20201003 | The Glorious Appearing | Pastor John Lomacang (tvsdac)

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happy sabbath everyone so good to be in god's house this morning that we could rest in his promises alone and i want you to be in prayer this morning for the message the glorious appearing of our lord is the consummation of our hopes the very thing we've been looking for the very thing that we're praying for the very event that we have been working towards jesus is coming again it is when we become discouraged and give up that we fail to be ready for that glorious event everything we see around us today ought to remind us that the promises of god are sure as i mentioned a couple of weeks ago i covered the message entitled the appearing the appearing of satan the groundwork being laid for the deception of the ages but today we're not talking about the deception of the ages we're talking about the most glorious event of the ages the appearing of our lord and savior jesus christ he that shall come will come and will not tarry so before i open the word of god to you this morning i pray that you'll bow your heads with me as we ask for the lord to guide so that his name will be glorified gracious father in heaven this is a privilege far beyond the ability of human vessels and so this morning lord i yield my heart to you and i ask for your spirit to come and to fill my mind in my life and my heart with you and you alone i pray lord that you'll speak to your people that their minds will be so calibrated to hear what the spirit says that we will not miss a morsel of your word may your holy angels inhabit this place may our minds be re invigorated and encouraged to get ready through our lives and through our worship for your soon return in jesus name i pray amen if you have your bibles with you this morning i'd like you to turn to luke chapter 21 but if you don't have your bible it will appear on the screen luke 21 28 a short but very potent verse that says to us that god has given us exit signs letting us know that our redemption is coming dr luke writes in luke 21 28 these words now he outlined a list of things that were taking place and then he says now when these things begin to happen let's read the rest together are you ready here we go look up and lift up your heads because your redemption draws near i'll say amen myself amen one day we're going to be able to look up and all that we have believed and have trusted will become sight one day above this cold cruel sin-laden earth there is going to arise a cloud about the size of man's hand reminding us that everything we have believed has not been a part of cunningly devised fables let the world laugh as they may but i think the saying fits right here he who laughs last laughs best it will not be a laughing matter when jesus comes it'll be a sad matter that many who have been exposed to being saved have rejected such an invitation and i pray that today as dr luke reminds us that our redemption is on his way as hms richards jr when he was on his deathbed he said somebody said to him your father used to say at the end of the broadcast jesus is coming again but he's dead what do you say and on his deathbed hms richards jr said he's on his way he's on his way many years ago that very famous songwriter named stevie wonder if you've not heard about him you've been on another planet he wrote a song he said they say heaven is ten zillion light years away and just the pure in heart will walk those righteous streets one day so people that think that heaven has been forgotten heaven is telling us that they have not forgotten and we can trust the promises of god recently i did some research i like to find interesting stories to begin my sermon with i'll begin with one that i found very interesting i find things to apply in odd places and i heard about something recently i'm not a gamer just want to make that clear i don't i'm not this is not me i heard about a game called crumbling world and because it fits the atmosphere of our world today i decided let me look into this and find out what it's all about and so i went to their website and i found that computer gamers have found a way to capitalize on the demonic impact of the evil world around us that's not anything new we know that this world is filled with demons praise the lord he still draws a sin and a line in the sand to let them know how far they can go amen for that because if demons had false way of doing what they wanted to do none of us would be here this morning so they created a game called the crumbling world writers say it is a dark fantasy set in a sinister slowly decomposing land sounds like earth doesn't it the aim of the participants is to navigate and try to survive the world as it rapidly disintegrates beneath their feet that describes our world doesn't it iris our world is rapidly disintegrating beneath our feet and the only way you don't know that is if you've been living in a bubble but if you've come out of your house or turned on the news for any length of time or read the newspaper or or maybe rubbed elbows with somebody that lives in the real world we're kind of sequestered out here we're kind of in thompsonville we're off stage in a soundproof room but thanks to satellite and internet we can hear those periodic dings on our phone when whatever app you have notifies you of what the real world is all about what it's like in st louis and new york and san francisco and los angeles and and and detroit and all the major cities what it's like in the real world what it's like out there but i continued looking at this and i realized yes we are living in a world that's rapidly disintegrating beneath our feet in the opening credits the narrator describes a world that resembles what our world has become let me remind you of the words that they use in the opening script of this game and here it is if you could read it in the crumbling world the writer says these in a very sinister voice he says a world emerges from the bowels of the earth releasing hordes of terrifying creatures thirsty for chaos and destruction their arrival will mark the end of humanity as we know it while not everyone succumbed to these evil forces few believers in the struggle for a free world remain that's what we that's where we live as strange and bizarre as that sounds that is a description of the world in which we live there are sinister forces at work as you are sitting here today the bible describes them as unclean spirits the apostle peter says the devil is as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour we are told be sober be vigilant john in revelation says woe to the inhabitants of the earth the devil has come down to you having great wrath because he knows he has a short time so this is a description of our world today as amazing and as bizarre as it sounds computer gamers are saying to the participants this is the world you're in and i hope you'd survive while you're running and the world is disintegrating beneath our feet think about it think about it who could have possibly predicted 2020 the way it has unfolded 2020 means perfect vision 2020 has done something it has revealed to us the kind of world that god sees every day a world where his name is denied a world where his promises are ignored a world where the gospel is nothing more than a passing fancy as some people may say the byproduct of an overenergetic televangelist when in fact the gospel is a call to save humanity that's marching slowly to its grave never to be resurrected again but praise god today we can say as those who have received the invitation those who have become a part of the family we can say praise god there's something better beyond this what do you say there's something far greater when all of this has been done when when we are walking bob as it were on the ashes of the world that used to be we will remember the words of malachi they shall be ashes under the souls of your feet so god will have the final say while we're praying for our nation's leaders while we're praying for covert 19 to leave the planet and go to jupiter somewhere we've got to live in this kind of environment we've got to trust the lord we've got to know that his promises are true what kind of world are we living in the servant of the lord describes it beautifully in the book counsels for the church page 37 paragraph one listen to what she says we are living in the time of the end the fast fulfilling signs of the times declare that the coming of christ is near where at hand the days in which we live are solemn and important the spirit of god is gradually but surely being withdrawn from the earth plagues and judgments are already falling upon the despisers of the grace of god the calamities by land and sea the unsettled state of society the alarms of war are portentous meaning they're everywhere if you listen they forecast approaching events of the greatest magnitude we have no idea when my wife and i had a chance to go into the situation room in washington dc it is called the most secure room in the world the