14 - "The Judgment Hour" - John Lomacang - 3ABN Phoenix

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[Music] good evening welcome to pathways to life my name is Jim makes I'm the pastor the Paradise Valley seventh-day Adventist Church which is the host facility for pathways to life here in Phoenix with Pastor John la McCain and I want to tell you this being with meeting number 14 of 15 we are not winding down we are coming to a crescendo and it is our prayer that each and every one whether it is here locally or whether on 3abn or watching through streaming video or good news TV or YouTube I hope you have been blessed by each and every one of the different meetings that you will be tonight as well as pastor la McCain talks to us tonight about the judgement hour before he does that though our guest musician tonight mr. Lindon Carragher is going to be leading us in some music and we are going to be blessed by all of the things that are happening and again we hope and pray that you whether out there on watching on the television 3abn or here locally that each one receives a blessing from music and from opening God's Word together but as our custom before we invite them to come out and to carry on with the things that are happening let's begin by asking God to bless us shall we gracious Heavenly Father we thank you for the privilege of being able to come together and open our Bibles together and it is our prayer that everything that is said and everything that is sung and everything that is played would be to the glory and honor of Jesus Christ it is our prayer that you would fill this place with your Holy Spirit and with your holy angels and it is our prayer that we'd be blessed from being here together and we thank you for we ask it in Jesus name Amen [Music] day in and day out working hard and learning how to play the Rufus game when all the while your hearts become so good [Music] old you're selling out your soul reaching for a temporary goal but when you reach that final sunset and you look into his eyes will the filming in your heart be joy or will it be your last goodbye it would be the greatest tragedy if you never read that what you all cannot compare to eternal life [Music] who's finally arrived making lots of money but there's empty nests inside you're spending all your time I'm trying to own the very best as if somehow the rest will fall in place but when you reach the final sunset and you look into his eyes the will the feeling your heartbeat joy or will it be your last goodbye [Music] it would be the greatest tragedy if you never read [Music] amazed than what you are cannot come [Music] but when you reach that final 17 will the feeling in your heart be joy or will it be [Music] if you never [Music] is that what you love cannot come back [Music] [Applause] what you are it cannot compare [Music] to eternalize [Music] [Music] to eat her [Music] can we say Amen again praise the Lord thank you so much Lyndon that's what we want to avoid getting to our final sunset and realizing that it is our last goodbye tonight I want to invite you to bow your heads with me as we unite with our audience from around the world and ask for the Lord's presence to be here tonight on a very sobering topic of the judgment hour let us pray loving father in heaven we thank you Lord for the privilege and opportunity tonight to open your word send your Holy Spirit we ask into this place that as we are moved by heavens directive our hearts would be transformed and changed in Jesus name we pray amen tonight's message is the judgment hour John the Revelator calls the world to pause when the timeline of prophecy as he proclaims to the world that the long-awaited hour of judgment has come you know whether we recognize it or not the judgment for the entire world is soon to come and John from his secluded prison camp meant on the island of Patmos proclaims to the world these words tonight that we read revelation 14 verse 7 tonight if we could begin by reading this together the Bible says saying with a what kind of voice loud voice fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment has come and worship Him and do what worship Him who made heaven and earth the sea and the springs of water and then the Apostle Paul inserts into the words of John this divine summons recorded in second Corinthians with the words in chapter 5 and verse 10 for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that each one may receive the things done in the body according to what he has done whether good or whether bad you know so many people say we worship God in spirit but as we have discovered a few nights ago when we talked about health the abundant life we must come to the realization that worship is not just done as a spiritual Act but worship is also a physical act and when you look at the way the world today has abused the body you must come to the conclusion that how we treat our body temple is either an act of worship to the true God or a representation of worship to the wrong God and so when the Bible says the things done in the body it is not saying that we should only worship the Lord out of music and out of singing and out of reading our Bibles and out of witnessing but how we treat our body temples is such a reflection of our relationship between us and Jesus can you say Amen not only that when you come to the judgment we'll discover that the standard in the judgment will not be based on our education our financial status and neither our possessions but it will be based on the law of God the standard by which the entire