Good Teachers Vs Bad Teachers

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>> Good morning, Cherylene. >> Hi, Miss Sherly. >> Hi, JianHao. >> Hey, Miss Sherly. >> Hey, good morning Vincent. You're in such a good mood today. >> I'm always in a good mood when I see my favorite teacher. >> Five, four, three, two, one. >> Do you always have to scare them like that? >> Well, if they don't fear you, then, they don't respect you. And the sooner you learn that... the better, honey. [TEACHERS WE LOVE VS TEACHERS WE HATE] [TEACHERS WE LOVE DRESS CODE] >> Vincent, your collar is up again. Do not let other teachers just catch you, okay? >> Okay, thank you, Miss Sherly. >> No problem. Hamza, your hair is getting too long. I mean, I personally like it, but you'll get into trouble for this. So here's something for you. This is why I always carry it, for students like you. >> Thank you. >> See you in class. [TEACHER WE HATE DRESS CODE] >> Hamza, go get a haircut. Vincent, collar. Blond, blond, dye your hair black. Vicky is fine. Go get a haircut. Your new style looks stupid. Abby, stop right there. Why is your skirt so short? Who are you trying to impress? Is it Ben? Is it Trev? >> No, Madame Soot Beng. I think I'm just getting taller. >> Oh, so you're talking back to me now, huh? Principal's office, >> But, I have to go to class. >> Now! [TEACHER WE LOVE GREETINGS] >> Good morning, Ben. Hi Vincent, oh something for you. >> Oh, what's that? Huh? >> Good job. Hi, Hakim. >> Thank you so much. >> Hi, Vicky! Yeah, maybe not that. [TEACHERS WE HATE GREETINGS] >> Class stand. >> [ALL] Good morning, Madame Soot Beng. >> It's the first class of the day! Yet you guys don't have the energy? Don't have the enthusiasm? Back in my days, we used to greet our teachers with respect. Sit down! Abby, late again. >> I just came back from the principal's office. You sent me there, remember? >> And you think that that's a valid excuse? Go again to the principal's office. [TEACHERS WE LOVE HOMEWORKS] >> Did you do the homework? >> Nope. >> Where is Denise? Oh, she's not coming, man. But, I'm meeting her later. Besides, she won't let you copy her homework anymore. She's pissed at you man. >> Okay, class. Can you please hand in your yesterday's homework? >> Um, Miss Sherly, I actually wasn't able to finish it on time yesterday because it was really difficult. So can I maybe get an extension and hand it in to you tomorrow? >> Well, all right, sure. And you know what, class? I think you can hand it in by the end of this week instead. >> [ALL] Yehey! Whoo! >> And JianHao, you know what if you need help, with your homework just as your classmate, okay? [TEACHERS WE HATE HOMEWORK] >> JianHao, Where is your homework? >> Sorry, Madame Soot Beng, I've been really busy with my extracurricular activities and volunteering at this animal shelter. These animals really need a lot of care. >> And let me guess, a dog ate your homework? You students treat me like I'm such a fool how many times have I heard that excuse? All right class. I want everyone to write me an essay on the importance of doing your homework, since one of your classmate thinks that doing your homework is not important. >> Wait, Madame Soot Beng! This is wrong. It's only right for me to confess that it's not only one who did not do the homework. It's 2. Me, I did not do my homework too. >> Well, then... two essays on the importance of homework. I expect it to be handed in to me first thing tomorrow morning. >> I didn't think it through. I'm sorry, guys. She didn't get it. [TEACHERS WE LOVE CONVERSATIONS] Miss Sherly how was your weekend? >> Well on Saturday, I actually checked out this new cloud with a bunch of friends and it was really fun. You know what, when you guys turn 18, you guys should check it out, because it was really, really fun. And then on Sunday, I really didn't do much. So I was just looking for shows to watch on Netflix. I think I found this show that was really funny. You guys should check it out. If you have Netflix account, if you don't that, you know, maybe you can steal from your mom or dad. You know, that's about it, I guess. [TEACHERS WE HATE CONVERSATIONS] >> Hey, Madame Soot Beng, how was your weekend? >> That is completely unrelated to the curriculum. Jian Hao! Why are you using your phone? Hand it over! >> So do I get it from you after school? Only after 20th September. [TEACHERS WE LOVE RECESS TIME] >> Hey class, seems like we still have 10 minutes to recess. So why don't you guys go ahead and have an early lunch? Such nice students. [TEACHERS WE HATE RECESS TIME] >> So if let's say N is to be a hundred and fifty-five, what would P be? Does anyone have an answer? [school bell rings] Ah-uh-uh-uh-ah! Sit back down. The bell doesn't dismiss you. I dismiss you. So back to question 27, P three equals to N one... [TEACHERS WE LOVE MEETING PARENTS] >> Uh, Miss Sherly, Miss Sherly Excuse me. Is this true? Ah, my son only got this get 100 for this latest math's test? >> Yeah, it is. >> Hao Hao, how can you do this to mommy? Do you know how much I spent to send you to this very prestigious school. How many LV bags I've had to sacrifice, huh? Uh, he's really horrible, I tell you! >> Please don't worry about it. I mean, JianHao has a very positive attitude and all he needs is just more affirmation and support from you. >> Ah, is that true? >> Yes. >> Okay, I will take note. >> Have a good day. >> You too. >> I don't like this new teacher! [TEACHERS WE HATE MEETING PARENTS] >> Soot Beng. >> Sylvia. >> It's been so long! It's good to see you. >> Oh my god, babe. How are you? How's the baby doing? When are you due? >> In a few months. And by the way, you didn't reply to me about JianHao. >> Why would I reply, when I can see you