of tnt i think we're gonna use these four tnts for our next building now we just need to pick which building we want to destroy this building is called the boat and it has a giant boat on top of it i like it all right so what we'll do is behind all of these signs we're going to place our firework tnt we got to give the viewers that are watching this video good show [Music] there we go okay all right so that is all our firework tnt now fire hmm well there is some trees in the front here this whole lobby is wood oh yeah oh yeah fire tnt everywhere so we got fire tnt all in the lobby i'm pretty sure we got enough the geyser tnt hmm i think that would be good right up here if we could just spam it all through here so tnt will just fly everywhere and then the cluster tnt okay we're definitely gonna have to put some of that in the pirate ship up here yeah for sure that's going in the pirate ship and then we'll put some on the top roof just some you know just a little bit just just a couple we'll go around there go around here go around there that looks good just a little bit on the roof okay now we need something that is going to be on the ground level surrounding the building because we have the fire tnt that is inside the geyser tnt might work pretty well so this is just something to surround the outside of the building it's starting to get so laggy that i'm having trouble placing tnt blocks fast there we go that should be good we're gonna do a couple more just leading to there all right here we go ladies and gentlemen oh i'm sorry to interrupt the minecraft video but i want to show you guys how you can hop on my server and play minecraft with me once you're on your minecraft screen click multiplayer then click add server you're going to type in the server address which is then you're going to click done and then you're going to click on the server and click join it's that easy i'll see you guys on the server oh my gosh and there goes all the fireworks all the fireworks are flying up oh ho ho the fireworks looks so cool the fireworks should shoot up to the top of the roof igniting all the cluster bombs that are on the top and oh my gosh the entire building is gone just like that it is still lagging really hard because there's still a lot of tnt blowing up oh there goes all the clusters on top do you see all the little tnts gosh look at all of them look at that look at all those baby teen tees they're starting to spread apart but it's lagging so hard it looks like they might be exploding i think they're exploding yeah i think we might have placed just a little bit too many of the cluster bombs so all the tnt has stopped exploding and there's still a back wall left on the building but i think the only reason this wall is left here is because we didn't do the fireworks on the other side of the building that's okay because we definitely did destroy like 99.8 of it i mean this is total destruction those fire tnts didn't even get a chance to set things on fire because all the other tnts were just overtaking them there's a lot of other skyscrapers to blow up but i'm going for the biggest one of them all which is well i think it might be the one that i just ran into is is this the biggest one nope this is not the biggest one technically the biggest one is the stadium in order to destroy something of this size we're gonna need the big tnt okay so this is about to be insane this is an entire football stadium prepare for the aim to be lag make sure we get the entire arena literally every single block that pig is about to have a really really bad day don't tell him that though everyone just just be quiet just okay so we've surrounded the first floor let's go up to the second floor here oh my gosh guys i don't think you realize how big of an explosion this is about to be [Music] we're now up at the top seats placing all the tnt we gotta go do the other side now and oh my gosh this is the giant screen okay we're definitely gonna need some tnt right here for this boy okay so we did not place very much tnt for how big this stadium is so we're gonna have to do the outside perimeter as well so let's circle the entire building with these tnt blocks [Music] and we're gonna circle the building one more time yeah just one more time just to make sure we got every single spot oh my gosh guys i don't even know what to say all i'm saying is is if this does not crash my game then i don't know what will i don't think i've ever seen this much tnt in my life and i think we're just about ready to set it all off i'm just doubling everything i'm just because why not this is the grand finale ladies and gentlemen we are ready to do this all i'm saying guys is prepare yourself for 10 minutes of lag and if this doesn't crash the game then i don't know what will there we go here it is here it is ladies and gentlemen all of that has blown up but we haven't even seen it destroy anything yet because it's so laggy i can't move i can't move i can see a little bit of dust particles oh wait i'm able to move it's letting me move i'm surprised it's so funny because all the tnt has disappeared that means i don't know if it's all exploded already and it's just loading gotta think it's destroying millions and millions of blocks oh we got something oh my gosh oh wait what happened to all the tnt on the field oh oh that tnt is still exploding oh my gosh guys this is just the front of the stadium has the tnt even exploded on this side what oh no it hasn't even exploded yet on this side oh my gosh oh look at it there it goes it is start oh it's pushing me away because it's so powerful i think this is it i think all the tnt has exploded oh nope i can still hear more going off and it's still really laggy the only thing that isn't destroyed is the roof of the stadium and we didn't even put tnt close to there so i'm not surprised that isn't destroyed we made a giant ravine i mean this is insane well that's one way to absolutely destroy a stadium in minecraft if you guys want i really want to invite some other youtubers onto this server and let them destroy whatever they want or maybe i should invite 500 fans to a minecraft server give every single fan 10 000 tnt blocks and see what happens after 24 hours if that's something you guys want to see leave a like on this video click that subscribe button but till then i'll see you guys next time peace
Channel: UnspeakablePlays
Views: 2,091,195
Rating: 4.8969574 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakable, unspeakableplays, mini game, game, custom, crazy, challenge, modded, games, maps, secret, redstone, funny moments, mcpe, minecraft pe, pocket edition, unspeakablegaming, trolling, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, glitch, funny, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, how to, parody, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakableplays minecraft
Id: EJp1qrzPOHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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