13 Things About One Piece You'll Wish You Never Knew

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why are you watching this I warned you so here's a taste of what you're going to get in this video in this video we will reveal four hidden characters answer three penis questions detail two etra Oda love letters as well as finally discover the speed limit of the okama way discover how od's obssession with one pop star change the entire course of one piece and reveal whitebeard's intimate fixation on a certain item by which I mean something I can't say in the first 2 minutes of a video or it'll get demonetized but this is all Cannon there is something about Whitebeard that you probably didn't even notice but once you do you cannot unsee it and like everything else in this video it was confirmed as Cannon by the author himself so as most seasoned fictional pirate enjoyers will know ET Oda tells the story of One Piece through two mediums one is the manga and the other is the companion pieces to the manga specifically the SPs question segments in fact I often complain that Oda tells far too much of the story in these companion pieces but something you will have never heard about in any other video is the sheer amount of useless information that OD dumps into these glorified story toilets whether you like it or not you're going to learn something today and I promise that this knowledge will do nothing except take up valuable mental real estate that you could have used to house something useful so this is your fault and let's begin in the SPs of volume 19 erra Oda is posed a very serious question OD Sensei I found something rather surprising about the delivery man on pages 117 to 118 of volume 18 it says h boiled on his T-shirt but on page 69 those are the same people right and his T-shirt says full boiled what's up with him tell me very well I shall tell you this guy's name is Mr Melo and he has a surprisingly detailed backstory he was one of the Baro work's billions who killed Mr 11 after he was captured by smoker but Mr Melo has a character Arc to go on here which all started four years ago he and his fellow billions were cting dance powder in nanohana the cart broke and then they ran like the assorted cowards they are but very importantly if you zoom in on his shirt the kanji says half boiled meanwhile when he makes his reappearance 4 years later it says full boiled or fledged in the viz translation and this is what is known as character development Mr Melo then makes the mistake of trying to capture Ace and he destroys all of them with a fire fist thus I suppose making him boiled over and completing his 4-year character AR congratulations you now know Mr melo's full story arc but as a result of knowing this you've probably forgotten how to cook but if not for these segments we would never know about hidden gems like Mr melow nor would we get to ask Oda questions such as on clad Do's clothing there's a symbol that looks like poop does it stand for poop or does it have some other meaning to which Oda just replied it's poop and along the same lines what happened to the key Choo Cho swallowed in volume 2 and what the reader is referring to here is chapter 12 where Cho Chu swallows the key to Luffy's cage assumably as an act of Retribution because Luffy poked him in the eyes and just in case case you've ever wondered what became of that key well it came out shiny and brown of course odor isn't always accommodating when it comes to weird questions in Volume 7 AER asked does Shanks like me and Oda said I don't care and on that note it's time for penis question number one ortis Sensei since Luffy is a gumu human does that mean his penis can stretch too I don't know why penis is in quotation marks actually but the answer is that yes yes yes it can also just in case you need it after some of these questions this video is sponsored by better help a platform designed to connect you with a licensed therapist trained to listen and provide you with helpful unbiased advice I want to put this out there starting therapy is difficult 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unnoticed by far far too many people and this woman in question is named neuma Maria which basically translates as spring onion bear Maria she's 45 years old born on November 14th and her English voice actor is Wendy pal who also voices Miss Merry Christmas so she's sort of like the go-to animal woman Fusion voice but what exactly is neguma Maria's end game here well whilst the straw hats and everyone else work to free drum Island from wle According to Oda neguma Maria was working in tandem to gather ingredients in order to bake a spring onion cake which I'm sure went about as well as it sounds as a bonus usess fact in the four kids dub nikuma Maria was named Big Mama which would have caused quite the the confusing situation if big mom ever appeared because that's two big mothers and that's too many there can only be one question if Luffy is 7,200 funky gumus does that mean that Sanji is about 8,500 funky ero Eros answer oh no not at all he can get at least 930 fairy tale eror erors there is no context to this at all you're not missing any information that's just how this exchange went question is there a mirror on our Vita ship the implication here being that alvita has perhaps misjudged her attractiveness due to a lack of evidence answer something tells me she doesn't have a mirror and this absurdly