11 Proven Tips on How to Flirt With Anyone

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[Music] eleven tips to flirt like a bro are you looking to spice up your life with some attractive people how about starting a romantic relationship with that friend or acquaintance you can't stop thinking about well Brightside is here to help you with this handy guide to flirting the concept of flirting might seem overwhelming or awkward but it's a skill like any other the more you learn about it and the more you practice it the better you'll get don't worry it's normal to be a little nervous around someone you like but these tips can help set you at ease so that you'll be confident and comfortable the key to flirting is balance reveal your feelings but keep the person intrigued and wanting to know more as well you want them to think about you the way you think about them you want them to feel special and flattered and comfortable with you always remember that flirting might not work you may try to flirt with someone who just isn't interested in you in that way and that's okay if you aren't getting positive signs back off look elsewhere persistence may work in the movies but it just comes off as creepy in real life pay attention to the feelings of the person you're flirting with and be wary of that line one watch for warning signs don't set yourself up for failure by flirting with someone who is not receptive we all have behaviors we practice when we aren't receptive to an approach if your crush is sitting on a bus legs folded earbuds in reading a book or working on a laptop leave them alone if they're on a run at the gym with their earbuds in totally focused on what they're doing they're not interested in flirting this is especially the case with women who typically deal with a lot more unwanted attention than men do the bottom line do not approach someone who doesn't want to be approached do not try to force someone to talk to you respect their space and boundaries particularly for men pursuing women you might well develop a crush on a woman who mocks men who do things like ask for consent or give people space it's okay to pursue such a person but be careful they might be dealing with trust issues or a distorted sense of how a romantic relationship should work go slowly and be respectful of their boundaries and needs to Gai contact we don't mean stare that's weird but make eye contact with a person you find attractive a shared glance is one of the most intimate things we can do without touching each other you'll learn a lot about a person by meeting their eyes and watching their expression try the following get caught looking toss some glances their way until they catch you hold the gaze for a second watch their expression then smile and look away in a conversation look into their eyes particularly when they're talking about something they really like or is meaningful to them you should also do this when you're complimenting them to convey your sincerity depending on the mood try winking or raising your eyebrows it often comes across as funny but if you time it right it can lighten things up and make you interesting try doing it from across a room when you're in a group say something that makes everyone laugh that you secretly mean mostly for the person in question this can foster a sense of intimacy in which both of you know something that no one else does 3 smile our expressions reveal a lot about our feelings and a smile is especially good at conveying a sense of friendliness and interest show your crush you like them with a real genuine smile if you're good with those pearly whites you can give yourself an advantage before you even start talking try these smile at your crush when you pass them in the halls not a big goofy grin just something simple and easy natural let your face light up smile slowly if a smile gradually spreads over your face when you see someone it looks like you just can't help it this can also be very sexy in the right setting smile when you make eye contact this adds extra weight to the intimacy of locking eyes if it's a genuine smile it will crinkle your eyes this is a Duchene smile and it's sometimes called smiling with your eyes 4 start simply cheesy pickup lines often do more harm than good so start with a comfortable easy line of dialogue say hello and introduce yourself especially if you don't know each other well or at all make sure you learn your crushes name if you don't already know it it's easy to forget a name in the heat of the moment so try repeating it after they say to wire it into your memory say something like Rachelle what a pretty name or Richard nice a trickier but potentially effective option here is to make the exchange of names of flirty challenge this works best when your crush approaches you and asks for your name you might say something like well who do I look like if they really want to know your name they'll guess or ask around five be a conversationalist to flirt you've generally got to be able to talk and we've got you covered here you want your crush to feel comfortable but also impressed by your confidence and intrigue to learn more about you practice this by talking to strangers strike up a conversation about something easily observed like the weather or if there are a lot of people gathered around you find common ground with a person if you already know them this is probably easy talk about something you both know about ur life perhaps an academic subject or a TV show maybe it's the class you share or the restaurant you're currently eating it the point is to invite them to interact with you in an easy comfortable way on a topic they're familiar with if your crush responds pleasantly keep chatting if they don't respond or seem preoccupied or disinterested stop they're not interested in flirting with you tell them to have a nice day and find someone else to talk to absolutely do not berate them for ignoring you not only will they never flirt with you but getting a reputation for being impolite will not help your chances with others 6 keep it light as the conversation continues keep it light don't bring up anything too personal or controversial avoid topics like religion money and politics don't talk about your ex or say that you're looking for a relationship that starts to sound pushy generally avoid debating topics that are personally relevant to either you or them and stick to subjects neither of you has a personal stake in sometimes you can bring up something offbeat or unexpected and it will capture your crushes interest be playful don't take yourself too seriously you want to come off as fun not intense be a little silly high-five or fist bump your crush when they say something funny or clever and try to relax be a little self-deprecating or tell a story about doing something silly but like wearing mismatched socks to an interview some fun and light-hearted topics to consider pets particularly if you have the same number of pets TV particularly something superficial like reality TV and if your crush hates reality TV you can easily join