04 - “Agent of Change” - John Lomacang - 3ABN Phoenix 2018 Pathway to Life

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[Music] good evening good evening welcome to each and every one of you who are watching this broadcast all over three angels broadcasting network we're glad that each and every one of you have joined us here in Phoenix Arizona my name is Jim Hakes I pastor the Paradise Valley seventh-day Adventist Church right here in the sunny Valley of Phoenix Arizona and we invite you to come on in with us as three angels broadcasting is come here to Phoenix to share pathways to life and I've been blessed as each presentation has been has taken place I expect that each of you will be blessed again to today as this event happens 3abn is here with pastor allama Cain and friends tonight two important be leading out in our music and then pastor Lama Cain will be speaking to us and I expect we will each one receive a blessing before Tim opens up with with the word in music I invite you to pray with me and then Tim will be presenting to us the song I've been changed and pastor Lama Cain will be talking about the agent of change will you pray with me dear God thank you for this wonderful gospel and it is our prayer that you will share music through Tim tonight that you will share the message from the word through pastor lo McCain it is our prayer that each of us be blessed and we thank you before we have asked it in the name of Jesus amen I'm gonna testify a little tonight well I've been to the river and I've been baptized I've been washed in the blood of the land I've been changed from the creature that once I was and redeemed is now my name I've been chained I have newborn now all my life has been reirei what a difference it made when the Lord came and stayed in my heart oh yes I've been change [Music] though my sins were as scarlet they're wide as snow I was bound but today I am free I was lost out in the darkness but now I'm found and I was blind but now I see so I've been changed I knew more now all of my life has been rearranged oh what a difference it made when the Lord came and stayed in my heart oh yes I've been changed when at last in his presence I stand above he will wipe all the tears from my eyes and I'll thank him for giving a wretch like me a lasting hope beyond the sky I've been chained who born now all my life has been difference when the Lord came and stayed in my heart oh yes I've been chained oh what a difference it made when the Lord came and stay in my heart oh yes I've been seeing [Music] I am change and I'm gonna keep the change Oh in my heart oh yes I've been [Music] amen go ahead and say me we ought to get excited about being changed can you say Amen again thank you Tim for warming up the piano and warming up our hearts thank you so much for coming out another night have you been blessed we're going to ask for the Lord to continue guiding tonight we're talking about the agent of change what's the topic tonight the agent of change none of us wants to be who we used to be we all want to be new as Tim sing so hardly we all want to be changed before you go into the Bible tonight let's open with a word of Prayer loving father in heaven we thank you Lord for the privilege and opportunity that you lend to us in opening your word we invite your presence to come and to speak to our hearts in such a way that wherever we may be if it is will you do not desire for us to be Lord come in and change us we ask in Jesus name Amen tonight come with me on a journey with the doctor of doctors the psychologists of psychology the architect of extreme makeovers his name is Jesus and tonight I begin by saying to you they nothing he can't do amen somebody I know that not only scripturally but I know that factually as we walked through the Bible tonight you are going to walk with me through the science of transformation the science of becoming a saint and not remaining a sinner we're gonna walk through tonight and discover what it means to be converted how do we become all that God intends for us to be how do we become delivered from who we used to be the Lord does not want us just to be intellectual Christians he wants us to be spiritual Saints born-again by the blood of the Lamb and tonight we're gonna walk in the Bible through John chapter four if you have your Bibles you can turn there with me if not it is going to be on the screen one of the most transforming stories in the Bible brings us face to face with the familiar places in our lives you know by default many of us tend to go back to that same place to go back to that same habit go back to that same thought go back to that same practice even though intellectually we may have a clear understanding of a doctrinal position in the Bible there is something that happens in the human life it's almost like a repeated behavior matter of fact it is almost not almost like a repeated behavior it is a repeated behavior it is an action it is a thought that becomes an action an action that becomes a habit a habit that becomes a character a character that becomes a destiny and I know in my own life that until I completely surrendered myself to Jesus and by the way let me make this point very clear surrendering your life to Jesus maybe in the larger sense giving your heart to Christ through baptism and in following him as your Lord and Savior but every morning we wake up we've got to surrender our lives to Jesus another day and I'll tell you why as we open the Bible tonight Jesus takes us to one of the unknown cities in the Bible a city named psyche R and this when you study the story that we're going to cover here in John chapter 4 you'll discover one of the reasons why Jesus takes us to a relatively unknown unknown City and I discovered that this is the only place in the entire Bible where the city cycle is named Jesus takes us to an unfamiliar city to confront our familiar places and he takes us to a place that walks us through one of the most interesting conversations that Jesus has Jesus having a conversation with a woman at the well now whether you know it or not a woman in Bible prophecy represents the church and tonight