13 - “Three Angels’ Messages: The Patience of the Commandment-Keeping Saints” - John Lomacang

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[Music] - the 3abn spring camp meeting the three angels messages we are so glad that you are joining us no matter if you're watching the television or radio or if on the internet on YouTube wherever you're joining us from we're very happy to have you but we're also happy to have all of you here and this is a lively crowd can we say praise the Lord I didn't even mean to hold this out well this hour is going to be special because the speaker is my pastor John Lowe McCain he is a precious man of God a man of Prayer great Bible teacher wonderful singer and he is going to bring us revelant the message of Revelation 14:12 the patience of the commandment-keeping Saints but before he does we have Tim Parton who is the general manager of the praise Him 3abn praise him music channel and he is going to sing I can only imagine thank you Tim I can only imagine what it will be like when I walk by your side I can only imagine what my eyes will see when your face yes before me I can only imagine I can only imagine surrounded by your glory what will my heart feel will I dance for you Jesus or in all of you be still will I stand in your presence or to my knees will I fall will I sing hallelujah will I be able to speak at all I can only imagine I can only imagine I can only imagine when that day comes and I find myself standing in the Sun I can only imagine when all I will do is forever and forever worship you I can only imagine [Music] surrounded by your glory what will my heart feel will I dance for you Jesus or in awe of you be still will I sing hallelujah or to my knees will I fall will I sing hallelujah will I be able to speak at all I can only imagine I can only imagine [Music] I can only imagine [Music] I can only imagine [Music] Heavenly Father Lord we don't want to imagine [Music] we want to be there [Music] for Jesus send the rains send your Holy Spirit consume our hearts get us ready for that day I just want to be faithful I just want to be in that number speak to you people today Lord Jesus that we won't have to imagine but that will be there and Jesus name amen here is the patience of the saints here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus you see here are they as a response to the question where are they so come at me now to the celebration of the ages heaven has been planning this announcement for more than 6,000 years this is the event that strengthens Jesus on his road to the cross he thought down through the ages when the saved when the redeemed all those that have struggled for the cause of Calvary was standing on that sea he looked down through the portals of time and saw his blood shed and lives transformed and people changed broken at the foot of Jesus when Jesus walked the road to Calvary this is the event that he saw it was not the pain of the whip it was not the accusation of the angry crowd but he saw he saw the redeemed standing he heard himself saying here are they for which I had died here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus when Jesus cried it is finished the invitations of the final celebration will be mailed when Jesus cried it is finished emails were sent out to every nation every kindred to every tongue and to every people they have been waiting for this day and now the day has come here here for the patience of the Saints here are they that by God's power keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus you see friends this is where the attention of Jesus is focused in only one direction Matthew the converted tax collector writes these words he says then shall the King say unto those on his right hand come ye blessed of my father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world and then a ragged group no longer looking like they used to look now covered in the clothes of righteousness no longer remembering how they fell in the past but how they stand in the present no longer looking at their failures but at their victories no longer remembering how hard the journey was but how sweet the destination is here they are standing no more signs of pain and suffering no more sleepless nights and tear-stained eyes here are they so unrecognizable that someone taps John the Revelator on the shoulder and he says then one of the elders answered and said to me revelation 7 verse 13 and 14 who are these arrayed in white robes and where did they come from and I said to him sir politely sir you know these are they that have come out of Great Tribulation and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb they don't even look like they used to come on somebody say Amen sometimes I get discouraged when I look at Who I am but I look in the mirror and I recognize that God has not done with me yet Jesus is not done with us yet beloved now we are the children of God and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be but we do know that when he is revealed we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is one day these hands of mine will touch the hand of God one day this frail frame of humanity will be closed and the glorious immortality of gee I look forward to that day this morning when I was walking out of my house I heard that song I can only imagine and I was overcome with not the imagination but the reality that one day I'll be standing there no more imagination no more songs but I'll