world will be judged notice the words of Solomon the wise men when he said in Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 13 and 14 let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter fear God the very same words in Revelation chapter 14 fear God that is honor God recognize his sovereignty fear God and keep his Commandments for this is the whole duty of man why for God shall bring once again every work into judgment with every secret thing whether it be good or whether it be evil now those three passages that we just read when you think about the judgment it could be it could be quite frightening because I don't know of anybody that receives a summons from a court with joy think about it when you get a letter from the IRS or you get a summons from the local court if it's not to be on the jury you feel there's a sense of in trepidation what do I do are the first thing I need a lawyer well I want to tell you the best lawyer to have in light of the coming judgement is Jesus what do you say when we look at ourselves we will find there's a fear in looking forward to the judgement but when you know Jesus let me see that again when you know Jesus there is no fear when you look at yourself you'll say how can I be saved but when you look at Jesus you say how can I not be saved that's why the writer of Hebrews says these words Isaiah chapter 45 verse 22 as a matter of fact notice where we should look the Lord says look to who look to me and be saved all you ends of the earth for I am God and what there is no other I told you a couple of nights ago if you have any doubt about the existence of God on one of your evenings here in Arizona or maybe if you have a dark place where you live in around the world go to the desert and look up at the stars where there is no doubt the heavens declare the glory of God amen my wife and I are what I might refer to as amateur astronomers but we love even if just through my iPad we love to look at stars one evening I showed my wife a constellation that was like thirty five hundred and twenty two light years away and she says how much is a light year and I told her 186,000 miles per second for an entire year 365 days you travel that speed all year long that's one light year multiply that by three thousand five hundred and twenty and then we'll get there she said we'll never get there I said oh no no honey we will get there come on did you get it yes in Jesus you receive eternal life we will have access to God's play well we got to look in the right direction I was reading this story once and doing some research about the judgment scene in Roman Court in our read in Revelation where the Lord says I will give you a white stone and a new name on it and I thought well what does that mean so I decided to look at some of the commentaries and discover for myself why a white stone and then the Lord revealed to me something beautiful which gave me hope in the judgment you see when the one the jury just like I was today 12 and 12 when the jury not could not come to a verdict they would take a leather bag with a slit in the top of it kind of like the price is right and dropped two stones in the bag a white stone and a black stone and then it was up to the the accused to determine his own fate so standing before the court he would put his hand in the bag with tremendous fear knowing pulling out the white stone he is exonerated pulling out the black stone he will be executed can you imagine the fear that will go through you on that but then his lawyer steps up his advocate steps up and says wait a minute this is a rigged court in favor of the Saints wait a minute I'm gonna give you a white stone with a new name on it you'll get that on Tuesday he's innocent saying don't put your hand in the bag to determine your own fate your fate is in my hands so he gives the accused a white stone and they accused before the before the prosecutor of humanity says white stone he's not only exonerated but his name has changed I'll give you a white stone with a new name on it meaning when we are forgiven even our names are changed there's not gonna be people in heaven with their former criminal names that's why the Lord changed Saul's name to Paul he changed his name his identity and his mission that's why tonight I begin this presentation by saying we've got to change our focus in lie of the judgment we've got to understand weird to look and we're not to look don't look in your mirror look in your Bible here's the Bible Hebrews 12 verse 2 looking unto Jesus is the answer he began your story and the finisher if you keep your eyes on him he will end the work he began in us the finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before us notice what he did a Nabi has endured the cross despising the shame when you pause what that means is he didn't care about the shame he cared about us some people will say I'm not gonna do that that's shameful the Lord says no I will do anything regardless of the shame because their freedom is more important to me than my shame despising the shame and the Bible says and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God he's now sitting in its place of royalty when we stand on the truth of God's Word there is no need to fear when we walk in the light of God's word there is no need to fear and when we are covered by the righteousness of Jesus there is no no need to fear amen so there the judgment is coming but the question is is your advocate greater than your adversary is Jehovah Nissi greater than your nemesis is the deliverer in your life greater than your