See how you can use Silicone oil and alcohol in your resin projects!

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welcome to my channel everybody today i  want to go ahead and i've been wanting to do   a tutorial on silicone silicone oil and resin or  using silicone oil to make um designs in resin   a lot of people call it cells i think it  has a distinct difference or in look from   cells but that's what we're going to kind of  play with it a little bit today so um silicon   oil is exactly what it sounds like and um and i  basically stole this off of my husband's shelf   so he may or may not know i have this so today  i'm going to we're going to be doing a very simple   um tray using just these three colors i think  i might if i change my mind we'll we'll talk   through it and i'm going to show you how i do our  used silicone oil on top of resin and then i think   we'll probably do a couple coasters on the side  so the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to   take these three colors and the first one i'm the  base color i'm going to use is this beautiful dark   turquoise which is a resin paste and it's it's a  little bit transparent and i mixed it transparent   on purpose because i just like the effect of  it this is cast and craft white simply cast   and craft there's no other mix in there and then  i'm using this resin art aquamarine mica powder which is i think really beautiful  so i'm going what i'm going to do   first is i'm going to spread i'm going  to speed it up while i spread this out   and heat it up and then we'll  come back to take the next step okay so i've got the base down and i heated it  up and one thing to be aware of when you are um   going to be using silicone oil on resin  is that the longer the resin sits here   the um the thicker it gets and the less the  less the silicone oil will be able to push it   it also stan it is also the same exact issue  with um the thickness of your resin so if the   resin that you use is thicker this is like a this  is pro marine and it's a it's sort of a middle   viscosity but it's it's actually a fairly  thick resin like a molasses maybe like honey   then the less working time you have  to get the resin that will actually   i mean the silicone that will actually move the  resin because if your resin is thin it moves it   easy if your resin is thick it doesn't so we're  gonna start with um with two just the two colors   and i'm gonna use white and then that beautiful mica powder aquamarine i'm only going to use a thin line of this the  mica powder goes a long way i mean it spreads   pretty far and makes um and it always has that  little bit of a sandy appearance inside resin   so i'm gonna heat this up and then the next thing i'm going  to do is i'm going to take a spatula   or you can use a piece of paper like a parchment paper or any type of wax paper  or a spatula let me wipe this one off well   and i like to mix the color a little bit like this it will help the eye of the  design with the silicone   so that it kind of will be the each of the cells  or the dots will create multiple color layers so now i'm going to move  it around with the heat gun and i'm going to put the heat  gun on hide and get it to move so okay so whenever i use silicone oil i always  get a little a little cup like this because   it's easier to hold and i pour the oil into  it just a tiny bit you don't need much at all and then i take a dotting tool or  use any type of tool that you are   comfortable with some you can use a dental pick  a dotting tool which is typically what i use   easy to find and at the same time i'm going to  hold a paper towel in my hand cheddar says hi and the reason i hold it is because the dotting  tool is going to touch the resin and i'm just   going to wipe it off before i stick it back in  so using the little end because a lot a little   silicone goes a long way i dip it in and then  i start moving the end of it through the ribbon so and as you can see the longer the resin sits here  the less of an effect the silicone oil has on it   now the silicone oil will will move the  resin for quite some time but it won't but   it there will come a point at which you can drop  silicone oil in and it won't do anything anymore and right there is a good example of  that so i went through the whole thing   but right now right here the silicone oil is not  having any more any more effect because well it is   a little bit but that's because it is now the the  resin has reached the thickness where the oil is   unable to move it you'll also see i dropped a  spot right there and typically when i do trays   the next day i'm going to come in wipe off the  top of this and if i do you know decide to do i   want to do another swipe um with the silicone  oil i i will clean clean this off really well   with an alcohol wipe and then add the next layer  or i will um put a clear coat on depending on   you know what i what i think of the design or  how this how this look turns out now what you   see right now is pretty much how it's going  to turn out i think it's a beautiful color okay so right now i'm gonna i'm gonna  pause the video and i'm gonna go um   mix up some more resin and then we will come  back and i will do a do submit some in coasters   including i want to show you the difference  between what alcohol does in resin versus   what silicone oil does in resin so let me go  ahead um syrup some resin i'll be right back   okay so i decided to go ahead and go with some  beautiful purple resin i just mixed this up   and i am using this um acrylic ink violet color  just because i'm madly in love with purples   and for the coasters i'm going