obscure piece of information is referenced in the liveaction one piece because the very first shot of alvita is looking at herself in a full body mirror question does Sanji son like to say answer no he loves to say glad we clarified that but from time-to time readers also have a wide variety of helpful suggestions for One Piece you know to take the pressure off Oda from being the sole creative all the time suggestions such as Oda Sensei I thought of a great move one Luffy stretches out his arm two Zoro cuts his arm off three the arm shoots away note the move can only be used twice and speaking of combat in the early days of One Piece odor actually used to get a lot of power scaling questions and one of them was the classic flat out who's stronger Zoro or Sanji if Zoro and Sanji had a serious fight who would win Zoro bit Mr one so he's stronger right and now this this right here was a bit of a tricky situation for Mr oisan who handled it with all of the Poise and Grace we've come to expect of him by claiming that he misheard the question as if Zoro and Sanji had a dick fight who would win and then refuses to answer due to the UNC nature of the question however this intentional misunderstanding is because the Japanese word for serious is gachinko however gachinko means dick and Japanese is a very very dick language which might explain all of the questions such as can buggy split his down there and the answer is yes yes yes he can and now for a segment I like to call weird letters to at your Oda how are you odachi I know how much you must like getting but naked so this must be a favorite season for you yes yes I just love getting completely naked in the summertime after I take a bath I just run straight outside and when the girl softball team running this is such a weird letter and when the girl softball team running on the sidewalk looks over at me they say yep it's really summer now heartwarming that is a genuine letter that a fan sent Oda and Oda proceeded to publish in volume 25 of the second highest selling comic book in human history good stuff these letters often do get a bit weirdly personal though I have a secret question to discuss with you master Oda brackets this is a normal letter closed brackets that's that's good to know please times 10 tell me your home address I hope this finds you in good health seems like a perfectly reasonable request although I don't know how od's love wife would feel about this because we've also had a letter from her as well welcome home my love would you like dinner or take a bath or maybe you'd rather have and that's where this letter ends signed from love wife 2 we have yet to hear from love wife one she seems much less inclined to publicly disclose her details in one piece volumes but also aliens salutations I am an earthlan and then there's a little asterisk there which defines an earthlan as a half Earthling half alien I an earthlan who lives in the same house that usopp's father Yo's friend's brother's girlfriend lived in a long time ago and da actually response to this one but he just says wow so there's a lot of these I mean a lot of these but this there is one letter that was very revealing and it tells us something about Oda that would go on to greatly influence one piece and this time I'm not I'm not joking this this is actually relevant sort of to odachi I am your betroth when are we going to be married should should it be November 1st we're going to kiss in the marriage ceremony right I'm so nervous kiss actually I'm Nami amuro's little sister now that is the last line that we're concerned with because Nam amuro is a name that you might be familiar with if you've watched the one piece anime so firstly this letter was sent in 1999 not only that it was actually sent before the anime had even begun airing which is interesting because Nam amuro would go on to sing the openings fight together and hope in 2011 and 2017 respectively and also she had a special track called black makeup for the one piece TV special adventure of nebulandia which is the one where foxy briefly joins the straw hats but namier amoto also had a special animation featuring her interacting with the straw hats all of this is to say that I think that etra Oda might have had a bit of a thing for namur which may have been known by readers hence this letter trying to entice Oda by claiming to be Nam amur's little sister now one really fun challenge OD under took was when he was asked to draw all of the characters with his left hand which resulted in this Nami Zoro and Luffy which at the time of this recording is liveaction actress Emily Rudd's Twitter profile picture but having gotten a taste of delicious power Rita soon thoroughly abused oda's Hospitality shortly after Oda was asked to draw all of the characters with his foot which resulted in in this guess guess which character that is and this also proved so popular that Odo was then asked to draw the characters with his mouth which actually isn't bad at all I think that worked out much much better than the foot also in the early days of SPS segments readers basically dumped their chores on Oda for example there was a student who needed to make a class schedule and then Oda just went and made a class schedule for him and when alerted to the fact that this schedule wouldn't work for all schools Oda said to send him the specifics and he would adjust it as necessary and sometimes you can really feel the passion in