we're going to see ourselves in a very clear way in the story of Jesus having a conversation with a woman at the well and then we're going to discover the science of being delivered from our unfamiliar places and being transformed to become like Christ let's dive into the story tonight John chapter 4 verses 3 & 4 the Bible says speaking of Jesus on his journey the Bible says he left Judea and departed again to Galilee but he needed to go through Samaria you know when I read that when I read that I discovered the reason the difference between who we were and who we have become is that Jesus needed to go through our neighborhood you'll catch that tomorrow he didn't need to go through because there was nothing in Samaria that he needed but there was someone in Samaria that needed Jesus there was nothing in Samaria he needed but there was someone in Samaria that needed Jesus I am so glad that the journeys that Jesus takes are not for things but for people and there's no one that is unimportant to Jesus so when you read in the Bible when the Bible says Jesus needed to go through Samaria the point of the matter is if you want your life to be transformed let Jesus go through your life let him go through your marriage let him go through your neighborhood let him go through your relationships when he goes through it he unwraps it and he puts it back together making it better than it is before I know that I used to be a disc jockey until Jesus went through and everything that binds us will bind us until Jesus decides to go through look at the next verse verse 6 he meets a woman in the Bible says now Jacob's Well was there Jesus therefore being wearied from his journey sat verse by the well it was about the sixth hour in other words it was high noon and when the Bible adds the the narrative about Jacob's Well I had to look into the Bible to understand the story you know there are certain passages in the Bible and I've discovered everything that you find in a particular scripture is put there for a reason and I said why would he mention Jacob's Well when Jacob died sixteen hundred and ninety four years before the story unfolded why would he even mention Jacob's Well because Jesus was about to confront a woman who had more faith in her lineage than in Christ he had to confront the identifying marks in her life and let me let me unpack this a little slowly and then I'll preach like a New Yorker in a few minutes he he had to unpack her identity what kept her linked to every practice in her life and the security that she had was this was a well that was connected to her family from generation to generation to generation to generation so Jesus is meeting her at a familiar place the place that identifies her with her family line as far back as 1690 four years and when you look at your life in many cases who you are is often identified by what has been passed down from generation to generation to generation to generation and we often say you just like your grandfather you got a temper just like him you look just like your brother but he died before you were born you know you sing just like your great-grandmother but that was before you were born there are certain things in our lives that identifies with our past some people say your temper oh if you if you only knew your grandfather your temple would be just like his and so Jesus identifies something that's gonna be very significant to this woman when he begins to meet her at the place that is connected to her lineage now before we meet the woman and we'll meet her in just a moment before we meet her I need to make a very important point lineage has a lot to do with our identity until we meet Jesus because when we meet Jesus something happens when we meet Jesus and invite him in something magnificent take places takes place notice what the Bible says here's how the Bible says it 2nd Corinthians 5 and verse 17 matter of fact read it with me are you reading here we go therefore if anyone no matter what your background your race your financial status therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a what new creation old things have what passed away behold all things have become what knew that word passed away is a phrase meaning old things have died and I know as I've met people from time to time there are certain things in people's lives that if they just let them die they would begin to experience the abundant life that Jesus came to gifted if they would just let certain things pass away anybody know what I'm talking about there are some people that are identified you see them coming and you know to yourself here they go with that same old story again how you doing and they tell you they're an entire life story they begin from the time they were 17 and they're probably 51 and you say I heard I know the story I understand like the man that was laying at the pool and he said I've been here for long of time like the woman had been bleeding for many many years we so often are identified by our war stories and the scars of our past but if we meet Jesus and let the past pass away we will understand what it means to be new in Christ what do you say tonight the point is to be new means a whole lot more than just saying we are Christians let's let's allow this to be impact one of the points I'm going to bring out is that often times we are identified by our doctrinal position but the older I get I'm discovering that my mental emotional and spiritual position is more of a reality than just my doctrinal position in other words what I think how I live and the practices in my life identify me more with the reality of Who I am than just what I believe doctrinally because there's some people that have solid doctrines but they don't behave they don't live in harmony with their doctrines they don't live in harmony with their belief systems let me show you how the Bible illustrates this look at this proverbs 23 verse 7 very short passage but powerful for as he thinks what in his heart so is he in other words we may not be what we think we are but we are what we think did you get that we may not be what we think we are but we are what we think so now as I laid