be singing it I'll be looking in the eyes of my redeemer saying thank you thank you for not giving up on me thank you for not turning your back when I fail thank you for sending Jesus to bring me up to where I am now and I can hear that day like horses hooves in a restless Corral the universal audience of all the unfallen world's gathered together to witness the power of the redemption of Christ brothers this is not Carnegie Hall this is not Radio City Music Hall this stage dwarfs the hundred and fifty thousand see Stadium in Pyongyang North Korea this stage built by the blood of Christ this stage bought by the broken body of Christ this stage is where the redeemed will stand and they won't sing about their works but about his works they won't sing about what they've done to get there but what he has paid for us to come into that place the admission is being paid today there is no sense in being lost when everything has been put together for us to be there when Jesus raises the curtain demons are forced to fold their wings in defeat when Jesus points to the redeemed demons are helpless powerless they have seen that they have finally lost and standing front and center clothed in the righteousness of Jesus and he says here are they here are they unmoved in a shaken world here are they untouched by the compromise of darkness here are they heaven's evidence that the commandments of God can be kept the prophetic declaration of Isaiah the prophet now comes to pass Isaiah 60 verse 1 or 2 is now echoed and we echo through the universe arise and shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you for behold darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness the people but the Lord will arise over you and its glory will be seen upon you hallelujah in this unfolding scene the character of Satan is finally and completely exposed he is a liar and the father of it for 6,000 years Satan has sown hostility against God's commandments for 6,000 years Satan led supposedly religious men to preach against God's law for 6,000 years Satan had meant to exalt tradition above God's law but when he points to this redeemed hos there they are by my grace they can do all things through Christ who strengthens them the prophet Ezekiel describes Satan's agenda and the following passages ezekiel chapter 22 verse 26 he says her priests have violated my law and profaned my holy things they have not distinguished between the holy and the unholy nor have they made known the difference between the unclean and the clean and they have hidden their eyes from my Sabbath so that I am profaned among them ever since the entrance of sin has been Satan's determined purpose to rid the earth of those whose hearts are transformed by God's saving grace he hates our identity he doesn't like the fact that there's more power in the baby Jesus then there is and all the demons of Hell he doesn't like the fact that one drop of blood is more potent than all the artillery of hell he doesn't like the fact he hates our identity which brings me to a very important point don't abandon our identity the three angels messages challenges us challenges the nominal spirit coming into our churches it demands us to recalibrate our identity and our purpose we are not just another Church we are God's remnant people and I say that not with pride over the humble heart realizing that God can take sinners like you and me and give them a mission that increases their value in the eyes of he also dispatches to us divine aid and he says the gates of Hell will not prevail against that message preached the message like everybody's life depends on it the three angels messages challenges the nominal spirit coming into our churches as I travel my wife and I see our church is being chiseled away it's being broken down we don't want to be identified as we were before we want to change our name but what we don't understand is we are not just another name Satan wants to render the message ineffective and all he has to do to get rid of it is not to get rid of it completely but to disguise it you see when King Saul was an apostasy he disguised himself when King Ahab was in apostasy he disguised himself when Josiah disobeyed God's council about not going into battle he disguised himself when the false prophet said a trap for God's prophets he disguised himself Satan wants God's remnant Church to disguise themselves but it's too late to blend in my brothers and sisters it's time for us to stand out while city that said on the hills shall not be hidden a candle that litters not to be put onto a tree God has raised this church up to be a sent alone in this world God has raised this church up to stand between heaven and hell and if we lose our identity the world will be enshrouded in complete darkness this is not just another church but gradually Satan has been eroding our identity he's been trying to cover us with a camouflage of nominal Christianity attempting to get us to blend with the surroundings around us as I've seen our music changing as I've seen our preaching change that I've seen the way we dress now as I've seen what Sabbath morning now presents his worship or identity is changing but I refuse to change I'm not going back I will not turn back I know where I was I'm not going back to that I don't need to be like the world to get you to come to Jesus we've got a message that must be proclaimed with hearts of humility clothes and the righteous the righteous character of