situation room we had a chance to go into the white house into the bowels of the white house into the situation room where the world is being monitored monitored 24 hours a day seven days a week and you have to be an american citizen to go in there we were made aware after we exited that 24 hours a day joe seven days a week somebody is watching what's happening around the world to notify men and women if they need to be in a moment's notice look for the nearest shelter 24 hours a day seven days a week our nation is being protected from if by air by land by sea under the water by radar by sauna by the military by by surveillance reconnaissance by the pentagon but even more than that god is still holding back the winds of strife so while i thank god for what we have technologically and informationally i praise god that nothing's going to happen until god says it's time to let go that's why i love the words of the apostle paul when he looks at this crumbling world he makes a statement that i just really appreciate in light of what i've seen he says if in this life only we have hope in christ we are of all men what most miserable if you think this is it your money can't change your life i've heard about billionaires or millionaires or people with a lot of possessions passing away they would give every penny they own just to get another breath so i had to ask myself the question when i got frustrated one day watching oprah winfrey when she was giving out gifts and cars to everybody my wife and i said why couldn't we be on that show now you know what i'm saying that's the human element when we see people receiving things that we think that we should be a part of recipients of why can why why cannot be on that show and then i was reminded in the back of my mind that everything they receive is going to grow old and the only thing that will never grow old is when come on i'm going to invite you bob i'm going to invite you ramona when my wife and i celebrate our 15 476 millionth anniversary i'm gonna invite you to attend come on st say man somebody hey i'm gonna have a birthday party and say bob do you remember and bob is gonna say remember what the former things will not be remembered nor come into mind as bad as it is one day it's gonna be as one person says the good is gonna be so gooder that we're not going to remember the bad that was so bad it's going to be so good that once somebody says what was it like in 2020 we say when the former things will not be remembered nor coming to mind hallelujah somebody we've got a lot to look forward to but this world is a world that has blinded itself to the signs of the return of jesus thank god this world is not all that there is when we look at the stage that surrounds us political exploitation has given birth to social anxiety people don't know who to believe let me help you whether you are republican or democrat let me recommend that you believe only this i could say i'm independent i'm independent of man's thinking i'm being guided by the word of god alone financial instability is orchestrating a fragile future i get excited only because i have a little measly retirement not going to last very long it's just something that pastors get you know when we when we are when our names are no longer being called and we are no longer mentioned on the lips of anybody and we're out there sipping our last drink through a straw because our teeth are all gone when we are not even we are nothing but a memory i know that on the day if the lord doesn't come i know that when i close my eyes i want to be able to say i know in whom i have believed and i'm persuaded that he is able to keep that which i commit to him against that day i want to be able to say like the apostle paul i've fought a good fight i've finished my course i've kept the faith therefore there is a crown of righteousness laid up for me but not for me only but for all those that love his appearing when i come out of that if the lord doesn't come before that my wife and i've been praying that we will be alive you know i'm beginning to believe that it's highly possible bob that we can be alive to see jesus comes but like the hebrews says but if not we're coming out what'd i say we're coming out what did i say we're coming out on the first call by god's grace a world that's socially anxious and fragile does not understand that there's a future that god has in store for them i'm i'm i'm an amateur astronomer what does that mean i don't even own a telescope but i like to pick up my ipad every now and then and look at it and move it around with this new technology so i could just imagine what's out there what's beyond this earth and i and i sometimes hit that button where it says go to and i pick a star that i've never heard of before renee and it just zooms me there and i spin it around so i can see earth and earth is so far away i can't even find it and one day i was doing that my wife said to me what are you looking at now and i don't remember the name of the star but i repeated it she said we'll never see that she said how far is it i said well that's three thousand three hundred light years away that means if you travel for three thousand three hundred years at 186 000 miles per second and did nothing else that's how long it will take for you to get there she said we'll never see that i said honey no no we will see that because god wants to unfold to us all the gems and the joys of his creation amen somebody you think that this earth has fun the lord says at my right hand are pleasures how forevermore we don't know if men could come up with these magnificent generated graphics and computer imagery that could just make our minds melt and give us near a near connection what can god do what can god do men can only take pictures of the sunset god creates the sunset man could only measure the magnitude of a volcano god creates volcanoes men can only marvel at the rising waves when surfing season comes around but god says and the waves appear that's the god we serve so be not discouraged by what you see we are looking for the glorious appearing of our lord and savior jesus christ but we recognize that a new season is coming my leaves are falling i got my blower primed and ready to go the leaves are falling as beautiful as those trees are we stood out on our deck a few days ago and i said honey in that wonderful we got so many trees on our property i said in just a few weeks i'ma have to blow all those leaves away because everything is just for a season but eternity is not for a season eternity is described as when eternity rolls what i love about eternity when it starts rolling nancy it's not going to start rolling it's just going to keep on rolling amen somebody is going to keep on rolling and i'm going to stay on the inside so i can roll with it god is saying there's a new season coming how do i know because the evidence is abundant as we see the season changing the cornfields turning gray and brown and they disappear we loved it when they were lush green but they are changing colors evident that the seasons are changing we recognize also that jesus is coming why because the seasons of the world are changing it will only benefit mankind if we pay attention to the changing seasons around us letting us know that jesus is coming in noah's day when noah preached that a flood was coming they questioned his sermons with contempt when when he appealed for the sake of god to this generation they denied his message with repulsive mockery they said it never rained before and because it never rained before they rejected the notion of a flood well well the bible says it's not going to be water but fire this time and when we preach a message that seems to be out of date joe people said that's not possible and the earth was never consumed by fire before but the reason why they rejected noah's message because they had nothing to comparatively analyze it too because it had never rained before but noah preached not based on comparative analysis of a prior event of that magnitude but noah preached based on the validity of god's word simply said simply said god said it and we believe it and that settles it for me evidence number one that i know that jesus is coming in i know the glorious appearing is not far away is the rejection of evidence say that with me the what the rejection of evidence the evidence is everywhere in the news it's in the financial market i get excited when the stock market goes up i get discouraged when it goes down it was like you watch and then the news reporters say today like i hate that one today the market lost 27 billion dollars and you don't want to look at your retirement you don't want to look at it and then every now and then i'd once in a bloom and i'd call the people that in charge of our retirement and they'll say just leave your money there it'll go back up you know brethren one day it ain't going back up right am i right one day it ain't going back up like we say in new york it ain't going back up it's gonna come down and stay down but you know what when it comes down