UFO Hearing Live | Witnesses Testify That U.S. Is Hiiding Decades-Long Operation To Capture UFOs

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on the FAA reauthorization that just said if if an airline pilot has a siding that when he makes that report to the FAA that it would come to Congress but I was told that the intelligence community did not like that and the bill was the amendment was not even heard in committee I think it's time for this country to take back our country we need to tell the folks at the Pentagon they work for us that government we don't work for them and that's exactly the point this is an issue of government transparency we can't trust a government that does not trust its people we're not bringing Little Green Men or flying saucers into the hearing sorry to disappoint about half y'all we're just going to get to the facts we're going to uncover the cover-up and I hope this is just the beginning of many more hearings and more people coming forward about this and I yield back the remainder of my time I think is it to representative Luna Mr chairman yeah we'll we'll call him as Luna for her statement the circumstance surrounding uaps has captivated the intention of the Amer American people for decades ingrained in even the minds of our nation's leaders from Jimmy Carter to Barack Obama Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump Marco Rubio de Chuck Schumer John Radcliffe to National Security Council officials yet from Roswell New Mexico to the coast of Jacksonville Florida the sightings of uaps have rarely been explained by the people who have first-hand accounts of these situations this is largely due to the lack of transparency by our own government and the failure of our elected leaders to make good on their promises to release explanations and footage and mountains of overclassified documents that continue to be hidden from the American people this isn't just how I feel in fact the American people largely believe that the government has actively covered up the truth about uaps one poll in particular found that 68 percent of Americans believe that the government is hiding information about uaps and not being honest about what we know about them and from my personal experience I believe the same thing another poll found that nearly half Americans believe that the federal government is doing a very bad or somewhat bad job of dealing with reports of UFO sightings as representative burchett just referenced on the fa bill that just went through you can tell that that's exactly happening considering the thousands of testimonies and videos taken on people's phones and eyewitnesses accounts made by credible Witnesses such as doctors Pilots scientists and active duty service members is unacceptable to continue to Gaslight Americans into thinking that this is not happening or that the potential of intelligence intelligent life forms exists other than humans even more alarming is the fact that these eyewitnesses are many of times service members and have no assurance that their lives will not be negatively impacted or even harmed by their experiences in being an active duty service member working on an Airfield I've had conversations with many Pilots where they were in fear of coming forward for Retribution and or being taken off flight status how do we know this because the government has said nothing to assure us otherwise they have also did nothing to to calm the concerns of over 20 of Americans who have reported to have seen UFOs or uaps we are simply told not to question the government and that the government has it under control today is the first hearing of its kind where we will attempt to get down to the bottom of what is actually happening with uaps but we'll hear from people who have had personal sightings rather than Pentagon bureaucrats who have always been sent to Stonewall investigations just so that the Press knows and the people know we were even denied access to a classified briefing in a skiff prior to this hearing due the amount of Hoops that we had to jump through to Grant temporary clearance to witness Crush who has knowledge of classified information it is time to have an open-minded discussion on this topic to hear the evidence and understand the magnitude of what this means not just for our nation but for Humanity thank you chairman I yield back the rest of my time thank you very much and I'd like to thank you thank you and Mr burchett for bringing this topic to my attention uh now we'll recognize National Security subcommittee ranking member Garcia for 10 minutes well thank you Mr chairman and I want to thank first our Witnesses for joining us today I want to begin by thanking you all for your service to our country I mean for sharing your voices uh today and your courage uh to be here as well uh to Mr Graves uh particularly grateful to you to spend some time that we had um for you to share with Candor um some of your experiences so I appreciate that as well I do want to thank all the members of our subcommittee today and also those that are here and have waved on for their incredible interest in this issue uh particularly to Congressman burchett I know that your leadership has brought us to this place today and I want to thank you for uh for that as well as everyone else that's been engaged in this work I also want to thank the oversight staff who I know has been working very hard to ensure that today's hearing is serious that it's transparent and that it also provides appropriate answers as our oversight body always demands now it's really important that we're here in a bipartisan way to have this conversation which really to the heart of it is about National Security and key to the subcommittee's Core purpose this is the subcommittee on National Security of the oversight committee now our witnesses will testify today that uaps have posed a serious safety threat and we must understand this more broadly we're dealing with real questions that get to the heart of our faith in government faith in our institutions as we all know is at an all-time low partisanship and alternative facts make it too easy to doubt narrative or into or our institutions but this hearing will offer the public unique perspectives building on years of reporting by both federal agencies and the Independent Media now some of the earliest reporting on this issue was a groundbreaking 2017 New York Times report which we which revealed research as we know now on unidentified anomalous phenomena as many call UFOs by the defense intelligence agency Mr Graves and Commander forever's experiences with uaps have also been documented by the public not just by the New York Times but CNN and many other national news outlets now the office of the Director of National Intelligence has published public reports documenting uaps and on June 9 2022 NASA announced that the agency is commissioning a study to of course examine unidentified anomalous phenomena now the sheer number of reports whistleblowers and stories of unidentified anomalous phenomena should raise real questions and warrant investigation and oversight and that's why we are here today now Pilots have reported encounters for years now because of the stigma around reporting these incidents we still don't have a complete picture of actually what's going on particularly as our witnesses will testify on the civilian side and that is a real problem that we have today in the country now it's very important that we show that Democrats and Republicans in Congress can come together in a bipartisan way to cut through misinformation and to look at the facts in a serious and thoughtful manner if we are to advance oversight and public disclosure we must also gain the broad support of the public we will succeed getting facts out to the public faster if there is a broad public support as part of the process now I understand fully the Department of Defense is hesitant to share information that could also undermine our national security by revealing information on the capabilities of our own aircraft our sensors and other sensitive material at the same time many people believe that we're withholding information from them and that is dangerous also I believe in openness and transparency that is also the role of Congress and I want to trust that the American people will be able to weigh the evidence and make up their own minds now we have incidents where sensors sometimes even multiple types of sensors detect things that we cannot explain uaps whatever they may be May pose a serious threat to our military or civilian aircraft and that must be understood now my career in training as a long time and career educator and teacher and researcher tell me that we should never rule anything out we know that our space of course is vast and undiscovered I also want to note that Mr Sean Kirkpatrick director of the all domain anomaly resolution office the component of the dod office that investigates UAP data has testified before the Senate this year that his unit has found no evidence of extra extra activity NASA has also stated that they don't have evidence of extraterrestrial life either and we've heard this of course from some of our government agencies and we should remind viewers and Witnesses which I think is really important that we also cannot share classified information in public settings but questions of course remain that people want to see data and information for themselves the enormous interest in the hearing today underscores the importance of a fair and open look at the evidence from Witnesses who can share their unique perspectives now I know I certainly have a lot of questions I know that all the members of our committee do as well we should come to this hearing with an open mind and we should not let our existing ideas restrict us on either side I hear over and over from many agencies a stigma around reporting and investigating uaps prevents us from getting real answers we know that whistleblowers have reported harassment intimidation or stigma as well and this is not acceptable if people can't report incidents which would have National Security or safety implications then that also has serious consequences for us as ranking member of this subcommittee I know it's my I know my job would be completely impossible if whistleblowers or others feel intimidated to come before this committee we can't be afraid of asking questions and we can't be afraid of the truth I'm proud to say this that this hearing builds upon bipartisan work by members of the House and Senate