Christ we must say God loves you but he has standards we must say Jesus will forgive you but he won't leave you the way he found you stop saying he loves you the way you are finish the sentence but he will not leave you how he found you [Applause] Satan's trying to get rid of our identity you see when you are no longer identified by your message you're blending in when your worship style is far into the truth you're blending in he wants us to blend in with a camouflage of nominal Christianity he wants us to say our message is like your message no no my brethren my message is not like your message I got it three angels message try to find it you won't find it anywhere but here that's why 3abn is committed to an undiluted and undiluted an undiluted message it's too late to dilute the truth it's too late to change the directions it's too late to throw away God's GPS he programmed and it will get us where he said it will get us stop preaching foolishness on sabbath morning preach about sin preach about Redemption preach about the fact that God can change a life stop becoming comfortable with transgression and become comfortable with Redemption when preachers in our pulpit don't even embrace the truth how do we invite preachers that will extend that don't even embrace the truth into our pulpits we don't glorified degrees we glorify the blood of Christ I don't care what university you went to if you're not going to heaven don't come to my pulpit I'm not rubbing shoulders with Pharisees and scribes just because you got a degree if you're not lifting up the blood of Christ and the standard of truth you're not preaching in this pulpit your fame and earth is not your fame in heaven your accomplishments on earth do not qualify you to delete God's law we're not like another movement when the prosperity gospel replaces the everlasting gospel we begin to blend in but let me make it clear God's got followers in every church that's why God's got to keep the message clear I never forget the words and elder Brooks as he was fading away during the time of his cancer he called me said my brother pray for an old sinner like me I said all the Brooks what do you mean an old sinner like you said brother let me just tell you sometime I'll give you my party words until this day whenever I get discouraged I press that button and he says to me John preach it and when you're finished preaching it preach it again and make it clear and make it even clearer and make it strong don't dilute it he says God has called 3abn for such a time as this don't back up they may be down but he's coming up one day he'll stand with us God's got other sheep that are not of this fold but he says them also I must bring it and they will hear my voice and there will be one fold and one Shepherd not multiplicity but singularity you see there are a lot of people in different churches but Jesus is not content to leave them in darkness they found him where they are but he's not leaving them where they are he's led them a certain distance thus far but when the Lord says he who has begun a good work will complete it I believe it we got people in our church that went 1 Nazarene and Baptist and Pentecostal and Presbyterian methodist and mormons you know why they're here not because we're like everybody else because God has given us the icing on the cake and I say that with humility I don't say that because I'm better personally than anybody else I'd know that but God doesn't call a police officer because he has no bad background God calls him to uphold a standard God calls us to uphold the standard of right God calls us even when we fall a righteous man may fall seven times that God will pick him back up again so I'm not speaking about perfection in my own life but perfection because of Jesus has covered me with his lies it's too late to change a statement into a question you see we're not a question mark it's too late to change here are they into where are they we are not Adventists we are seventh-day Adventists a gradual erosion of our identity because everybody's waiting for Jesus to come but everybody's not keeping the Sabbath and I believe the Sabbath is a sign between us and God he said it and I believe it a sign between us and him that we may know that he's the God that sanctifies us if you believe that you'll honor the service you won't ignore this habit and say I love the Lord anyway that's foolishness calling his name saying you love him but the Word of God says he that says I know him and does not keep his Commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him that's God's Word not mine and I'm gonna preach that but I'm gonna preach it in love you know why because I know where I used to be I know every now where I sometimes fall but God has not done what any of us yet it's too late to change a statement into a question we are not Adventist Christians we are seventh-day Adventist Christians what people don't understand I just come along lately we didn't just pick a name our name is not just another title it's a message when you tell the Muslims you're a Christian they don't believe you tell the Muslims we were over there we were in Jordan Muslims you say Christians they say you don't believe the Bible but you say seventh-day adventists they say oh the people of the book when churches are being destroyed in Egypt the Muslim stood back in Washington but when they came to an Adventist Church in Cairo Egypt the Muslims surrounded the Adventist Church and