to stay down i got another financial plan and my god shall supply come on all of my need according to his riches and glory by christ jesus so be not discouraged but we're living in a generation that just rejects the evidence they're denying the evidence of the return of jesus and peter the apostles said it this way another evidence of the coming of the lord second peter chapter three verse three and four the bible says knowing this when first that scoffers will come in what days the last days they're today we're living in that time what are they going to be doing walking according to their own lust for their own desires and saying where is the promise of his coming hms richards jr whatever happened he's on his way where is the promise of his coming for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning i'll say like the little kids used to say na ah remember that na'a the world is not the same since i graduated any old people say amen no i noticed i didn't put myself in that category i just said can any old people say amen it's not how it was when we were in high school right i didn't have the fear of being shot in high school they were not metal detectors when i went to high school come on now the biggest thing that could happen was a fist fighter on the football team or somebody got mad at basketball score or two gangs met outside the school and got into an enthusiastic fist fight maybe they swung a stick or pulled out a stiletto that they missed cutting somebody with we live in a generation where metal detectors are at the entrance of schools we live in a generation where people are some schools are some people some teachers are packing a weapon in the classroom so things have not continued as they used to be there was a time when all you needed to make an agreement was a handshake nowadays people don't even honor a contract things have not continued the way they used to be we live in a generation where your neighbors would look out for you but now we're living in a generation where if somebody breaks into your house your neighbors saw nothing we're living in a society where what seems normal to man is repulsive to god and yet it becomes legislated a man marrying a man and a woman marrying a woman as one writer said one songwriter says take us back to the days of yeah nay when it was plain to see the way when it was up to us to choose whether to win or lose we're living quite a different generation peter said they willingly forget he made it clear they willingly forget when you go down to verse five he said they willingly forget in other words they see the evidences but they don't want to look at it they don't really care about it they willingly forget but i'm reminded in hebrews 10 37 the promise of jesus he said for yet a little while and he that shall come will come and will not what and will not tarry the return of jesus has not been postponed due to covet 19. right arenas are shut football game arenas are virtual basketball game arenas are virtual there will be no virtual second coming of jesus it will be literal and visible to everybody behold he's coming with clouds and every eye will see him there will be no virtual return you will not be given a zoom link to see jesus return hallelujah there will be no google meets for jesus's return it'll be visible and literal and everybody will be in one room or the other yet a little while and he that shall come will come and will not tarry but i'm looking at something that covert 19 has done covert 19 for whatever reason has become the tool whereby people are comforted in rejecting the evidence of this pandemic but you know what jesus said that's what's happening the devil has weaponized covert 19 to make it a political event in america but it's a medical event in the rest of the world and jesus said the devil's behind that because you can look at things around you happening and deny it's happening listen to the words of jesus in matthew 16. he said that's the kind of generation that will exist just before jesus comes he said to the pharisees that as he said to them in matthew 16 verse 2 and 3 he answered and said to them when they were asking for evidence he says when it is evening you say it will be fair weather for the sky is red and in the morning it will be foul weather today for the sky is red and threatening hypocrites he says you know how to discern the face of the sky but what else did you say but you cannot discern the signs of the times whenever i hear something happening you know what happens to me i don't say oh what are the pundits saying well what do we do next i consult the word of god as the songwriter says to them it's just another earthquake or just another war but to every child of god is something more so when we see things happening in the world it's another harbinger another indicator another precursor letting us know that jesus is coming and i praise the lord there are things that are coming upon our world like the storms that are coming off of the gulf or the storms in california the fire storms or the or the floods in the east or the instability of politics and finances from coast to coast and the social unrest and the and the riots and the and the call for social equality all that's happening when can you recall america being in the condition that it presently is in and as i read something a few weeks ago my wife shared with me the word unprecedented has been used more in the last four months than at any other time in describing what's taking place in our world unprecedented unprecedented unprecedented but i'm less concerned about those storms there's a bigger storm coming evangelism page 704 paragraph one angels are now restraining the winds of what strife until the world shall be warned of its coming doom but a storm is gathering ready to burst upon the earth and when god shall bid his angels loose the winds lord have mercy there will be such a scene of strife as no pen can picture how the songwriters said you ain't seen no no no nothing yet they're right we ain't seen nothing yet because i want to tell you it seems like we're living in the kind of world where when we think that was something something else comes along and saying now that made us forget that and then when that hits us something else comes along and now that is unprecedented that never happened before it seems like one event competes for the center stage easily replacing we don't even talk about 911 anymore when 911 occurred that was like the event that the united states what's going on new york and washington and pennsylvania and and various parts of what's going on then all of a sudden here we are 2020 and we're thinking about for the first time in human history the world is taking a collective breath and what we are being told is there a storm gathering ready to burst upon the world and when god says to the angels let go that's why i don't care how bad it gets i'm not leaving i'm staying on board and what anybody can you say amen because a lot of people leaving the church when i say a lot i'm probably underestimating people are leaving i know of a friend of ours and who was strong in the ministry decided to follow some false prophecies some false reproduction put his job on the line lost that job and now is off on some tangents somewhere whenever you reject truth you go on to darker and darker and darker and darker things and to you it seems like light because once you turn off the light anything else seems brighter than what you now have but i'm staying on board somebody said to me somebody said to me i'm not a facebook person i don't stay on facebook but i like to go on facebook and post my sermons i ain't going on facebook telling people how i said i am about anybody else i like to go and post my sermon so when i'm there whatever's on my page i read it and somebody sent me a post talking about somebody who had left the church and now think they have greater light they said you should leave the ministry and follow them and i thought to myself you obviously don't know me amen i'm not leaving like peter said lord where are we going you have the words of life why would i walk away from this ship to get into an inflated rubber dinky that cannot survive a ripple when the old ship of zion that has been sailing on the waves of the crest of failing humanity has been battered and beaten and hit by missiles from satan's arsenal and we are still on board enjoying the promises of god why am i going to leave them why am i going to leave the remnant church with a remnant message to follow somebody who's cunningly devising fables communicating them with great enthusiasm yet are in darkness so intense that they can't see the truth right before their eyes what kind of world are we in today the bible tells us what kind of world we're in today listen to noah as the bible has communicated what he saw in his day genesis 6 and verse 11 our world is just like noah's day the earth also was corrupt before god the earth was what filled with violence fill violent cells you know that violent cells today i'm going to try to be delicate