dating many years back which is sought to increase awareness within the Department of Defense and more and to mandate more of Congress of uaps we know the senator is taking up an amendment to their defense authorization bill which will create a commission with broad declassification Authority and we can should all agree that that is an important step members of both parties and Senior officials in multiple administrations have taken an interest in this issue and we're proud to carry and build that confidence in the American people this hearing will also not be the end of this discussion but a new chapter and start to years and years of work that many folks both in both in the public and within government have been working on we should encourage more reporting not less on uaps the more they under we understand the safer we will be we looked your testimony from Witnesses today with a long record of service to the American people and with subject matter expertise art Witnesses have a unique opportunity to share the perspective insights and their experiences with the American people and I encourage all of my colleagues to engage with these difficult questions with an open mind and to follow the facts on behalf of our country I also just want to say more broadly that we should look at this hearing with and believe that everything is on the table as it relates to uaps I think we an open mind is absolutely the best I want to yield there are two and a half minutes the remainder of my time to the representative from Florida representative Moskowitz for an opening statement he also has been very much engaged in this issue and I want to thank him for his leadership Congressman uh thank you ranking member Garcia thank you Mr chairman I want to thank Tim birchett and Anna Paulina Luna for their leadership and pushing this hearing forward I want to thank obviously committee staff and their staff working on this on a bipartisan basis because many Americans are deeply interested uh in this issue and it shouldn't take the potential of non-human origin to bring us together uh additionally I want to thank the witnesses for for coming forward to share your perspectives your thoughts and the sightings of uaps unlike other hearings many times in Congress you're not here to help a political party but you're here to share information with the American people and it's not something that is just going on in this Administration it's something that's uh spanned many administrations for decades many Americans have been fascinated by objects mysterious and unexplained and it's long past time that they got some answers the American public has a right to learn about Technologies of unknown Origins non-human intelligence and unexplainable phenomena those are not the words of a UFO Twitter account though that is a direct quote for majority leader Chuck Schumer that the American public has a right to learn about Technologies of unknown Origins non-human intelligence and unexplainable phenomena in an interview with Fox News recent former Director of National Intelligence John Radcliffe confirmed the U.S government is aware a lot more sightings of uaps and that they have not made that information public I quote there are a lot more sightings that have not been made public Radcliffe said to Fox News for me this hearing is about transparency we unfortunately live in a time in which many people distrust government and our institutions and over classification of information away from the American public or even Congress contributes to today's Politics the American people have regular questions what are uaps how come the media doesn't report more on them are they foreign adversaries are the U.S technology are they something else they ask themselves how come when a Russian jet shoots flares at one of our drones we have perfect pictures and videos to show the American people and the world but when it comes to uaps nothing of course we must always protect our national security to maintain our superiority like when stealth helicopters were only rumored to exist but were used in the Osama Bin Laden raid in 2011. but we can't allow that to be used as a shield to keep the American people completely in the dark from basic truths the American people deserve to hear more about special access programs Congress has a right to know if there's any unsanctioned weapons development satellite imagery that has not been provided to Congress Congress created the all-demain resolution office in the ndaa of 2022. in its initial analysis there are 171 uncharacterized UAP reports and this is the words from the report that appear to have demonstrated unusual flight characteristics or performance capabilities I believe more information is known about the 171 instances it's time for Congress to reinsert ourselves I call on our military leaders and intelligence officials to release more information to the American people about uaps and to our military leaders if there's nothing to conceal let Congress go to write Patterson Air Force Base The dugway Proving Ground or even Groom Lake in Nevada we should have disclosure today we should have disclosure tomorrow the time has come thank you ranking member thank you Mr Moskowitz and I would yield back now to our chairman thank you right now I'd like to introduce our Witnesses our first Witnesses Lieutenant Ryan Graves he's the executive director of Americans for safe Aerospace Lieutenant Graves is also a former U.S Navy F-18 pilot with the Zone UAP experience the next witness David grush is a former senior intelligence officer with the National geospatial Intelligence Agency and was a senior technical advisor for UAP issues and final finally retired Navy Commander date Commander David fraver Squadron leader who worked as an evil Aviator for 18 years Mr fraver has his own UAP experience known as The Tick Tock event I look forward to hearing from all three of you today pursuant to committee rule 9g the witnesses will please stand and raise their right hands do you solemnly swear or affirm that the testimony you are about to give is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God let the record show that all the witnesses answered in the affirmative you may be seated we appreciate you all being here today and look forward to your testimony I'll remind the witnesses that we have read your written statements and they will appear in full in the hearing record please try to limit your oral statements to five minutes as a reminder please press the button on the microphone in front of you so that it's on and the members can hear you when you begin to speak the light in front of you will turn green after four minutes it'll turn yellow and the red light when that comes on it tells you your five minutes have expired I'll now recognize Mr Graves for five minutes for your opening statement thank you chairman Rothman ranking member Garcia distinguished members of the House oversight subcommittee on National Security representative burchett and Luna my name is Ryan fobs Graves and I'm a former F-18 pilot with a decade of service in the U.S Navy including two deployments in operation enduring freedom and operation inherent resolve I have experienced Advanced UAP firsthand and I'm here to voice the concerns of more than 30 commercial air crew and military veterans who have confided their similar encounters with me today I would like to highlight three critical issues that demand our action as we convene here UAP are in our airspace but they are grossly under reported these sightings are not rare or isolated they are routine military air crew and commercial pilots trained observers whose lives depend on accurate identification are frequently witnessing these phenomena the stigma attached to UAP is real and powerful and challenges National Security it silences commercial pilots who fear professional repercussions discourages Witnesses it is only compounded by recent government claims questioning the credibility of eyewitness testimony parts of our government are aware of more about UAP than they let on the excessive classification practices keep crucial information hidden since 2021 all UAP videos are classified as secret or above this level of secrecy not only impedes our understanding but fuels speculation and mistrust in 2014 I was an F-18 foxtrot pilot in the Navy fighter attack Squadron 11 the red Rippers and I was stationed at NAS Oceana in Virginia Beach after upgrades were made to our Jets radar systems we began detecting unknown objects operating in our airspace at first we assume there are radar errors but soon we began to correlate the radar tract with multiple onboard sensors including infrared systems eventually through Visual ID during a training mission in warning area whiskey 72 10 miles off the coast of Virginia Beach two F-18 Super Hornets were split by UAP the object described as a dark gray or a black Cube inside of a clear sphere came within 50 feet of the lead aircraft and was estimated to be 5 to 15 feet in diameter the mission Commander terminated the flight immediately and returned base our Squadron submitted a safety Port but there was no official acknowledgment of the incident and no further mechanism to report the sightings soon these encounters became so frequent that aircrew would discuss the risk of UAP as part of their regular pre-flight briefs recognizing the need for action and answers I founded Americans for safe Aerospace the organization has since become a heaven for UAP Witnesses who were previously unspoken due to the absence of a safe intake process more than 30 Witnesses have come forward in almost 5 000 Americans have joined us in the fight for transparency at safe aerospace.org the majority of Witnesses are commercial pilots at majority major airlines often they are veterans with Decades of flying experience Pilots are reporting UAP at altitudes that appear above them at forty thousand feet potentially in low earth orbit or in the gray Zone below the Carmen line making inexplainable Maneuvers like right hand turns and retrograde orbits or j-hooks sometimes these reports are reoccurring with numerous recent sightings north of Hawaii and in the North Atlantic other veterans are also coming forward to us regarding UAP Encounters in our airspace and oceans the most compelling involved observations of UAP by multiple Witnesses and sensor systems I believe these accounts are only scratching the surface and more will share their experiences once it is safe to do so in closing I recognize the skepticism surrounding this