to use these three  little piggies which are i think one of the cutest   possible packaging i've ever seen for pigments  these came from shelly art and i do have a um   channel tab on my channel that should that where  she is linked if you're interested in taking a   look shelley does the most beautiful acrylic  pours and so she sent me these to play with so   i have this beautiful lemon sorbet and  yes those are the kids running and playing   and this beautiful harvest gold which is a very  silky um color and this is sangria which is   uh as you oh there we go sorry if you couldn't see  it i'm used to the camera being face down i didn't   mean to i didn't realize i wasn't so so the three  colors are sangria harvest gold and lemon sorbet   and i'm what i'm going to do is we are  going to use alcohol just this is going   to be the alcohol coaster which is going to be  91 alcohol and i'm going to use a dotting tool   and and then on the other side we'll  use the silicone oil so i'm going to   go ahead and pour this in and heat it and then  i will put it back on regular and talk to you okay now we're going to add the pigments   and i'm going to do this side we're going to do  the alcohol um the alcohol first because alcohol   is thin and if you um wait too long it won't  work at all when it comes to moving your design as you can see these are just i oh i think these  are stunningly beautiful colors i just love that sunset type color scheme so now i'm just going to  run a spatula through it just a little bit because   we did mix it up pretty good with our heat  gun but this will really show you the effect okay now i'm going to take the same dotting  tool and i'm going to make sure i've wiped it   off really well and this is the alcohol and let me  note that i did because i was using the heat gun   i put the alcohol up high it's really important  that you are careful when you're using alcohol   around heat it is so flammable that it can  burn at invisible so you can't even see it   so you might burn yourself and not even see  the flame to begin with so be careful okay so   i'm gonna put the dot well let me get my paper  towel okay so i'm gonna put the dotting tool   inside the alcohol and just start dotting  it the same way that i did the tray this is absolutely important  to realize the same effects   happen i mean the the effects that this has is  completely contingent upon how hot your resin   is how thick your resin is so if you work  with a particularly thick resin it's going   to look different so if you're having a struggle  getting an effect out of alcohol or even silicone   check out how thick your resin is maybe consider  using a thinner resin or in this case because   i know that alcoholic struggles i'm sorry  alcohol struggles moving resin i actually   poured these coasters pretty deep and as you  can see it it actually gives it more mobility so it's a neat effect but it won't work unless  you're kind of watching for potential thinking   of other things to watch out for how thick  your resin is how long it's been sitting here   and just remember alcohol ink is thin like  water and that's a lot thinner than resin   so now we're going to come over here and i'm  going to it's going to look the reason i want   to show you um inside the coaster is because  the coaster is has a lot more depth to it than the tray the tray was poured extremely thin   this is only mica powders and the tray  i used a mix of cast and craft acrylic   or actually it was the paste and then  just a little bit of of the um mica powder and so one of the things i noticed about  mica powders and while using silicone oil   is they seem a lot lighter they spread out a lot  faster and so your design will run away with you   if you aren't careful so that's why i wanted  to show just mica powders inside deeper resin and as you can see it's starting to spread out  to the top so one of the things you can do is   just take a drop of silicone oil at the top of  your design to kind of push it back a little i often use this type of design as a bottom  as like the underneath what you can see below   the next layer so it's really what you want  to do with it and because it's mica powder   that's why i wanted to show you this it's  almost hollowing out let's check this out   and it's a beautiful beautiful  effect they're super sparkly   but it seems to me that the silicon oil works  a little bit better when you have a when you   have an acrylic i say acrylic paint acrylic  so resin paste acrylic paint acrylic ink   something other than just the mica for colors and  here we are the if you notice that the alcohol   it did its thing and it stopped right away uh  this continues still moving and um so i wanted   to show you the difference here understanding that  alcohol ink i'm sorry i keep calling it alcoholic   alcohol it's absolutely fabulous but you have to  move quickly you have to be ready to go as soon   as you put your colors in or actually let's see  right now this has been sitting here for a bit and it's still it's still doing its magic but not quite as fiercely as it was before so keep  that in mind if you really like the effect of the   alcohol ink i think i'm sorry alcohol i think  alcohol has a great effect on the mica powders   and as you can see this keeps spreading out  so when i if i were to redo this i would make   maybe the gold color an acrylic paint or acrylic  ink and and using the two mica powders is   absolutely fine or if you really like this i think  it kind of looks like a sea urchin type thing so   that would be will be my bottom the bottom layer  now here we are back to the tray and as you can   see it continued to