The 10 MOST WANTED Women in One Piece

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these are the top 10 most wanted women in one piece they are the baddest of the bad so bad that their numbers are so high as a direct result of said Badness starting with the 10th Most Wanted female criminal of all time Nico olvia with a mighty 79 million Berry Bounty you know for the longest time I genuinely thought her name was Nico Olivia but her name is probably a reference to the ruins of Olia because of archaeology and such her name in kakana would be Oria after all and Niko Alia's Bounty is the exact same as Niko Robin's initial bounty 79 million berries a piece they also share the exact same birthday the same voice actor and the same character design Olia is a robin rekin but olvia is only one of two women on this list who was not a pirate and it's actually very difficult to get a bounty if you're not a pirate so niik Olia had to do something particularly naughty which was to seek out and read The Forbidden mystery Cubes but what's more impressive is that olvia is also only one of two women on this list who is not a devil fruit user she achieved 79 million berries completely fruit free which we cannot say for the ninth Most Wanted woman and or girl jwy Bonnie so we've made a pretty big leap now from 79 million to 320 million berries and you want to know why it's because there's really only a handful of prominent women in one piece and to prove this point let me tell you the 11th highest female bounty in one piece which is wender from where's Wally because during wo one piece did a crossover and made an onik kushima themed where's Wally and as a result of this Wally oddl wizard Whitebeard wolf and wender were also given special bounties of six 5 billion berries this is not a joke if we take every Cannon and non-canon character in one piece then Wenda ends up as the 11th Most Wanted female pirate in the world but even though she's a pirate jewelry Bonnie's bounty has very little to do with that profession Bonnie is of course the Beloved daughter of barthol Yuma and it's very important to keep Bonnie under control in order to keep him in line also Bonnie is half World Noble which was probably inspired by her real life counterpart and Bonnie who was a noble turned pirate Who quote was considered a good catch but may have had a a fiery temper she supposedly stabbed a servant girl with a knife which is interesting because in jewry Bonnie's introduction it was actually Capone gang beash from the next table over who stabbed someone with a fork what would you rather be stabbed with knife or fork or spoon spoon sounds rough let me know in the comments but our fictional Bonnie is also known to have carried Sapphire scale an extraordinarily rare disease and all of these factors together even scared poor wi sakazuki when he heard that jewelry Bonnie had escaped Bonnie also holds a pretty impressive record as she is currently the youngest person to have a bounty over 100 million berries Bonnie is actually only 12 years old but looks a lot older due to her manipulation with her ahh fruit and at the mere age of 12 commands a whopping 320 million berries in fact there's only one character in recorded fictional history to have had a higher Bounty than Bonnie by her age but she's also on this list so we'll get to that in a bit but before that bit we have our eighth Most Wanted woman Nami now Nami was a bit of a slow starter in one piece she was introduced in chapter 8 and performed assaulted pirate activities for for 10 years until the world government finally saw a fit to issue her with a bounty and what did 10 years of hard work get army a bounty of 16 million berries whilst cooworker Usopp was awarded an initial Bounty of 30 million for doing arguably much less work I guess the gender pay Gap is real or at least the gender pay out Gap now while I agree that Nami has more than earned her place here the inworld reason why her number is so high isn't because of anything that Nami has specifically done her entire Bounty net worth is purely due to her association with Luffy Nami is an example of what I like to call Lazy bounties lazy from both Oda and the characters in the series for example nami's next Bounty rise was after dress Rosa to 66 million berries but that was because most of the straw hats were given a flat 50 million increase because all government knew that Luffy's crew they were dangerous probably but didn't have any information about what the individual members could do so commodor brand new wanted to go home early that day and just gave them a 50 million increase across the board and then the same thing happened again after Warner most of the straw hats were given a flat 300 million bar increase but Nami is at a point where she does have the substance to back these numbers up she can quite literally control the weather and if you give her enough time to prepare then she is capable of the most devastating attacks within the entire crew what we can also say with certainty is that Nami is the most wanted person in this world whose name begins with nami the second most Wanted Nami is Nami a amuro a real life J-pop singer who according to episode of sky island is worth 25 million berries which is a reference to concluding her 25 year long music career but Nami can also tank a pretty Fierce headbutt from our seventh Most Wanted woman in the world ulti who has a very satisfying even 400 million berries which is very impressive for a 22-year-old in fact ulti is such a physical Beast that she even went head-to-head with Luffy and I mean literally head-to-head and in the end even an emperor of the sea wasn't enough to bring ulti down although Nami did take that opportunity to steal the win Very Bad Manners of her all up ulti fought Luffy yam big mom and then only then finally fell to T armi so ulti was the tankiest Toby Roper member by far that combined with her obvious aesthetic appeal took the fan base a bit by storm and in the world top 100 character poll she ranked in 56th Place which actually makes her the