prosecutor the answer to all those questions is yes yes yes there is nobody greater there is nobody greater than Jehovah Nissi Jehovah Rapha there's nobody greater than Jesus come on say Amen since you can't get the Hebrew names there's nobody greater than the one who went to the cross and died in our place that's why when I proclaim this message I lay the foundation I I weave the power of Jesus all the way through it including his word and I end on no other foundation than the foundation of Jesus Christ well we are called in this hour not only to proclaim a judgment our message to the world we are called to proclaim a judgment a message to the people of God notice what the Bible says in Isaiah chapter 58 in verse 1 cry aloud and spare not lift up thy voice like a what trumpet show my people there what transgressions and the house of Jacob their sins now when do you think about this each one of us by faith each one of us is a member of the household of Jacob we are spiritual Israel so before we get to the sins of the household of Jacob let me introduce you to who Jacob is Jacob is the son of esau the brother sorry the son of isaac the brother of esau you know the story he he stole his brothers birthright and and his greed for the seat of power caused him to be on the run for his life and when he was on the run for his life the Lord did not allow Jacob to run anywhere that the Lord could not reach him and the plan that God had for Jacob's life was going to be fulfilled in spite of Jacobs character but God did not leave Jacob to his own demise he went after him and gave him an opportunity to repent and then he changed his name notice the narrative in the book of Genesis chapter 32 verse 24 to 28 then Jacob was left alone and a man wrestled with him until the breaking of day have you ever been on your knees and wrestled with the Lord till the breaking of day until you've done that you have not experienced what Jacob had experienced now when he saw that he did not prevail against him he touched the socket of his hip and the socket of Jacob's hip was out of joint as he wrestled with him and he said let me go for the day breaks but he that is Jacob said I will not let you go unless you do what unless you bless me let me make a point here some people let the Lord go just before the blessing it's on the way but you can't wait he said I'm not gonna let you go until you gotta have or unless you got to have some untilled and some unless is in your prayer life you gotta pray and say I'm not gonna stop praying unless and you'll discover God and it's faithfulness and his love for us well take the unless and the until and turn it into a blessing but the Lord continues so he said to him what is your name as this the Lord didn't know he said Jacob and he said your name shall no longer be called Jacob you see when God exonerates and forgives he changes our identity so that Jacob the deceiver is no longer known as a deceiver but an overcomer but Israel your name shall no longer be called Jacob but Israel for you have struggled with God and with man and have done what and prevailed so the Lord blessed Jacob and as time went on and and Jacob was married he married Rachel Rachel is the daughter of Laban Laban was a man who was Syrian he sold idols and gods and as Rachel you know the story when some of his gods were missing and Rachel had taken it she hid it as she was on the camel and refused to get off the camel to to to confess to her dad that she had stolen his own idols and when she married Jacob she brought the idols that were a part of her dad's livelihood into their family but God having blessed Jacob preparing to multiply his seed and cause them to be a great nation what kind of nation a great nation he said to Jacob I met you in Bethel I delivered you now that you have a family I want to bless your family also but I want you to go to Bethel but there's something I need you to do as you go to Bethel because I want your family to be in the place spiritually that they are prepared for the blessing I believe that God doesn't bless us just because we want to be but God wants us to be in the right place spiritually so that when the blessing comes our hearts and our minds will be in harmony with God's will so the Lord gave instructions to Jacob and his household we read this in Genesis chapter 35 and by the way as we discover the story we'll see what the sin of the house of Jacob was notice very carefully then God said to Jacob Genesis chapter 35 verse 1 2 3 then God said to Jacob arise go up to Bethel and dwell there and make an altar there to God who appeared to you when you fled from the face of Esau your brother and Jacob said to his household and to all who were with him put away the foreign gods that are among you that's what Rachel brought into the marriage and he said purify yourselves and change your garments then let us arise and go to Bethel the house of God and I will make an altar there to God who answered me in the day of my distress and has been with me in the way which I have gone so the question is what did Jacobs household understand him to mean what did Jacobs household understand God and God's instructions to me remember in preparation for this great blessing the Lord said there needs to be some changes in your life before you go to Bethel so what did his family do look at Genesis chapter 35 and verse 4 the Bible says so they gave Jacob all the foreign gods which were in their hands and all the earrings which were in their ears and Jacob hid them under the terebinth tree which was by where which was by