topic if everyone can see the sensor and video data I witnessed our national conversation would change I urge us to put a size stigma and address the security and safety issue this topic represents if you appear foreign drones it is an urgent national security problem if it is something else is an issue for science in either case unidentified objects are concerned for flight safety the American people deserve to know what is happening in our skies it is long overdue thank you Mr Rush Mr chairman Reiki members and congressmen thank you I'm happy to be here this is an important issue and I'm grateful for your time my name is David Charles grush I was an intelligence officer for 14 years in the both in the U.S Air Force both active duty Air National Guard and Reserve at the rank of major and most recently from 2021 to 2025 or excuse me 2023 at the National geospatial Intelligence Agency NGA at the gs-15 civilian level which is the military equivalent of a full bird colonel I was my agency's co-lead and unidentified anomalous phenomena and transmedium object analysis as well as reporting to the UAP task force uaptf and eventually once it was established the all-domain anomaly resolution office Arrow I became a whistleblower through a PPD 19 urgent concern filing in May 2022 with the intelligence Community Inspector General following concerning reports from multiple esteemed and credentialed current and former military and intelligence Community individuals that the U.S government is operating with secrecy above Congressional oversights with regards to uaps my testimony is based on information I've been given by individuals with a long-standing track record of legitimacy and service to this country many of whom also have shared compelling evidence in the form of photography official documentation and classified oral testimony to myself and many my various colleagues I have taken every step I can to collaborate this evidence over a period of four years while I was with the UAP task force and do my due diligence on the individual sharing it this is because of these steps I believe strongly in the importance of bringing this information before you I am driven by a commitment of both to truth and transparency rooted in our inherent duty to uphold the United States Constitution and protect the American people I'm asking Congress to hold our government to this standard and thoroughly investigate these claims but as I stand here under oath now I am speaking to the facts as I have been told them in the U.S Air Force in my national reconnaissance office nro Reserve its capacity I was a member of the UAP task force from 2019 to 2021. I served at the interro operations center on the director's briefing staff which included the coordination of the presidential Daily Brief and supporting variety of contingency operations which I was the reserve Intelligence Division Chief back up in 2019 the UAP task force director asked me to identify all special access programs and controlled access programs also known as saps and caps we needed to satisfy our congressionally mandated Mission and we were direct report at the time to the depth sect deaf at the time due to my extensive executive level intelligence support duties I was cleared to literally all relevant compartments and in a position of extreme trust both in my military and civilian capacities I was informed in the course of my official duties of a multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse engineering program uh to which I was denied access to those additional read-ons when I uh requested it I made the decision based on the data I collected to report this information to my Superior superiors and multiple inspectors General and in effect becoming a whistleblower as you know I've suffered retaliation for my decision but I am hopeful that my actions will ultimately lead to a positive outcome of increased transparency thank you and I'm happy to answer your questions thank you Commander favor to Chairman Congressman Connor's women I want to first thank you for the invitation to speak to the committee on the UAP topic this has been in the news for the past six years and seems to be continuing to gain momentum as you know my name is David fraver I'm retired commander in the United States Navy in 2004 I was a commanding officer of Strike Fighter Squadron 41 the world famous Black Aces if you're attached to carriering 11 stationed on board the USS Nimitz and it begun a two-month workup cycle off the coast of California on this day we were scheduled for a 2v2 aired air training with the USS Princeton as our control when we launched off knits my wingman was joining up we were told that the training was going to be suspended and we're doing we're going to proceed with real world tasking as we proceeded to the West the air controller was counting down the range to an object that we were going to and we're unaware of what we were going to see when we arrived their uh the controller told us that these objects had been observed for over two weeks coming down from over 80 000 feet rapidly descending to 20 000 feet hanging out for hours and then going straight back up for those who don't realize above 80 000 feet is space we arrived at the location at approximately 20 000 feet in a controller called merge plot which means that our radar was now in the same resolution cell as the contact as we looked around we noticed that we saw some white water off our right side it's important to note the weather on this day was as close to perfect as you could ask for off the coast of San Diego clear skies light winds calm seas no White Caps from waves so the Whitewater stood out in a large Blue Ocean all four of us because we were in f-18f so we had pilots in wiso in the back seat looked down a small saw white Tic Tac object with a longitudinal axis pointing North South and moving very abruptly over the water like a ping pong ball there were no rotors no rotor wash or any sign of visible control surfaces like wings as we started clockwise towards the object My Wizard and I decided to go down and take a closer look with the other aircraft staying in High cover to observe both us and the Tic Tac we proceeded around the circle about 90 degrees from the start of our descent and the object object suddenly shifted its longitudinal axis aligned it with my aircraft and began to climb we continued down another 270 degrees nose low where the Tic-Tac or we consumed 270 degrees toward and we went nose load where the Tic Tac would have been our altitude at this point was about 15 000 feet in the Tic Tac was about 12 000. as we pulled nose onto the object within about a half mile of it it rapidly accelerated in front of us and disappeared our wingmen roughly 8 000 feet above us lost contact also we immediately turned back to see where the white water was at and it was gone also so as you started to turn back towards the east the controller came up and said sir you're not going to believe this but that thing is at your cat Point roughly 60 miles away in less than a minute you can calculate the speed we returned to Nimitz we were taking off our gear we were talking to one of my Cruisers getting ready to launch we mentioned it to him and they went out and luckily got the video that you see that 90 second video what you don't see is the radar tape that was never released and we don't know where it's at the act of jamming that the object put on an apg-73 radar and I can get into modes later if you're interested what is shocking to us is that the incident was never investigated none of my crew ever questioned tapes were never taken and after a couple days it turned into a great story with friends it wasn't until 2009 until Jay Stratton had contacted me to investigate unbeknownstall he was part of the atip program and the Pentagon led by Lou alizando uh and there was an official official report that came out that's now on the internet years later I was contacted by the other pilot Alex Dietrich and asked if I'd been contacted and I said no but I'm willing to talk I was contacted by Mr Elizondo and uh we talked for a short period of time and he said we'd be in contact a few weeks after that I was made a word that lewd left the Pentagon in protest and joined forces with Tom Delong Chris melon Steve Justice and others to form two stars Academy an organization that pressed the issue with leading industry experts and U.S government officials they worked with Leslie Keane who was present today Rob Blumenthal and Helene Cooper to published the articles in the New York Times 2017 New York Times and it removed the stigma on the topic of UFOs which is why we're here today those articles open the door for the government and public that cannot be closed it has led to an interest from our elected officials who are not focused on Little Green Men but figuring out where these crafts are where they from the technology they possess how do they operate it also led to the Whistleblower protection act in the ndaa there are multiple Witnesses coming forward to say uh that have first-hand knowledge and Mr grush has covered that what concerns me is that there's no oversight from our elected officials on anything associated with our government processing or working on Craft I believe not from this world this issue is not a full public disclosure that could undermine National Security but it is about ensuring that our system of checks and balances Works across all work done in the government using taxpayer funds relative to government programs even unacknowledge way programs have some level of oversight by the appropriate committee members in the House and Senate and this work that is said to be occurring from whistleblower testimonies should not be exempt in closing I would like to say that the Tic Tac object we engaged in 2004 was far superior to anything that we had on time have today or looking to develop in the next 10 years if we in fact have programs that possess this technology and needs to have oversight from those people that the citizens of this great country elected an office to represent what is best for the United States and best for the citizens I thank you for your time thank you very much thank you very much and it was very difficult for all of you all you've done in the past to try to illuminate this issue calling myself first for some questions I'm going to start with Mr graves are your Pilots our Pilots that you interact with as part of your organization do you feel adequately trained and brief then how to handle encounters