most popular member of the Beast Pirates as a whole I'll say that again the most popular member of the Beast Pirates which includes queen king and the king of beasts himself kaido and you know I briefly thought about including Jack in that sentence but then I remembered that no one would have expected him to be popular anyway but also controversy because UL was subject to a bit of an artistic whoops ack in chapter 112 where in the magazine version she was accidentally drawn without her mask and it revealed nothing nothing of note because ulti is just a perfectly regular pilosa surus looking woman now the Most Wanted woman on this list who is not a pirate Bell betti one of the highest ranking members of the Revolutionary Army and specifically the commander of the East Army in addition to her Bounty Bell betti is known for being very rude like for example that one time where she put her shoes on the meeting table and at momoo Island I mean who knows where those shoes have been well actually we know those shoes just came from the Lucia Kingdom which before it never existed was best known for agriculture specifically the export of moor's milk so you just get your filthy Farm shoes off my meeting table Bell Betty also Bella Betty's character design is based on a painting by Eugene dequa called Liberty Leading the People and here you can see a figure created to personify the French Revolution they even gave her a name Maran but ETA took the most inspiration from maran's exposed chest which Bell Betty quite happily embodies okay absolutely crazy connection here though Bell Betty isn't the only character inspired by Maran there's actually a character straight up named marann in one piece and you probably know her better as Miss golden week and despite the fact that this doesn't suit her character or gimmicks at all Miss golden week's pirate epithet is the flag bearer of freedom but miss golden week's Bounty is only worth 29 million berries so she missed out on being here by quite a bit with bell Betty 450 7 million berries it's quite impressive but I'm actually surprised that it isn't even higher because her devil fruit seems to be the Lynch pin of the entire revolutionary Army bell betti has the Kobi which increases people's fighting spirit and strength at the cost of scripting and encouraging speech to say Bell betti can turn any group of people who can hear her into a superhuman militia purely through the power of speaking sentences I mean she can't mind control people she can't make them do something that they don't want to do but if they do want to fight then Bell Betty can give the power to do the thing it is that they do want to do so if you gave this woman some sort of Global Communication snail like What U used in FM red bow Betty could have the entire planet rebelling against well government by lunchtime or breakfast time or dinner time it really does depend what time she makes the speech breaking into the top five most Wanted women we encounter black Maria another member of the Beast Pirates whose Vivia card daab book entry states that her hobbies are quote romantic relationships and given her overly Amorous nature you could say that that that's written all over her face but it's also quite literally written on her back where we see the kanji jonan which means woman trouble so as a result black Maria received some how shall we say special treatment within the Beast Pirates she is one of the Toby Roper but even then she holds a bit of an enhanced status because while this is only ever implied it's likely that she and kaido have quite the intimate relationship and the rest of the crew are aware of this and so from time to time tend to doubt black Maria's actual abilities and you know your position is in trouble when Jack is is doubting you so despite being an ancient Zan user and despite being colossal by default black Maria's true danger has nothing to do with physical abilities black Maria's most deadly skill is the illusion Mist a very vaguely defined substance which causes a Target to hallucinate in the only use case in the series Black Maria used it to make Nik Robin see her mother Nik olvia and so for a brief moment we actually had three of our top 10 most wanted women in the same place even though one of them was fake here's the thing though we don't know if black Maria's illusion missed is part of her devil fruit ability because she's an ancient zoan not a mythical zoan that's an important distinction because mythical zans are the ones that get the more magical powers and ancient zoans tend to stick to more scientifically accurate powers like tricer copters and Pteranodon face cannons however black Maria is one of the only if not the only character in the series to just defy the laws of devil fruits black Maria was able to change her hybrid Z and form because she felt it wasn't beautiful enough here is what she looks like and here's what she should look like according to Oda and I can only imagine that black Maria has a bit of an army effect happening the Bounty number being more arbitrary than anything else I really don't see why she's more valuable than ulti it's more like well government knows that she's a close associate of kaido but they don't really know much beyond that so A bunch of generic numbers later we've landed at 480 million and the fifth Most Wanted woman in the world but the chasm between the fifth and the fourth can only be described as gaping because next up we have Nico Robin taking us dangerously close to the billion Berry threshold with a bounty of 930 million ion which is a massive jump from her previous Bounty of 130 million the world government saw fit to give her an 800 million Berry increase all in wer who would have thought that this mere child being hit by a tomato would one day pose such a threat to global stability so as seems to be a bit of a theme with the most Wanted women Robin's primary danger isn't strength although she does have an unreasonable quantity of that as well in fact she can even use fisherman karate despite being neither fish nor man