14-Year-Old Basketball SUPERSTAR | Future Russell Westbrook?

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one let's go get out let's go nice perfect good Rhythm good rhythm good Rhythm on your shot right now nice job good Rhythm good Rhythm perfect he's always had the drive and determination to be the best that he can be my dad always told me to push through because that's the only way like you're gonna make it so like if I mess up then you gotta redo it over and over and over till you get it right nice shoot bad pass too I guess going all through levels I can shoot drive in mid-range well I could just really play with anybody my name is Cameron Mercado I'm 14 years old and I play basketball [Music] hi my name is Kevin and I'm gonna teach you some moves he kind of grew up in basketball me and his mom played college basketball he was one years old and he seen a basketball in the house and he started pushing it and moving around so my mom didn't like that my grandparents they used to say stop dribbling in the house my dad used to just have me doing left hand right hand [Music] so around three or four years old I seen Cameron was really taking an interest into the sport because he started to enjoy the shooting that we did every morning I was in preschool and we had like these 10 foot hoops and before every day of school my dad used to have me shoot around 250 to 300 shots oh uh I probably say four or five it finally clicked in my mind that I really wanted to like start playing on the club team start playing seriously uh Cameron currently is 14 years old there it is good he's training uh and getting ready for high school good get there nice nice job he trains about four to six hours a day so he has a um a boxing coach and then he has a Speed and Agility coach then he has a strength and conditioning coach and then it has me as a basketball coach my name is Christopher pies I'm a personal trainer and a professional fighter and I've known cam for about three months he's a quick learner that's probably the best thing that I notice with Cam Greece he helped me with my life intensity my first step basically just to improve his athletic performance coordination his Focus it's a fast twitch and a balance go and then I have a speeding agility coach my name is Darris Alexander and I'm Cam's Sports Performance coach ready [Music] good good go great great and our first metcam came across him raw potential go and I wanted to make him more explosively more of a complete athlete instead of just a basketball player good give me that and I have another training with my strength coach Riley five four three two one other side he's worked his butt off he's in here every day he never complains and he's always doing he's doing whatever I ask and he's always doing more than what I asked so he went to Washington State so he knows a lot about putting up your body your upper body your lower body ah ah nice training your own son there's a lot of value in it because you know his strengths and his weaknesses the way my dad coaches is like great he's a great leader on and off the floor pick it up 10 10 behind the box slam good slam pop slam pop pop when I stopped playing basketball I had so many injuries nice good footwork all right get some water real quick I prayed about it and the Lord put it on my heart to open up mercadel basketball Ministries just to help kids and the youth use our ministry as a vehicle to get to the next level in life we worked on the ball handling okay now we're gonna work on your balance gotta get into the basket off one leg a lot of people don't teach this but we do it okay because I know it's gonna make you better when you're doing your off your offhand layups all right here we go all right training Cameron is awesome because you always want to go above and beyond the Call of Duty because he wants to be the best that he can be when you're playing against uh seven Footers they don't know when you're going to get released the ball because usually you're supposed to jump off your left leg to make a layup but he's jumping off his right so the timing is off so a seven footer can't block your shot the thing that separates Cameron from the kids is ages basketball IQ let's go good oh me I'm a little guard so I have to be fast and Scrappy let's go let's go I'm on my game after Russell Westbrook and Kyrie Irving screen screen screen screen screen I like the way Kyrie Irving can dribble he can shoot if the ability to finish over like seven Footers and I like the way uh Westbrook has energy and passion for the game two free throws way to shoot take your time I mean he has range he can shoot from half court and in but when you first see him you're kind of like oh this kid plays basketball [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah yeah so you can see the difference on there do that one more time we're going to make sure we work on good stability okay also put legal stability and have Dr Sharon loosen up almost like quarterly with uh so Dr Mike is a big influence in my life because he's helped me in the past so he does recovery at least two or three times a week at amp therapy I'll go in there with a campaigns aching pains at the end of the session I would have come out with no pain right for the nutrition I go to club Elevate for like protein so like right now he's doing at least 1500 calories just from the shakes and then with food putting on another 15 to 2000 so he's probably getting about 3 500 calories a day off the court silly funny Happy Kid I like to play around with my family we have a pool table it's a tampon table at home I can play different types of video games like 2K Imagine fortnite School work right now I'm currently homeschooled you have to be like individually prepared because it's like you're on your own there's no teachers teaching you and telling you what to do it's been working out 100 because he has more time to do his work and he can also take his work with him wherever we go uh sometimes I could do my homework at home like every Monday Wednesday and then Tuesday Thursday I do it at the gym one more he loves doing what he's doing because he knows that the ultimate goal is not just basketball the way we raise them is more than basketball there he is it's all about helping the next person so he has those values instilled in him so he knows that basketball Can't Fail him nice because it's just a tool and a vehicle to get you to college and to get your degree and to get a job and start life my dad always taught me to set goals that one day I'll be able to achieve them it'll work some of my goals are to be able to make diversity as a freshman get my degree maybe go to the NBA or if not maybe be an NBA team bend your knees more and get to the basket let's go come on good too good huh good good
Channel: Whistle
Views: 2,284,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: basketball prodigy, basketball, no days off, no days off basketball, Cameron Mercadel, no days off jiggy izzy, no days off MIkey Williams, mikey williams, basketball mikey williams, basketball high school, basketball draft, basketball highlights, basketball ballislife, basketball overtime, basketball motivation, no days off julian newman, no days off collin tjin, no days off jaliyah manuel, the whistle, whistle sports, Cameron Mercadel Basketball
Id: L_F3JO7R0mU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2020
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