NVIDIA'S HUGE AI Breakthroughs Just Changed Everything (Supercut)

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Superstonk_QV πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 09 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

thanks for the post i probably wouldn't have watched that otherwise but damn no wonder ppl excited about nvidia

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cibiab πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 10 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

That analogy though

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/xiodeman πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 09 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

RC is sitting on a goldmine.

We are all sitting right next to him.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/It_Wasnt_Luck πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 10 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

What a fucking time to be alive boys 🫑

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kahareddit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 10 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HODLHODLANDHODL πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 10 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

normally, I would have defaulted to Nvidia pump and dump, but check this out. Look at my Whiskey glass and the rendering...


hmmmm, a sign? MOASS next week?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bahits πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 10 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

It’s about 30 minutes long.. anyone got a TLDR?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/el_dirko πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 10 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
in five years we improved computer Graphics by 1 000 times in five years using artificial intelligence and accelerated Computing Moore's Law is probably currently running at about two times a thousand times in five years a thousand times in five years is one million times in ten we're doing the same thing in artificial intelligence now question is what can you do when your computer is one million times faster I have a lot to tell you very little time so let's get going Ray tracing simulating the characteristics of light and materials is the ultimate accelerated Computing challenge six years ago we demonstrated for the very first time rendering this scene in less than few hours let's take a look at the difference in just five years roll it this is running on Cuda gpus six years ago rendering this beautiful image that would have otherwise taken a couple of hours on a CPU so this was a giant breakthrough already enormous speed up running on accelerated Computing and then we invented the RTX GPU run it please [Music] the Holy Grail of computer Graphics Ray tracing is now possible in real time AI made it possible for us to do that everything that you saw would have been utterly impossible without AI for every single Pixel we render we use AI to predict seven others for every pixel we compute AI predicted seven others the amount of energy we saved the amount of performance we get is incredible we used AI to render the scene we're going to also use AI to bring it alive today we're announcing Nvidia Ace Avatar Cloud engine that is designed for animating to bringing a digital Avatar to life it has several characteristics several capabilities speech recognition text-to-speech natural language understanding basically a large language model and using the sound that you will be generating with your voice animate the face and using the sound and the expression that you're saying animate your gestures all of this is completely trained by AI it is completely rendered with Ray tracing everything is real time hey Jen how are you unfortunately not so good how come I'm worried about the crime around here it's gotten bad lately my Ramen Shop got caught in the crossfire can I help if you want to do something about this I have heard rumors that the powerful crime Lord Kumon Aoki is causing all sorts of Chaos in the city he may be the root of this violence I'll talk to him where can I find them I have heard he hangs out in the underground fight clubs on the city's East Side try there okay I'll go be careful guy none of that conversation was scripted we gave that AI this gin AI character a backstory his story about his Ramen Shop and the story of this of this game and all you have to do is go up and talk to this character and because this character has been infused with artificial intelligence and large language models it can interact with you understand your meaning and interact with you in a really reasonable way all of the facial animation completely done by the AI we have made it possible for all kinds of characters to be generated they have their own domain knowledge you can customize it so everybody's game's different and look how wonderfully beautiful they are and natural they are this is the future of video games this is the new computer industry software is no longer programmed just by computer Engineers software is programmed by computer Engineers working with AI supercomputers these AI supercomputers are a new type of factory it is very logical that a car industry has factories they build things so you can see cars it is very logical that computer industry has computer factories you build things that you can see computers in the future every single major company will also have ai factories and you will build and produce your company's intelligence we are intelligence producers already it's just that the intelligence producers the intelligence are people in the future we will be intelligence producers artificial intelligence producers and every single company will have factories and the factories will be built this way this translates to your throughput well just now in the beginning I showed you computer Graphics well it turns out that the friends we met at University of Toronto Alex krachevsky in um suscover and Elia suscover and Jeff Hinton they discovered the continuous scaling of artificial intelligence and deep learning deep learning networks and came up with the chat GPT breakthrough and the Breakthrough of course is very very clear and I'm sure that everybody here has already tried tragedy PT but the important thing is this we now have a software capability to learn the structure of almost any information we can learn the structure of text sound images there's structure in all of this physics proteins DNA chemicals anything that has structure we can learn that language and then the next breakthrough came generative AI once you can learn the language once you can learn the language of certain information then with control and guidance from another source of information that we call prompts we can Now guide the AI to generate information of all kinds we can generate text to text text to image but