Shechem in preparation for coming out of this Syrian household Rachel a lifestyle she was accustomed to being raised but God is calling Jacob now to establish a new standard follow me very carefully because this is the very same Jacob who's going to eventually have 12 sons and by the way if he had only been patient God would have given him sons the way that God intended amen gotta be patient because God will bring us to the place where his plan will be fulfilled so God is establishing in Jacob's life and for his people that are yet to populate the earth a standard by which they will be seen as a people connected to the Almighty God so now if God required Jacob and his family to change the way that they presented themselves before the Lord in order for them to be blessed do you think that God will call his people in the last days spiritual Israel to present themselves before the Lord the very same way amen and so so these stories are included in the Bible these accounts are included there so that the people of God who are getting ready to inherit spiritual New Jerusalem we're getting ready to go in and God is calling us out of the practices of the past so allow me to introduce you to one of the most ignored Commandments of all time the third commandment the Bible says in Exodus chapter 20 and verse 3 together you shall have what no other gods before me a few nights ago when we talked about the Sabbath command the fourth commandment notice the parallels in the scripture and there are some parallels when you study the scriptures you begin to see them come out they just the Lord allows them to to glow one of those is the Sabbath command or the fourth commandment answers the question who is your God follow me carefully not what day do you want to worship on you follow if God is your God then the Bible says in Exodus 20 in verse 10 the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God so the Lord has already picked today so when you answer the question who is your God then the day is already clearly established MRI but the third commandment s answers the question follow carefully who is your God about the Sabbath the third commandment asks is the question what is your God did you get that who is your God what is your God and when you follow the history of the nations that surrounded Israel you have the Amalekites the Hittites the Jebusites the Hippias the parasites the Midianites the Ishmaelites the life that the nations that surrounded Israel lived was quite different than the nations that worship did the true God and by the way as the Sabbath was violated thousands of years ago God is calling his people today to restore the Sabbath amen but in the very same way as the nations that surrounded the people of God years ago did not acknowledge the true God they worshipped the Sun the Moon the Stars and that's still happening today my wife and I were in India not too long ago and as I mentioned a few nights ago we had to take our shoes off as we walked into a Buddhist temple and then when I went to church on sabbath they said to me take off your shoes I said well do we take our shoes off in our church too and this is what they said if just in case you were not here they said if the Buddhists require you to take off your shoes to a false god how much more should we remove our sandals in the presence of a true God amen survive thus the Lord said to Moses take your shoes off your feet for the ground upon which you stand is what holy ground and so in the very same way when we talked about a few nights ago about abundant health now I mentioned to you and you saw that picture of the little mouse remember the little mouse nobody would want nobody wants a mouse for dinner but in some countries a mouse is a delicacy God calls us not to a little pork but no pork right not a little bit of shrimp but no shrimp not a little bit of alcohol but no alcohol it was not about moderation was about abstinence and when you study the history of the nations from antiquity to the very day in which we live you'll discover that the practices of adornment was very prevalent in Jake today and it's prevalent in our day I was in Wisconsin at Camp akanda a number of years ago and I met a young lady who was um who came to the camp meeting with her friend who was an Adventist young lady and she said after the sermon she said I want to meet you I want to talk to you and then she said well maybe she does I mean maybe she doesn't well let me see if she does well I'm not sure and I said what's the what's the vacillation all about she said well you know I don't know if she has on her protection I said protection like against me I'm just the preacher she said no no no she's Wiccan and she has to wear her protection because she has her allegiance to other gods so these gods that she has with her will protect her if there's anything about this camp meeting that's not in harmony with her beliefs and I thought that's unusual and then I began to study years ago and notice this these are the practices of the gods of other nations and other people that do not honor the true God thou shalt have no other gods before me here you have a rainbow moonstone Triple Goddess necklace this is what the Wiccan weird today they still wear this today because they honor the planets the Stars they honor those things that are not connected to the true God you find further this is the angelic chain for healing and protection once again a form of Wiccan jewelry and if you go to their web site it's hundreds of different styles all fashioned for the worship to the gods that they