(1544) Dude's Treasure Chest Lock #11

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[Music] alright guys we are on side number three and this is lock number eleven and this one is supposedly on the easy side because there's so many locks but when you take a look at this guy this is a van lock it's not van like vehicle van lock corporation they make these for gambling machines and soda machines you know vending machines things like that and these are quite tricky sometimes and they're also a little bit misleading if you take a look at this you're led to believe that these little notches on the outside are actually how you tension the lock but that's not true these are simply guides for the key to keep it straight when you turn the key only the center part of this brass part is the only part that turns and it's tensioned by the needles that push down this is like a tubular lock without the tube so here then here are the pins so when the pins push down inside of here all seven on then those pins have enough strength to rotate this lock now I pick one of these several years ago and the way that you routinely pick these in the fields you cut yourself a slot like for a screwdriver right there you can either use a screwdriver I think in my video I use the top of the keyway tensioner and that puts torque on it and that allows you to pick it but you know that's kind of cheating and besides these belong to lock picking Lebowski he'd asked me not to damage them so let's try to pick it without cheating I'm gonna have to find some way to tension this and I think the the plate the thing I've always thought about is there's a big open area right here in the center so what I'm thinking is I'm gonna take this piece of I think this is twenty thousand yeah twenty thousand fueler gage I'm gonna cut it I'm gonna thin it down so it'll a little spatula a little spoon will fit right in the center I'm gonna have a little shaft sticking off and I'm gonna use this very sticky tape things called VH tape from 3m really powerful stuff so I'm gonna apply that to the back of the spoon I'm gonna stick it to the front of this with a little lever and I believe we got a good chance I've been able to torque that I think we can put enough tension on it to tighten to find those pins and get a picture let's give it a shot all right guys here's what I've come up with I've cut it to fit and I put the adhesive on the other side and I think we can apply it right to the center right there and that'll give us access to all those pins so let's peel that off of the back of there and give it a try I use this tape when I make quads and I put two sometimes I put them attach batteries or even the flight controller and stuff this is very powerful very sticky stuff so I've cleaned off the back of this little spoon with brake cleaner I've also cleaned the face of that lock and I think if we apply him right about there push down I believe that will cause no damage and maybe no maybe not well I don't know let's fly let's try it let's give it a little tension it's not holding nearly as well as I thought a lot spring air so let's put a little tension and find out if we've got a binder and a little bit that guy doesn't want to work at all that's cool probably doesn't need to be picked but none of the rest these guys are binding mother's the only binder right there there he goes getting hung up nobody's finding guys all right this is not working so good there's just too much springy he's not putting enough tension on that core all right this was a good idea but it's a failed idea maybe it's not such a good idea all right tell you what while I was cutting it I was using this razor blade to trim that tape off of my spoon tensioner I got to think innovatively might make a tension or two I'm gonna grind this razor blade down and what I think I might do is just cut two prongs in it and I can pick any two of these pins and I can inset it into the hole once I get it inside of there and the razor blade material I think is thin enough so let's get him in there he'd be in there about like I guess about like that oops hit him in the center bill I think he'd be in there about like that there's still enough room I think we can fit both the razor blade in there to tension and our 15 thousands I think is still gonna give us enough room so let me cut a couple of prongs on this guy and see what happens all right there we go it's not pretty but I did slide it in there to check the spacing it looks like it will work if I slide it right there I don't want to go too deep for fear of over setting the pin so I just want to get enough in there just want to hang it in that hole just deep enough to hold the tension so let's give it a try here let's begin right here see if we got any binders I got to go back here and behind the razor blade because the way this is tension all right this is probably not gonna work all right I think we're on the right track I think I probably need to pick pins that are further apart it'll make it easier to hold the tension or flat the problem is it's gonna block out view when I try to pick it but I really don't have a heck of a lot of choice here so I'm gonna shorten this up a lot and then make the pins further apart so I can get opposing opposing pins try that alright guys I will tell you right in front of already screwed up on this I to pick it one click rotation to the right in about 11 minutes I have the audio but I had a brain cramp I guess I forgot to turn on the