the important thing is this information transformed to other information is now possible text to proteins text to chemicals images to 3D video to video so many different types of information can now be transformed for the very first time in history we can now apply the instrument of our industry to so many different fields that were impossible before this is the reason why everybody is so excited let's take a look at what he can do this here's a prompt and this prompt says hi computext I'm here to tell you how wonderful stinky tofu is you can enjoy it right here in Taiwan it's best from the night market I was just there the other night okay play it High computex I'm here to tell you about how wonderful stinky tofu is you can enjoy it right here in Taiwan it's best from the Night Market the the only input was words the output was that video okay here's another problem I am here at computext I will make you like me best sing it with me I really like Nvidia okay so this is the word these are the words or these are the words and I say hey hey voice mod could you write me a song these are the words okay play it I am here.com [Music] [Applause] okay so so obviously this is a very very important new capability and that's the reason why there's so many generative AI startups we're working with some 1600 generative AI startups just utterly incredible there's no question that we're in a new Computing era you don't have to just AI this generation this Computing era does not need new applications it can succeed with old applications and it's going to have new applications the rate of progress the rate of progress because it's so easy to use is the reason why it's growing so fast 1964 the year after I was born was a very good year for technology IBM of course launched the system 360. and at T demonstrated to the world their first picture phone encoded compressed streamed over copper telephone wires and twisted pair and on the other end decoded picture phone little tiny screen black and white to this day this very experience is largely the same of course at much much higher volumes for all of the reasons we all know well video calls is now one of the most important things we do everybody does it about 65 percent of the internet's traffic is now video and yet the way it's done is fundamentally still the same compress it on the device stream it and decompress it on the other end nothing changed in 60 years we treat Communications like it goes down to a dump pipe the question is what would happen if we applied generative AI to that let's take a look the future of wireless and Video Communications will be 3D generated by AI let's take a look at how Nvidia Maxine 3D running on the Nvidia Grace Hopper Superchip can enable 3D video conferencing on any device without specialized software or Hardware starting with a standard 2D camera sensor that's in most cell phones laptops and webcams and tapping into the processing power of Grace Hopper Maxine 3D converts these 2D videos to 3D using cloud services this brings a new dimension to video conferencing with Maxine 3D visualization creating an enhanced sense of depth and presence you can dynamically adjust the camera to see every angle in motion engage with others more directly with enhanced eye contact and personalize your experience with animated avatars stylizing them with simple text prompts with vaccine's language capabilities your avatar can speak in other languages even ones you don't know AI by farming singer JoJo function a new video where is Akai one hotel communication Nvidia Maxine 3D together with Grace Hopper bring immersive 3D video conferencing to anyone with a mobile device revolutionizing the way we connect communicate and collaborate okay so all of the words all of the words coming out of my mouth of course was generated by AI so instead of compression stream and decompression in the future Communications will be perceived stream and reconstruction regeneration and it can be generated in all kinds of different ways it can be generated in 3D of course it can regenerate your language in another language so we now have a universal translator I just talked about how we are going to extend the frontier of AI but there are so many different applications in so many different areas scientific computing data processing large language model training that you've been taught we've been talking about generative AI inference that we just talked about cloud and video and graphics and so let's take a look at the benefit for them this is a simple image processing application if you were to do it on a CPU versus on a GPU running on Enterprise Nvidia AI Enterprise you're getting 31.8 images per minute or basically 24 times the throughput or you only pay five percent of the cost this is really quite amazing now let me talk to you about the next phase of AI where AI meets a digital twin now why does AI need a digital twin let me give you just a simple example in the future you would say to your robot I would like you to do something and the robot will understand your words and it would generate animation remember I said earlier you can go from text to text you can go from text to image you can go from text to music why can't you go from text to animation and so of course in the future robotics will be highly revolutionized by the technology we already have in front of us however how does this robot know that the motion that it is generating is grounded in reality it is grounded in physics you need a software system that understands the laws of physics now you've actually seen this already with chat GPT whereas AI Nvidia AI would use Nvidia Omniverse as in a reinforcement learning Loop to ground itself you have seen chat GPT do this using reinforcement learning human feedback using human feed using humans feedback chat GPT was able to be developed by grounding it to humans and align it with our principles so reinforcement learning with human feedback is really important reinforcement learning for physics feedback is very important let me show you everything that you're about to see is a simulation let's roll it please [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] was a simulation Nothing Was art everything was simulation now I'm going to show you very quickly Omniverse in the cloud let's take a look at the Omniverse Cloud so this is you know just a web browser and we're looking now into Omniverse Factory Explorer it's running 10 000 kilometers away in our Santa Clara headquarters and we're leveraging the power of our data center now to visualize this Factory floor we've using real Factor data from Simmons uh and uh Autodesk Revit to take a look it's a cloud application so we can have multiple users collaborating let's go ahead and bring up Eloise Green and we can see that we have these two users in this environment and uh Jeff on the left there is going to look at some markup we have this this task to perform we need to move this object so we can have always just go ahead and grab that conveyor