honor let's go further this is another Wiccan jewelry the solar cross of essence pendant notice it draws energy from the Sun really which gives you power and drive while the runs provide you with wisdom clarity and focus can I make a point only God can provide you with wisdom clarity and focus if any man lacks wisdom let him ask of God but this is what the Lord was preventing Jacob and his household the line that he was choosing them not to go down to follow me carefully let's go on today you have body piercing the same practices that were planted in Jacobs day and their pleasure scriptures in the Bible for example the Midianites when the Midianites were overrun by the Israelites the request was bring all the plunder of the Midianites and the Bible said the Midianite men wore earrings because they were Midianites but the Israelite men did not what about male body piercing I tried to be I try to be conservative because I tell you you've seen the extreme cases haven't you but why is this why is this not in harmony with God's Word because the body is God's temple Amen Samadhi not just the inside but also the outside let's go on you find in the Egyptian jewelry Egyptian goddess of magic fertility and motherhood necklace you wear that that's what she's supposed to get fertility and magic and they believe that to this very day this is being sold today also the Egyptian Eye of Horus necklace eye of Raw goddess necklace these are purchasable today because they don't recognize the true God so whenever the children of Israel participated in the practices of the surrounding nations the Lord always said wait a minute wait a minute your body is my temple what fellowship Paul says does the temple of God have with idols not only Old Testament the New Testament let's look at a quotation from this very one of the organizations protecting and power amulet symbols meaning inherited from pagans pagans believed in more than one God paganism excluded monotheism worshipping of one God paganism used many symbols Slavic runs to reveal their relation to natural and divine powers to the exterior world to other people and animals they communicate with animals symbols were an essential part of pagan culture and rituals ancient pagans used symbols not only in religion and rituals the symbols were widely used in pagans jewelry representing spiritual connection of physical body human soul and external spirits continuing pagans worshipped various gods nature power and war protection amulets to get safeguarded by divine and nature forces when I found this only then did I understand what this young lady meant in Wisconsin when she said the young lady that wants to meet you is not sure because she needs to have her protection when you think about God leading his children out of Egypt after Jacob had all of his sons and they went into the land of Egypt and were slaves there for hundred years if you count when Joseph went there four hundred and thirty once again when we talked about diet the Israelites took on the diet of the Egyptians and God called them and before they got to Sinai to receive the commandments one of the first things he did was he changed their diet remember that he gave them what did he give them to eat manna and those who adjusted to God's Way of eating continued healthily in the journey but those who didn't the Bible says they died with the flesh in their teeth God wants us to be healthy amen I mean look at me I'm 93 years old don't I look good for my age honestly I'm really not but you keep asking me how old I am I'm not going to tell you but when the Israelites came out of Egypt notice what happened as Moses is in the mountain receiving the commandments and he stays there for 40 days Aaron under the under the urging of the mixed multitude that came out of Egypt with Israel notice what they encouraged him to do and he acquiesced Exodus 32 verse 2 to 4 and Aaron said to them break off the golden earrings which are in the ears of your wives your sons and your daughters and bring them to me so it's not unusual today for men and boys to wear it because it's a common practice it may be new in America by a couple of decades but it's not unusual verse three so all the people broke off the golden earrings which were in their ears and brought them to Aaron and what did he do and he received the gold from their hand and he fashioned it with an engraving tool and made a what molded calf and then he said this is your God o Israel that brought you out of the land of Egypt now get this they were crying for God to bring them out he brought him out with a mighty hand amen they are in the wilderness but the challenge was not just getting Israel out of Egypt but getting Egypt out of Israel do you see that I know that because when I started coming to church when I was a teenager my wife can attest to this when I finally gave up my music or when I said Lord forgive me Lord I'm not going to do that anymore in the music world I come to church and somebody say I have a I have a party tonight would you disc jockey for my party and I said okay just one more time no really hear me Kim and it took me a while before I broke away from the Egypt I was in Israel but in my mind I was still in Egypt until one day my wife and I as we were dating almost lost our lives in a car accident and that was the dividing line between me getting rid of the life I lived and beginning to live if the Lord wanted me to live and God has a sense of humor because the very first I got rid of all my 400 records all my albums my pool stick my boom box all the things of the