17 Teachers You'll Meet in Every Online Class

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[Music] okay class since i know that everyone is having a tough time and we are all going through this together so i'm not gonna take much of a time okay i just want you guys to know that we as teachers understand you and care about you so i'm gonna end the class here all right actually you're the best whatever card angel i know remember to do your homework from page 19 to 64 and that's on your workbook and also remember to read our textbook for chapter four the chapter six that's page 101.190 and also remember to check the e-learning website because i am going to give you guys a quiz tomorrow visually this is this is too much this is too much well i mean it's not like you guys have anything else to do at home anyway right so enjoy next class bye [Music] all right class how you all doing today girls looking beautiful as always does anyone have any questions from the homework yesterday oh mr two i have a question on page 42 can i just clarify that the number of protons in a nucleus is also called the atomic number what a stupid question anyone else drew can i just ask i'm really curious but why does the periodic table look like a bingo chat what it's actually a really good question jasmine maybe i can uh help you with that answer in my private study class later on has anyone ever told you have really nice eyes thank you mr tooth has anyone ever told you that you have really nice brows [Music] okay class welcome back to computer science today we'll be learning about source code now source code is a collection of statements and instructions written by a computer programmer in a set of standard programming languages sorry mr wenji but i can't i can't hear oh um that's okay tasha let's troubleshoot this together can you turn your computer around do you see the little holes yeah the little round ones at the back no this is confusing okay it's all right it's simple really i'm gonna walk you through it all you need to do wiggle the wires a little bit plug in the lightning bolt actually wait no it's the thunderbolt cable push the buttons go to settings and then type in your password i'm sorry what could you please repeat that i didn't get it uh okay it's all right why don't you try alt f4 miss wendy i know what that does well okay well that's also four for me bye guys guys there's only 10 minutes left and mr lacrosse still isn't here yet that's strange [Music] i am here today it is i don't mean to be rude but this is the fourth time that you have been late this week uh well well i i i was i was stuck in the traffic is what's up but no never mind that let us learn something new today what are we supposed to learn we are supposed to learn about the uh i don't even remember anymore [Music] okay first things first before we go on with the lesson girls why did you wear makeup to class today even if you did your makeup is horrible vincent denise are you living together why are you wearing the same clothes and talking about clothes let's talk about kevin's clothes the only thing more boring than his bedroom is his claws horrible and let's not even talk about the fake gucci sweatshirt that tenha has on i know a fake when i see a fake and that is a fake as fake as i've ever seen so let us move on to the next class class is over thank you very much move on next class okay before we leave before we leave i need to assign everybody homework but mr lakosh it's my birthday can we not have homework today oh it is your birthday how perfect how about we all sing a happy birthday song ah no no actually we don't have to no no no i insist everybody sing in three two one a happy you're all out of tune here okay everyone is out of two let's sing in the key of the shop major there's a lag okay how about how about this okay everybody starts singing when i count to two so i will count three two one at two everyone starts okay in a sorry two happy birthday [Music] happy birthday to [Music] good job okay class as you know madam student left us last year but during this period she will be joining us temporarily to help out her online classes i know a lot of you miss her and she has told me great things about all of you so i hope you can cooperate and treat her with that most respect thank you so much unicity class t1 t5 has been an absolute pleasure to teach okay i'll leave you all to it then have a great day thank you [Music] all right class there's no time to waste we have spent too much time apart i want everybody to pay attention to me stop yelling stop eating nobody eats in my class do you understand now y equals to m x plus c where m equals to one and it's a linear graph can everybody repeat after please [Music] you have the whole day to go to the toilet you have to choose my class to go no everybody stays in my class then use a bottle of something input versus output y equals to mx plus c where m equals to 1 then it will be a linear graph right energy output is always at 100 and vincent what are you doing in a bottle i do mean it literally well then i don't know what you mean i'll be done in a sec i'll be done in this like okay next question jan how all animals are equal but some are more equal than others where is their quote from infinity war that's a good one that's a good one listen here all of you uh you all better take me seriously take this class seriously otherwise i i'm gonna give you all the attention detention here how's that gonna work you see teachers can't really do anything these days because we're all home so too bad got nothing really yeah ah what was that what now listen here all of you you all better take this class seriously huh general take this class seriously huh what i say take this class you miss me okay so class today we're going to look at yesterday's homework did everyone manage to finish it yeah about