the foundation for the story Jesus is about to meet a woman who thinks she thinks who thinks she is what she thinks she is but Jesus knows that she's not what she thinks she is don't ask me to say that again he knows who she is so about noon high noon he sends his disciples away because they have issues with people of other races and they are not past their prejudice yet read the story that's the main reason he sent them away because the Jews and the Samaritans just do not converse so he had to send them away said go get something to eat and when you're done come back he had to do that to clear the stage so that he can have a converting experience with a person who needed to meet him the Bible continues John 4 verse 7 a woman of Samaria came to draw water jesus said to her I love this passage jesus said to her give me a drink sorry for smiling but Jesus is the water of life come on now somebody Jesus could think water and every water jug within a hundred miles will show up into the presence of Jesus the water of if she had only known I'm excuse me I'm Way ahead of you but if she had only known who was asking her for a drink Jesus says give me a drink I'm thirsty give me something to drink and she looks at Christ not understanding that she's about to have an encounter with the creator of everything seen and unseen person I then the woman of Samaria said to him how is it that you being a Jew ask a drink from me a Samaritan woman for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans she was able to identify Jesus and we were just recently in the Middle East you can tell the difference by the way people dress how they are identified when we were in Jordan we could see that the Jordanians dressed differently from the Jews they have a certain identifying kind of garb they wear and just being there for the days that we were we were able to see the difference but when she said this to Jesus I like the way that Jesus responded back to her notice what he said notice what he said jesus answered and said to her if you knew the gift of God and who it is who says to you give me a drink you would have asked him and he would have given you living water if you had only known that's something that Jesus is on vacation from hanging galaxies he took a short break between creating other worlds to come down have a conversation with a woman out of well in a short span of three and a half years of ministry this creator of heaven and earth this nuclear plant hidden in the garb of human flesh Jesus this lion of the tribe of Judah dressed in the garb of a helpless lamb there's enough power in Jesus to annihilate the woman and he's standing in her presence with his power turned way down so that he can turn the power way up in her life I'm talking about Jesus I'm not talking about a president I'm not talking about a wealthy man I'm talking about a man who has no beginning and no end and he's standing in front of the woman and he's saying to her if you only knew who I was Jesus became the Undercover Boss have you seen that before doesn't it tickle you what the moment I saw that I said that's Jesus he he he hides himself in the garb of humanity he comes way down so that one day we can go way up he left the untarnished palaces of illimitable space in time to have a conversation with one woman ladies you ought to say man I mean this story blows me away you know she did not know in whose presence she stood so I gotta go back to Jeremiah to help you understand in whose presence she stood Jeremiah says to the woman if you only read Jeremiah you have known who he is Jeremiah says the Lord declared behold I am the Lord the God of all flesh is there anything too hard for me and the answer is what no you know it in your own life so there's nothing too hard for God I know it in my own life have you been to the places in your life where you didn't think that you can change but now you look back on will you used to be only to realize that the reason why you are no longer there is you met the agent of change tonight I'm not talking about any of the 28 fundamentals I am talking about the most fundamental fundamental of all and that is meeting Jesus because you know until you meet Jesus you can have all your ducks in a row but you can be so unchanged that your doctrinal and an intellectual beliefs have no ability to transform and change your life and what we need more than anything else is not just clearer understandings of scriptural teachings we need to know why we always end up where we end up and how to break the cycle of going back to where we used to be the familiar places in our lives you see Jesus met the woman where she always was Jesus met a woman at the place that she showed up every day and he knew the time of day he says 5 to noon she'll be here in five minutes get together it's noon he did if he went - at 5 o'clock he would not I met her he's that amazing that before time began Jesus put in his calendar woman at the well 2700 years from now at noon that's how I think help me out 2700 years from now at noon outside a psych car got an appointment he wakes up that morning checks his rolodex sorry opens up his iPad and says I got an appointment today with a woman at the well come on somebody say Amen I mean because the Bible says I am God and there is none like me declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things that are not yet done so I don't believe that this is an appointment that Jesus made that day I believe this is an appointment made and he shows up so that by the way he changes her life he shows us that he can change our lives he came to give her something that she never had which means the Lord doesn't need us we need him every blessings that we can ever experience is because we simply throw ourselves on God and you know when we give our all we get more than our all back in return didn't he promise that notice what he says in his word notice how he says it's in this word give and it will be what give and it will be given to you how good measure pressed down shaken together and running over will be put into your bosom for with the same measure that you use it will be measured back to