them and laughing at it slightly embarrassing experiences particularly when it all ended up fine with everyone laughing vacations specifically places you've loved visiting or look forward to checking out one day basically your goal in the conversation is to seem real and genuine without being too intense don't put too much pressure on yourself over the course of the conversation just be comfortable around them 7 listen to your body language human beings use body language to convey their intentions and thoughts just as much as they use words according to some psychologists most of our communication is nonverbal you're communicating with your body and so is your crush if they're closed off you might want to stop trying to flirt consider these signals an open stance conveys interest in the other person if you cross your arms or legs that's a sign of discomfort or wanting to close yourself off from someone we turn our bodies to face people we're interested in stand or sit so you're facing your crush and angle your torso towards them sometimes even pointing your feet in their direction can be suggestive if you're looking or pointing away it might look like you're bored or disinterested play with your hair this one is particularly for the ladies if you're touching your hair during a conversation it usually indicates anxious energy which may be the result of your interest if you want to make it clearer slowly twirl a strand of hair around your finger as you talk 8 break the touch barrier this is tricky you should never touch anyone without their permission but sometimes that permission is implied rather than directly stated if it's unclear whether your crush would be comfortable with a touch just go ahead and ask the fact that you care about their feelings and respect their consent is a sign of respect and kindness if you think you're crushed wants to be touched but hasn't said anything casually touch them on the forearm as you talk or brush against them if you're sitting next to each other remember when we talked about women their hair while flirting if you touch your crushes hair while flirting and they let you that can be powerful especially if they're proud of their hair if they seem uncomfortable or ask you to stop immediately do so it means you misread the situation take no for an answer and don't try it again until they initiate contact depending on where you live hugs or even kisses might be a fairly common gesture between flirtatious friends if that's the case make sure you offer a hug or kiss but don't put any pressure on them to accept if they don't that's fine just roll with it whatever you do don't be humiliated or take offense at rejection after all it's up to them whether you are allowed to touch them or not if they turn down a touch accept that rejection with good grace 9 compliment early compliment often we all like compliments and you should use them when flirting maintain eye contact smile and show your sincere don't make up a compliment for something you don't think about them or don't know this will come off as fake offer genuine compliments offer a compliment early in the conversation lower your voice a little to make it sound a bit more intimate and maybe even sexy it might also draw your crushin closer to here you try to weave the compliment into the conversation naturally you don't want it to sound dropped in if your crush is talking about having a bad day saying no that's not okay you are too awesome for that kind of bad luck there's no reason not to do your homework to prepare yourself for this think about what you really admire about a person consider their interests and what you know about them if you really admire something they do like if they Foster stray cats and help them find forever homes tell themself be very careful about complementing their looks even if that's what originally drew you to them this can come off as extremely superficial try to look deeper and mixing compliments about non-physical features if you want to compliment your crushes looks go for one of these their eyes especially if you can think of a cool unusual descriptor for their color tryto Pass instead of hazel their smile but be careful not to tell them the smile which can come off as a little sexist their hair particularly about the cool style or how it feels ten keep it short and sweet remember that when supply is low demand rises so try to keep your interactions brief don't flirt with your crush every day but aim for a few times a week when we rarely get to do something it becomes more special talk for just a few minutes and don't drag on about any particular subject keep moving and avoid awkward silences let your crush come to you once you've sparked an interest too much attention will smother it and you'll come off as too intense see if they approach you rather than the other way around if they do that's a good sign that your flirtation is both welcome and potentially going to lead to a closer relationship 11 be honest make it clear what you want as much as you might find yourself frustrated when you can't tell what your crush wants imagine how they feel if your crush ever asks you what you're looking for just be honest and that means being honest with yourself as well as with your crush if you haven't thought about it before give it some thought now is this someone you want to date are you flirting because it's fun and you get a little charge out of it or now that you've reached this point are you okay with just leaving things as they are if you both want to take your flirtatious relationship further congratulations go for it express your interest in going on a date suggest a couple of options and ask for their opinion if they tell you they aren't interested in a relationship take them at their word rejection happens and every potential relationship fails until one doesn't don't take it personally or react with any negativity just smile nod and walk away remember that you can have flirtatious relationships with people that don't have to be romantic if you and your crush agree to keep your friendship the way it is including the flirting go ahead and do it these can be extremely rewarding relationships that teach you a lot about people if nothing else having a flirtatious friend will give you plenty of practice did any of our tips help you was there anything we missed let us know in the comments below and don't forget to leave a like on our video share it with your friends and subscribe to always stay on the Brite side of life [Music]
Views: 1,674,432
Rating: 4.8914838 out of 5
Keywords: how to flirt, flirting tips, flirt like a pro, know if he likes you, make eye contact, body language, know if she likes you, in love, crush, relationship, healthy relationship, men vs women, men and women, relationship goals, relationship advice, girls vs boys, girls and boys, how to attract people, love forever, happy together, flirting, brightside, bright side video, bright side
Id: KxQZ05lpZSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 22 2018
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