today but on the heels of what happened recently uh just this week lord have mercy i need to take a drink of water before i say that okay i don't need what i'll just say it boy mercy give me wisdom a rise in a rise in membership to terrorist groups in america there's been a rise in signing up for terrorist organizations being born in america let me say that again membership to terrorist homegrown organizations have spiked this week people are calling themselves militia defenders of this and that from michigan to south carolina north carolina to the west to the east to the north to the south and for the first time we are threatening our nation with something that is we thought was dead a long time ago white supremacy we thought i was dead a long time ago i'm in thompsonville white folk here like me amen i got friends that wear camouflage we're good friends ain't nothing wrong with that i got people that know me well out here it took me a long time to get there we talking walmart we fly our planes together that's right i went down i went down to the tractor store they know me i'm a customer in the tractor store i'm from brooklyn come on that's not odd to you they know me on a first name basis i walk and say hi john you're you're your chainsaw in the back i'm from brooklyn i have a chainsaw come on help me out somebody i know what i know what kindling finally means and i know the difference between pitch pine and and douglas fir i've been home i've been i've what's that word what's that word come on now help me with that i have been i have been revamped the word will come to me later on but i want to tell you we've got to stop thinking that because people have a different skin color than us that they are worse or better than us the people of god must be a people that look away from the craziness of this life and learn that we don't judge a person by the color of their skin but by even if we don't know them love them anyway because every one of us has the same father we just have different mothers what's your daddy's name adam i guarantee you you trace it back enough adam's in your roots and we all came over on that boat with three little brothers ham shem and japheth from one blood came all nations but the earth is changing it's a crazy place and and the bible describes that as it was it's gonna become and it's becoming just as the bible says it's becoming look at genesis chapter six and verse five then the lord saw that the wicked of wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart were only what evil continually evil continually that's why we've got to be really careful what we allow to come in our what homes allowed to look at on our devices there's no such thing as an evil device but it's what we allow it to do to us it's what we allow to come into our minds that makes the difference between where we were and where we are headed and the only assurance we have when we look at this kind of description is the unwavering faith that we have founded in jesus amen somebody the world is becoming violent and with all these you know this constant stream we go from i remember the days when you had to have a phone number to get on the internet now young folks you can't say amen because you have no clue about what i'm talking about but you need a phone number when you go to a hotel you had to dial a phone number and then it went like this remember that come on bro remember that jeff i had earth link back then well you had to pay to get on the internet and you only had about three megabytes before you went into you over your plan now we live in unlimited the devil has made on he has given unlimited access to stuff that if not properly guided can mess our minds up and they're trying to find ways of we barely got 5g now they're talking about 10g now you see can you imagine the kind of internet they had in noah's day their thoughts were only evil continually everything was pouring into their minds which brings me to my last my second sign the world today is increasing immorality increasing immorality listen to how dr luke describes the kind of world that was back then increasing immorality listen to what he says luke 17 verse 28 and 29 we read in god's word likewise as it was also in the days of lot they ate they drank they bought they sold they planted they built nothing wrong with that but on the day that lot went out of sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and did what destroyed them all destroyed them all according to all scriptural indicators another destruction is coming the human heart has been immoral since the fall but we live in a world that exists and exalts sexual depravity you read in these magazines and you read the news articles and you see what's happening you don't know which way to go one of the signs that we're living in the time of the end is society is a is a is applauding things that are not acceptable in the sight of god and things that even animals won't do sexually depraved world but what did luke say what did dr luke say here's what he said in luke 17 verse 30 even so it will be in the day when the son of man is revealed what kind of day was noah's day the voice of god was was ignored with impunity pleasure consumed the minds of society salvation was ignored sin was preferred sexual immorality was applauded with great intensity and men's minds became continuously evil you got to watch out young men when i was growing up you know you didn't have that we didn't have access to this stuff today we'd be outside playing baseball riding our bikes playing jumping jacks scaly hopscotch pogo sticks throwing water balloons at each other nowadays young men are locked in their rooms sequestered their minds are being sucked in by the internet they're growing up to be unbalanced men cannot look at a woman and look at her in the right way because their minds are so twisted they see her as a sex object rather than the son and daughter the daughter of god marriages the fragile foundation of marriages on sexual immorality if god were not to open the doors of grace and salvation for all of us we would be without any kind of future hope at all that's the kind of world we're living in and that impacted the israelites you look at what happened to the israelites it's happening to us and the world is becoming like it was in the days of lot in the days of noah and the lord said when you see these things know that the end is near well what happened why did it become this way in the days when israel was on its way from egypt to canaan why did it happen look at exodus chapter 32 verse 1. for the benefit of those online it's on the screen but if you have your bibles it's always good to turn in your bibles for yourself in order to understand the impact of israel and understand how it fits to us today we've got to look at this passage together exodus 32 and verse 1 the bible says now when the people saw that moses delayed coming down from the mountain did he delay did moses delay no you know what they thought he should have been back already but the lord said you need to be up here 40 days and 40 nights you see let me make a point before i go to the rest of the verse we think somehow the lord has delayed his coming he hasn't delayed anything we just thought he should have been back already because jesus said the evil servant will say in his heart my lord the laith is coming watch this i'ma read it again now when the people saw that moses delayed coming down from the mountain the people gathered together to aaron and said to him come make us gods that shall go before us for as for this moses the man who brought us up out of the land of egypt we do not know what has become of him whatever happened to the sermon you preaching about the coming of the lord whatever happened to that sermon well he's yeah you're right i did that i did that about 22 years ago yeah is he coming again well i guess there's an apparent delay let me tell you something friends the lord is not the latest coming we just think he should have been back already but let me show you something this is how god works and i don't suppose to know god's mind but i know that he said he's not willing that any should perish do you know that there are people today that still don't know the name jesus he wants them to get the same opportunity we have amen so when they know when the gospel has been preached to all the world the lord says as a witness to all nations everybody will have an opportunity to make one decision or the other when the grace of god that brings salvation appears to all men then jesus will say it's time and you might try to figure out how that's going to happen i'm not going to presuppose how to do that but god said he's going to finish the work and i believe he's going to do that but what happened they lived in a time where the devil took advantage of the apparent delay and he added to their lives negative effects and so therefore instead of getting ready to go to the promised land when you read the rest of the story the god that that aaron made said to them let's go back to where we just