15 Craziest Conspiracy Theories In Joe Rogan History

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these are 15 of the craziest conspiracy theories ever shared on The Joe Rogan Experience Podcast beginning with episode 1954 where Joe Rogan shares his theory on the afterlife the theory that many people have is that death opens up a chemical Gateway in the mind and that chemical Gateway takes whatever the soul is whatever Consciousness is and transports it into this new realm it allows you your conscious mind to access this new realm which is available to you upon death and so a lot of the ancient cultures that did Ayahuasca and all and and mushrooms they would talk about this realm as being like a Well of Souls that you encounter disembodied life forms disembodied spirits and this has been it's been a staple of so many religions there's so many religions that talk about the afterlife I mean I get that you would want to come up with something like that just because you wanted to have some sort of a reason to keep going with the rational mind when you're dealing with those existential angst of a temporary existence and one day you're just going to be worm food what's the point of it all why don't I end it now it's too much life is to live is to suffer no there's something waiting for you when it's over on episode 1117 Joe Rogan is absolutely shocked by this crazy Hitler Theory because a lot of people are like finding Hitler get the [ __ ] out of here they found Hitler he died yeah I mean not really we don't know right that that's the that's this isn't like Ancient Aliens this is we they Declassified a bunch of documents um they both the Israelis um the British and the Germans and Americans in the past 20 years have been decl consistently Declassified documents and there were a bunch of specifically FBI documents that we were spending millions and millions of dollars actively searching for Hitler after the war as was yeah like millions of dollars who was like no no no send more FBI agents to South America um to North Africa go to the Canary Islands go to Spain trying to find out where this guy went the Russians got the body and they got his skull and when they brought it back to Moscow nobody has ever been able to independently verify who and what this body is they let one genetic test occur and the body and with the bullet holes that they said was Hitler and have said and that's the narrative that's a story that's all the eyewitness accounts that are in even in the vicinity of collaborating with each other um and cooperating each other's testimony like the closest version because none of it seems to be very accurate is that okay here's Hitler's skull and when they did the genetic testing it's that of a 35 year old woman so like oh well this isn't Hitler so what you had in South America both Chile and Argentina back to back had fascist regime regimes you had uh Peron who was part of the Nazi party starting all the way back into the mid-30s he's the president of Argentina so the Red Cross there was about three different rat lines that guys were able to successfully get out of Europe into South America um and these are there's no question that we're talking thousands if not tens of thousands of high-ranking Nazis made it there tens of thousands tens of thousands and I'm not talking like little soldiers I'm talking high-ranking Nazis but what you got in South America were isolated german-only communities you could go into baraloce Argentina and you know I'd be like what was these Amigos and they're like Guten Morgen like oh yeah I I meant good morning yeah sorry it's 2017 right I thought we spoke Spanish so in 2017 you were there and they were speaking German yeah well I I'm I don't look very I might look more European than I do so it's just them seeing me walking down the street and be like and there's tons of communities I mean if you go to Colonia dignidad which is now called via barbaria it is uh only German Center of Chile in the mountains of Chile like you there's no Spanish being been spoken there it is exclusively German and these are the descendants of Nazis powerful Nazis holy [ __ ] are there any legitimate eyewitness accounts of Hitler in South America absolutely potentially yeah eyewitness counts I saw him get off a boat I saw him meet here and if it was just some person saying it it's almost meaningless right but if you look at the context of who this person is the wealth that they have that they shouldn't have like can you explain how you got so rich in two generations you know like okay your grandpa got here from Germany in 1946. that's weird um and he he he's on a legitimate Visa with an Argentinian passport also weird um and now he's a war Refugee that's now worth millions of dollars how does this how does this work on episode 1897 Graham Hancock shares his theory that Antarctica on ancient maps is evidence of for advanced civilizations one of the things I find most striking is the presence of Antarctica on ancient maps because we didn't Discover it until 1820 and yet it's on maps drawn in the 1500s with great detail which again were based on much older Source maps that have now been lost to us um astonishing thing is the the so-called Pinkerton world map I don't know if you can if you can find it Jamie uh drawn I think in 1813 or 1818 based on the latest exploration data at that time and where Antarctica is Antarctica is yeah that one keep going right it just shows a hole