17 Students on the Day Before Exams

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[Music] oh no the exams are tomorrow and i have still so much to study do we still have time to study should we just come up with a plan b so how's everyone doing ready for exams tomorrow miss shirley what if the exam papers go missing tomorrow missionary what will the school go missing tomorrow yeah me shirley what if i go missing tomorrow okay you know what guys if you need to do any last-minute questions just drop me a text okay because i gotta go so all the best and have fun [Music] sunny how's your exam preparations going i'm still not sure what topics are going to come out for tomorrow's people exams why do you have to work so hard check this out i'm all prepared there's too much more to memorize than just that that's where you're wrong okay okay stop we get it hey girls let's start with psychic psychic you are taking an exam and you don't know how to pronounce it it's called peace cheek is that the one where you learn how to walk after surgery no that's physio wait isn't it physics [Music] oh the exam starts tomorrow and i still don't even have my nose what am i supposed to do take another break i know things to eat or drink a day before the exams to achieve good results without studying studies have shown that dark chocolate may improve brain functions [Laughter] oh coffee can also increase alertness mood and concentration nuts peanuts okay these nuts my peanuts do you know how important this is for my brain i need this for my print to function that's enough for today look at that struggling with your last minute study thank goodness i already studied months ahead now to open a new pack of pokemon cards let's go oh man another charizard [Music] okay one more please please please give me a good pool finally restaurant let's go he's uh are you prepared for the exams no bro i'm not prepared i think i'm going to do so badly i think i might even get expelled oh no oh no hi guys do you know how to do this question oh i know it's actually very simple all you have to do is use the formula a square plus b square equals to c squared where in order to find c you have to add this and this and then square root it out and zada there you go that's the answer oh great thanks dad welcome tiffany i thought you didn't study oh no bro oh no oh no penny penny oh no oh [Music] kai you're done yeah exams are easy i eat exams for breakfast since went to your exams since when do you eat breakfast huh huh huh huh huh huh just go my brain hurts guys it's been nice knowing all of y'all when i get expelled i hope that y'all will remember me you can call me cloudy gloomy even rainy what about ugly no not that but basically from now on it ain't sunny for me no more no sun just rain no light just darkness goodbye guys i'll see you in the next um guys i'm gonna go now i'm really going is no one gonna hold me back guys sunny what's all this noise that you're making if you want to go can you just leave now if not can you just sit back down yes ma'am i'll sit back down guys this is ridiculous look at what the organization has done to us everyone is way too stressed this is not normal i mean look at tiffany look at patreon look at za penny penny we are all in school to learn not to suffer we need to put a stop to this who's with me i can't hear you we are the organization has expelled cleverly anything that can excel more of us i don't think so as long as we stick together they can't take us down repeat after me dinah what is all of this and what do you think you're doing well madame zubing we are all here to protest against the exams the organization has done enough why is there a need to stress out the students like this huh we will not stand for this and we as a collective will stand against such tyranny who is we we are um and that's just me practicing for the next musical no more exams no no no more exams oh spin on which i gotta study now bye no more exams no no oh please let me get good grades and pass with flying colors i know you're always listening and now more than ever i need you to listen to me chloe who are you talking to the one and only mark zuckerberg and how is that going to help you you see i just got an app how to ace your exam i told you he's always listening that's just a coincidence stop being delusional [Music] see i just got another ad how to get rid of your annoying sister [Music] okay so in what year did world war two begin and what was the cause of it mom we've been through this for hours it's not years look i did not get fired from the school only to come back to see my daughter get expelled you're not even my your teacher [Music] well guess what i am your teacher and you are my student say i am a student say it i am good now in what year did world war two begin and what was the cause of it um wrong try again [Music] why are you still on your phone aren't you supposed to be studying for your exams give me your phone now but i am studying mom i was just texting my friends about some of the questions these friends of yours have no future can you just please stop wasting time with them and start focusing on yourself but i really care for them and they're not affecting my studies anyway not affecting your results would you like me to remind you how much you scored last year this was your paper you scored a grand total of 99 points how can you tell me they are not affecting your results do you know how embarrassing it is for me when all your relatives ask me about your studies girl stop being a disappointment i expect nothing less than perfect for you this year if not i will have no choice but to send you to boarding school where your stupid friends cannot bother you you understand [Music] all right time to get serious maybe just one movement [Music] i could end it off like this right [Music] all right that's enough that's enough that's enough whoa it's 3am all right i guess i just want to sleep five minute nap won't hurt anyone right [Music] it's morning i haven't studied anything okay okay i need [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: JianHao Tan
Views: 4,642,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jianhao tan, jian hao tan, jianhao, the jianhao tan, thejianhaotan, jian hao, jianhaotan, kim lee, singapore, singaporean, youtuber, youtubers, youtube, day before, night, day, before, exams, exam, examinations, study, expel, regna, soot beng, Denise mother, Denise mom, Vicky, I am a teacher, gong gong, Chloe sister, yutella, Diana, episode 44, ep 44
Id: RbNgQWkqWz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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