came from you know what i don't want to go back to where i came from i want to keep going forward anybody else i want to go back to what i used to do and where i used to be and what i used to be i want to go forward to what god has for me one of the greatest dangers is when we think that time is on our side got a lot of time i saw the picture of a 19 year old young man play football his parents said he was in excellent health no pre-existing conditions he had barely a sneeze barely a cold and he died of cove at 19. but he's not 65 19. snatched before his time by a silent killer who has no respect for persons nobody has time peter makes it clear to us in first peter 5 and verse 8 be sober together be sober be what else vigilant that means look in every direction because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may do what whom he may devour paul the apostle adds to that first corinthians 10 and verse 12 therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he what false you ever felt dizzy who what happened the world is trying to make us dizzy trying to get us off-kilter trying to mess with our equilibrium what does that mean when we spend our time on things that are not furnishing for us the nourishment for eternity it messes with our equilibrium and rather than standing strong in the lord we're leaning in the wrong direction that's why during the week when this sermon is done you got to spend the time in your week you got to intentionally pick your bible up and study it you've got to intentionally have devotions you've got to intentionally pull your family together because we have this natural tendency our equilibrium is already off because we struggle with our own issues but if you don't intentionally try to calibrate yourself i've seen people when plants grow i didn't understand this but i went to somebody's house once and they had a garden and i saw all these strings you know a piece of wood over here and a piece of it over there i said why do you have strings that say we have to train the plant to grow straight up i thought wow god's word is intended to train us to do what to grow straight up and jesus himself said in matthew 24 44 what did he say therefore you also be ready for the son of man is coming at an hour what you do not expect which takes me to the third sign i just have two more the third sign is what the destruction of society now this is going to be a little different if you heard about the destruction of society i've talked about some of the other aspects but i'm going to approach this one quite differently than what you might expect i'm going to share with you an article about how society is being destroyed today there was an article that was released in the associated press by the associated press it was released on december 21 2005. now the reason why i chose an article that's 15 years old is because when you read it you're going to say that sounds like today but if this was true 15 years ago what do we expect today listen to what they said and the subtitle of this article was americans addicted to high-tech gadgets listen to this millions of americans are now showing early signs of addiction to the next wave of high-tech toys according to an associated press poll and children are leading the way in this newfound form of addiction now catch this that was long before we had the internet as fast as we have it now 5g wasn't even a word 4g wasn't a word thank you bob or maybe it was not sure but what we have now if if if that was happening 15 years ago what's happening today according to dr archer ball heart he describes what's happening if you want to read a really good book get this book entitled thrilled to death it may save your family's life dr archibald heart he's a he's a psychologist a well-known author he he travels to universities trying to warn young people of what's coming he said the abuse of our pleasure center is creating the persuasive anhedonia and i'll describe that in a moment that drives our need for excessive excitement and stimulation in this sense therefore the internet can be a significant cause and consequence of modern day anhedonia if misused now let me tell you let me put this together as he said it he points out that it is not necessarily the amount of time you spend on the internet but the reason you're on the internet did you hear what i just said because he said there are those who are computer analysts they deal with finances they deal with companies they've got to be on the internet at the pentagon they're on the internet 24 hours a day he says the reason you're there is more important than the amount of time you spend there for some things but apple computers you know it they have seen such an increase in these and hedonic behaviors in young people that they place within their phones and this is now on the android platform so that you can time your kid you can literally say that you can give them an iphone and you can set how much time they could play along a game for you could say you can only play that game for 30 minutes when that time limit is reached that game shuts automatically automatically to save that child's mind because nowadays when children they go to bed with their phones they wake up in the morning with anhedonia let me describe what that is what is anhedonia when we are born let me illustrate when we are born this is a cough drop nobody really runs for a cough drop unless you have a cold but say for example a child that's six months old and this is exactly i'm explaining an actual event when i was growing up in new york city we had a lady at church that will give kids candy every sabbath we call a sister shoburg we look for every sabbath because we knew where she sat because she had candy and we can always tell that church had 1200 members but somehow after we got our first piece of candy we could hear this sound we could hear that sound like it was a bomb because we knew associated with that sound was candy so when we heard that crackling sound we knew this candy 27.6 feet away from us and all the kids gravitated like a magnet to sister schoeberg after church as she destroyed our cavities as she gave us cavities from week to week helped us helped in the building i don't know if she was a dentist on the side but maybe she was but here's anadonia so so doctors doctor archibald heart says when a baby is born and they hear that sound and you give them a piece of candy the sweetness of it tunes their mind to say that sound means you're going to get something sweet so the more they hear that sound the more they want something sweet the more sweet they get the sweeter it has to be because the sweetness that it had in the beginning cannot bring the satisfaction any longer that's the addiction so what happens now is when you're on the internet and you're watching stuff that you shouldn't watch and it brings you a pleasure that pleasure after a while no longer satisfies so you got to get something darker or more sinister or more devious or more perverted to take you to the next lower lower level until you get to the point where they say when you're born it's easy to give a baby a balloon and they're excited but you give a 17 year old kid a balloon for christmas see what happens parents do need i say merry christmas kid run to you i bought you something for christmas here so go and nail you to the side of the house that's it we went to africa my wife and i went to africa she blew up a balloon for the kids their eyes were about to jump out of their heads because they ain't never seen a balloon that big before she gave them a piece of gum they didn't know what to do with it because they had never had a piece of gum before in that community she said don't swallow it everybody was reaching for a balloon and a piece of gum here's what happened their society you know we call them third world they're more balanced than we are by far because they could go out in the forest and kill a tree or till a field or cut down a tree or or lead the cattle and come home and respect their parents we are so inundated by electronic devices that tell us what to do that we don't respect parents any longer and we get darker and darker and darker and they're saying when you're a baby there is no barrier between the baby and the pleasure center they don't need a dopamine hit that's why kids today like to get a like if they get if somebody unfriends a kid nowadays they might commit suicide because you know what they just stole that dopamine hit that says to them i'm loved i'm liked those are my friends they ain't your friends they they're on facebook so they said what happens is the more you on that device the wall starts coming up and you need more dopamine to go up and climb over that wall but you're addicted when the wall is so high that you have ceased to be able to experience any pleasure at all and you are numb and they said as a result of that you know what happens the kid goes into depression and we associate that with multiple personalities the kid is so out of whack that it takes removing all of that and you know