where Antarctica is um because they did it was an honest map nobody had found it by then but if you go back to for example the Wolseley Willow world map drawn in 15 30 or thereabouts you find Antarctica is present that map shows shows Antarctica exactly where it should be and it shows it there we go Antarctica at the tip of South America just south of South Africa and what did they call it back then well they call it the southern land um and it's and it's larger than it is today but it was larger than it is today during the Ice Age Antarctica was a much bigger now what the [ __ ] is it doing on a map drawn in the 1500s which we know was based on older Source Maps when nobody knew it existed in the 1500s to me the obvious answer is we are dealing with the Fingerprints of the Lost Civilization that mapped the world and that left evidence of that mapping which ancient map makers found and used and incorporated into their Maps these Maps can be very confusing because they were trying to mix exploration data from their own period with data from the older Maps but when you look at these maps in depth they're very very intriguing on episode 1928 Jimmy corsetti shares his theory about Adam and Eve and the magnetic poles um but the Adam and Eve Story the theory of that is that these it happens in cycles of 6 500 years and that it's a 90 degree flip but six days later or on the seventh day it corrects itself Planet flips it that correct it's a it's a planet flip 90 degree and that because of it the Earth essentially does a standstill the sun will be direct will basically stay in the same spot causing heating like we've never experienced and that the wind and the waters continue with their momentum because essentially the wind travels at approximately a thousand miles an hour at the Equator so the theory is that when that event happens it's going to be cataclysmic and here's the wild thing is that in that document it says uh a continental size tsunami being two miles high well I showed you the mikusi volcano in Africa in the Sahara which is at 11 300 feet that has salt as well as evidence of gastropods sea lice two miles high yes and I'm like it's just it would make a lot of sense like if you look at the Bible and involving like Revelations and it's saying like six days Six Days on the seventh day God rested and that document it says six days things start simmering down a bit in the set you know by day seven things are starting over new foreign with Joe Rogan's MMA show number 12. Joe Rogan explains his conspiracy that the U.S moon landing was fake the press conference from 1969 when they returned from the Moon is one of the most cryptic weird things you'll ever see these guys look like they just stole something and they're being questioned it's it's still it's I've never seen a video where people look like they're more full of [ __ ] than that video of the press conference from 1969. weird man it's weird they're like a fidgety and looking nervous like they're getting away so they didn't do it then they might have done it they might have been forced to say some things that they didn't want to say and that could be part of it absolutely you know they could have done it but there's a lot of weirdness with the moon landing it's it's if you wanted to have like a conspiracy that to wrap your head around it's exciting it's one of the best ones who benefits from it the United States government did because it showed military superiority of the Russians and we were able to do that it also you know it was the Nixon Administration people just flat out full of [ __ ] well yeah I mean they were just lying to people left and right back then that's government though yeah but even more so then because it was unchecked there was no media social media yeah there's nothing that would expose them for this and this stuff I mean they would air it on TV once in 1969 you never see it again unless you watched it on film there's no YouTube where you could go back and watch the astronauts on trampolines video watch this and like their feet are hidden look at this watch these guys bounce up in the air it's like they're on some sort of wire like they're being yanked up into the air oh yeah like what the [ __ ] are they doing and they're playing like falling down and it's very weird but it could have been that they were really on the moon and these guys were [ __ ] Cowboys and yahoos and they wanted to bounce around but there was there's videos of the flag moving in a non-existent breeze which is weird too and there's they try to make some logical explanations for why the flag could be moving in a vacuum and some of it makes sense but some of it doesn't like the the wires one is weird if you watch them fall down like go to that one right there Jamie it might not have been real footage what they might have done is use some test footage like right there Jamie right there Let It Go like homeboy falls down and then it looks like he has yanked back up look at this oh he did not that's not him standing up yeah what is this on episode number 1308 Joe Rogan explains his conspiracy that 911 was an inside job you want to hear another conspiracy theory that you probably don't know it's gonna blow your mind let's do it the day day before 9 11 the day before the attacks Rumsfeld gave a press conference where he talked about trillions of dollars missing the day then a plane slams into the very part of the building where they were doing the accounting