with uaps no right now uh military witnesses to UAP have limited options for reporting UAP but more more concerning is that commercial uh Aviation sector has not adapted to the lessons that the military has implemented the military and Department of Defense has stated that UAP represent a critical Aviation safety risk we have not seen that that same that same language being used in the commercial markets they are not acknowledging this risk okay what steps do you think you have to be taken to improve a pilot cop reporting be it military or commercial right now we need a system where Pilots can report without fear of losing their jobs there is a fear that the stigma associated with this topic is going to lead to professional repercussions either through management or perhaps through their yearly physical check so having a secure system reducing the stigma and making this available this information available through the public is going to reduce the concerns that aircrew have could you just give me a little idea that the degree to which reports in the past are are not made public right now well I don't think there has been a proper reporting system to gather those reports and thus not report them so to answer your question I think there is a dearth of data due to the fact that the reporting has been limited up to this time could you tell me why you believe it's kind of play The Devil's Advocate a reason why some of this stuff should not be available to the public there's certainly some National Security concerns when we use our Advanced sensors and our tactical Jets to be able to identify these these objects however there's no reason that the objects themselves would be classified I would be curious to see how the security classification guideline actually spells out the different nuances of how this topic is classified from the from the perspective of UAP not National Security I'll give you a follow-up on that assuming that there are reasons why not all this should be made public this has been around for a long period of time um can you think of can any of the three of you think of any reason why anything related to uaps say 15 years and back should not be immediately made public one of it is uh acknowledging a vulnerability both from a collection and I'll just say A you know countermeasure perspective so it's uh no we haven't cracked for many years even say 20 years back is there any reason why when you go back that far things shouldn't be made public unless it shows a specific National Security vulnerability as it relates to a weakness and particular defenses okay Mr fravor the Tic Tac incident that you and that with that you were engaged occurred in 2004 what kind of reporting took place after that incident none we had a standard debrief where the back seaters went down to our carrier Intel Center and brief what had happened and that was it no one else talked to us and I was in the top 20 in the battle group no one came that Captain was aware that was aware nothing was done you're commanding officers provide any sort of justification no because I was a commanding officer of the Squadron so no was this incident the only UAP event that you encountered while you were a pilot yes it was okay um this is for any one of you based on based off of each of your experiences and observations do you believe uaps pose a Potential Threat to our national security and here's why the the technology that we faced was far superior than anything that we had and you could put that anywhere if you if you had one you captured one you reverse engineered it you got it to work you're talking something can go into space go someplace drop down in a matter of seconds do whatever it wants and leave and there's nothing we can do about it nothing okay either the other YouTube well I would also like to add from commercial Aviation and Military Aviation perspective we deal with uncertainty in our operating space as a matter of of our protection professional actions identifying friend from foe is very important to us and so when we have unidentified targets and we continue to ignore those due to a stigma or fear of what it could be that's an opening that our adversaries can take advantage of what what uh steps should we take in to better understand and respond to UAP Encounters in the interest of National Security there needs to be a location where this information is centralized for processing and there needs to be a two-way communication Loop so the operators on the front end have a feedback and can can get best practices on how to process information what to do and to ensure that they they their reporting is being listened to right now there's not a lot of back and forth Mr gresh in your complaint to the intelligence Community inspector you Inspector General you claim that you believe information is being hidden what kind of information do you think was hidden and do you think it should remain hidden yes I can speak to that very briefly in unclassified manner as you know the preponderance of my complaint was classified to the intelligence communities uh both uh material acquisition and exploitation activity um also baselining the uaps but not sharing it with you know intelligence professionals that are actually doing step briefs to Pilots uh that that kind of information yeah okay thank you very much now we'll go to Mr Garcia thank you um again thank you all for for your service and for testifying today um I want to just uh talk about the uaps as relates to what we're seeing in the Pilot's interaction with uaps particularly Mr Graves one of the I think concerns that for members of this committee is this idea that Pilots there's no system to actually report uaps and the stigma around pilots and so could you can you just briefly you mentioned there are you working with 30 Pilots right now that have had encounters with uaps uh but you've also I believe I'm discussed and know of many more pilots this is just those that you're currently working with is that correct can you expand on that certainly I'll break that down in two ways first when we were first experiencing these objects off the Eastern Seaboard in the 2014 to 2015 time period anyone that had upgraded their radar systems were seeing these objects so there was a large number of my colleagues that were detecting these objects off the Eastern Seaboard they were further correlating that information with the other onboard sensors and many of them also had their own on eye sightings as well of these objects now that was our personal first firsthand experience at the time since then as I've engaged this topic others have reached out to me that share their experiences both on the military side as well as a commercial Aviation side on the military Aviation side veterans that have recently got out have shared their stories and have expressed how the objects we were seeing in 2014 2015 continued all the way to 2019 2020 and Beyond and so it became a generational issue for Naval aviators on the Eastern Seaboard this was something we are briefing to new students this is something that was included in the notice to Airmen to ensure that there was no uh accidents and now with commercial aviators they are reaching out because they're having somewhat similar experiences as our military brothers and sisters but they do not have any reporting system that they can send this to and let me just add both to to Mr fraver uh as well as Mr Graves not having this system for for reporting would you both degree that is harmful to not just our national security interests but to understand this phenomenon of what's happening with uaps I think it's it's uh it's a it's actually it's a travesty that we don't have a system to correlate this and actually investigate you know so if you took the East Coast you know there's there's there's Coastal Radars out there that monitor our air defense identification zone so out to 200 miles uh they can track these you know so when you see them they could actually go and pull that data and get maneuvering and instead of just having the airplanes there's other data sources out there and I've talked to other government officials on this so you need a centrally located repository that these reports go to so if you just stuck it in dod you wouldn't get anything out of the intelligence committee because they have a tendency not to talk but if you had a central location where these reports would come in not just military but also commercial Aviation because there's a lot of that going on especially if you talk to anyone that flies from here to Hawaii over the Pacific they see odd lights so I think you need to develop something that allows you a central point to collect the data in order to investigate Mr Graves I would concur with everything Mr fravor said I'll continue to say that the commercial pilots that have reached out to me through Americans for safe Aerospace are doing so because they don't feel there's another way for them to report their safety issue and I think one of the clear outcomes of this hearing already is that there has to be a safe and transparent reporting process for Pilots both on the commercial side and the military side to be able to report uaps in a way that's also transparent but also understands the scope of our of our national security interests and what uh may be classified or not but I think there has to be some sort of system and so that's something that I hope can be an outcome that this committee can can work on is there anything else for just for the two of you briefly Beyond this reporting system that you think that we can do as a government to encourage and facilitate more civilian reporting I'm just doing it right now okay great I think this hearing is is going to show the American people that their government takes this topic seriously and how and how about civilians it may not be Pilots what kind of process could be in place for civilians who are not pilots who may have UAP encounters do either of you have any suggestions that could facilitate that my recommendations would make would be to make that a sense a sensor Centric operation in order to make it as objective as possible okay sir Mr favor no I agree with Mr Graves on that okay um just just just briefly I also just want to um note for particularly for the two pilots I have a question for Mr grush one of the things that I found fascinating in our discussion Mr Graves last night as well is that you've both described um uaps and formations and the way they have they they they are observed in space or or in