said no that church belongs to our Brotherhood you know why they call us the people of the book because you keep the right day but if you only keep the right day without the right relationship but you ain't going nowhere you could have the right die but a clean colon and the corrupt part still results in destruction Revelation chapter 14 verse 12 points us back to our identity when God points to that redeemed host they are not disguised it is clear who they are here are they here is the patience of the saints here are they which keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus you see here are they denotes not only who they are but it denotes faithfulness you see those who are standing there have not fallen into the pit of law versus faith let me make this clear for a brief moment there is a deep theological reason why in that passage Commandments and faith are together because for thousands of years Satan has pitted the commandments of God against the faith and grace of Jesus he said if you're saved by grace you don't need the commandments and somebody came along as yet if you keep the commandments you don't need grace brethren we need both and this group here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus you see Ephesians 2:8 is clear about our salvation the transaction of our salvation is not by our works but by his work for my grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest anyone should boast I can't boast about diddly-squat to resurrect a New York colloquial I cannot brag about anything I'm saved by grace through faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ alone but my salvation does not qualify me to abrogate God's requirements countless pastors and preachers have taught that by keeping the commandments of God we are relying on works to be saved but faith does not delete the commandments of God the Apostle Paul who himself said the law is holy and the commandment holy and Justin good also said in Romans 3:31 do we make void the law through faith god forbid on the contrary we establish the law and so when people come along and say oh you're the law keepers I'd rather be a law keeper than a law breaker what else is there if your church is not keeping the law what is it it's a disqualified church because the Lord says to the law under the testimony if they speak not according to this word it's because there is no light in them I challenge any preacher regardless of the size of your denomination if you teach that God's law has been nailed to the cross you need to sell watermelons you don't have a job salvation against salvation from what if you teach the law is done away but there is no sin if there's no sin there's no need of a savior while you preaching about a save you when you say that the very thing that shows us we need to be saved is deleted impotent theology this nation has become diluted by its own constipated theology and what do we replace it with music make them feel good till hell's fire begins to warm their backs make them feel good until they cannot reverse the process of their meanderings down a river that ends in a waterfall of destruction make them feel good but I say it like my dearly departed brother who's now resting at Jesus it's not how how you jump is how straight you walk when you hit the ground revelation 14 verse 12 those Saints standing on that sea that day they are a rebuke to those that oppose God's law the perfect law of God cannot be kept by imperfect men however that's why Jesus came how can imperfect people keep a perfect law you know how Jesus replaces our imperfection with his perfection Christ in you the hope of glory you see when when when they are identified now beer with me I got to break this down Romans eight verse three and four you got your Bibles go there very quickly you need this nugget we got enough time Romans eight this is Shelley Quinn's and Jill Marconi's in my favorite book the Apostle Paul breaks it down and he grabs you by your ears and say you're not going anywhere and you know he can grab me by my ears any day Romans 8 verse 3 and 4 look at this he brings God's ability and man's frailty together and he shows us victory he says for what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh what the law wasn't weak the flesh was weak God did what are those words my friend what are the words God did who did it God did how by sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh on account of sin he condemned sin in the flesh don't miss that Jesus did not come to destroy his law he came to destroy our nature he didn't come to destroy sinners he came to destroy sin can I get an amen somewhere he condemned sin he didn't condemn us for God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved we don't need to be condemned on Sabbath morning we know we're already condemned my message my job my calling is to preach no matter how far down you are Jesus Jesus can save you from the gutter modes to the uttermost and I know that he found me in the gutter most of New York and standing on the uttermost of Thompson ville lord have mercy the biggest city in the world right here you thought it was New York its Thompson Hill he condemned sin in the flesh first for get this the verse that brings it all together that the righteous requirements of the law might be what fulfilled so the law had requirements that we could not fulfill but when Jesus came in and destroyed our sinful flesh and clothed us in his righteous flesh