you again in other words what is what this scripture is saying we use this often for finances but the Bible is saying if there's any portion of you you hold back then you'll never get all that the Lord has for you but if you give everything of yourself he'll give you that back and then some good measure pressed down shaken together and running over and I'm getting to the place in life my gray hair is teaching me one thing if I'm going to give my life to God I've got to give all of it for there to be any changes I gotta give every bit of it now let's go back to the story because you're excited to go there look at the very next verse the woman said to him sir you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep she still doesn't know who he is well then do you get that living water and then Jesus responds back you know what's amazing to me if it were us if it were us we would have said at the very beginning I'm God I mean come on help me up we couldn't handle that kind of power we're gonna said I'm God you don't need water you need me but Jesus is just milking this for all he has and every time I read the story I want to say to him just tell her who you just tell her who you are and she'll surrender you know if he came out and said to her woman do you realize that the very well on which you stand belongs to the earth that I made he doesn't do that he's he's just drawing her heart out after a longing that's way inside or he's pulling it out and he said to her notice what he said in verse 12 are you greater than your father Jacob who gave us the well and drank from it himself as well as his sons and his livestock and then Jesus responds back to her jesus answered and said to her whoever drinks of this water will do what thirst again but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will what never thirst but the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into what ever lasting life now as the Lord as the woman is inventory in her life Jesus is unfolding before her something that will take away the thirst in her life and so I want to pause at this particular point of the sermon asked the question which Jesus was really asking her is how thirsty are you now think about that for a moment until you are thirsty for righteousness you'll never have that quench that thirst quench didn't the Bible say whoever hungers and thirst after righteousness will be filled now some of us want to be righteous but always thirsty for righteousness the difference between wanting to be righteous and being thirsty for righteousness meant that means this until your thirst is quenched you're not satisfied with any other substitutes simply put until your life is where you are completely free from the things that bind bind you to your past until you're at the place where everything that held you at that familiar place is gone until all those things are gone you're not yet satisfied and I know what I'm talking about because the Lord delivers us but sometimes he has to deliver us in phases because not that he can't deliver us all at once but sometimes we hold on to things in our life and we are reluctant to let them go and then when we finally let them go and we experience what God always had for us you know we say I should have let that thing go years ago am i right but we hold onto it somehow and the woman is doing the very same thing she's at the will a place of familiar occurrences she's got her water pot she's looking at Christ and he says if you only knew Who I am I could transform your life tremendously she doesn't know yet who he is so he presses the issue he presses the issue look at verse look at the very next verse verse 15 the war the woman said to him Sir give me this water that I may not thirst nor come here to draw so in other words she got to the place where she's saying I am thirsty but if you give me this water I'll never thirst again so the door is now opening the door is now opening now Jesus is going to do something that we don't think he should have done here as I think about the story Jesus could have simply said okay here's the water you'll never thirst again but now he goes from the surface issues in her life to the hidden issues in her life watch how he does it and Jesus said to her now why did he have to ask that question go call your husband and come here I could hear her saying wasn't this about water what does my husband have to do with anything he goes from the surface issue now let me just really get clear with you a lot of us like to talk about the surface issues but when the issue starts getting deep where the real challenges lie it becomes completely uncomfortable but I love the fact that the way that Jesus does this he doesn't let her back out of the conversation notice how he handles this the woman answered and said I have no husband and jesus said to her you have well said I have no husband and he goes on to say to her him that you have spoken truthful you've well said you have no husband you've well said that you have no husband I'm gonna go back because you just saw the scripture he said you have no husband matter of fact you know the rest of the story he said to her you have five husbands and the one that you're with now is not yours in other words you keep going from one place to the next trying to find satisfaction but he brought up a point that is so significant he says go call your husband now this is where the sermon begins all that was foundation this is where the sermon begins tonight we're going to talk about husbands husbands don't get nervous you're gonna see we're not talking about husbands married to wives we're going to talk about the controlling center of your life that Jesus calls the husband of our relationship look at this look at this Romans 7 verse 1 or do you not know brethren for I speak to those who know the law that the law has dominion over a man as long as he lives I'm going to introduce you tonight to the law to the law to the law call the husband to the law called the husband look at Romans chapter 7 go in your Bible to 0 with me Romans chapter 7 matter of fact I'm gonna give it to you in just a moment don't go there I'm gonna