od's answers because sometimes he goes absolutely above and beyond to explain incredibly Minor Details about his world when someone asked what the pistols in one piece of called not only did OD reveal their names but he even drew a detailed diagram of exactly how a flint lock pistol functions like a textbook but then again sometimes people also ride into to just complain I just want to say this to Mr R you're a disgrace to the saxophone what's with that posture your um is pathetic and at least wear a strap think about what I said now go sometimes the SPs is kind of like the YouTube comment section before YouTube existed then again in volume 23 another Hidden Gem is unlocked it was noticed that in chapter 206 tashigi strikes down a man who has I love Miss Valentine on the back of his jacket according to Oda this is because barox has over 2,000 members as well as a series of fan clubs dedicated to the upper numbered and named agents Miss Valentine is only one but to join a bookworks fan club you need to send your name agent address to the whiskey Peak AFC agent fan club headquarters which you well you can't do that anymore because zor destroyed it but we were not prepared for just how far down this particular rabbit hole we were about to go because there's also a a sub question of how Baro Works agents take vacations remembering that this organization has existed for like at least half a decade by the time we meet them so it's a fully established corporate hierarchy with paid leave Oda joked that crocodile sends his employees to the winter festival in Hokkaido but later corrected that he needs to book flights and vacations for each member separately since no one agent is allowed to know who any of the others are except for your partner so that's up to 2,000 individual holidays that sir crocodile is booking and managing per year for his criminal Enterprise what a solid CEO this is why he's the management behind cross Guild but the baroak Curiosities continue if Mr 7 became Mr 6 what would happen to his face another very important question as Mr Seven's face is designed entirely around the number seven his nose his eyebrows his shoes and even the gun the LED to I know I'm part of the face let's forget about that but his identity is glued to the number seven so as a result Oda was forced to draw Mr 7 if he ever got a promotion to Mr six also fun fact is most people do now know he was not the original Mr 7 the original was killed by Zoro before the series began and made an appearance in liveaction one piece but recently it was revealed that Oda actually made a full proper sketch of the original Mr 7 to make it easier for production which I think is really cool Oda has also been asked on multiple occasions what species he is the speculation has been published that OD is a dog an alien and a hippo in fact one reader asked if OD wanted to raise a hippo the reader had found on the side of the road Oda however declined this offer question hey Oda Sensei when Dr hilock got naked why did there just so happen to be snow obscuring the view of his most special area answer if it didn't just so happen to obscure the view you'd see his weenie that is the exact quote atur Oda used the word weeny and questions like this are unsurprisingly a bit of a trend how is it that the spikes from Miss doublefinger toget to fruit can also grow grow from outside her body rackets her clothes that is answer huh are you referring to the fact that spikes would rip the clothes if I did that wouldn't this become an extraordinarily erotic manga and if I did that then I'd have to draw it that way on book covers so then everyone would be super embarrassed when trying to buy it at the bookstore you want that and to answer od's question yes I do think the reader wants that but let's talk about Whitebeard now I made some big Promises at the beginning of this video and after this you will not see him the same way again aita spotted something rather curious in chapter 234 which is the introduction of Whitebeard however around Whitebeard is what can only be described as a harm of nurses all wearing leopard print tights standard Hospital issue I'm sure but the reader essentially inquires as to whether the nurses in leopard tights is uh how shall we say Whitebeard specific intimate trigger to which Oda said yes whitebeard's wish SL mandate was that all of his paliative care nurses were dressed like this also goes on to add I hear that there are more hospitals where nurses wear pants that's sad I'm going to cry now and now for the question we've all been waiting for what's the speed limit on the okama way well according to Oda the law states that if you go over 300 mascaras per hour then you can expect to be Mas arrested so I hope that you've gained absolutely nothing from this video I warned you with the title and the thumbnail that you did not need to watch it if you're still watching it why let me know why because I over a thousand videos with actual one piece information that you can and should know but this video was just dedicated to the useless Deluge that OD floods these volumes with things that I need to sift through to give you like the actual information so I hope you've enjoyed a brief glimpse into my daily life
Channel: GrandLineReview
Views: 274,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8Hhu9btbtTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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