13 Things ALL Teachers HATE about School!

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are you sure my books aren't too heavy for you i can carry them if you want me to oh it's okay for you nothing is too heavy let's go to class denise stop holding hands in the hallway this is a school not in the park i'm sorry sorry man i'm soothing uh we were just on our way to class yes we were let's go let's go it's okay she won't see us here [Music] yes not now madame soo bing i don't mean my calculator today do you have an extra one why bother coming to school if you're not going to bring the things that you need juhi um fine it's okay you can use mine but if you forget to bring yours tomorrow then don't bother bring yourself to school okay thanks madam super it won't happen again um by the way i forgot to bring my textbook if you could just take it thank you [Music] you're not gonna like this but if you just have first if you know what's good for your child then you're not going to bother finishing that sentence okay okay i'm just going to go back [Music] is everything okay oh medicine you notice well it's hard not to notice when the homework that you handed up to me is completely soaked in tears and did i mention incomplete medicine it's hard to hold in my tears the love of my life my pillow of support just left me at the worst possible time how am i supposed to move on [Music] hey trap i know you're going through a hard time but did i hear correctly that you and abby broke up thanks for watching kevin it's true amy and i broke out the island but i really appreciate you for coming here just show me that you are hey i heard you're single and available right now i don't know single yes available not right now i still need time to move on well lucky for you i got all the time in the world don't do that kevin oh sorry too soon [Music] all right class i'll be collecting the homework that i gave out yesterday i'm assuming you didn't do your homework instead don't worry about it i'll just hold my dog in my homework works all the time fool proof plan made me so big my dog ate my homework enough enough for this dog my homework thing what year is it do you think i'm an idiot even back in my days my teachers didn't believe it what makes you think it's going to work this time huh detention for you trav and what about you vincent yeah you know manosu i would totally love to give you my homework but you see i worked so hard on it and it started raining really really heavily on my way to school and um lightning struck lightning struck not on me not any but on my back and specifically on the homework you gave yesterday so i did all that hard work for nothing for nothing wow that's good creative huh realistic huh let's see what you come up with tomorrow [Music] same handwriting that kind of sucks yes yes madam subbing this is not your handwriting this is the niece's handwriting denise do you do all this homework for him no are you sure yes which is it tell me the truth all right i made it it was me i did denise's homework you expect me to believe that you wrote all of this including heart jh you see um about that self-love is the best kind of okay whatever just make sure it doesn't feel this year so we'll be moving on to situational context and by its name you're probably ben please wake up [Music] ben wake up wake up now [Music] [Music] yo bro watch out the pros do it i'm gonna go to the toilet and take a nap madam suit babe can i go to the toilet please i got a really bad stomach ache and i really can't hold it any longer all right you have five minutes [Music] all right class i want you to take this down [Music] [Music] who's eating in my class [Music] i said no eating in my class put that away before i put you away okay so after school today you want to get some ice cream or yeah vincent can you stop being a clown clown i'm not a clown that's a clown dude you hired a clown just for that joke and it only cost me 500 bucks totally worth it speaking of which you got 500 bucks you got 100 bucks any of you guys peace at page 29 we're gonna go through those set of questions right now first of all why do you think the author expected them to give him a stun look when he fell off madame soo bang i can't focus channel and delays are being super distracting danielle denise i think it's time you packed up your things and moved to the back of the class okay okay i i've never been to the back of the class there's not much difference it's actually more fun i don't think i can do this now [Music] what kind of a place is this it's so dark it's so cold we can barely even hear the teacher why would this place even exist relax it'll be fine it's just the back of the class you'll get used to it hi there do i know you have i seen you before i've been here for years i too used to sit from front but ever since i got sent to the black otter class nothing has ever been the same [Music] hey peter there you go here's a lunch thanks bro i haven't had this in a while but you kind of got to remove the plastic before you eat it bro i think this is expired nah don't worry about it best before better after i'll just sit here so you don't get too lonely okay sure maddie thanks for the company by the way can i see your work because i don't actually know what i've been writing for the past five minutes [Music] maddie are you okay if you're not feeling well just go home yeah i'm sweating i'm fine all right just checking [Music] i'm gonna take this outside hello this is madeline's mother i just want to ask why does my sick daughter keep going to school even though and she's not feeling well what kind of pressure are the teachers putting on her no one is making her stay in school if she's not feeling well then tell me why does mary keep insisting she needs to go to school [Music] i don't know but if she's not feeling well then she shouldn't be in school you know maddie i don't get it why do you always refuse to miss a day of school it's not like there's anything worth seeing here well there is one thing or someone [Music] someone maddy can you please just go home i don't want to have to deal with your mom but madam i don't want to miss any of your class okay then can you please just tell your mom i'll be right back kids [Music] debbie you usually come to me during research to