world in the very first album that I got that was Christian was a heritage singers album God has a sense of humor Dunsey because I ended up becoming a heritage singer so God was giving me a glimpse and get this when you are willing when you are what when you're willing God gives you a glimpse of what you can have compared to what you think you have when Aaron led the Israelites and the mixed multitudes into worshipping the wrong God Moses receive instruction from God he said God said to Moses something's going on and the Lord said to Moses Exodus 32 verse 7 and the Lord said to Moses go get down for your people whom you brought out he said I don't know who they are whom you brought out you ever do that when your kids are bad go get your son that's the inference here whom you brought out of the land of Egypt have corrupted themselves and Moses returned to the Lord and said all these people have committed a great sin Exodus 32 31 and that made for themselves a God of gold let me tell you brothers the closer we get to the promised land the more these practices will be repeated in the last days but they should not be named among the people of God amen so what did the Lord tell Moses to do Exodus 33 verse five and six for the Lord's had said to Moses say to the children of Israel you are a stiff-necked people I could come up into your midst in one moment and consume you now therefore God's instruction take off your ornaments that I may know what to do to you until they did that they had no identity they lost their identity in the wilderness you couldn't tell the difference between an Israelite in a Midianite I can't do anything until you revert two ways to the way of life that is in harmony with my will and so what do they do so the children of Israel did what they did what when you strip something doesn't mean you took up just a little bit of they stripped themselves of their ornaments bound by Mount Horeb they took it all off but what spirit did they have follow me carefully because you know what I learned this very carefully you can take leaves off of a tree but if the tree does not change its nature those leaves are going to grow back are you following me somebody could say take off your earrings take off your jewels but you know what if your heart has not changed it doesn't make a difference because there's some people without it that are corrupt there's some people with it that are not corrupt but when you are lining your life up with God's standard there's a heart change that God is looking for rather than a a garment change alone because some people don't dress that way they're corrupt and some people dress that way but they don't even know the difference so what God is in essence saying here the thing that matters before the change happens is the condition of the heart notice how the scriptures emphasize this Exodus 33 verse 22 they came both men and women as many as had a what kind of heart willing heart praise God for willing hearts and what do they do and brought earrings and nose rings rings and necklaces all jewelry of gold that is every man who made an offering of gold to the Lord and this happened during the time when they made an appeal because they were getting ready to build the temple of God so they made the appeals first in the categories of what they needed so they started with gold and then with silver and then with wood and then with stone and so whoever had these articles all of them that had it that brought it out of Egypt came and gave it as the temple preparation the the portable Chapa Knakal that was being built all the articles of furniture when you study the Bible very carefully you discover that when the Israelites left Egypt they were slaves in Egypt the first thing the Lord did was he gave them all the wealth of Egypt when they left Egypt Egypt was broke because God said take all the articles of gold all the articles of silver all the change of clothing leave is leave Egypt broke but the Lord never told them to wear it he said I need this for the building of my temple but they said I like that and before long they began to remember the song years ago they began to walk like an Egyptian I know I was there that's why the Bible says these words in the writings of the Apostle Paul Romans 12 verse wanted to I beseech you you know what the word beseech means I beg you I've eat you therefore brethren by the word Merce notice not by the fear or anger of God but by the mercies of God that you do what present your bodies as a what living sacrifice how holy acceptable to God which is your reasonable service I love the way the end of NIV says it it says which is your spiritual act of worship and verse 2 very important because the world today will mold you the world today is like a crooked River just get into your raft and it'll take you wherever it wants you to go but you got to think differently notice the Bible says this verse 2 of Romans 12 and do not be conformed to what world this world but be transformed by how the renewing you got to think differently the renewing of your mind in your entertainment in your music in the way you choose to dress because the world today I said a few nights ago sometimes and one young man told me I don't want to tell you where it was but one young man told me I was down to Miami Florida and he came to me and he finished the text and I'll tell you the story by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God only when your mind is renewed and you do not conform to the ways of the world the Lord says ah now you can show the world