blows up half the [ __ ] building of the Pentagon blows up a wall Donald Rumsfeld was on where was it the White House lawn According to some estimates we cannot track 2.3 trillion dollars in transactions [Music] [Laughter] okay now again somebody told you that literally like right before 9 11 happened they said they they couldn't track 2.3 trillion dollars no that didn't happen that did not happen but it did happen what the [ __ ] yeah so think about what Kennedy said think about what you saw when you saw that Vice movie where Dick Cheney who was the CEO of halberton becomes the vice president and gets billions of dollars in no bid contracts now think about what we just saw with Donald Rumsfeld saying they couldn't find 2.3 trillion dollars I don't know where what I don't know I don't know it seems like we should have had it so we'll keep looking oh no the spot where we look just blew up oh my God what find out if that's true if the it was the accounting office because this is what I loved I love to say it because it sounds good but let's make sure it's true that that part blew up but either way that he did say that and then they did get hit by a plane a couple of days later it's unbelievable it's so crazy no one talks about that trillion dollars on episode 1314. Joe Rogan shares his infinite universe theory and then there's hundreds of billions of galaxies so the idea that we're the only one not only that Neil deGrasse Tyson's explained this to me because this is a mind [ __ ] a half that the universe is so big that not only is there another you out there that has done everything exactly as you've done to every pause like that pause every pause down to the second yeah an infinite number yeah yeah you're talking about is it called the uh infinite in an infinite universes there's this exact conversation happening that people look exactly like that because Infinity implies infinite variations there's there's one where you get up right now and you have to take a piss right and you run out of the room well Charlemagne's there you are here I'm there there's one when you get up and you're mad that we don't believe you that you saw Bigfoot or something you know that kind of [ __ ] yeah this the idea that when you think of infinity right we think about it as being really big it's not it's impossible to put in your head yeah the infinite infinite universes like the size of the universe 14 billion light years apart infinite numbers of those not only that they think that inside every Galaxy is a supermassive black hole and inside that black hole may be another Universe with hundreds of billions of galaxies with hundreds of billions of black holes inside each one of those hundreds of billions of galaxies hundreds of billions of black holes that it's fractal and it's impossible for you to even conceive on episode number 1852 guest Sam Tripoli shares his theory that Ben Franklin was doing experiments on human bodies did you ever hear about what Ben Franklin was okay that's a different story but what did he do you never heard that like what he was found in it they found in his house no like tons of bodies bro what Ben Franklin they found tons of bodies in his Ben Franklin was a serial killer no he was like doing some weird [ __ ] dude yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah is this real yeah everything I say was Ben Franklin's basement filled with skeletons repairs on Franklin's old London house turned up 1 200 pieces of bone from at least 15 people holy [ __ ] for nearly two decades by the way this is from the Smithsonian this is not some wacky conspiracy thought this ain't Sam tripoli.com for nearly two decades leading up to the signing of the Declaration of Independence Benjamin Franklin lived in London in a house on 36 Craven Street in 1776 Franken left his English home to come back to America more than 200 years later 15 bodies were found in the basement buried in a secret windowless room beneath the Garden in 1998 conservationists were doing repairs on 36 Craven looking to turn Franklin's old haunt into a museum from a one meter wide one meter deep pit over 1200 pieces of bone were retrieved remnants of more than a dozen bodies said Benjamin Franklin's house six were children forensic investigation showed that the bones dated to Franklin's day holy [ __ ] the most plausible explanation is not mass murder but an anatomy School run by Benjamin's young friend and protege William Houston oh just an anatomy yeah and we're just gonna bury them downstairs note to add in another article about this oh boy Franklin's history is a Mason was one of the historians initial points of inquiry though shrouded in secrecy Masonic rituals have dark known undercurrents which have at times gone horribly wrong for example the 2004 initiation ceremony a new member was accidentally shot by a member who meant to fire an empty gun but instead fired a loaded one yeah they fake shot at each other yeah but when historic and historians dug deeper into what was going on the Franklin home during the years the bones dated back to they discovered the real culprit behind the bones is one of Williams yeah they're basically saying the same thing crazy right yeah Joe Rogan's theory on time travel you know that was the that was the theory that Terence McKenna had to the thing that's going to change the universe is that one day someone's going to invent a time machine and that when they invent a time machine all time ceases to