video so you can see it's been rotated one click like all tubular locks every time you turn it one click all the pins with very powerful Springs like this one has popped them back up into position except for this guy in the six o'clock position so I had a seven pin lock but now that it's turned apparently this one is no longer active I mean when I'm upside down I pick him up he he comes back up but when you push him he just literally falls all the way to bottom no spring tension totally dead pin alright I also tell you during the first picking I discovered that my highly acclaimed custom hand me tool does not work very well it's so small it does keep tension but it's so small my hand was getting really tired and I would lose it and drop it lose the tension all the pins would pass puff back up so I had to do something else and what that was is I came up with this guy this is nothing but a commercial shutter lock tensioner and all I've done is shortened down those prongs they were about twice as long so that's half the original length and I did that so that I wouldn't over set everything so this is what I managed to pick it one klick clockwise with so I'm gonna try it again because this is now a dead pin I'm gonna go ahead and put the prong in one of them and putting them I guess here and we'll know very quickly these are very powerful Springs I said they you've got to keep so much tension on this lock to hold that tensioner in place it will pop out and the spring will actually throw it out of that side back into my shoulder so pretty pretty devious the other thing I've discovered with this there in the first picking is it contains security pins so you're gonna probably see me get a fault set or two or three or eleven and once you're in is like a trap there's and there's no feedback whatsoever especially with heavy heavy tension like this so let's start here okay good you still springy come on I'm gonna get the heavier probe I got so much tensions really bound and I'm I've been bending that 15,000 I'll take that you still spring you though he's caught down there but he's still springy all right the one with the probe was also still springy so let's find out he's binding now wow he's really bound I'm lightening up on the tension he's either set or over set okay nice click there got super heavy tension on this thing look at that alright what I'm going to do is move to this probe the 30 mm because I can really put a lot of pressure without bending him I'm really pushing down hard on these guys can't get him in there he's too fat alright I believe I'm probably in one of those traps I'm gonna lighten up okay this one popped back and it looked like none of the others are popping back which is really unusual I'm gonna try not to lose it because I get another crack at this guy cuz he popped back up let's try him first because I didn't feel him click okay I felt it and we got a turn on the core clock that's a good thing so I do have a fault set and there we go ah okay it turned one more time and we still have no open I wonder if we have two dead pins now okay we have a dead pin this pin is now fully set and the rest of these guys are still alive all right cool so I may be dealing with now a five pin lock all right let me rest my hand and we're back and try it again alright guys here we go on round three have a lock this turning out to be just a little bit more evil than I had imagined and I think probably the dude as well something I noticed it's a second ago this pin which was frozen previously is now active again and this one that was working previously is not so it appears that whatever rotates to this position is a dead pin so still I think a second lock seven- this one so like I'm guessing that that's what's happening here all right I'm gonna stick with the plan we have a pretty good idea now of which ones are deep or semi deep and so I'm just gonna use two of the pins that I've successfully used previously to tension and that would be these two guys [Music] [Music] he clicked you still there we go is that an open I felt something give it didn't turn though but I felt so I probably just hahaha that did not turn guys I bet it was open on the second turn and it was just stiff let's okay so that would be the open let's just put it back in there yeah it was already open for open on the second turn right well I made my life much harder than it had to be Wow look at that alright guys there you go the van lock that was a whole several hours worth of frustration I know that anyway guys appreciate your time stay safe stay legal and dude I don't think you imagined in your wildest dreams this was gonna put up quite as big a fight otherwise I don't think you would have put him on this row because this row is definitely just as hard so far as any of the other two thanks guys isn't that weird yeah oh well snooze you lose [Music]
Channel: LockLab
Views: 70,366
Rating: 4.9443583 out of 5
Keywords: Bosnianbill, Bosnian Bill, Dude's Treasure Chest, dudes treasure chest, Lock Lab, LockLab, How to pick locks, How to pick a lock, Lock picking for beginners, Advanced Lock Picking, Lockpicking, treasure chest, diy treasure chest, treasure chest surprise toys, safe box, lock pick, open lock, do it yourself, lock picking, lock and key, (1544) Dude's Treasure Chest Lock #11, Dude's Treasure Chest Lock #11, locklab 1544, bosnianbill 1544
Id: Gux63zBbsd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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