our air and the way that they move essentially um ways in which current technology or aircraft that we know of are unable to actually function or move and so will you just for the public record again once once again um just uh briefly just either describe or note that aircraft that are being witnessed particularly by the 30 folks that you're working with are essentially outside the scope of anything that we know of today in the technology we have today Mr graves Mr favor yes the objects that are being seen by commercial pilots are performing Maneuvers that are unexplainable due to our current understanding of our technology and our capabilities as a country and that applies for the military as well Mr yeah I concur with that we have nothing that can stop in midair and go the other direction nor do we have anything that can like in our situation come down from space hang out for three hours and go back up thank you my last question and so and sometimes you I know that some you have also said some of these answers in the past we're trying to get them on the public record as well which is really important Mr grush finally do you believe that our government is in possession of uaps absolutely based on interviewing uh over 40 Witnesses over four years and and where I know the exact locations and and those locations were provided to the Inspector General and some of which to the intelligence committees I actually had the people with the first-hand knowledge um provide a protected disclosure to the Inspector General thank you and Mr chairman I would just say that I think that these questions are important questions and I look forward to being involved in the process to get those answered I know there'll be a lot of questions from the committee members so I yield back thank you we'll go to Mr Merchant himself thank you Mr chairman thank you Mr Garcia I would like to have you on the my legislation to do just that on the on the reporting um and we'll get together on that maybe it could be my co-sponsor on that that'd be really cool thank you for those great questions um Mr Graves again I'd like to know how do you know that these were not our aircraft some of the behaviors that we saw in a working area we would see these objects uh being at 0.0 Mach that's zero airspeed over a certain pieces of the ground so what that means just like a river if you throw a bobber in it's going to float Downstream these objects were staying completely stationary and category 4 hurricane winds these same objects would then accelerate to supersonic speeds 1.1 1.2 Mach and they would do so in very erratic and quick behaviors that we don't I don't have an explanation for it okay have you spoken to um Commercial and Military Pilots that have seen these off of our East Coast I have okay um Mr favor I noticed that um in the Tic Tac video uh it's Tic Tac like the candy not Tick Tock like the Chinese Communist uh yeah that's correct yes sir I just want to make that because my daughter uh corrected me on that and called me a boomer and said hey Boomer and I said no baby it's Tic Tac like the candy you're gonna have to just look it up and um but now I would love to like to say today is a is a day of many first it's a miracle that we're having this this meeting and it's also a miracle that my wife has put up with me for nine years today today is my anniversary so I want to tell my wife happy anniversary and that I love her very much um as she likes to say this nine years have been the best two years of her life thank you um Mr favor what what astonished you the most about the the flight capabilities of these Tic Tac very briefly uh the performance absolute performance it was and you're you're not aware of any other objects that anybody in the world has in this world that has those capabilities no I think it's far beyond actually our Material Science that we currently possess are you aware of any other reconnaissance platforms that attractor recorded the Tic Tac Maneuvers maybe the NORAD system or any of the others I am not okay Mr Grice thank you for being here brother thank you all very much um have you faced any retaliation or arrivals for any of your testimony or anything on these lines yeah uh I have to be careful what I say in detail because there is an open uh whistleblower reprisal investigation on my behalf and I don't want to compromise that investigation by providing anything that may uh help provide somebody information but it was very brutal and very unfortunate some of the tactics they used to hurt me both professionally and and personally to be quite Frank yeah it's very unfortunate as they say when you're over the target that's when they do the most firing at you do you have any personal knowledge of people have been harmed or injured in efforts to cover up or conceal these extraterrestrial technology yes personally have you heard anyone been murdered that you would think that you know of or have heard of I guess I have to be careful asking that question I directed people with that knowledge to the appropriate authorities maybe in a um if we could get it get in a confidential area of skiff we could talk about that but unfortunately um we were denied access to the skiff and that's very unfortunate in this in this scenario um Mr favor do you believe that you witnessed an additional object under the water in relation to your encounter I will say we did not see an object there was something there to cause the white water and when we turned around it was gone so there was something there that obviously moved okay it was it was not the same object though that you were you were looking at correct no we actually joked that the Tic Tac was communicating with something when we came back and because the White Water disappeared uh we were in another instance we're told about the capabilities of a jamming during viewing of some when there were some people chasing some of these objects did you experience any of that jamming or interrupting your radar or weapon system my crew that launched after we landed experienced significant jamming today apg-73 radar which was what we had on board which is a mechanically scanned very high-end system prior to the apg-79 and yes it did pretty much everything you could do range velocity aspect and then it hit the lock and the targeting pot is passive that's what we were able to get the video on I'm about to run out of time but um are you aware of any of our enemies that have that capability okay I would also like to note for the record that um like George Knapp breaking Area 51 he's the reason I knew about that and the reason I know about the Tic Tacs is uh is Leslie Kane from New York Times article and I would encourage everybody to read that thank you Mr chairman yield back to you for no time very good Mr Raskin thank you Mr chairman um Mr Graves um you reported UAP encounters um during training flights I think and have since come forward to warn the Pentagon that these encounters may be putting Pilots at risk um my first question is um you've identified these as taking place on the east coast is it just on the East Coast where these encounters uh have been reported no since the events initially occurred I've learned that the objects have been detected essentially where all operations Navy operations are being conducted across the world and that's from uh the all domain anomaly resolutions office reporting all right can you describe your experience after you decided to come forward and um go public with your um experience certainly like many others in 2017 I saw the New York Times article come out as well and for me it was it was special because I recognized the voices on the video I recognized the video itself I had seen it when it was taken I seen it when it was debriefed and so that was kind of shook me because I realized that this problem was still ongoing and so I reached out to colleagues back on the east coast and realized that this was still a safety risk that they were dealing with that they had essentially hit a wall with how they could move forward on this conversation it was at that point when I decided to try to move the conversation forward myself um are there common characteristics to the uaps that have been cited by different pilots and can you describe what the convergence of descriptions is certainly we were primarily seeing dark gray or black cubes inside of a clear sphere I'm sorry dark gray or black cubes yes inside of a clear sphere where the Apex or tips of the cube were touching the inside of that sphere and that was primarily what was being reported when we were able to gain a visual tally of these objects and that occurred over almost eight years and as far as I know it's still occurring [Music] um so the I take it that you're arguing what we need is real transparency in a reporting system so we can get some clarity on what's going on out there because there are many pilots in your situation um but we should have a way of developing assist systematic inventory of all of such encounters is that right yes and I think we need both transparency and the reporting we have the reporting but we need to make sure that information can be promulgated to commercial Aviation as well as the rest of the populace um Mr Crush what about you what was your experience after you came forward well uh it's only been in about two months or so so I guess my experience has been you know overwhelming support from uh former colleagues of mine that have you know privately messaged me and and I do appreciate that uh but I I do have knowledge of um active planned reprisal activity against myself and other colleagues and it's very very upsetting to me coming from where uh certain senior leadership at previous agencies I was associated with and that's all I'll say publicly but I can provide more details in a closed environment okay well I I hope you understand that um there would be bipartisan rejection of any attempt uh to vilify demonize or engage in other reprisals against our Witnesses and people who are telling the truth from their perspective yeah there were certain colleagues of mine that were brutally administratively attacked and it you know actually makes me very upset as a leader to see that happen to other co-workers and actually superiors of mine over the last three years how do you account for that response that seems like a bizarre response I called administrative terrorism that's their their quiver their tool in the toolbox to silence people especially you know the career government service cares about the career