become linear so you think if you have a time machine well oh I'll just go back to the time where they were making the pyramids and I watch them do it that's not what it works like when he was saying you can't travel where there are no roads so once a road gets built then you can travel so once a time machine gets invented then anyone from the invention of the time machine forward to Forever can come back to that moment and can go to any point in time from that moment to the end of time so all time ceases to be linear so there's no like tomorrow will be Wednesday and the next day will be Thursday no no it's everything happens everywhere all at once all right so people can travel back and forth through time you can never own anything because someone could just travel through time and check take it away from you when you weren't looking like like as time travel gets more and more sophisticated you can go back and forth in time while you're talking to people you know if you don't like what you said you could rewind and start all over again if you're in an argument with your wife you can go to the library and get information and come back and go actually you know Herodotus once said and then bam your wife thinks you're the smartest guy in the world like this but it would it would would there would be no normal life anymore it would like the world itself would be completely unrecognizable because time would mean nothing you'd be able to travel back and forth Through Time on Joe Rogan Experience number 1928 YouTuber and investigator Jimmy corsetti shares his theory about the lost city of Atlantis there's a location in the western Sahara Desert of Mauritania called the Rishad structure it's also commonly referred to as the eye of the Sahara it is a site that most people have never seen or heard of before which is truly peculiar because it's so spectacular it's a site that astronauts typically use to reference from space it is a geological feature that is said to be volcanic in nature and what's so spectacular about this is that it just so happens to match more than a dozen striking similarities to what Plato had described as the Lost ancient capital city of Atlantis Plato had described Atlantis as being the capital let me just mention that because it was an Empire said to be made up of ten kingdoms and what I'm focusing on is the Lost capital city which was said to be made up of concentric circles three of water two of land which matches the rishat structure it also is said to have an opening to the Sea at the South and if you look at it from satellite imagery you can clearly see that water had ran through it and furthermore it was said to have mountains to the north and you just so happen to have mountains called the Atlas mountain chain which Atlas was said to be the very first king of Atlantis and what's interesting is that the very first known king of Mauritania which is where the restaurant structure is located is also their very first known King was also named Atlas and though I'm not saying that that's the same individual but what we do today is we pass down names right like people like oh my dad's name is John and so is so is my son and so it's it's another striking similarity but it goes further than that like there's geological similarities such as the fact that Atlantis was said to be made up of red black and white color stone which is another similarity you see at the Rishad structure um it was said to have an abundance of gold and that the outer walls were lined with it and it turns out that Mauritania is loaded with gold and not only that the richest person ever known to exist in all of mankind is Mansa Musa of the Mali Empire which consisted partly of modern-day Mauritania and he was so rich from gold that he would be richer than Elon Musk in like Bezos combined almost like many unfathomable amount of billions of of dollars so that's another symbol what year was this on Joe Rogan experienced number 1266 War reporter Ben Anderson talks about a conspiracy theory around white helmets right now right there are parallel universes right now that exist on things that you would have thought everyone can accept as a basic fact like what you know um Syria yeah you know the white helmets there are some fairly serious people saying the white helmets are you know some kind of media front for Al-Qaeda would you explain the white helmets for people so when there's a when there's a bombing and a building collapses they go in and drag people out and get their medical attention as quick as possible and people think that they're somehow or another involved in it they're a front yeah and the footage is faked in order to drum up Sympathy for the rebel-held areas oh I mean that's I've heard you know serious people say that serious people yeah not not loons on Facebook I've heard you know like journalists or yeah yeah you wouldn't be able to really get like I know people that have gone to Venezuela and they come back and they go I don't know what the [ __ ] is going on over there I don't know who to believe I don't understand it Venezuela is a very strange one and I get messages all the time and you know I've had Abby Martin who goes over there and she has one take on it and I have other people that I talk to that have a different take on it and I do not know I don't know who to believe and I think you'd have to go over there and do you'd have to spend a lot of time to try to figure this out it would have to