Bronny James VS FaZe Rug! (Intense 1v1)

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all right what is up guys it's your boy faze rug i'm here with faze brawny good yes guys that right there is brawny james the goat himself lebron james sun faze brawny and i'm about to 1v1 but before that let's get some predictions from my friends yo yo what's good aiden yo what are you up to hell yeah man yo yo i got a quick question so i'm about to play your boy brawny in a horse game and i just wanted to get some predictions yeah i mean obviously if it was a one-on-one he would take me 11-0 but this is horse this is trick shots i'm in phase you know i do this but yo guys if you didn't know me and aiden are going to do a 101 very very soon so i want your guys predictions down below my beautiful brother brandon what's up dude listen i'm about to 1v1 brony james in a horse game and i just need your prediction i mean ronnie obviously a great basketball player but you know i'm going with family i'm going with my bro thank you thank you hey it's going to be a good one but i got my brother winning family always let's do it yo didn't you play brony in a one-on-one i played ronnie in a one-on-one he was also like a little kid now he's at actual you know what i mean so yeah he's a beast bro it's a little bit different now i'm not gonna lie i'm pretty scared to play him but honestly i make trick shots i make crazy shots i feel like i have a little bit of a chance of winning but long as he doesn't start dunking he could throw it down well i could too so i mean we'll just see we can do a dunk contest instead also guys leave your predictions down below faze rug or brawny all right next up we're to ask my boy jester from two hype you already know what happened when two hype came to my old house i kind of ran them off the court because of my trick shots and let's not forget a game of horse is about trick shots let's see what he has to say about it yo what's up man how are you good i'm good what's going on nothing much bro yo i had a quick question i'm about to play brawny in horse right and i just want to know who do you think is gonna win bro you're playing brawny what kind of fun i know but okay listen if it was a 1v1 it would make sense it would be 11-0 he'd run me off the court but we're talking trick shots here you know i don't want to bring up what happened like when you guys came over you know i hate bringing that up all right is there a toaster on the line there's not a toaster on the line you know what i believe in you you actually have the long shots high key you're probably a better shooter than ronnie and it's fast hey bro thank you bro i'll let you know how it goes hey that's respect right there even though i embarrassed them when they came over he's still rooting for me so i appreciate that jester and now it's time to prepare for the big game [Music] the rules are very simple we're playing a game of phase which is basically horse if i make a shot ronnie must make the exact same shot and if he doesn't he gets a letter and vice versa the first person to spell out faze loses i need you guys to comment down below who you think is going to win and don't forget to subscribe if you want enjoy the video we are here about to play a game of faith bro this has been a long time coming i've been wanting to play you you know if it was a 1v1 like a regular game i don't want to do that because you know i'd lose all my subscribers i don't want that i built a nice channel but yeah we're going to play phase which is horse guys what is going on right now like how do we want to know how this is going to end up i actually haven't even taken a warm-up shot but uh we're gonna go nba3 all right first shot let's go that was my first shot of the day let's go there's no way i would beat him in a real 1v1 this is the only chance we're going to go half court because i'm feeling it you're feeling it yeah if i make this half court 500k like come on don't take it lie don't him either 360 dunk if you want it's just up to you i got that rage you know what i'm gonna do the same shot i got the range i can only shoot bro come on [Music] [Applause] all right under the legs layup [Music] [Applause] come on let me lock in let me lock in [Applause] [Music] hey he ain't playing how should i end it bro a far shot you got to do step you got to do stuff yeah steph curry you know what we're going to go beyond half court damn come on hey i'm just flexing in front of ronnie to be honest oh all right faz to nothing gotta get him a letter hey biggest comeback come on i gotta give him a letter i feel like even if you do a regular layup i'll miss it all right here we go no come on man all right all right that's fair that's fine it's completely fair a little long range three one more letter for him i win all right we'll go half court regular half court this is easy hey i called it two tries though let's go [Applause] come on now come on now hey all right we're going to go beyond half court now since he made that he literally matched it for his tribe oh it is lebron james son wait what do i expect okay okay hey this is all i can do is shoot far so behind the other nba three if i make this i need three hundred thousand lives i'm gonna try that too oh trying to get creative with it i need more power on that one all right we're gonna go on imagine that we're gonna go under the leg three oh that's me for sure f-a-z f-a-z next shot wins you gotta make a free throw shot oh no not a free throw oh eyes closed no please good no no it was nba three would have went in you gotta do you gotta do a move okay you gotta do behind the back behind the back oh my god come on you're gonna hit it off the backboard and have it land on the other side nba3 [Applause] oh hey if i match this though one more try no i had him at faz to nothing it's the choke hey pokey the mama mentality hey i blew up three old lead man hey bro good comeback good game good game bro it was faz to fab and then you just pop that off right there bro that's crazy dang step cover is your dad right here [Laughter] hey it's all good we had fun when you were down faz to nothing how did you feel i was i was a little bit shook i'm not gonna lie that dunk was like pretty fair i think that was the most fair thing i'm just kidding bro good game you want me to like get your twitch like what do you want me to say like twitch instagram i don't really okay okay man what can i say brony james is brony james he beat me fair and square especially that dunk like you already know i'm six foot six i could dunk i just didn't want to show off in all seriousness i had a lot of fun i can't believe i even gave him three letters like honestly pat on the back for rug for even doing that but you already know i don't play around when it comes to basketball thank you guys so much for watching if you made it all the way through please be sure to drop a like hit that subscribe button if you are new it takes one second and it'll help me get to 20 million subs where i'm doing a huge huge giveaway i love you all so much and i will see you all with the next video [Music] cause i know
Channel: FaZe Rug
Views: 7,910,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: faze rug, rug, rugfaze, fazerug, bronny, bronny james, lebron james son, lebron james jr, bronny 1v1, bronny james 1v1, bronny james vs faze rug
Id: MtgJq92eMVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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