cares about their clearance uh their reputation to climb the ladder and when you threaten that uh flow career path a lot of people back off but I'm here to represent those people so um Mr fravor what about you um what has your experience been since you've come forward with your perspective on this actually I've been treated very well and the six people that were involved myself included all of them have or will be retiring from the military as 0506s and all my friends that are very senior three and four stars I've talked to them they they believe they understand there's a problem but no I was actually treated really well and and what is your general interpretation um of these phenomena or what is your current thinking of trying to make sense of them well I'll say you know I'm not like a UFO fanatic it's not it's not me but I will tell you that what we saw with four sets of eyes over a five minute period still there's nothing we have nothing close to it it was it was amazing to see I told my buddy I wanted to fly it but yeah it's just an incredible technology all right Mr chairman thank you very much I'll yield back to you uh thanks and Miss Luna Mr grush in speaking to you yesterday um I just wanted to follow up on representative raskin's questions in the last couple of years have you had incidences that have caused you to be in fear for your life for addressing these issues yes personally yeah I just want everyone to note that he's coming forward in fear of his life to put in perspective if they were really not scared about this information coming out why would someone be intimidated like that um to your knowledge our nhis working with adversarial foreign governments in either technology exchange programs or back engineering programs I don't have data on that I'm not sure have you heard or you had people come forward to present that evidence not that particular evidence that you just exposed okay on the 19th of April Dr Kirkpatrick head of Arrow had said that he did not find any evidence of uaps you also stated that you had in your interview that you'd briefed him on information that you were uncovering but that he did not follow up with you were the items that you divulged to him pertin to National Security yes him and I had a classified conversation in April 2022 before he took over arrow in the July to 2022 and I provided him some concerns I had do you know why he might not have fallen up with you unfortunately I cannot read his mind I wish he did I was I was happy to give Sage counsel to him on where to look when he took the Helm of Arrow okay and then my last question for you before I moved to Mr Graves is um you received prior approval from the defense department to speak on certain issues correct correct through uh dobster DOD pre-publication and Security review and I just want to remind the public uh they're just looking from a security perspective uh these are my own personal views and opinions uh not the Departments okay I'm asking that though mainly because I think that there are many people that would like to discredit you so it does bring a certain amount of credibility to your testimony I'm required by law to do that as a Former Intelligence officer or I go to jail for revealing classified information yeah we don't want you to go to jail my next question would actually be for Mr Graves can you please explain to me in detail the event that occurred at Vandenberg Air Force Base certainly uh in the 2003 time frame a large group of Boeing contractors were operating near one of the launch facilities at Vandenberg Air Force Base when they observed a very large 100 yard sided uh Red Square uh approach the base from the ocean and hover at low altitude over one of the launch facilities this object remained for about 45 seconds or so before darting off over the mountains um there was a similar event within 24 hours later in the evening this was a morning event I believe 8 45 in the morning later in the evening post sunset there were reports of other sightings on base including some aggressive behaviors these objects were approaching some of the security guards at rapid speeds before darting off and this is information that was received through one of the witnesses that have approached me at Americans for safe Aerospace was this documented in any official form whether it was a police blotter yes they had official documentation and records from the event that they witness held over the years and I'm not going to ask you to do it right now for time reasons but you would be able to sketch what was when it's correct and you've have you seen that before on any other equipment and or during your flight time I have not seen what they've described this object was estimated to be almost the size of a football field and I have not seen anything personally that large okay and then another question on follow-up referencing the gimbal video go fast incident can you just clarify because to our understanding the footage was actually cut off at a certain point but what happens at the end of that video just for those Americans specifically there that are wanting to know about the rest of that footage certainly uh there was some uncertainty or um instability with the object it seemed to rock a bit and that's the last uh last I had seen in the video much of the data that I would recommend be analyzed would consist of radar data that would provide precise kinematics on the object as well as the fleet of objects that were operating nearby okay and follow-up in regards to the reporting procedures that Mr Garcia had addressed on as well as representative burchett with the FAA to your understanding Pilots that are seeing this commercial airline pilots are they receiving cease and desist letters from corporations for coming forward with information in regards to safety for potential airline passengers I have been made privy to conversations with commercial aviators who have received seasoned assist orders so the American public should know that corporations are putting their own reputations on the basic not the line but ahead of the safety of the American people and I think would you agree with that statement appear so okay um I guess this would be my last I'm out of time I yield I'll be back good Mr muskowitz uh thank you Mr chairman uh Gentlemen let's talk about the laws of physics for a second uh Mr Graves and and Commander favor I heard you talk about speed when those objects broke uh the sound barrier did they make a sonic boom I was in a jet you can't hear anything it's kind of loud in there yeah you're not able to actually uh personally tell within the vehicle I will say the objects that we were seeing they were spherical and they were observed up to Mach 2 which is a very in uh non-aerdynamic shape what about g-forces let's talk about g-forces of those Vehicles could a human survive those g-forces with known technology today no no not for the acceleration rates that we observed okay what about what they look like how close did you get did you see a seam or a rivet or a section and what I mean is obviously the Jets you're flying have all those things did these objects have those do you want to go Ryan I didn't have I didn't have the detail to be able to tell that far but it's in airplanes that's actually relatively close no it was perfectly white smooth no windows although when we did take the original FLIR video that is out there when you put it on a big screen it actually had two little objects that came out of the bottom of it but other than that no no windows no seams no nothing Mr garage as a result of your previous government work have you met with people with direct knowledge or have direct knowledge yourself of non-human origin craft yes I personally interviewed those individuals Mr grush as a result of your previous government work have you met with people with direct knowledge or have direct knowledge yourself about ATS Advanced Technologies that the US government has uh based on conventional Advanced Tech I was briefed to the preponderance of the defense Department's both space and Aerospace compartment of programs yeah do you have knowledge or do you have reason to believe that there are programs in the advanced Tech space that are unsanctioned yes I do okay yeah and when you say that they're above congressional oversight what do you mean uh complicated question uh so there's you know some I would call it abuse here so Congressional oversight of conventional special access programs so I'll use title 10 so DOD as an example right so 10 U.S code section 119 discusses congressional oversight of saps discusses uh the the depth SEC def's ability to waive Congressional reporting however the gang of eight is at least supposed to be notified if a you know waived or wave bigoted I'd acknowledged sap is created and that's Public Law well so that how does I mean I don't want to cut you off but how does a program like that get funded I will give you generalities I can get very specific in a closed session uh but a misappropriation of funds and uh does that mean does that mean that there is money in the budget that is said to go to a program but it doesn't and it goes to something else yes I have specific knowledge of that yep do you think U.S corporations are over over charging for certain Tech they're selling to the US government and that additional money is going to programs correct through something called irad okay um satellite imagery let's talk about satellite imagery we have satellites all over the place some that we're aware of and many that we're not aware of right we're taking pictures of everything at every point in second uh Mr grush are you aware do you have direct knowledge or have you talk to people with direct knowledge that there are satellite imagery of these events uh that was one of my primary tasks at NGA since we uh process exploit and disseminate that kind of information I've seen multiple cases some of which to my understanding and of course I left NG in April so that's my information cut off date uh but I personally um reviewed both uh what we call Overhead collection and from other strategic and tactical platforms that were I could not even explain prosaically and have a degree in physics by the way as well and I had I I'm aware that you guys have not seen these um reports unfortunately and I don't know why it is do you have direct knowledge we had spoken people with direct knowledge that this imagery applies to crash sites crash crash imagery I can't discuss that in an open session okay uh do you have any