show you first Genesis chapter 3:16 give you the principle and then we're gonna go to Romans chapter 7 verse 2 look at Genesis chapter 3 and verse 16 this is vitally important because Jesus asked the woman about her husband let's see what the Bible says about the husband in Genesis Genesis 3 and verse 16 your desire shall be for your husband and he shall what rule over you so when Jesus asked a woman for her husband he was in essence saying there's somebody else ruling your life and I want to break his hold on your life so that I can have a hold on your life and though in the end in the husband that she's married to is the barrier between her relationship with her past and her relationship with her future let's look at that let's look at that very careful here Romans 7 and verse 2 for the woman who has a husband is bound by the law to her husband as long as he what as long as he lives but if the husband dies she is released from the law of her husband I showed you the law of her husband very careful here in in Genesis 3 in verse 16 what's the law of her husband her desire will be for him and he will do what rule over her tonight allow me to introduce you to and then I'm gonna prove my thesis in just a moment here the law of her husband is the nature that we were born with the sin nature the corrupt nature the control center of our will the architect of our desires the orchestrator of our failure the power that keeps us bound to the same old behaviors the engineer that keeps our future locked to our pass the law that Jesus is referring to here is that all nature that every one of us was born with and the Bible says again the woman who has a husband is what now get that she's bound to the law as long as he what as long as he lives in other words until our old nature is put to death we're talking about the agent of change until who we were born as is no longer in control of us then somebody else is now free to be in control of us as long as we are bound to that nature that we received from Adam we will never be able to produce children or seeds or practices or or lifestyle that is connected to the Christ who wants to be the new husband in our lives let's look at that very carefully why what happens if she's bound by the law to her husband notice her desire will be for him and he'll rule over her there's a particular principle the law of her husband notice what that law is all about Matthew chapter 7 let's look at this even so every good tree bears what good fruit so what kind of fruit is a good tree bear okay let's keep going but a bad tree bears what bad fruit look at this law a good tree together cannot bear bad fruit nor can a bad tree bear what good fruit so in other words if you break this down being bound to that law means let's make it practical if I want to do right and I'm married to an old sinful nature can I do right so if I want to live like Jesus but I'm married to Adams and nature can I live like Jesus if I want to be free to do what is right and good but I'm married to a nature that is in control of me that I cannot produce anything good with can I ever become like Jesus look at the principle a good tree cannot bear bad fruit nor can a bad tree of be or what and the reason why the Bible talks about bad food and good fruit is there are only two types of individuals how many times that I say only to those who are bearing good fruit and those who are bearing what bad fruit but tonight you're going to discover something very important bad fruit don't show up because we decide sorry good fruit don't show up because we decide that good food are going to show up the only way that good fruit can show up is if the tree is good did you get that will you find apples on an orange tree yes or no would you find oranges on an apple tree yes or no that's kind of a weak yes or no yes I know so what has to happen to find apples on an apple tree I gave you the answer it has to be an apple tree right what has to happen for there to be righteous living in a person's life we have to be connected to what kind of a tree a righteous tree so we cannot make these changes intellectually Jeremiah makes it very clear look at Jeremiah chapter 13 verse 23 can the Ethiopian can the Ethiopian change his skin yes or no or the leopard his spots yes or no and this is powerful then may we also may you also do good who are accustomed to do what it's going to get a little deeper here in just a moment you see this message about agent of change if I would have grayed any of the messages I've covered so far this message is the pivotal message between all that we want to and all that we still might be we may be living a life that has repeated practices and habits that are coming up over and over and we're desiring for those things to be changed in our lives and we get to the point where we grit our teeth we say okay today I'm not going to do it I'm not going to do it I'm not going to do it I'm not going to do it and then we try in our own human ability to try to hold out as long as we can and then eventually it shows up again you know why because the nature of the tree has not yet been changed follow me very carefully so can the Ethiopian change your skin absolutely not look at this when you wake up in the morning look at the two choices you have romans 6 and verse 16 romans 6 and verse 16 this comes down to choice you see before baptism before a person is free to say I want to give my life to Christ we've got to make a choice and notice how powerful notice how powerful the nature of sin is but also notice how powerful the nature of righteousness is look at this text I have been studying little more than a year now and I've discovered in the Bible that there are three particular verses in scripture that have given me what I might refer to as the answers to the life's most important questions and the question is this or one of the most important questions is this how can I live so that Jesus can be seen in my life how many of you want that every one of us want to live so that Jesus can be seen in our lives so how does that happen let's look at this text Romans 6 and verse 16 the Bible says