what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God but my wife and I had been to more than 61 countries and we have seen the church going through a metamorphosis the adventist church going through a metamorphosis and I thought to myself this is very ironic this is really are you ready open your ears here we go when people become Adventists they say you know in my church I never hear about the fourth commandment that's those who come out of the first-day church they say I never hear about the fourth commandment and I thought we have our own irony in the Adventist Church you don't hear about the third commandment thou shall have no other gods before me isn't it ironic there's nothing wrong with the ten commandments of God we believe leave the third one out first a pastor's leave the fourth one out ironic no because James knows that he's at violates it in one point he is guilty of how much of it and you got to remember guilty of it all you have to remember we're living in the last days if the devil wants nothing more he wants to lead us down a path of mediocrity but let's determine not to meander in the maze of mediocrity well ponder at the pool of popularity or negotiate at the table of the enemy come on somebody say Amen gotta be willing the Bible says Isaiah 1 verse 19 and 20 notice the blessing of willingness if you are willing and what obedient things that are often overlooked you shall eat the good of the land how many of you look forward to eating of the good of the land one day I sure do you will eat at the good land but if you refuse and rebel you shall be devoured by the sword for the mouth of the Lord has what he has spoken so what the Lord told Moses to tell Pharaoh today Pharaoh of Egypt is Satan today the devil doesn't want to let us go you know why because until he lets us go we cannot serve God tell Pharaoh Exodus 8:1 and the Lord spoke to Moses go to Pharaoh and say to him thus says the Lord let my people go that they may do what that they may serve me let me make a point until the world no longer holds us we cannot really effectively serve God when our hearts are divided between should I live this way should I dress this way should this be my entertainment should this be my music should I watch that should I go to these places and then we live that way during the week and we try to come to church on Sabbath morning and find spiritual interest and what happens Laodicea and we wonder why the church is dying let me tell you something don't take your adversary for granted well the Bible says Joshua 24:15 we've got to think logically I chose us I chose what I call a smart-looking gentleman have been put in this picture you know why because you have to be smart to make a decision about eternity don't leave your decision in somebody else's hand it has to be your decision and I love what Joshua 24:15 says and if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord can you imagine that evil that's what we should never ask the question what do I have to give up to join your church what do you have to give up you gotta give up hell hey you got to give up the lake of fire the way some people live they need fire insurance because they think it's evil to serve God why because the heart is messed up this world has messed us up we live in it we operate in it we go to the malls we see stuff that messes us up for the next two days just in the mall and if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord choose for yourselves when this day whom you will serve and look at the comparison whether the gods which your father's served that were on the other side of the river brethren is too late to go back to the other side of the river what do you say we're on this side we're on the canaan side or the gods of the amorite in whose land you dwell together but as for me and my house we will do what serve the Lord that's got to be your decision nobody else's in this closing hour in this judgment hour we don't you know I could tell you the dates of when the judgment began and how it happened in 1844 but that's the least of your issue the issue is how do we live in light of the judgment how should we stand before a holy God in an unholy and corrupt world we ought to examine ourselves and say lord help me he that has this hope in himself purifies himself even as he is pure that's why Deuteronomy makes this statement Deuteronomy 30 and verse 19 I call I call heaven and earth as witness today against you that I have set before you what life and death blessing and cursing therefore together choose life that both you and your descendants may live I want to live anybody else and some people say what doesn't matter let me tell you something when you're on your hospital bed I don't know if anybody that says I'd like to die sooner now think about it it's not even a point of the hilarity nobody wants to die but the way some of some of us live is like we don't think about death until it's knocking on our doors let's think about living for God and getting him the best of our lives not just getting him was left that's why no matter where you stand with the Lord if you turn your heart to God he will accept you and love you and bring you to the point of redemption and he'll change you and cover your sin and make you a son and daughter of eternity and forgive you and get you ready for golden streets think about it you want the goal here or here God ain't taking anybody to heaven with a chisel and an axe to start chopping up having to wear it think about it walking through the gates of pearl I like those no that's God's asphalt leave