they said the best thing to remedy that is send kids to the mission field when they stop doing stuff for themselves and start doing something for somebody else and how does the bible describe that what's happening in our world today paul says in second corinthians three verse four and five second timothy thank you my honey second timothy 3 verse 4 and 5 paul gives us a snapshot of the mental and physical impact of our generation because of this addiction he said traitors heady high-minded lovers of pleasure more than lovers of god having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such do what turn away turn away he's saying the mind is so over stimulated that it loses focus therefore it no longer delights bible study because you know what if you got a device moving at you know two meg two millisecond refresh rate you know those of us who are computer savvy know what that means two millisecond refresh rate 120 millisecond refresh rate we know all that stuff we got a computer that's you know so fast that it needs a fan to cool down the processor we got all we need at our fingertips we are mega ready to play video games well you know what you do this and and something happens in a matter of a millisecond but that's not how it is when you study the bible you got to dig through this thing anybody know what i'm talking about you got to spend time in the bible it's like a recipe book you can't look at a recipe and have the meal done in 10 seconds you got to put that together am i telling the truth you got to spend a little time perfecting that recipe so that people are excited about what you cook up and what the lord is saying is this world is so over stimulated that when light comes listen to what jesus says listen to what jesus says in john chapter 3 verse 19 he says and this is the condemnation that light has come into the world but what's the problem men loved what darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil that means they have so been molded by what's going into their minds all the time that they don't like to do right they are leaning in the wrong direction and their deeds are evil that's why isaiah the prophet says in the last days look at isaiah 60 and verse 2 for behold darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness the people but the lord shall arise upon thee and his glory shall beware seen upon thee that's the people that god want his children to be people of the light this is the generation years ago cindy lauper i think was the one that said it girls just want to have fun fun well guys do too everybody wants to have fun but we ought to be able to know that studying god's word is fun it is i said to somebody once that came to me they said what should we do i said turn off your phone for a week and read the bible these two young teenagers walked away from me and looked at me like i was out of my mind i'm telling the truth this happened me in kissimmee florida after i preached a certain they said you mentioned that well so how could we what we what do we need to do to have that kind of relationship i said turn your phones off for a week they look at each other like you're crazy i ain't doing that and they walked away they'll never enjoy the pleasure of studying god's word and you know what let me make another point it's okay to have the word of god on a device i'm okay with that but there's nothing so sweet as to turning the pages to study god's word you become a connoisseur of the word of god you could know how to use that sword when the time comes well that's why the apostle paul describes this day this generation that's inoculated and it's happening to the church and he says to us in first corinthians 10 verse 7 he warns us he says we're living just before the coming of jesus do not become idolaters as some of them meaning look what do they do as it is written what did the people do this happened to israel and it's happening to us the people sat down to eat and drink and what else they rose up to play they rose up to play i read this statistic a few months ago and i i made note of it i got to give you the reference for it but it says as of 2020 as of this year there are 9.2 billion smartphone subscriptions more than 50 billion new devices are dependent on the internet but now watch this if you think that's something what has covered 19 done covert 19 has made more young children accessing the internet now a reality isn't that right since you can't go to school what do you have to do you got to do it how virtually so children that didn't own a computer before didn't have a laptop didn't have an ipad or didn't have some kind of electronic device they have it now so parents be careful how they access the internet because what's happening today is in this virtual society where the world is going in the wrong direction children are on the internet that's why paul the apostle reminds us when we have that kind of device he says to us in romans 12 2 what does he say do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the what renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of god in order for us to be ready for the coming of the lord we have to develop a mind that looks forward to something that this world doesn't give us right but if this world is the source of all your pleasure you ain't looking forward to coming of jesus because if jesus comes and interrupts your pleasure you think of going to heaven as a somebody said so what are we going to do sit on the cloud and play harp all day i always i always don't like that picture years ago these have this little fat baby with a diaper playing a harp on a cloud and people developing their minds that's what we're going to do no we're going to go on journeys to unfallen worlds and galaxies come on somebody help me out we're going to see things that god is holding aside i had not seen it have not heard god has pleasure that if man could create these flimsy passing pleasures version one version two version three version four and what happens we get all the versions we still ain't satisfied because we're waiting for the next fastest best thing i remember if you're a gadgetarian say amen only ricky and i admit that all you guys are un undercover i remember and we are gagitarians you know if we want to buy a computer or a device to accomplish what we want to do we want to buy the best we want to get the fastest processor but i remember when i got my first pentium i got my first pentium dell computer mike could appreciate this it was a pentium it was a pentium 133. ricky's laughing because he know what that means and it said zero state that i thought it meant you ate zero for what you clicked the button because it happened in zero time frame that didn't mean anything as soon as i got that computer that i paid four thousand to two hundred dollars for ricky as i'm unboxing it my techie friends from the church i attended in california they said you know we just heard that the pentium 266 came out today and i'm unboxing the 133 that means this one is twice as fast as what i just paid four thousand dollars for and it went from that to the pentium two and the pentium three and the pentium four and then the chipsets started changing and you know what we're still in that electronic race today and i can guarantee you if you buy it today we went to best buy yesterday and i said now what's the difference between a note 10 and the note 20. she has a significant difference i said explain it to me well the process is a lot faster has a amyloid screen it's can i make a phone call yeah you make a phone call and a whole lot more it's a better camera higher graphics and i'm thinking they they always get us come on somebody admit it they get you because you want the next best greatest and latest thing with the four cameras well this one has three cameras but that one has a fourth camera and you probably want the one with the fourth camera for 13.99 i'll settle for the three camera one and i'll stick with what i have come on help me out that's what we're living in we live in that generation and we're trying to go from one high to the next and all the time the thing that's right before us is the gospel is being rejected how is the gospel being rejected notice what the bible is saying this generation is the kind of generation that when it's in that avenue it doesn't have time to study the bible and you know what happens they begin to build their belief system on what they're watching on television and in the movies somebody said did you see the movie noah i said no they said i want to see it as soon as it came out did you see the moon no they said i heard it made look like noah and god were at odds with each other i said well i ain't even going to rent that because god and noah were on the same page and so they watch the ten commandments of noah and the passion and they start developing their doctrines based on the movie rather than studying god's word and what the bible said paul the apostle says rejection of the gospel is happening because that's how people think he says in second thessalonians two