move and silicon i mean it did  continue to move and it what it did was it pushed that design we had here pushed it this  way and but look how pretty that is the silicone oil is so distinctive so tomorrow  i'm gonna come back and we're gonna wipe down   we're gonna wipe this down with a out with  um alcohol ink oh man sorry an alcohol   i can't do the alcohol words today i'm sorry with  an alcohol wipe i i find that alcohol wipes are   my best friend and tomorrow when we come back  i'm gonna have to wipe it down and here's why   so this is an example i know it's the same  colors as i always been you i had been using   but if you look at this in the light   you can see these little dots here and it would  be harder to show it with the tray but each one of   those dots is filled with the silicone bead that  i dropped onto the art when i did it so yesterday   when i went through and did this i was doing  a little bit of experiment on colors for this   video yesterday when i did this you can see  exactly where i dropped that silicone oil   right there and each and so the silicone oil  is still sitting on top of the resin it doesn't   evaporate it doesn't go away so it's extremely  important if you want to do another layer   that you wipe all the silicone oil off if you  don't it ends up doing a really strange it has   a really strange reaction from up underneath this  is you can kind of see this dent right here that's   because there was a slight drop of alcohol i  mean sorry of silicone oil sitting right here when i put when i poured the purple on top  and it will leave it will go all the way to   the bottom of your project so no matter what when  using um alcohol or when i'm using silicone oil   between each layer you need to wipe it down  and more often than not and i prefer this   at the end of your project you're going to need  to do a clear coat after you wipe it all off   so that the top of your your art is smooth and  of course that's entirely up to you that's just   my preference so i'll come back to do either if  i'm satisfied with my piece to just do clear or   if i want to do something else i'll wipe it down  put another layer on and do and and mess with   it until i like how it turns out and i do like  these colors and this reminds me of a butterfly   and this is also an example of just mica  powders and this is percent silicone oil on here so let's go back to our coasters take  a look so since i've been talking this   has still continued to move and this  has pretty much stayed where it was okay so we will come back tomorrow check on  everything and wipe them all down maybe do   another layer just to kind of play with  what we've got and i'll see you then welcome back it has been  overnight since i let these cure and so we're going to do the second layer on the  on on the tray today and i'm going to use i'm   gonna use um four colors on this tray and the and  this right here yesterday was was i think three   right the dark the white and then the mica  powder so today we're going to do i'm going   to clean this off with some alcohol wipes  and then we're going to do a second layer   and i'm going to be using metallic  powder and actually i'll show you we're going to be using  this silver metallic powder this is a white resin paste the just resin resin paste i'm going to be using a dark  this is a dark version or a dark a stirred   version of the same pigment paste that i  used yesterday on the base so i mixed it   really dark and then for the base i've  mixed the same color but really light and then of course the same mica powder from  yesterday the aquamarine so the first thing that   i need to do is to carefully make sure that  i wipe up all the silicone oil on this tray and that does mean going into each of those little  spots specifically making sure that i get them paper towel okay and i'm going to speed up the  video while i put in the base coat   and then i'll come back to start the design okay there we go now i'm going to  add in the colors for the design   and so the bottom or the bottom strip on this is  definitely really wide so i want to make the top   design a much thinner so so that you'll be able  to see both i'm going to start with my white so okay i'm gonna use the heat gun so now i'm going to take my silver and the silver  is just going to be a very slight amount because   this is a very sparkly piece so i want to just  make sure that there's some well make sure i   always want to add some silver or gold to to the  projects that i do just because i super love it   so i'm going to add the silver end because it's um  because silver and gold can can overtake a piece   i'm just adding it in as an accent  on the side this is something that   you can go for the gusto however  much you want is definitely whatever is fun for you so i'm going to blow this i'm just what all i'm  going to do is i'm going to take the heat gun   and i'm just going to move it just a little bit  so that it so that it interacts with the resin   and then i'm going to do some silicone oil after i get the piece to tip back on my heat gun   because it constantly falls off  okay all right i'm gonna use low this is all i'm gonna do just move it so okay so up here there's like a little bit the i  don't like the way the silver just kind of   blobbed up so i just kind of move it around a  little bit until i'm happy with the look of it and this right here so so okay you can see actually see right here there was  clearly a little bit of silicone oil that was left   on top the project so that's one thing that  you want to be careful of if when i went to   wipe this off i thought i got it good but i  this one little