when Jesus took out our carnal nature and clothed us with his glorious character when Jesus vacuumed out our carnal spirit and filled us with the Holy Spirit he found a way to get wicked men who used to be wicked can make them holy now you know what I'm not a sinner anymore I'm a saint if you're not a saint why not read the New Testament Paul says greet the Saints in Ephesus greet the Saints in Rome if you are still sinner you in trouble Jesus came not just to change our character but to change our standing you see revelation 14 verse 12 doesn't say here's the patience of the sinners amen here is the patience of that stop walking around talking about I'm only human oh no my brethren if you only human you will fall over and over again even though I fall every now and then we fall down but we get up you see if I fall down on my road to the Canaan land I can get up and keep going in the right direction you see as if when you fall if you change direction you're in trouble but if you fall while you're running toward the finish line get up and keep on running running in the name and the power of Jesus it says that the righteous requirements of the law might be fulfilled what are the next two words come on say it with me in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the spirit amen somebody Jesus did not come to destroy his law he came to destroy our nature he did not come to destroy sinners he came to destroy sin he shall save his people from their sin and if Jesus can't do it you're in trouble and so am i these equations 2:20 puts it all together this cord is this disqualification had to come with the death of my all nature the Apostle Paul says I have been crucified with Christ I've been what my friends when you walk with Jesus you go first to his cross before you go to the resurrected life you got to go to the cross then you got to go to the baptismal pool then you come out on the other side clothed able to walk in the newness of life and then Jesus methodically and purposefully and completely begin to destroy everything that held you down and one day you wake up and that sin no longer even causes you the flinch one day you wake up and the thoughts are finally altogether gone because Paul says I've been crucified with Christ it is no longer I who live but Christ lives where it if Jesus is living in sideview what disables you from being righteous he's living on the inside not me but until this human flesh until this until this Adam construction is replaced by the last Adam's construction until this mortal puts on immortality and this corruptible put on incorruption until that day Jesus is able to keep us from falling and to present us before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy but we don't preach that we got the best message about righteousness by faith and what do we preach lentils the life or not which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me you just missed it but I didn't I live by faith in the Son of God now we thought that we live by our faith in the Son of God I looked at I looked at that again and again and again and you know what I discovered I discovered this last night which shows the power of the inspiration of God's Word sometimes God hides it from you until one day he says there it is and you wonder whip and hiding all that time he hid it from you until he knew you could handle it last night he said to me all no we don't live by our faith in the Son of God we live by faith which is in the Son of God it's in him it ain't in us here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of it's not faith in Jesus but the faith of Jesus the secret of the saints in Revelation 14:12 is not that they have the faith to keep the commandments it is a faith of Jesus in them that keeps the commandments of God so by preaching the three angels messages revelation 14 we won't forget who we are God's remnant message was not designed to be assimilated into the marketplace of monotonous theology no same thing every week how many times can you say have fun had a good friend who's a pastor in the Assemblies of God's church and I remember rooming with him as we were singing to the Heritage sings together he said he said I wish our church was like your church I said how so he said people walk in on Sunday get baptized that day and they leave the next week now we've lost some too but you know why we lose them because they hold on they allow the cares of this life they allow the cares of this life to become their focus that's why the Lord says look unto me and be saved all you ends of the earth for I am God and there is no other I am God and there is none like me look unto Jesus the author and finisher of your faith let me tell you something if he started this journey I believe he can finish it but so often we look at the bank balance and what our children did and what our spouse did and what the people at church say and what the news said and what Donald Trump says who cares it's what Jesus said that's going to get into the kingdom forget about that conservative and liberal foolishness so many Adventists are dis seduced by politics this present administration somehow the last two administrations have been walkin in our Adventist Church a spirit of complacency and division it's time to get back United United on the message not on politics come on somebody I watched Facebook and I see Adventists arguing Donald Trump's position and the other ones argue in Barack Obama's position