here in real life. How is he? >> He's failing. Chemistry. >> Don't worry, Mommy failed chemistry too. >> Yeah, but he's a very special student. >> Wow. >> Very creative... at coming up with excuses. >> Oh. >> But, don't worry. He's always first in class. >> Wow. >> To leave for recess. >> Okay, I don't wanna talk about him anymore. >> Just get rid of the PlayStation. >> Yes, I agree. >> I don't know why his dad bought it for him. [TEACHERS WE LOVE SURPRISES] >> So class I have sensed that some of you are really tired and haven't been performing well. So today I have a surprise for you guys. I brought some pizza! Come and have pizza. Well, I hope this will give you the energy that you needed. Tuck in, guys. [TEACHERS WE HATE SURPRISES] >> All right class T1T5, recently... I've noticed that you guys have been getting from bad to worse. And since the exams are coming really, really soon... I prepared a little surprise for you! A surprise quiz! Anyone who fails the exam, will not get to attend this year's field trip. [TEACHERS WE LOVE GOING TO THE TOILET] >> Miss Sherly, can I go to the toilet? >> Um, the students toilet is a bit far though. How about you go to the teacher's toilet? Here's the key. >> Thank you, Miss Sherly. [TEACHER WE HATE GOING TO THE TOILET] >> Madame Soot Beng, can I go to the toilet toilet? >> Toilet? Again? Why is it that every time I'm having a quiz somebody just has to go to the toilet? Okay, maybe I have to go to the toilet. >> Wait, does that mean I can go now? >> Guys, this is where Madame Soot Beng hides all answer sheets. Pass it on. [TEACHERS WE LOVE AFTER CLASS] >> Bye, Miss Sherly. >> Bye, guys. >> Miss Sherly, I just want to say that you're my favorite teacher. You're way better than Madame Soot Beng. >> Thank you, but I don't think she's that bad, right? >> Oh, trust me. She's bad, she made us write two essays about writing homework. What kind of homework is about homework? >> Well, I'm sure I wouldn't do that to my students. >> I wouldn't do that to my students as well. One day, I'll be a teacher just like you. You're my inspiration, Miss Sherly. I wouldn't be like Madame Soot Beng. Go to the toilet, and all the students cheating during the test. What kind of teacher is that? Horrible, just horrible. Anyway, I'm going off. Take care, Miss Sherly. >> Ahh, you too. Have a good day. >> You too. It was JianHao It was Vincent. It was him as well. So basically that's what happened. >> Soot Beng, look at this. It's today's quiz. Somehow the worst class in school all got full marks. Sherly is well aware and has informed me on the students who cheated. They will be punished and expelled from Titan Academy immediately. Our school takes this very seriously and will not tolerate any dishonest behaviors from our students. >> Wait, expel? But they're just kids. Where are they going to go? >> It doesn't matter. As teachers, we are supposed to focus on students who have bright futures. And not waste time on those who don't. They are the ones who are going to bring shame to the school. >> These are the letters for the parents. Please hand them out immediately. >> It was me. I gave the students the answers to the quiz. >> Soot Beng, you should know better than anyone. >> They're just kids. They cheat because they feel the pressure of the education system. They cheat to survive. What's expelling going to do for them? How is that going to help them in the long run? >> It's not our job to help them? >> Then what is our job? >> To make them like you? >> To be the most popular teacher in the school? >> Well, Soot Beng, I hope you know what this means. Pack your bags. Our school doesn't tolerate... >> Yeah, I get it. >> Oh bye, Madame Soot Beng. >> JianHao, Kevin. What are you guys doing in school? >> Oh, we were just in the library studying for next week's exam. >> Yeah, we don't want to fail these exams. We really want to go on this field trip with you Madame Soot Beng. We are so looking forward to it. >> Well, looks like I won't be able to go for that field trip after all. >> Why not? >> The baby's due soon. I think it's time for me to take my maternity leave. >> Well, okay. See you in three months. Okay, bye. >> Wait. You guys are gonna do just fine. You're the best class I've ever taught. >> What? >> Really? >> Yeah. >> I think it's just the hormones. >> Bring it in. >> Oh okay. Left, okay go. >> Your left? My left? >> My left, your right. Go. >> My left, your left, go. >> Sorry, can you help us? Okay, I mean. >> You know what? Forget it. Hugs are weird anyway. Yeah, I mean congratulations. >> Yeah, thanks. Go, bye. >> Students, as some of you may know the school has terminated Madame Soot Beng's contract. And in her replacement, class T1T5 will have a new form teacher. >> Does that mean I'm not getting my phone back? >> Hello, hello, hello. It is I, Pablo Diablo Lakosa and I have given up my photography empire, to pursue a journey of knowledge dreams and virtue. Now, for our first lesson, let us open up our books to chapter 69 where we learn about the history of Area 51. And how we shall invade it. Open 69, chapter 69. [Subscribe now! Watch this]
Channel: JianHao Tan
Views: 35,367,974
Rating: 4.869216 out of 5
Keywords: jianhao tan, jian hao tan, jianhao, the jianhao tan, thejianhaotan, jian hao, jianhaotan, kim lee, singapore, singaporean, youtuber, youtubers, youtube, good teachers, bad teachers, teacher, teachers, good, bad, classt1t5, denise, ridhwan, ren yi xiang, jianhao girlfriend, wife, baby, debbie, madam soot beng, sherly, shirley, mr lakosh, dee kosh, leaves, ben, hamza, peishi, new video, t1t5, titan, academy, kicked out
Id: _tUOKK2w4_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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