verse ten look what he says and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish why because they receive not the love of the truth that they might be saved that's why jesus said what he did in john 4 and verse 23 look what he said verse 4 verse 23 of john chapter 4 and verse 24 but the hour is coming together and when now is when the true worshiper will worship the father in spirit and in truth for the father is seeking such to worship him god is spirit and those who worship him must worship and how spirit and in truth amen now why why is that the case i get letters from people i love it when my wife read these letters i get letters some of you that are watching send me letters mike send me letters do you know brethren we might think that you know streaming these sermons are you don't even i mean you're here but you might say why are you guys streaming sermons why do you want to update your video or equipment do you realize how many people have come to know jesus and the truth because of that i get letters from people that used to be baptists used to be catholic i get people letters from people used to be jehovah's witness i got a letter from a lady who was jehovah's witness how many years no 47 years 37 years that's right 37 years she said but i'm a seventh-day adventist now thank you for opening my eyes watching little little little television screen right there little camera get letters all day long from people that are saying this morning she read one thank you for doing what you're doing we've been watching the sermons for months please keep preaching the truth i got a cuban man just i spoke to him on the phone the other day he says after 73 years i gave my life back to jesus christ amen somebody he said one day my wife and i were going through the internet and we bumped into your church service and we've been watching ever since my life has my wife has not yet given her life to the lord but we're not taking bible studies with amazing facts and when i come home from work she's saying honey let's get together and study our bible but thank you for being faithful you see why is that the case why is it important for us to live out our creed here's the reason why look at john 10 16 this is the reason why other sheep jesus said i have which are not of this foe them also i must bring and they will hear my voice when we proclaim god's word they hear his voice and jesus says and there will be together one flock and one shepherd jesus is saying we're living in the hour that people are being gathered in and if i just spent the sermon giving you just reading to you the letters your heart will be encouraged my wife and i said and thank for mike's might be sending them to us and and celestine sends them to she sends emails sometimes and voice messages of people that are saying praise god for for for for the thompsonville seventh day adventist church and for three abn but if you don't proclaim the message as it is in christ nobody would hear it we have to let our light shine which brings me to my last point not only the rejection of the gospel but the number one reason i believe jesus is coming again is sid with me the proclamation of the gospel the proclamation of the gospel are you do you want to proclaim it proclaim it in your life and also carry tracts in your car furnish yourself as a soldier that every person you meet bob bob is on the battlefield for the lord you better not run into bob if he can't get you his wife will remember pastor e cleveland he said he was at a he was at a gas station once and he said what happened to my wife he was waiting for his wife what happened to my wife he sent a lady and he said my wife went in the bathroom could you go in there and see what happened he said i went to the bathroom and my wife had three women up against the wall saying don't leave until i get some tracks i'll be right back he said she would arrest people and tell him don't move until she gave him a track and they would get ready and she said she was a marvelous evangelist every person you meet is a candidate for the kingdom amen somebody you got to proclaim the gospel here's the guarantee that jesus has left why is the appearing of god going to be glorious this is the reason why matthew 24 14 together say it and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a what witness to all nations and what's going to happen next then the end will come the final call to the world let me make a very important point here it is time for us to get back to the adventist part of our name not just the seventh day part of our name we we show up to church on sabbath but are we adventists thank you bob you know what that means somebody ought to run into you and they said well why are you a christian because i'm getting ready for the coming of jesus young folk i'm getting ready for the coming of jesus when they start telling you how bad politics are just keep smiling why are you so happy i'm getting ready for the coming of jesus and i'll tell you you better do that because if you try to sort out politics it'll tick you off amen amen amen am i telling the truth don't discuss politics with anybody because they might punch you in the mouth the high probability there's some violent christians on the internet can i get one amen oh yeah my wife got off the internet for that reason she got off of facebook people violent sabbath keeping us violent [Music] they send you an icon with a fist on eyes popping out little emojis that express their anger it's time for seventh day sabbath keepers to get back joe to the adventist part of it the coming of jesus amen if you're there as i'm closing up now if you're there listen to what revelation 19 verse 7 this the advent is part of our name this is the part of those who are looking beyond the next election to the election of grace i think just two people heard that i'm not concerned about the next election i'm concerned about the election of grace that's what's going to get me and here's what the bible says let us be glad and rejoice when you look at the crumbling world it says let us be glad and rejoice why and give him glory for the marriage of the lamb has come and his wife has made herself ready what does it mean his wife has made herself ready and not only is that talking about the new jerusalem getting ready for the coming of the lord but it's saying the church is getting ready for the bridegroom to take her home we're getting ready we are making sure that our garments are spotless we are spending time on our knees and in god's word we are examining our hearts and our lives and seeing if there's anything wicked in us we are facing ourselves in the mirror saying you're not ready stop doing that we're calling for the grace of god to clean us up to stand us up to get us ready for the coming of the lord because i tell you mother brethren the consummation of our hope the faithfulness of the sir of the return of the lord is at hand look how john describes it so beautifully this is yet to be an occurrence but listen to what he says in revelation 9 verse 11 to 16 this is the event that we are looking forward to he says revelation 19 verse 11 to 16 listen to what he says now i saw heaven open this is coming to a theater near you this is coming now i saw heaven open and behold a white horse and he who sat on him was called what faithful and true and in righteousness he judges and makes war his eyes were like the flame of fire and on his head were many crowns he had a name written that no one knew except himself he he was clothed with a right white robe dipped in blood and his name is called the what the word of god what else and the armies in heaven clothed in fine linen and white and clean followed him on what else white horses you ain't seen nothing like that now out of his mouth goes a sharp sword that withered he should strike the nations and he shall rule them with a rod of iron he himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and the wrath of almighty god and it goes on to say and he has on his robe and on his thigh a name written together king of kings and lord of lords that is the event that we're getting ready for what do you say one day when this world is wracked in pain one day when everything that we have leaned upon has fallen over one day when every government agency has turned us back against us one day when we are running to the rocks in the mountains and trying to hide from the persecutors of this earth and those who hate the righteous one day when jesus is giving us glimpses of hope to say hold on just a little longer and the heavens are black as sackcloth and the world is in turmoil one day when the world is falling apart like a cookie that's crumbling in an earthquake somewhere along the way in the middle of a dark night these words would come to pass when i've found these in great controversy i'm ending with this quotation praise god for it the servant of the lord gives us a glimpse of that glorious day she says in a setting like i just described through a riff great controversy page 638 paragraph two through a rift in