information that the US government is involved in a disinformation campaign to deny the existence of certain uaps I can't go beyond what I've already stated publicly in my news Nation interview because it touches other sensitivities okay I'll yield the balance of my time back thank you Mr chairman foreign thank you Mr chairman and I thank our Witnesses for being here today um Mr garush in your sworn testimony you state that the United States government has retrieved supposedly extraterrestrial spacecraft and other UAP related artifacts you go so far as to state that the U.S is in possession of quote non-human spacecraft end quote and that some of these artifacts have circulated with defense contractors several other former military and intelligence officials have come forward with similar allegations albeit and non-public settings however Dr Sean Kirkpatrick the director of aaro previously testified before Congress that there has been and I quote no credible evidence thus far of extraterrestrial activity or of quote off-world technology brought to the attention of the office to your knowledge is that statement correct it's not accurate I believe Dr Kirkpatrick um mentioned he had about 30 individuals that have come to Arrow thus far a few of those individuals have also come to arrow that I also interviewed and I know what they provided okay information I need to go on sure but um my understanding that this his statement is accurate came from a direct quote and this contradiction is a perfect example of why we need to inject transparency into our government and for another example look no further than the pitiful response to the Chinese spy balloon debacle earlier this year you may remember the mass confusion that ensued when the balloon was first spotted over Montana four days after it first entered U.S airspace over Alaska the Biden administration's initial inability to address the object grew into a continuous series of embarrassments after news of the balloon reached the Main Street me mainstream media we were assured that the balloon posed no threat to our security however after the balloon was allowed to Transit the entire continental United States fighter jets were scrambled off the coast of South Carolina to shoot it down this flip-flopping and obfuscation caused needless confusion fear and panic across the country It's My Hope Mr chairman that this sort of confusion will not be repeated we should investigate the extent to which elements of our government possess or do not possess information that is of critical value to the American people we owe it to the citizens of this nation to make sure that our government is transparent and accountable we must make sure that our government provides answers and Congress must do its duty to solicit those answers with that Mr chairman I yield back yeah Mr Frost thank you Mr chairman in 2022 foreign NASA announced that it was commissioning an independent study team to examine uaps the NASA team is comprised of scientists across different fields as well as former astronauts and pilots in May the independent study team held that its first public meeting which included the perspectives from NASA senior leaders as well as perspectives from the Department of Defense and intelligence agencies the NASA study team is also expected to release its first report pretty soon and I think it's safe to say that we all eagerly await its results Mr Graves how might NASA's research influence the commercial industry regarding safety and UAP I think NASA has a big role to play as far as commercial Aviation and safety and it's one of their original charges as an organization one of the recommendations that have been put forward is to utilize their existing Aviation safety reporting system to serve as a short-term fill and trusted platform for Pilots that want to report on UAP it also has built-in analytics capability and is funded by Congress gotcha and also Mr graves are there any other industries that may be influenced by the NASA research on uaps and and if so how so well I think there is a a large swath of commercial capabilities that could be brought to bear on this topic from space-based or ground-based sensor systems that are available open source or through commercial marketplaces and I think NASA's work as they work to identify and highlight specific parameters that can be found we can take that information and and promulgate this through the public sector so that we can have a more open conversation about what we're seeing yeah you know in 2020 the Department of Defense released several videos of uaps um including Mr freyr's um experience U.S Navy Pilots that recorded footage in 2021 the office of the Director of National Intelligence released a preliminary report on UAP events NASA administrator Bill Nelson stated that NASA would begin to investigate these events in fact I sit on science based and Technology committee and when we were doing a hearing with the NASA administrator Bill Nelson I asked you know why NASA needed to be fully funded and there were many great reasons but one of them was actually had to do with uaps I mean he actually mentioned you know is there life out there I don't know and so either way these actions ultimately LED NASA to assemble the independent study team that I mentioned earlier also in 2021 Harvard University stood up the Galileo project to research and examine the origins of UAP so it seems like both you know from NASA and in the higher education Community because of the work that you all have done and people standing up you know I think we're seeing some of that stigma um slowly going away Mr uh freyr do you believe that military Pilots feeling empowered to share their UAP experiences has directly impacted the scientific communities research goals on this topic I would say yes I would say that you know starting in 2017 when it actually came out it took that stigma away I mean I've talked to multiple Senators who said prior to that if you mentioned UAP you'd have been laughed off the hill and now you've we're sitting here today for a public testimony on what's actually going on you know I I'm hoping that this Curve will be more of an exponential and we'll get more and more transparent to the level that we can yeah yeah and yeah I mean it's important I couldn't imagine you know I'm not a pilot but I used to fly gliders in Civil Air Patrol huh yeah I got a pilot yeah um and so either way I mean I couldn't imagine you know being being in the glider and seeing something and then not feeling like I had the agency to talk about it um Mr Graves can you discuss the importance of seeking scientists to sit on your Advisory Board absolutely I think ultimately this is going to be a scientific problem and not only that it's also an engineering problem I've been working with American Institute of Aeronautics and astronautics to help them stand up a UAP integration committee to help integrate their engineering prowess into this problem and so yes very much I think this is an engineering and scientific problem as much as national security problem and how might Congress help to facilitate Partnerships between the scientific community and the UAP focus groups within government well I think one of the things they can do is to have these types of hearings to communicate to the public that this is a topic of Interest I think that there is a pseudo-market if you will of interested capabilities and talent that want to approach this topic uh and we're seeing that start to grow now so I think continued conversation reduction of stigma is going to allow that to flourish and allow answers to help generate themselves 100 well thank you all for being here and thank you for your work I think it's important that we keep our top scientific Minds focused on this issue and look for ways to increase collaboration thank you so much I yield back Mr Comer thank you Mr chairman let me say I want to thank you for having this hearing and I want to thank Mr burchett Miss Luna for leading this hearing and with that I yield my five minutes to Mr Merchant thank you Mr chairman I'm going to direct this I believe to Mr grush but if any of you all feel like you need to jump in Just Jump Right In we're good as the U.S government become aware of actual evidence of extraterrestrial otherwise unexplained forms of intelligence and if so when do you think this first occurred I like to use the term non-human I don't like to denote origin keeps the aperture open both scientifically uh certainly like I've discussed publicly uh previously 1930s okay can you give me the names and titles of the people with direct first-hand knowledge and access to some of this crash retrieval some of these crash retrieval programs and maybe which facilities military bases that would the recovered material would be in and I know a lot of Congress talked about we're going to go to Area 51 and you know and there's nothing there anymore anyway it's just you know and we move like a glacier as soon as we announce it I'm sure the moving vans would pull up but please uh I can't discuss that publicly but I did provide that information both to the Intel committees and the Inspector General and we could get that in the skiff if we were allowed to get in a skiff with you would that be probably what you would think sure if you had the appropriate accesses yeah what special access programs cover this information and how is it possible that they have evaded oversight for so long I do know the names once again I can't discuss that publicly and how they've evaded oversight I in a closed setting I can tell you the specific tradecraft use all right when did when do you think those programs began and who authorized them I do know a lot of that information but that's something I can't discuss publicly because since all right many of y'all want to jump in on any of this you're more than welcome to um what level is security clearance is required to fully access these programs or anybody who has uh and I say that because myself um representing Gates and representative Luna were basically turned away at one point at Eglin so please go right ahead uh certainly difference between member access and say somebody like me but anybody who has a you know tssci clearance and meets the eligibility criteria the access adjudicative Authority should be able to Grant you access Miss Merchant feel yield so just to be put a fine point on that there's nothing that you're aware of that's above special access program classification it's a missile if there's anything actually