I'm arguing Jesus's position I've never found an answer in the White House and ain't gonna find one my answers in the right house come on somebody my answers in a kingdom that shall never be destroyed my answer is in the man named Jesus who is he the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called wonderful counsellor the mighty God the everlasting father the Prince of Peace you see that the nations are angry they're angry because the devil is angry when your life angers the devil you know it's right and the dragon was angry with a woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed we keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus revelation 12 and verse 17 so often I see I see suppose that Adventists on the internet arguing that the commandments of God cannot be kept well if the commandments of God cannot be kept then they ought to leave the church and go do the deepest sin because they won't be lost but friends that's not the truth when you try in your own strength to keep that which is perfect you will fail every time but the problem is so many of us are arguing Satan's position and not God's physicians from the first to the last st. has always hated God's law if we trace the cadence of Bible history we will discover that in each age however God has always had an urgent message and he always found somebody to proclaim that urgent message that's what this is all about 3abn it's dedicated to preaching an urgent message Noah was called to warn the world of an approaching flood they said it never happened before but it did happen lot was called a Warner's family of the demise of Sodom Sodom and Gomorrah Moses was called to proclaim a promised land focused message but friends God does not just call us out of Egypt he calls us in to Canaan today we have to remember the saints of Revelation 14:12 are a rebuke to those who live in complacency because first Peter 2 and verse 9 reminds us of our identity go there with me quickly we got some time on Sabbath morning my church members wonder why I preach for an hour when I could preach for 50 minutes I can't meet it I'll take what you give me first beatitude verse 9 who are they that stand clothed in the beauty and the canopy of Christ's right who are they who are they who are they Peter says he ought to know he used to be a big mouth he used to have his mind and first gear in his mouth and sits one day God synchronized his mouth with his heart and Peter became the spokesperson on the day of Pentecost I believe that God can synchronize any sinner and make him or her a saint so Peter is saying but you are a chosen generation what kind of generation chosen generation a royal priesthood we ought to get away from the idea that we have some kind of biological burp we are not an accident we are not some bodies explosion we are made in the image of God holy nation royal priesthood his own special people if you tell people on Sabbath morning they're special and they have a special mission I believe they will begin to act like it why do you call them not to sit down stop singing sitting on the promises now start singing standing on the promises one preacher says we sing standing on the promises while we're sitting on the premises why did he call us that you may proclaim that you may do what my friends proclaim you know what proclaim means and I saw an angel flying in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach to them that dwell on the earth and hardly proclaim it with a loud voice it's too late to have a quiet gospel this message is not going to end with a whisper my God shall come and shall not keep silent a fiery stream shall issue and come forth from before him and it shall be very tempestuous about him Jesus is not coming back with a whisper he's and he's not gonna say Shh the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a wood with a lot with a lot with a voice of the Archangel with the trumpet call of God that Trump is going to be so clear and distinct that the dead are going to say time to get up how long has it been since I first heard the Lord how long has my heartfelt no burden they're gonna say how long has it been and Adams gonna get up in his watch is gonna say it's been four thousand nine thirty-one years he's gonna have a heavenly tommix it keeps on ticking when God calls Adam he's gonna come out clothed in the beauty of Christ's righteousness proclaim the praises of him who called you out of darkness in two years what kind of light this Saint no nickel dime flashlight this light will burn you up the light was so great when the angels came to the ship is in the field to announce the birth of Jesus the Bible says an angel an angel an angel came to the Shepherd's and said behold I bring you good tidings a great joy which shall be for all the people for unto you Is Born This Day in the City of David a savior which is Christ the Lord but what they did not know as Jesus had Secret Service protection and then Ellen White says a desire beaters cannot quote her here alright in desire babies Ellen White says the reason why the angel began with a singular conversation just the angel and the Shepherd's is because the angel had to wait for the Shepherd's to get used to the light and when their eyes adjust as a light of one angel suddenly heaven raise the curtain and there was with the angel our host of heavenly angels you see you may begin with one angel but don't stop preaching because they're more angels waiting to shine