the clouds there beams a star whose brilliance is increased four-fold in contrast with the darkness it speaks hope and joy to the faithful but severity and wrath to the transgressors of god's law those who have sacrificed all for christ's sake are secure hidden as in the secret of the lord's pavilion what do you say they have been tested and before the world and the despises of truth they have invinced their fidelity to him who died for them a marvelous change has come over those who have held fast their integrity in the very face of death they have been suddenly delivered from the dark and terrible tyranny of men transformed to demons their faces so lately pale anxious and haggard are now aglow with wonder faith and love can i get any men somewhere their voice is raised in triumphant song here's what they say god is our refuge and strength a very present help and trouble therefore will not we fear though the earth be removed and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea though the waters thereof roar and are troubled go the mountains shake with the swelling thereof there are going to be those in the hour of descending darkness they're going to be running back to the light in the hour of moral corruption they're going to be running towards holiness in an hour and truth is rejected they're going to be standing on the unchangeable word of god when the invitation to falsehood and darkness has been rejected they're going to be standing and running back to jesus and when complacency is finally dissipated they're going to say we've been getting ready for the coming of christ what a day it's going to be what a day is going to be i'm holding on what about you the glorious appearing of jesus is just on the horizon so when you go home after church today don't turn on the news come on don't turn it on don't look on the internet to ask what is the left and right doing stay completely down to center and stand on god's word because the wise doctor after being converted he said these words when you see all these things when you see these things begin to happen luke 21 28 when you see these things begin to happen look up and lift up your heads because your redemption draws near one day we will never see the face of injustice again one day we will never see the face of immorality again not too long from now the face of political corruption will forever disappear the face of deception and violence and sadness won't even be a memory one day you know why because we will have been enraptured by the glorious appearing of jesus is there anybody here today that wants to stand with me and say i know it's bad but i'm holding on because the glorious appearing of jesus is more important to me than anything that any leader on this planet can ever fill my heart with men make promises that they cannot keep but all of god's promises are yes and amen men say they can do this and do that but only jesus has done this and that men say they can deliver you from the next crisis but as this young man who gave his life to jesus said 73 he said to me he said you know pastor he said you know pastor he called me again he said you know pastor i was watching the news he said i was raised as a seventh-day adventist i went to la sierra university i graduated with the intention to become a bible teacher but something happened and i lost my faith i left the church he said i became a mean man i didn't like people i lost my connection to christ and for many many decades every time the voice of god came to me i rejected the voice of god but he said covet hit covet hit and the world got shut down and i couldn't go anywhere and i was at home saying to myself there's got to be more than this and he said i turned on the news and i saw the president speak and after him somebody spoke that contradicted him and after the person that contradicted the president spoke somebody spoke up to him that contradicted the person that contradicted the president and he said they can't even solve the crisis of covet how are they going to solve my souls crisis he said i needed something more and i got to the internet and began to peruse and i bounced into the thompsonville seventh adventist church sermon and i've been watching it ever since and i found three abn and i've been watching it ever since and he said and i was watching it one day and spanish passed it because this man is from cuba he said a spanish pastor was making an appeal and he made the hope of jesus so clear he said i was at home no fanfare no music no choirs no stage but i could not resist and i said lord i give you my life and he said to me in tears on the phone as as pastor turner sitting there listening with me on this call i was at his house when this call came in pastor turner is listening to this man practically in tears on the phone he said [Music] he said pastor if you only know the peace in my life that i haven't had for 73 years i've got peace that i cannot explain he said god has so turned my life around i wrote a letter to my brother said forgive me for all the evil things i've said to you he said we were so at odds we would be at odds and he said okay you don't want to talk to me let's just meet at the next funeral like good families do we wouldn't he said but when god came to my life i wrote letters of apology to people i offended i called them and i said i apologize he said i began to pay people back that i did wrong my life was turning around and when i wrote my brother and said forgive me he said don't worry about it i've been praying for you for 40 years he said now he called me again he said pastor i got to call you again because i'm so excited about jesus's coming thank you for what you've done can you pray with me i want you to pray that i keep holding on and just two days ago i prayed with that man again but he saw this camera lens he saw it through three abn but then he know there was a sad part of the story he wrote his sister he had offended his brother and sister he wrote his sister an email asking for forgiveness didn't get a reply he wrote her again no reply he said i got the right email address he texted her no reply he texted her again no reply and a few days later he got a call from his brother and said our sister has just been rushed to the hospital she's been overtaken by covet 19. and two days later they got a phone call he said our sister just passed away from cove at 19. he said pastor if you only know the pain that brought to my heart to know that i never heard from my sister the words i forgive you it's a burden i will carry but my brother has given me assurance that i turn my life over to jesus and he says christ has forgiven you in your sister's behalf and you'll meet again in the resurrection so my brethren i speak of something that maybe somebody watching today needs the assurance that jesus is coming again maybe somebody here wants to raise their hands and say i want you to pray for me because i want to be ready for the coming of the lord i want to i don't want to be pulled down the road of this and that i want to be pulled down that little narrow path that leads where the light of god never grows dim that there's somebody here today because this week is going to come with all the ferocity it can muster and hit you politically socially mentally and physically it's going to say to you support me and god is going to say what about my son jesus so i want to pray right now loving father in heaven i know i've taken a little more time today but i believe that there's nothing more important than your glorious appearing and we as a people that have been given this message that is of such great importance sometimes has squandered it for things that really never permanently satisfy and i pray for that person that's watching today that may be sequestered in their home they may be by themselves saying i have not been in church since march today i'm giving my life back to christ i'm praying for that individual if you want us to know that christ has made a difference in your life just send us an email here go to our church website but even more than that if you don't even send an email just give your life to christ and ask him to get you ready for that glorious appearing i pray for those who are here in our family that we too may know that our only hope is in the throne of grace where the king of glory is getting our mansion ready father may we be faithful unto death if that be the case that we receive a crown of life on that resurrection day but if not may we be alive on that day and say lord this is our god we have waited for him and he will save us in jesus name we make this request and everybody said amen and amen
Channel: Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church
Views: 28,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adventist, 3ABN, Sermon, Church, Last Day Events, Sabbath, Saturday, End Times, Prophecy, SDA, Religion
Id: IByKR8a4qw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 41sec (5201 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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