do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey you are that one slave whom you obey whether of sin leading to death or of obedience leading to what it starts by this by presenting ourselves now I used to think and let me just put this in the context you know some people may say well I'm not a Christian but I'm doing my own thing have you heard that phrase before I'm just you know well no we're not no one does his or her his or her own thing we are either doing God's thing living righteously or were doing Satan's thing living unrighteous ly because there's no third category in this text either we have made a decision to present ourselves to the slave of disobedience or we've made the decision to present ourselves to the slave of obedience now the Bible uses the word slave for a particular reason it's a hard word the word slave is not the kind of word we like to use a men's embody but the word slave is intended to let you know that the moment you make that decision Sol okay the moment you make that decision it is no longer you who is in control have you ever done something that you said later on I never thought I'd do that no no amens necessary on that one I want you to think I think we've all been at the place where we've done something we've said I never thought I could do that I never thought I would I never thought I could actually do that you know why it happened because when we present ourselves when we present ourselves as a slave to disobedient slaves never tell the master what to do the master always tells the slave what to do this is a very important topic so the master who is Satan the moment you submit yourself to him handcuffed and he decides what you're going to do the moment you submit yourself to Christ he decides what you're going to do and let me tell you something when the Lord decides what you're going to do here's the difference when you submit to Satan you'll do things you never thought you would ever do but when you submit yourself to Christ you'll be able to do things you never thought you could do that's why some people years later to come betray the church I said that guy used to be in prison for robbery has he the head treasurer of the church they trust him with money I mean think about let's put this together how many of you would trust the Apostle Paul who used to be Saul persecutor of Christians how many of you would have him preach at your church a week after his conversion who's preaching in Antioch Paul happened heard of him before he used to be named Saul he said he was converted he's doing an evangelistic series I ain't going but now but now years later thousands of years they would say the Apostle Paul a man of God but how many of you would have come to his evangelistic series the week after he got converted really honestly and then when the one that when the chapter of second chronicles ended in first chronicles began the Lord said to Solomon if you would walk in the ways of your father David and keep all my Commandments as your father David did you're saying is he talking about the same David that I know the guy that had an adulterous affair with the woman and then had her husband is he saying that Solomon should walk in the commandments like he did let me tell you something brothers and sisters when the Lord comes into your life your past is not just forgiven it is washed away amen so the Lord looks at you we use this word justified but sometimes we don't understand what it means justify it simply means and as you said this before it really does mean the Lord looks at a redeemed sinner just as if he had never sinned and the reason why this topic is important is because so many people have been Christians for a long time and one of the most painful questions I've heard Christians say is way up in there years you know I'm not sure if I'm gonna be saved I've heard many I've heard many Adventists say that I'm not sure I'm not sure if I'm gonna be saved how are you been out huh sorry okay here's the point you may you may have been Adventist for many years but you may not have been a Christian for many years because being an Adventist and being a Christian is not the same thing an Adventist is somebody who accepts all the doctrines but an Adventist Christian is somebody who's been transformed by the grace of Christ amen someone a Christian in any walk of life as a person who's first transformed then informed but so many of us are informed so many of us as pastor see a says so many of us are convicted by the message but not converted by the message so we have more convicts in our church than Converse don't want that so what's the answer let's look at the Bible and by the way when I say this the moment you submit to someone you'll discover that you are no longer in charge I got the evidence here look at first John 1 verse 29 the beauty of the message is when John saw Jesus coming he made a particular statement that is true about all of us only Jesus can take away the sin of the world and the sin of the world is the broken nature that every one of us was born with behold the lamb of God that does was taketh away that what sin of the world yes but look at Romans when you submit to a nature that you cannot control Paul himself going through this experience admitted these words he says once he submitted to the wrong nature notice what he said but now it is what no longer I who do it but what sin that dwells in me so you wonder why do I go back home after I leave a meeting why do i why do I leave the church and say I'm not gonna smoke tonight I'm not gonna smoke tonight I didn't mean on doing that you know why because the power that was controlling you has not yet been broken and the power that controls you will make you do things until the power that controls you has been put to death and another power is in charge let's go on we got to see this that's what Paul meant when he said in Romans 6 verse 6 and 7 knowing this speaking about the transformation from being bond in bondage to being made free knowing this that our old man was crucified with him why that the body of sin might be done away with what body of sin this nature that Adam gave to every one of us is what's