belt move it over and as he does so you'll see that it's reflected accurately and completely in real time on Jeff's screen so we're able to collaborate with multiple users and even in bringing up this demo we had users from around the globe working on on the process East and West Coast United States Germany even Sydney and of course here in Taipei to put this together now as as we if we're modifying our production line of course one of the things we want to do is is add the necessary safety uh equipment so we're able to Simply drag and drop items into uh Omniverse and and modify this production environment and begin tweaking this and optimizing for performance even before we break around with construction that is so cool this is in California 6264 miles away or something like that 34 milliseconds by speed of light one way and it's completely interactive everything is Ray traced no art is necessary you bring everything the entire CAD into Omniverse open up a browser bring your data in bring your factory in no art is necessary the lighting just does what the lighting does physics does what the physics does if you want to turn off physics you can if you want to turn on physics you can and multiple users as many as you like can enter the Omniverse at the same time and work together one unified source of data across your entire company just now it was humans interacting with Omniverse humans interacting with Omniverse in the future we'll even have a generative Ai and AI interact with him in Omniverse because of course imagine in the very beginning there was Jinn that could be a character that could be one of the users of Omniverse interacting with you answering questions helping you we can also use generative AI to help us create Virtual Worlds so for example this is a plastic a bottle that's rendered in an Omniverse they could be placed in a whole bunch of different type of environments it can render beautifully physically you could place it just by giving it a prompt by saying I would like to put this life these bottles in a lifestyle photograph style backdrop form of modern warm Farmhouse bathroom change the background everything's all integrated and rendered again okay so generative AI will come together with Omniverse to assist the creation of virtual worlds in the future whenever you engage a particular ad it could be generated just for you today it was retrieved and today the Computing model when you engage information it is retrieved in the future when you engage information much of it will be generated notice the Computing model has changed wpp generates 25 of the ads that the world sees sixty percent of the world's largest companies are already clients and so they made a video of how they would use this technology the world's Industries are racing to realize the benefits of AI Nvidia and wpp are building a groundbreaking generative AI enabled content engine to enable the next evolution of the 700 billion dollar digital advertising industry built on Nvidia Ai and Omniverse this engine gives Brands the ability to build and deploy highly personalized and compelling visual content faster and more efficiently than ever before the process starts by building a physically accurate digital twin of a product using Omniverse Cloud which connects product design data from industry standard tools then wpp artists create customized and diverse virtual sets using a combination of digitized environments and generative AI tools by organizations such as Getty Images in Adobe trained on fully licensed data using Nvidia Picasso unique combination of Technologies allows wpp to build accurate photorealistic visual content and e-commerce experiences that bring new levels of realism and scale to the industry it's completely digital imagine if you have digital information in your hands what can you do with it almost everything what you just saw is basically every Factory in the future will be digital of course first every Factory will be a robot inside the factories there will be other robots that the factory is orchestrating we are also going to build robots that move themselves so far the robots that you saw are stationary now we're going to also have robots that move everything that move in the future will have artificial intelligence and will have robotic capability we built the entire robotic stack top to bottom from the chip to the algorithms we have state of the art perception for multimodality sensors state-of-the-art mapping state-of-the-art localization and planning and a cloud mapping system everything has been created however you would like to use it you can use pieces of it it's open available for you including all the cloud mapping systems so this is Isaac AMR it includes a chip called Oren it goes into a computer and it goes into the Nvidia or Nova orange which is a reference system a blueprint for amrs this is the most advanced AMR in the world today and that thinks it is in the Real Environment it cannot tell and the reason for that is because all the sensors work physics work it can navigate it can localize itself everything is physically based therefore we can design the robot simulate the robot train the robot all in Isaac and then we take the brain Isaac Sim then we take the brain the software and we put it into the actual robot and with some amount of adaptation it should be able to perform the same job this is the future robotics Omniverse and AI working together the excitement in the hard Industries the heavy Industries has been incredible we have been connecting Omniverse all over the world with tools companies robotics companies sensor companies all kinds of Industries there are three Industries right now as we speak that's putting enormous Investments into world number one of course is Chip industry number two electric battery industry number three electric vehicle industry trillions of dollars will be invested in the next several years trillions of dollars will be invested next several years and they would all like to do it better and they would like to do it in a modern way for the very first time we now give them a system a platform tools that allows them to do that I want to thank all of you for your partnership over the years thank you thanks [Music]
Channel: Ticker Symbol: YOU
Views: 1,780,133
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Keywords: nvidia, nvda, nvidia stock, nvda stock, nvidia gtc 2023, jensen huang, nvidia keynote, openai, chatgpt, gpt4, gpt3, msft, microsoft stock, msft stock, goog, googl, goog stock, google stock, artificial intelligence stocks, nvidia stock news, semiconductor stocks, tsmc, tsm stock, asml, asml stock, gpt-4, stable diffusion, nvidia news, jensen huang keynote, nvidia 2023, ai copilot, computex 2023, nvidia computex 2023, nvidia keynote 2023, omniverse, ai stocks, best ai stocks
Id: L6rJA0z2Kag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 12sec (1452 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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