it alone that's why the Bible says today here's what he's calling us to do in these closing hours of the judgment first John 1:9 together if we would confess our sins he's faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to do what cleanse us from how much all unrighteousness but you got to come to the place where you realize that this is not an edict but this is for our best good I don't want to miss out on that party as I said I don't care where I I don't care if I have a mansion in heaven give me a sleeping bag I'll be just fine anybody else the mission of Jesus hasn't changed Matthew 1 and verse 21 hasn't changed and she will bring forth a son and you shall call his name Jesus what will he do for us for he we'll save his people from their sins jeremiah says it so beautifully I love the words of Jeremiah chapter 33 verse 16 in those days Judah will be saved and Jerusalem will dwell safely and this is the name by which she will be called come on church together the Lord our righteousness let me make a point very clear you can change the way you dress and you still ain't righteous the Lord doesn't just want to change the way you dress he wants to change your heart when the hardest change it will follow if I pick the Arwen jizz off of an orange tree and it's still an orange tree they're gonna come back what God is asking for you tonight is ask yourself the question what side of the Resurrection do you want to get up on and is your God's more important than your God tell me what to give up Lord and I'll give it up as long as I'm not left out of that final call for eternity anybody else that's why this is the most potent passage and I'm gonna invite Linda to come here in a moment come on Linden right now and begin to play softly this to me is the most one of the most potent god-loving passages in the Bible you know I thought about this and sometimes God takes us to those places that we hit a snag and I'll walk with God have you ever hit a snag have you ever got to the place where you felt man I've been Adventists all my life it just kind of seems like the other churches having so much fun and I don't know if this is really what God wants me so we start Church shopping and then the Lord brings a storm in our lives to blow us back to sensibility he brings a storm to help us get shaken up like he allowed the boat to rock and for the disciples trying to save themselves he brought a storm to get Peters attention so that Peter can stop focusing on his fishing abilities and simply say lord save me I can't I cannot do it myself and when the other disciples decided to walk away from God because they thought the price was too great the Lord said to Peter are you gonna leave too and I love what he said to whom shall I go you have the words of life where are we going the world is sin go here and go there the Lord is saying no that's going up in flames that's going up in flames dad's going up in flames let me take you to a fireproof Kingdom called the New Jerusalem that's why no matter where you are tonight listen to the words of the writer of hebrews hebrews chapter 7 verse 25 no matter how far you down no matter how far down you been the Lord as we said in New York the Lord can save you from the gutter most to the uttermost it's not about how bad you are this is about how good he is God is calling his church to come back up and be the Israel of the last days to be a people reflecting the glory of God letting your light shine and letting the glory that's being seen in you and on you be the character of Christ let's read this final passage together what a what a passage therefore he is also able to do what save to the uttermost no matter what you've done doesn't matter where you've been [Music] doesn't matter how dark your walk has been he's able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through him since he always live i like the king ever liveth to make intercession for them tonight who can take a profane man and make him a prophet ask isaiah who could take a harlot and make her an evangelist ask Rahab who can take an adulterer and make him the son and the lineage of god ask david who can take a prosecutor and make him a soul-winner ask paul tonight as linden sings a song if you want to say tonight lord jesus if you're watching lord jesus i want to i want you to come into my life and i want you to do one thing get me ready for eternity tonight as he prays his song as he plays a song and as he's singing if the lord is speaking to your heart tonight just come on down here and let's pray i don't want us to leave phoenix and never see you again i want to leave phoenix and see you in the kingdom is that alright tonight as he plays the song the saviours waiting do it praise the Lord pray for what come on down why don't you let [Music] publish publish anybody else you just want to be in the kingdom do this whatever God says lay down to tonight you willing to do that praise God wherever you are come on down [Music] your chance tonight [Music] here's Wade before tonight [Music] that's what is waiting tonight come on down that's right friends oh god bless you until we see you again [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 10,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3ABN, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, yt:quality=high, john lomacang, phoenix, adventist, second coming, jesus
Id: LkWWve0LM-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 0sec (3480 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 12 2018
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