the glory of God the earth is lightened with the glory of God his own special people to show and proclaim the praises of him who called John out of Darkness out of the clubs out of the gambling halls of playing pool on Friday night out of the forty-fourth for the world traits in a disc jockey with two taped turntables he called me out of the trains of New York City going to a part on the Sabbath he called me from behind the bars drinking slow Gin Fizz and tequila sunrise he called me from the streets of New York City and not only did he call me once but he had to brush me up every now and then I said to my wife when Jesus covers us with his righteousness it's like a house being painted and the house looks beautiful when it's painted but sometimes there's a stain that shows us and Jesus comes again with this paintbrush of righteousness and touches up again amens and I he's been touching me up more times than I can count but when he's done we're gonna look like him come on somebody say Amen Third Point pier Ave denotes allegiance now let me make this clear beware of false christ centeredness one of Satan's last attempts is to pit Christ against doctrines think about that Church is talking about we don't preach doctrines dendy you need it well somebody else is selling watermelons you sell cars for the word doctrine simply mean teachings but Satan has now confused the churches today churches of the world churches of this world are becoming so much like the world that people of the world don't see any reason to join the church man by the name of Jim Ellis in an article called Christian communication worldwide February 16 2018 he said I have been witnessing a new conventional wisdom emerge simply stated it is the wisdom of attempting to circle in more people for our churches by unashamedly minimizing or perhaps nearly eradicating the restricting influences of doctrines were pastors used to do because they were poorly taught they now do by intent in all of our churches and they do it for the sake of church growth in other words they say if we minimize doctrines our church will grow because you're in the airport don't mean you're getting on the plane and he said the problem with it is the problem with this minimization it grows so you got the megachurches in the giga church is fifty thousand hundred thousand thirty thousand you got them filled in the stadiums and they come for cookies and milk and cream and they leave just as spiritually dry as they got there one pastor said doctrine does not doctrines do narrow things and we don't like the word narrow but the response from Jeff was look to Jesus and Paul as perfect illustrations of how to teach doctrine correctly if we teach the Scriptures faithfully and exactly as they are stated we will automatically teach good doctrines can I get an amen there those are nothing wrong with narrow Matthew 7:13 enter by the narrow gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction and there are many that go in thereat as the people of God we have been given a priority message not because of who we are but because of who's we are the Lord didn't choose Israel because they were the best people he choose and because he had a particular purpose for them you see the mailman that delivers my mail the UPS the FedEx workers they're people just like us but they got our responsibility and we so recognize their responsibility that when they don't deliver our package we complain how much is heaven complaining when we don't deliver the message how much is heaven complaining on Sabbath morning when God has given us a message and we don't deliver it the three angels messages are not intended to be blended messages this message is to be preached over the babbling confusion of compromise we don't lift up Jesus instead of doctrines we lift up Jesus through the doctrines if the trumpet makes an uncertain sound who will prepare for the battle the three angels messages are not preparing us for the final picnic of the ages it's not preparing us for the finalists Kuragin or cruise of the ages it is preparing us for the final battle of the ages put on the whole armor of God but when you put it on make sure you got your sword which brings me to my last point when the Lord points to this group he points to a group is aware of the times listen to the times I don't care what network you listen to but you gotta be comatose to not understand that we are on the verge of a stupendous crisis some of us are so involved in our stocks that we forget about what God is investing for us you see when Jesus said it is finished on the cross unnoticed went out to start building my mansion when Jesus said it is finished the envelope containing the dimensions of my mansion was opened when Jesus said it is finished an echo echoed throughout the courts of glory and the angels came back and said he said his part is finished now our part starts and Jesus took a little nap in the garden tomb and he got up on Sunday well you know why he got up on sin anyway you know why he got up on Sunday morning to start working for you and me we have such a high priest we have he ever lives to make intercession for us what do you say when you when you fail and you feel like you don't matter when you feel like everybody's turned their backs on you we have a high priest who ever lives to make intercession for us they are aware of the time and the Apostle Paul says in Romans chapter 13 verse 11 to 13 and do this knowing the time that