but Robin's threat is far more profound than any punch fighting ability Nik Robin is the only person in this world who can read the ancient language inscribed on the poneglyphs at least naturally there are other fabled methods of reading this information like Awakening the third eye of the three-eye tribe but robin only needs two eyes and honestly I reckon she'd be able to do just fine with even one and she'd look much more like a pirate as well y me poneglyphs is probably what she would say what this means though is that she and she alone can learn and distribute the true history of the world which is well not a good look for the world government not a good look at all Robin is also 30 years old which is almost exactly the median age of the top 10 most wanted women but the chasm between number four and number three can only be described as not gaping Charlotte smoothie clocks in at 932 million berries a mere 2 million ahead of Nik Robin and to illustrate that works out to just over half a sham or half a Butchie who are collectively worth 7 million berries and speaking of sham if we were doing the liveaction version of this list then she would definitely qualify and has certainly had quite the Imp on this fan base as you can see demonstrated on this graph which Chronicles sham thirst over time as you can see we experience a rather sharp increase in 2023 with a record high number of real people now wanting sham of the black hat Pirates to be the mother of their children in regards to mothers and children smoothie is the 14th daughter and 35th child overall of Charlotte linlin and has worked her way up the family hierarchy to be considered the third most powerful individual within the big mom Pirates and our main characters have been absurdly lucky to have never needed needed to face off against her directly smoothies devil fruit abilities are quite frankly disturbing the shiboo Nomi allows her to extract liquid from anything by ringing them like a wet towel which was notably used to produce some sweet sweet giraffe juice but there's more to Smoothie than that though she's also a master of hockey sword combat and even has a master's degree in general sadism but thanks to a lot of fatome twists Smoothie has never had the opportunity to unleash her full strength on our crew whole cake Island itself was too chaotic and while smoothie was present on 104 the entirety of the WAN walk she kept falling down the waterfall with the rest of the big mom Pirates all right let's get serious now because the second most Wanted woman in the world is Boa Hancock who has one of the single biggest Bounty leaps in recorded fictional history The Bounty prior to becoming a warlord was 80 million berries and after being unceremoniously dumped from that position the wall government saw fit to increase that by almost 1.6 billion berries but what makes boa hanock worth that much well it's because she is nion undefeatable and if you engage her you're much more likely to end up on the floor under her febles because with the combination of the maram maromi and Bowa Hancock being regarded as the most beautiful woman in the world means that if someone feels even slightly a certain way about Hancock then you are already out of the fight we've even seen a vice admiral brought to his knees Monga had to stab his own hand to focus his mind on pain just to avoid being turned into stone which is great and all he's not stoned but he's equally as ineffective in this state as well so whether you're affected by Hancock's power on not you still end up practically useless even emperor of the sea in Cherry Pie appreciated Blackbeard was terrified to let boa hanok go because he knew that all she needed was a second and he would have been turned to stone just like that even then there's a woman out there who surpasses this power before we get to her though here's a section I like to call unknown but probably because there's a lot of notorious women in this world with bounties that have yet to be revealed such as Blackbeard's very own Katarina Devon she is known as the most dangerous female pirate to have ever been imprisoned in impulse down so she's a pretty big deal and I imagine that her Berry value reflects that it's also worth bringing up shaki she's a retired pirate now but almost certainly still has a rather large active Bounty because you don't get to retire from all of the crimes you've already committed elderon or gloriosa as a former Rock pirate member is also going to have a pretty high number on her head as well and we also have Whitey Bay the only known female pirate to serve directly on Whitebeard and also we shouldn't forget Emporio Ivanov who is certainly one of the most Wanted women in the world but only some times but our number one 100% Most Wanted woman in the world with a 4 b388 million bar Bounty is Charlotte linlin not just the Most Wanted woman but one of the single most powerful and terrifying people to have ever lived she is physically insurmountable if linlin encounters you in battle there is no option you cannot fight there is only run but it doesn't stop at breaking your body because linlin can also manipulate your soul and Charlotte Lyin has a bounty so high that the people who are sign the numbers got to be a bit creative as the 88 in her Bounty can be read as haha meaning mother Charlotte linlin also established half of the two great matriarchies of the one piece World which are apparently the Charlottes and the Nikos as they dominate 40% of this list and in addition to the world government wanting her ever ever so badly Charlotte linlin has also been more generally wanted by at least 43 men who all at one stage became her husband and so former emperor of the sea Charlotte Lin Linn will almost certainly remain as the most Wonder woman to have ever lived in one piece and if you need more one piece content which we all know you do then I would highly suggest this video next
Channel: GrandLineReview
Views: 250,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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