that it was busy sorry okay misty is is everything okay yeah i'm fine you know i'm just kind of going through a lot of stuff i haven't been out in ages i need to get my nails done and my kids are driving me insane and on top of that my husband what happened to your husband well he you know you told me that i snore too loud and he wants to social distance forever [Music] i'm sure your snores are not that loud you know do our own tanks so how you guys doing good morning class good morning so for your first assignment please go to the interwebs such as googly shromay and using the keyboard enter this address http divide sign fraction fraction sign two of them world wide web but as an abbreviation so three w's so world wide web dot as not d-o-t an actual dot mathematics dot c-o-m but you spell it like calm after the calm fraction sign p six t u i p lowercase x underscore minus underscore divide parenthesis equal uh 8 7 g and time's up please submit your assignment okay so let's let's just get this over and done with how many of you actually did the homework yesterday no one no nothing new here let's continue okay so it's chapter seven yeah the chili fun plan does anybody know anything about the chili from plate surely do you no does anybody even know what the shitty friend plan is no no you know what i think you guys are not even interested in what i have to say so i'm out so i want you guys to continue working on your assignment on your own okay independently uh if you need anything just ask the buddy on your right with any questions okay then what are you going to be doing mr alex oh i'm going to be busy very busy of course with no um admin stuff you know uh serious stuff you kids won't understand um okay okay then i guess we'll just uh i guess we can just work on this ourselves but this is really confusing though why don't we ask denise guys aren't we supposed to be working independently yeah but honestly i feel like there's there may be a mistake with question 73 i don't quite get it let me just ask mr alex mr alex um sorry mr alex mr alex i think there's a mistake with question 73 oh crap wait wait wait wait wait oh my gosh sorry i don't know oh how about that okay yes what a question i heard some other question yes vincent how do you do that okay guys let's take a break from our social studies reading okay i just want to make a small video let's pass the pencil around okay and um let's start with denise let's start with this i'm gonna make a video should we be doing this is this a little unproductive i'm just gonna make a very fast video it's gonna be very quick i wanna send it to all the other teachers on facebook it's gonna look really cool okay okay hold up your pencil the knees and pass it on one two three go wait no no no denise you're supposed to pass it to your right and then how someone's take it from the left but denise what are y'all doing she looks different on my screen she's on the bottom here so i gotta pick it up from here like you know what do you mean you guys are really like useless i'm gonna do it the other class okay bye bye bye that hurts listen up kids just because you're at home does not mean my pe lesson isn't important okay now i want everyone to stand up and do some jumping jacks with me okay hi can you keep it down i'm trying to do some work here and what is all this mess didn't i ask you to clean up teaching an online class online class stop making such lame excuses p-e-p-e-p-e nobody needs to do pe at home it's literally the one thing no one needs to study for stop wasting everyone's time cod anyone so welcome to your magic class now i see some of you aren't wearing the part of the magician firstly rude magic class right let's move on i'm gonna teach you guys how to make things vanish i'll be using these coins watch carefully on the count of three one two [Music] mom i'm busy i'm working oh my god what a loser he thought he would get a simple trick right oh you're not even real magician man oh oh look at this guy oh what's he gonna do eyes gonna cry [Music] okay uh now i'm depressed guys guys watch this watch this [Music] and now i'm even more depressed oh can we just be done with these stupid online classes already why are we even doing this when a school can already open like nobody learns in their sessions oh class i have to pick up a call so just continue with whatever you guys are doing i'm gonna mute myself in a moment okay okay what are we doing again i don't know she seems a bit moody today what time are you arriving i've been waiting here for the past few hours are you stuck in this traffic again mr lacrosse is coming again this is judy javon hi guys it's me again and today we're going to be talking about health education now before we start on with this lesson i'm obliged to inform you that this class is optional but i'm sure it's just as important as did you say optional like optional and then we don't have to be here well yeah okay good knowing you all right i am out see you guys all right see ya bye bye-bye guys guys wait wait come back come back guys come oh oh at least one student still cares [Music] hey guys wait everyone left already wait what's this all right bye mr dan no please don't go [Music]
Channel: JianHao Tan
Views: 15,246,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jianhao tan, jian hao tan, jianhao, the jianhao tan, thejianhaotan, jian hao, jianhaotan, kim lee, singapore, singaporean, youtuber, youtubers, youtube, titan, online, students, teachers, types of students, types of teachers, good, bad, wengie, Charles, the French, jamie zhu, mr la kosh, soot beng, leenda d, jinny boy, t1t5, academy, class, birthday, 2020, exam, zoom, skyper, magician, Nicole, Denise, school, hbl, lesson, lessons, collab, episode 19, ep 19
Id: bk31R0z4zjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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