share me a cookie i didn't see you today do you get lost again ben i'm not talking to you what do you mean in case you forgot after embarrassing debbie she wants nothing to do with you you're dead to her you're just kidding right right debbie right ben is this a fish market why are you walking around my classroom i just want to clarify something with debbie if you don't return to your seat in the next five seconds then debbie's not going to be the only one that thinks that you're dead to her but when i swim five four three [Music] okay maybe um debbie would you like to answer this question um 54 no that's the completely wrong answer would you like to try it again the definition is the difference of speed over time no once again you got it wrong i'm going to give you one last try according to newton's first law when a body is at rest or keep moving in a straight line at a constant speed unless it is acted upon by force in fact in classical newtonian mechanics there's no important distinction between rest and uniform motion in a straight line they may be regarded as the same state of motion seen by different observers one moving at the same velocity as the particle and the other moving at constant velocity with respect to the particle this postulate is known as the law of inertia wow debbie that's possibly one of the best explanations i've ever heard of newton's first law but the question is on the board what is the capital of france it's easy it's croissant what was it baguette baguette spaghetti tomato is in the capital of france f we're gonna fast forward to chapter eight of your textbook right now yes emily what is it this isn't your class i just want to talk to debbie she's look really sad go back to your class now you can talk to after school okay [Music] yes emily what is it this time maybe i just talked to her for a little while how many times have i told you not doing my where did you go [Music] it's okay daddy there's so many guys out there who is this band anyway so handsome and i mean you i mean you emily you can't come into my class just to have a conversation go back to your class now okay sorry let's go daddy wait you can't break debbie renee zhang come up here look i'm glad that you did your homework and all but i can't understand a single thing that you wrote [Music] people say that my handwriting is like a doctor's handwriting and doctor's kind of smart so that makes me kind of smart right okay then can you tell me if this is a b or d hmm well that's actually the chinese word huang sir [Music] go back to your seat randy sam that's dr ren is young to you see you laughs vicky can you come up here please what did i do wrong now what's up with your handwriting i expected more from my daughter what do you mean it's cozy fan writing you send me for cursive lessons expecting me to write better and now you're telling me what's up with my handwriting i really don't know what you want from me mum oh okay my bad dear maybe it's time for you to get some cursive reading lessons mom [Music] all right all right calm down everyone calm down she definitely got that attitude from her father okay not me all right guys just a reminder there will be a comprehension test at the end of this week so make sure you guys pay attention to today good morning class mississippi what brings you here today just making my rounds doing my job as a principal just pretend i'm not here okay let's continue from where we left off yesterday can everyone turn to chapter 13 of your textbooks what is it mr d are you gonna tell them which page you're on some of the students might not know of course thank you for your feedback missity all right class please turn to chapter 13 which is on page 59. of your textbooks what is it now miss city why don't you tell them what textbook you're using of course and just in case you don't know which textbook we're referring to it is the only english textbook that you've been supplied with this year is there anything else i can help you with me city oh please please just pretend i'm not here as i was saying um madame soo bing that is actually the more complicated way of doing it i was taught by my tutor of another method that is way faster and simpler and what is the name of your tutor mr kabebo then let me ask you what is the name of your teacher in the titan academy madam soo bing ah so you see where i'm getting it right now if you don't like the way madame soup bank teach us then maybe you should pack your bags and ask mr kubabu to teach you instead if not just take this down okay [Music] nicole late again yeah i was stuck in traffic you could have literally come to school with your brother that is not a valid excuse [Music] how about my alarm didn't go off that's not what i meant there is no excuse that is a valid excuse okay but you got to listen to me i got stopped by a bunch of raccoons in the school canteen and you expect me to believe that you don't belong here do you know who am i i am mr fricken see [Music] that was a nice nap okay where's my phone huh where's my phone where's my phone i might have dropped it inside no no no okay this is so gross i should have splashed it before i kicked in oh my god most of this isn't even mine okay too squishy oh my god my sleeve my sleeve now first of all why do you think the author expected them to give what is it this time and what did i say about interrupting my class i'm back madam shooting what happened to you again well i dropped my phone in the toilet and now it's gone forever whatever just sit back down i can't deal with this anymore your phone you left it there [Music] what [Music] me [Music]
Channel: JianHao Tan
Views: 4,152,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jianhao tan, jian hao tan, jianhao, the jianhao tan, thejianhaotan, jian hao, jianhaotan, kim lee, singapore, singaporean, youtuber, youtubers, youtube, things, teachers, hate, teachers hate, teacher, types, type of students, types of students, jianhao Denise, teacher hate, soot beng, Madam Soot Beng, sherly, holding hands, hands, homework, clown, back of the class, Emily, angry, annoyed, fail, exam, exam results, cheating, copying, copy, titan, academy, episode, 59
Id: GaYJmF4kNIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2022
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