be the entire focus of your life to really try to parse it out on Joe Rogan Experience number 1339 Joe Rogan and Everlast go deep into parallel universe theories what about this what if every time you went to sleep and you woke up you passed into a nearby in very similar universe but not quite the same and depending upon your choices and how you live your life it's how you wake up and what new one you pop into on the other side and everyone's just a little bit different the whole world changes just a little bit each time you make a decision one way or another everything changes when you wake up you think the world is static because it is when you're awake you have no [ __ ] idea what's happening while you're asleep and when you wake up again you have this foggy recollection of the past and that's what you're going by you're going by every morning waking up with a foggy recollection of the past that's what you're doing and you're you're assuming that nothing's changed and everything's static and while you were asleep for eight hours nothing weird happened you know what the [ __ ] you're talking about you have no idea you're dreaming you're having crazy fantasies and [ __ ] weird stuff is happening you're [ __ ] mermaids you're flying through the air on a on a helicopter you know you don't weird things happen when you're dreaming what is all that about we don't even know we have no idea what that is that soup of possibilities it's [ __ ] swirling around in between your ears while you're snoring up a storm and then boom you wake up are you sure those memories are real are you sure that this isn't a whole completely new University living in today or assimilation or simulator on a Joe Rogan podcast from February 17 2019 Eddie Bravo shares his crazy conspiracy about space and one world government the only way to make a One World Government work is to have the people embrace it they have to want it because nobody wants it so the trick is to make to make people want it to embrace it there's only one way the only way and they've known this forever the Vatican knew this the Vatican the pope wanted to rule the world they all knew it but they couldn't do it they all knew it but they knew one way but there's no way man the only way is if there was some extraterrestrial threat from up above us that would be the only way to have everyone embrace the One World Government they all knew that for years they didn't work that's the plan they could never make a brand that they didn't have the technology 500 years ago the Vatican knew about it they wanted it and you go to the Vatican you see paintings that paintings of like have you been clothes with aliens in them and back when I used to believe in UFOs but before I figured out that um UFOs were are they want us to believe in UFOs they're preparing us for a fake alien invasion a one-world government the only way to do it is to get us to embrace it and the only way to embrace it is from an alien attack Ronald Reagan talked about it many times at the U.N CFR he talked about it goes wouldn't it make he looked at all the leaders of the of the nation of the world and said wanted to make our lives easier if we just had some you know some kind of extraterrestrial threat on Joe Rogan Experience number 1284 Graham Hancock shares his theory about ancient civilizations is above the king's chamber in the Great Pyramid are five further Chambers and these Chambers are roofed and floored with granite beams that weigh about 70 tons each and there are hundreds of them and these 70 ton Granite beams which to put in context a 70-ton beam is equivalent in weight to 35 large SUVs these 70-ton Granite beams have been elevated to a height of more than 350 feet above the ground and carefully and precisely placed in position it is very hard for archaeologists to explain how that was done using purely leverage and mechanical advantage you can say oh and perhaps they built a ramp and and and hauled the stones up the ramp then you have to confront basic laws of physics you can't haul a stone weighing tens of tons up a slope that exceeds 10 degrees then you start doing the calculation how long a ramp do I need with a 10 degree slope to get to 350 feet above the ground and the answer is you need a [ __ ] long ramp which which should still be there because not it couldn't have been a sand ramp it would have collapsed under the weight of those stones it had to be as massive as the pyramid itself so this begins to seem like an absurd idea the the idea that is foisted on us by archeology may be the idea that they regard it as absurd namely that psychic powers were cultivated by ancient civilizations that they could use powers of the human mind that we have allowed to lapse maybe that idea deserves further consideration
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Keywords: joe rogan experience, conspiracy theories, craziest conspiracy theories, joe rogan, rogan, joe rogan podcast, conspiracy, joe rogan fan page, joe rogan mma show, conspiracy theory, ancient conspiracy theories, true conspiracy theories, real conspiracy theories, true scientific conspiracy theories, scientific conspiracy theories, conspiracy theories of all time, history, theories, joe rogan experience guests, history channel, historical conspiracy theories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 53sec (1673 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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