spot it doesn't look bad but   this is just you know why we're actually talking  about this in the video so if you can possibly go   you know take your coasters or your or whatever  it is to the sink and wipe it off before clean it   off before you do another coat on the top that's  probably better but usually the that um alcohol   wipe help is more than enough but not this time  okay so the next thing i'm going to do is my torch technical difficulties today there we go is the alcohol or is the silica oil so so okay i've got my silicone oil and i do wait to  pour it and i mean i do wait to pour the oil until   right before i'm ready to use it because i'm uh  i'm a klutz and i don't want to knock it over so   i am prepared i just on the end when it comes  to pouring alcohol or silicone oil so i think   this design is is extremely beautiful the way  that this blew out when i did the silver and the   whites so i'm not going to use a lot of silicone  oil on this project i'm just going to go around   some of the edges and i'm going to use so  most dotting tools come and they have the   little dot on the end has more than one size  so you can when you get them sometimes they   have big ends like this one and if you use  a big end it'll definitely drop a bigger   drop of ink so i'm seeing of oil so that's  something to keep in mind too so i like to   use the little tips because as you can see  the the silicone oil or even the alcohol   makes a really big impression on the project  so i'm just gonna put a few drops on this   i mean not a few but only drop some of  this in certain spots on on this top design do and i do have a paper towel  in my hand every time i bring   the daughter tool back i wipe it off on that towel it makes the reason i do that is it  makes your drops a little more precise   if you keep bringing the daughter tool back  with resin on it the drops will start to get   sized by whatever is on the tip of your  daughter when you put it in the silicone oil you i'm gonna do some in here you okay i think that'll be good for this design  i really like how it looks i think it's really   cool so i'm going to so tomorrow of course when  i come back i'm going to have to clean it off   for reals this time make sure it looks really nice  and clean and then i will just probably do a plain   clear coat after that um i'll come back  tomorrow when we do that so that you can   see how this said overnight you know i get get  your opinion on this i think these this type of   design is really cool would you rather have i  have done the whole thing i really like having   a little bit of the mix though that is  a really pretty reaction in the resin with the peak of yesterday's which is why  there was so much white in yesterday's   but you know you might really like it before i did  the top the next coat so i'm gonna go ahead and   turn this off and mix up resin for the  coasters and i'll be right back okay we're back   so today on the coasters we're going to use  four colors we're going to use the piggy sangria it's such a pretty color we're  going to use the harvest gold piggy and then i'm going to use these these  two are acrylic paint colored resin   so one is just a plain purple and one is a orange  this is okay it says cadmium red anyway it looks   orange to me uh but i will go ahead be sure to  i will put links on for everything i use just   so you have an idea and it's just to me this  looks like an extremely vibrant orange like a   halloween orange like a pumpkin halloween orange  okay so these are the coasters from yesterday   and it looks a little bit like the alcohol the  alcohol we used on this did not keep it or keep   the um perfectly the shape that it had been in  when we left but it still looks lovely and um and   as you can see i'm going to shine a light on the  surface of this the surface of this is completely   flush and glassy this is our resin or is our  silicone oil and now when i shine light on   it you can see the dots of oil silicone  oil that are still sitting on top of it right there and there is a dot of silicone oil of   wet silicone oil still sitting  on here you kind of see it anyway okay so i'm going to wipe  down the silicone oil coaster and   this for this layer i'm just going to  put in clear resin and then i'm going   to add the colors and then we will do  the alcohol first the alcohol side first oh i'm gonna speed this up to add the clear layer okay so we're gonna do the alcohol side first as far as i'll put in the colors but i  mean we'll do the dots for the alcohol side do uh okay okay torches maybe i have two of these and i always forget which  one has the butane in and which one doesn't but   they both are exactly as messy as the others so  i can't tell the difference between both of them   so i'm going to go ahead and do my  sweep through with the spatula yeah and again okay so we're gonna do the alcohol  ink now remember this is a crimp this yesterday   was just mica powders today i'm gonna be  using uh there's a acrylic paint mixed in   to kind of give a little bit more heaviness to  the heaviness to the dessert or to the resin so   that the alcohol link will definitely you'll  definitely see a difference in how it moves um okay i'm gonna switch over to silicon oil you you okay so this is the silicone oil and then this is the alcohol ink the effect is that much different when when you  just have um when you just have the mica powders   but it's still beautiful so it just depends  on where you where you want to go with it this   with the with the acrylic paints the design stayed  together a little bit more and you can see really   well the under design you can see