in control of us and until this nature is put to death we have no freedom to do anything but what the state but what the sin nature wants us to do that the body of sin might be done away with and look at the wording that we should no longer be what slaves of sin for he who has died has been free from what not si an S but si in the nature of sin that means the control center has been torn down and a new control center has been put in place that means Satan no longer has you handcuffed to him we are now handcuffed to Christ but let's continue going on let's continue going on Romans 7 verse 4 therefore my brethren you also have become dead to the law through the body of Christ this is one of the most misunderstood scriptures in the Bible people think when it says you become dead to the law they think you become dead to the commandments no that means you become dead to the law that's been controlling you how many of you have heard of gravity you know gravity is gravity is in control what goes up must come down but when the law that controls the nature has been broken you've been freed from that controlling law notice what it goes on to say further you have become dead to the laws through the body of Christ the controlling law of your nature that you may be married to another to him who was raised from the dead that we should do what now bear fruit to Christ I got to move a little quicker tonight I got to move a little quicker here's how beautiful that is here's how beautiful that is here's where the transformation comes in when Jesus comes in and that Olson nature has been put down the sin that was in control is no longer in control who is in control now the Apostle Paul declares I have been what crucified with Christ if you crucified you have your nature put to death and notice what he says it is no longer I who live but who Christ who lives in me and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who did what loved me and did what else gave himself for me when the woman submitted herself to Jesus I want you to get this I have two more scriptures Tim make your way to the piano - I have two more scriptures that are vitally important I've got to share them with you when the woman finally submitted herself to Jesus notice what happened the very thing that she identified with every day notice what happened look at the verse the woman the woman left her waterpot the very thing that she had with her every day every day every day every day when she submitted herself to Christ she was finally able to put it down she left her waterpot went her way into the city and said to the men not unusual they knew her to talk to men but this time her life was different come and see a man who told me all things that I ever did could this be the Christ could this be the Christ then they went out of the city and came to him and you'll discover that the city was converted because she found Christ and left the very thing of her past identity let go of the husbands of her past identity and had a new man in her life a Mensa body what made the difference what made the difference Joshua 24:15 very quickly let's read this together what made the difference choice choose for yourselves when this day whom you will serve but you must say tonight but as for me and my house what we will serve the Lord tomorrow night were going into part two getting connected tonight we've covered what it means to break the hold on the nature that we were born with it's done by making one simple choice the question is tonight who will you choose whoever you choose is the one that will determine how you live Tim [Music] lord I give you my heart I give you my soul I live for you alone every breath that I take every moment I'm away lord have your way in me Lord I give you my heart I give you my soul I live for you alone every breath that I take every moment I'm lord have your way in I want us to sing that song one time with Tim can we do that one can we do that that's what I want you to give your Lord give the Lord your heart and your soul that's the only way that the past can be put down and the new life in Christ can come in can we sing that one time together lord I give you my heart I give you my soul I live for you alone [Music] load every breath that I take every moment every moment I'm awake lord have your way Lord have more time lord I give you my heart I give you my soul I live for you I live for you alone every breath that I take and every moment I'm away lord have your tonight I'm gonna ask you to do something if there's somebody here tonight that wants to give the Lord their will their way their hearts their soldiers stand with me tonight just stand with me this is the choice I'm talking about choosing choosing moment by moment day by day hour by hour loving father in heaven the choice between our failure and our success is choosing you the choice between the habits that bind us and the Lord that frees us is you precious father tonight we make that decision to give you our hearts and to give you our souls that you'll come in and make a transitional change in us sever us from the habits of our past severus from the practices of our past the things that have kept us going back over and over to the very same familiar places well tonight may we choose you that you'll be our deliverer the husband of our future the one that produced fruits of righteousness through us the one that brings the light of life and joy and freedom to us help us to choose every moment of every day the God who has come to free us father tonight this is the freedom that we want that is only found in our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus we ask for this father please come in by your Holy Spirit and set us free in Jesus name Amen [Music] [Music]
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 4,268
Rating: 4.7460318 out of 5
Keywords: 3ABN, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, yt:quality=high, John Lomacang, Bible seminar, Bible preaching
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 0sec (3540 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2018
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