Above Top Secret executive order 13526 delineates the classification levels right and but I I draw a point on that because we can have access to to those programs and so the notion that we're not being given that access sort of defies our typical muscle memory here in Congress thank you Miss Merchant I'll yield back to you thank you Mr Gates um along those lines title 10 you may not know this or not but title 10 and title 50 authorization as they seem to say they're inefficient it so who gets to decide this in your opinion in the past uh it's a group of career uh senior executive officials okay are they government officials they didn't announce do what both in and outs of government and that's about as far as all right well that's it leads to my next question which private corporations are directly involved in this program how much taxpayer money has been invested in these programs to your knowledge well we know we know we we audit the Pentagon every year and I've been here five years and they failed the dadgum thing every year uh lose over a billion dollars a year we think and I've told the Department of Defense maybe 60 percent of their assets are unaccounted for whatever the heck that means in the Public's sector you go to jail for that kind of crap so tell me yeah I know when I um I'm a dollar off of my DTS travel voucher I get the hammered but uh it seems like it doesn't work together if you sell over six if you sell over 600 worth of stuff on eBay now you get a call from the IRS so please what corporations yeah I don't know these specific metrics towards the end of your question uh the specific corporations I did provide uh to the Committees in specific divisions and uh I spent eleven and a half hours with both Intel committees so okay has there been any has there been an active U.S government disinformation campaign to deny the existence of unidentified aerial phenomena and if so why I can't go beyond what I've already espoused publicly about that okay I've been told to ask you what that what that is and how to get it in the record which uh what have you stated publicly in your interviews for the Congressional Record uh yeah if you reference my news Nation interview and I talk about a multi-decade you know campaign to disenfranchise public interest basically yeah I apologize for Mr chairman I yield back negative 21 seconds thank you Mr okay Cortez uh thank you Mr chairman and thank you to our Witnesses for coming here today I do concur with the ranking members as well as several other members here on this committee that this is a committee for whistleblowers and for the protection of whistleblowers as well so we understand what you're putting um on the table here and we're putting on the line here and we thank you for that uh Mr Crush you sat on the unidentified anomalous phenomenon task force created in the 2020 ndaa correct yes there have been some things that uh that have been mentioned here during this hearing that I wanted to pick up on um Mr Graves you mentioned specifically during the answer to one of your questions you named Boeing contractors being engaged in an incident regarding this Red Cube about a football a football field wide I was wondering if you could speak a little bit about the interaction or Mr gresh either of you the interactions between defense contractor companies and any UAP related programs or activities so I'll just say that the information about the contractor themselves were provided by a witness and I have no particular detail in that relationship Mr gresh uh the kind of General unclass wave tops certainly the contractors you know or the metal Benders so to speak the ones actually uh doing specific performance on government contracts are they required um to issue any disclosure regarding UAP sightings or do they engage in any uh reporting around this in terms of the contractors not that I'm aware of they do not okay now when it comes to notification that you had mentioned about um irap program I read programs we have seen defense contractors abuse their contracts before through this committee I have seen it personally and I have also seen the notification requirements to Congress abused um I am wondering one of the loopholes that we see in the law is that there is at least from my vantage point is that depending on what we're seeing is that there are no actual definitions or requirements for notification are there what methods of notification Did You observe like when they say they notified Congress how did they do that do you have insight into that for certain irad activities I can only think of one's conventional in nature sometimes they throw flow through certain out of say sap programs that have cognizant authority over the Air Force or something and those are congressionally reported compartments but I read is literally internal to the contractor so as long as it's money either profits private investment Etc to put a finer point on it when there is a requirement for any agency or company to notify or any agency to notify Congress do they contact the chairman of a committee do they get them on the phone specifically is this through an email to hypothetically a dead email box a lot of it comes through what they call the PPR periodic program review process if it's a you know a sap or controlled Access program equity and then those go to the specific committees whether it be the SAS Cask you see thank you um I apologize I just my time is limited um Mr Graves one of your main concerns that the FAA currently does not have an official process to receive reports of UAP from Pilots or others correct correct and um in your experience what data should the Aero program prioritize for potential collection we have you know location date time but are there other specific active characteristics that should be included in these reports certainly I think that there's two categories that would be important one would be kinematics and understanding the specifics of how the vehicle or objects are moving and the second would be a more zoomed out approach of being able to look at origin and destination after before the incident as well as getting a better contextual understanding of how these uh these objects are interact with each other thank you now because I only have a minute left I apologize we only have five minutes today but um for the record if you were me where would you look titles programs departments regions if you could just name anything and I put that as an open question to the three of you I'd be happy to give you that in a closed environment I can tell you specifically thank you um Commander fraver I would say and I've told people that you have to know where to look they're not going to divulge it to you because the classification levels but if you know where to look and who to talk to which is exactly Mr Gresham point you then you then you have them okay Mr Graves I was an operator so I was defending on folks like Mr garage to do that homework okay thank you very much I yield back to the chair Mr Biggs thanks thanks Mr chairman I think the witnesses for being here today I'm over here thank you so much for being here um I I want to get into uh specifics here and and the reason I'm going to go this way is because you've talked a bit about um what I would call misdirection by official U.S government with regard to uaps right and so I'm going to get to that in a second but last week White House NSC spokesman John Kirby stated that uaps are having an impact on our training ranges and needs to be treated as a legitimate issue do you concur with the statements that's for each of you yes yes yes okay um now having said that I'm going to take you to specific instances around the Phoenix Valley because that's where I I live in 97 we had the famous Phoenix light case I don't know if any of you are familiar with that there were there were two things that went along with that and the explanation was military training range off Luke and the Barry Goldwater range do you know anything different other than the official explanation of those lights only what's in the public vernacular about it that was outside the scope of my duties and if we wanted to just my question along with my colleague from New York Miz ocasio-cortez if we wanted to find out more about that where would we go to find the files and who where and who would we address and are you gonna tell me we need to go to a skiff so you can tell us in a skiff I could potentially give you a vector on that that specific case I'm not I mean I'm familiar with it in terms of public but uh I I give you a vector in closed environment yeah that would be good thank you so if if it's true that uaps are having an impact on training ranges and this Administration considers it to be a legitimate issue what steps can Congress take to address training range impacts and I say that having two very large training ranges in my state and so we'll start with Mr gravesen going down the panel some of the initial procedures have been implemented uh such as within the United States Navy that have a range Fowler report that gathers information from Pilots I understand that a service-wide reporting mechanism is still pending however that would be a great Next Step not only for gathering information but for showing the troops that is an acceptable topic and reducing the stigma is okay please all of you continue yeah as a recipient of a lot of those training range reports sometimes we only get contextual kind of oral uh reporting it'd be nice if they attached all sensor data and there's a system in place that can handle multiple classifications of data and that's an issue with the F-35 right that jet was never built to be an ISR platform and it's a pain in the well to say but to get that data off so yeah great thank you yeah I would agree with the previous two
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Keywords: ufo hearing, uap hearing, ugo hearing, uap hearing press, historic ufo hearing, house hearing on ufos, congress ufo hearing, ufo heaing, ufo congressional hearing, ufo hearing press conference, rep. tim burchett ufo hearing, house oversight committee hearing, ufo hearings, ufo hearing press, ufo hearing grusch, nasa uap public hearing, u.s. congress ufo hearing, u.s. congress hearing on aliens, news18 live, usa ufo sightings, ufo hearing live, ufo hearing grusch live
Id: Z2oU5P2zFrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 16sec (5056 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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