how that um  mica powder kind of spread out and then this just   sits kind of on top of it almost exactly where it  landed with with of course the design this looks   pretty similar to to how the mica powders did you  can see this right hole in spot right here you can   see straight through to the design on the bottom  and then the design kind of has thins out at the   top here so both of them really pretty and have  similar effects but that kind of gives you an idea   when somebody says you know to silicon what is  there something that works as good as silicone oil   i think that um alcohol does but you have to kind  of consider doing it faster and paying and and uh   knowing it is a little bit different so let's  do a little bit more see if it keeps going i guess i could get my big daughter okay so this has a bigger dot tip you it also looks neat if you put on a  drop and then put another drop on top   with the silicone oil it only takes one drop but  it looks like if you keep stacking your drops   with the alcohol you can get some really neat  effects too sort of like a pond ripples in a pond   the silicone oil is a little too volatile if you  want to call it that reactive to you you've seen   what happens oh this like a hole will appear  inside right like just like this when you sorry   like this because of how effective the silicone  oil is i think alcohol ink is beautiful but it's   a much softer effect so there you have  it all right so i'm gonna cover these up   and tomorrow we'll come back and see how they set  overnight and um for this one i might end up doing   just like a slight clear coat over the top because  of the divots and the divots in the co-star this   one maybe not so we'll see but definitely we'll  wipe down the we'll take a look at the tray wipe   it down put our final clear coat on top of it  unless we really hate it i will see you tomorrow we are back the next day take a look and see how it turned out here we go so it looks like the after we left  it yesterday it was pretty much the   resin head stopped doing or the resin had been  thick enough to let the silicone oil stop moving moving the design and i think  it looks extremely cool so   i'm going to go ahead we're going  to do our clear coat on here   i'm going to go ahead and go i'm going  to wash this off get all the silicone off   and then we're going to do a clear coat on this  so that it you know put enough clear in here   to prep it so that i can show you the final result  at the end of this video and moving on over here to our coasters here you go so the alcohol ink i'm sorry alcohol  i'm gonna have to be writing alcohol all over this   video to show i meant alcohol not alcohol  ink now this one is a pretty smooth top so   i don't think i'm going to add a clear coat  over the top of this i'm just going to well   i mean i'm not going to add clear to this design  i'm going to sand it and then i'll add a um   do the final clear coat after  after this has been sanded the uh the depth of this will be really pretty  sparkly so we'll go ahead and i'll just   this all that needs to happen  for this is the sanding but this has some silicone still on it so i'm going to wipe  this off and actually had a number two that i was   doing on the side because if i have enough resin  i usually will do more than one just to not make   to make sure the resin doesn't get wasted so i  will have this this additional coaster to that   that are both silicon oil so i'm going to clean  all of these off add a clear coat so so they will   have to sit overnight again and then i will um  then i will go ahead and do finished video results   so that you can see how beautiful these these  look in normal natural light and how gorgeous this   tray actually turned out minus all the divots  from the silicon oil that is one thing that um it   is a bit of an issue with silicone oil unless  you're going to be doing a piece of wall art   you are going to need to fill in those the divots  that the that the silicone oil does make but   overall i i it doesn't bother me i as you know i'm  more than happy to do as many layers as it takes   for to fall in love with a project um but you  know if i was going to be hanging this on a wall   like this one is an example i mean it didn't turn  out fabulous but you know it would be perfectly   acceptable to hang this on the wall divots and all  if as there's no reason that it there's no problem   with it not having a smooth glassy surface but if  you fill if you were to go ahead and put in on the   clear coat it's a it gives a really neat effect  to you know submerging this and making it look   purple purple which is why i do the coasters the  way i do them i think it makes a big difference   so if you found this video useful and would  like to help me make more um make more of   them give this video like and subscribe and hit  that bell and take care i'll see you next time so hey me hey you
Channel: Resin As You Wish
Views: 266,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: resin ocean, epoxy resin, ResinAsYouWish, Ocean Resin, Resin Coasters, resin ocean waves tutorial, making resin waves, resin water waves, how to resin, resin waves, epoxy resin ocean waves, resin ocean art, diy resin crafts, ocean resin diorama, resin ocean waves, resin coasters, functional art, how to pour epoxy resin, silicone in resin, alcohol in resin, mica powder in resin, acrylic paint in resin, acrylic paint, resin pigment paste, resin and silicone oil
Id: Ysi5VSl8xcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 33sec (3933 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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