now it is high time to awake out of sleep for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed if the Apostle Paul said it in his day how much clothes are we now he said therefore let us cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armor of light the three angels messages reminds us that it is high time for this dark and meaningless world to come to an end it is high time to stand up for the truth or you'll fall for tradition it is high time to straighten up so that you can walk right it is high time to speak up for the cause of crime can somebody say Amen the Saints of Revelation 14:12 are the real deal they are the finished product of divinity you know I think about this whole thing called Christianity every now and then I get kind of downcast when I think of my own journey you ever get there sometimes they began they said Lord am I going to be able to make have I done enough to get in and then I realized wait a minute John it's not what you've done it's what Jesus is doing it's not what you've done it's what Jesus is doing you see that's why that passage in in rouen first John 3 is it beloved now we are the children of God when my brothers and sisters now then he says behold what manner of love the father has bestowed on us that we should be called the children of God when you stand on that sea of glass that day when that redeemed Hosts stands front and center and the unfallen world's peer over the balcony into the final performance they say almost in chorus Jesus was right every now and then the Angels say to Jesus are you sure you want those avenues up here are you sure you want those Baptists up here and Jesus turns around and said I'm not finished yet hey man I'm not done yet the night is far spent the day is at hand the Saints of Revelation 14 are the real deal they are the finished product you see here are they is a response to the question where are they and so my brothers and sisters the day is coming when we will stand when we will stand what we have preached will become sight what we have believed will become tangible faith will no longer be the banister on which I land on which I lean but I'll be leaning on the shoulder of Jesus the day is coming when we're gonna sit down at the Welcome Table come on somebody say Amen they're gonna bring my glass of heavenly ale and they're gonna say this is the water from the river of life have a drink relax John your journey is over and they said when the meal is done we'll take you to your apartment and by the way we heard you talk about them so much we built you one right next to elder Brooks amen and in the first Sabbath the first Sabbath we're gonna get up on Sabbath morning and realize our clothes are already made we're gonna say did you get my suit ready honey she's gonna say no Jesus did hey man some honey do you need shoes no honey do you don't need the car we're gonna fly to the worship service amen and from the north and the south and the east and the West and every coordinate in there the white and the black and the walls of Mexico will finally be brought down because the walls of Jerusalem have replaced it it's not gonna be about nationality it's not about language but every nation every kindred every tongue every people will stand before the throne of grace and Jesus is gonna stand out and somebody's that's gonna say he doesn't have a Bible and somebody's gonna say he doesn't need one he is the Living Word to God be the glory and standing firmly that day there will be a group of which there'll be no doubt somebody's gonna say who are they and somebody will say these are they that cannot be bought compromise deterred lured away turnback diluted or delayed who are they these are they that will not flinch in the face of sacrifice they will not hesitate in the presence of the adversary they will not go sheet at the table of the enemy they will not ponder at the pool of popularity and they refuse to walk in the maze of media kriti who are they they won't give up they won't back up they won't let up and they won't shut up until they have preached up and prayed up and paid up and stored up and stayed up for the cause of Christ who are they here are they come on stay with me here are they here is the patience of the saints here are they which keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus and by God's by God's determined grace where's Tim when I need him by God's grace by God's grace I won't have to imagine I will be there when the heavenly band steps out in the background I begin to hear the instruments clanging together as the angels lift unto their shoulders and they begin to play the song of Moses and of the lamb and Jesus stands out in steps as a faithful conductor he says to God be the glory great [Music] and he gave us his son who yield did his boys can atone me and open the life gates that all may say it one time praise the Lord praise Allah [Music]
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 21,334
Rating: 4.8603492 out of 5
Keywords: 3ABN, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, yt:quality=high, John Lomacang, The Patience of Commandment-keeping Saints, Should we keep God's Commandments?, The importance of the ten commandments, Ten Commandments, The Three Angels’ Messages, 3ABN Spring Camp Meeting
Id: w2WlOOlv7-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 1sec (3481 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 15 2018
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