Everything That MUST Happen During Elbaf

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There is not other arc in One Piece that has been  anticipated by fans as hard and as long as Elbaf,   the country with the strongest  warriors in the world, home of   the Giants and territory of the Emperor Shanks. And so today, we are talking about everything that  could and should happen in this long awaited arc,   starting from the things that are absolutely  100% going to happen like Usopp leading an   army of giants or Luffy finally reuniting  with Shanks and moving to the most insane   Elbaf theories ever conceived like how God Enel  is going to return to attack the Land of Giants. Since Dr. Vegapunk has given us the intel  that Jaguar D. Saul is alive and well,   hiding the remains of the Ohara library  on Elbaf, it’s almost guaranteed that it’s   the Straw Hats’ next destination. Not to  mention this note from Oda at Jump Festa   that all but says we’re getting some  giant sized One Piece action in 2024. During the Egghead Island arc, Oda treated fans  to a detour to check on what all of the other   Yonkou besides Luffy are up to. And most of them  have been spending their down time absolutely   obliterating Luffy’s supernova allies, Kid and  Law. When Eustass Kid threatened the weakling   pirates that call Shanks their friend, the  superior Red-Haired pirate wiped out the   master of magnetism with just a single slash of  his sword. Our old friends from Little Garden   Dorry and Brogy also wiped out Kid’s ship with  their signature technique Hakoku Sovereignty. But thanks to this cutaway to Shanks and the  Giant Pirates, we know that Luffy’s touchdown   in Elbaf means a reunion with some old friends.  Usopp is sure to be excited to reunite with his   heroes Dorry and Brogy, who the crew hasn’t seen  since Little Garden in the Alabasta Saga. However,   Usopp might also get to see his other giant  comrades like Oimo and Kashi who were guards   at Enies Lobby until Usopp revealed that the  government had tricked them into service.   And while we’re meeting all of these giants  again, maybe even Hajrudin will show up along   with the rest of the Grand Fleet depending  on what kind of mortal threat emerges on the   land of Elbaf. And I’ll be talking about who  the big bad of Elbaf will be in just a bit. Of course, the reunion with the giants is  nothing compared to the reunion we’ve been   waiting for since Chapter 1 of the series: that’s  right - Luffy will finally meet Shanks once again   now that he’s become a powerful pirate,  a Yonkou in the same class as his mentor. How will this play out? Well, Luffy is  sure to shed tears just like he did when   he met with Sabo again, however, we don’t  think the tears will come first. Instead,   before Shanks gets to mutter much at all,  he’ll get a Gum Gum punch to the face,   with Luffy finally proving that his  punches are as strong as a pistol. But there’s no guarantee that the reunion  will be totally friendly - at the end of Wano,   Shanks declared that it’s finally time for  his crew to seek out the One Piece. We’re not   sure how many road poneglyphs Shanks has already  claimed, but Luffy and the Straw Hats have three   of them and it’s unlikely that Shanks has the ones  from Zou or Wano since those were well hidden by   their respective people and only shared them with  the Straw Hats after they saved their countries. Does this mean that just like Kid got wrecked,  Luffy will also find himself at the end of   Shanks’ sword? Will Shanks reveal his true colors  in order to get his hands on the poneglyphs? Well,   he probably doesn’t need to since he likely  retrieved all of the poneglyph etchings from   what little remains of Kid’s crew. They did  offer them to him in order to try and save   themselves, after all, just before their  ship was demolished by Dorry and Brogy. Speaking of which, we are going to have to  find out exactly what became of Eustass Kid.   Luffy will probably be surprised to see that his  rival, who helped take out Big Mom and Kaidou,   has been decimated by his old mentor. Of course,  we know how bad Oda is at killing off characters,   so is Kid actually dead? Or will he show back up  on Elbaf with even more metal body parts - enough   that he could straight up be mistaken for a  Franky creation. Will he finally give up on   trying to defeat Shanks, or will he crawl  his way back onto Elbaf only to give us a   Shocked Enel face when he sees Luffy and  Shanks palling around eating giant hunks   of meat together? And that’s only one of the Enel  faces we’ll get this arc…but more on that later. Shanks would make for a hell of a twist  villain. Just imagine  Luffy’s mentor   and hero who inspired him to become a pirate  from the very beginning ending up being the   ultimate obstacle preventing him from his  dream would be devastating. But as popular   as the Evil Shanks theory is…I just don’t see  it. He has an entire fleet of weakling pirates   who he defends even though they’re not strong  enough to make it in the New World. He stopped   the Marineford War to prevent further bloodshed.  He inspires young people like Luffy and the   young giant on Elbaf to become pirates. He just  doesn’t seem that evil, as mysterious as he is. Maybe we’ll even get an answer to some of the  mysteries that surround Shanks in this arc - is   he a celestial dragon? Why was he found in a  treasure chest on God Valley? It only makes sense   that we’d get answers to these questions  and more in this Shanks -centered arc. However, Shanks doesn’t seem to  have a way to read the poneglyphs,   so maybe there’s another way besides force to  get something he needs. Instead of going all out   in a battle against the Straw Hats, maybe we’ll  see a return to the Davy Back Fight. After all,   Long Ring Long Land is one of the few One  Piece arcs that doesn’t appear to have much   foreshadowing or connection to other  arcs - which makes many One Piece fans   speculate that the Davy Back Fight will play  an important role at some point in the story. Just imagine a footrace between Sanji and  Lucky Roo, the supposed fastest character   in the series. A musical matchup between Soul  King Brook and another rockstar…Rockstar - even   though Bonk Punch is their actual musician.  And the ultimate game of darts between father   and son when Usopp finally gets to show  Yasopp how much he’s grown as a marksman. Oh, and speaking of Usopp - if Whole Cake Island  gave us the year of Sanji and Wano gave Zoro a ton   of focus…then welcome to the Year of Usopp.  No character has dreamed of visiting Elbaf   more than Usopp. He’s been the one to make  friends with all of the giants the crew has   met along their journey. Well, except Hajrudin.  Hajrudin just started worshiping Usopp as a God. It’s just fitting that on this  island of brave, powerful warriors,   Usopp will also finally be able to  reunite with his father, Yasopp. However,   this is sure to be the arc that Usopp finally  lives out his dream of becoming a Brave Warrior   of the Sea. Most One Piece fans know that  Usopp’s lies have a tendency to come true,   which also means that in this arc it’s likely  that Usopp will lead an army of 8,000 men. And   not just any men - an army of giants. Who exactly  will this army be fighting? Only time will tell. Usopp is also due for a major powerup. And while I  can definitely see him using Vegapunk tech to get   the most technologically advanced slingshot of  all time, Elbaf will be the arc that Usopp taps   into a new haki ability. He’s already had one  of the greatest observation Haki feats in the   series when he took out Sugar on Dressrosa from  super far away. But this might just be the arc   when he taps into Conqueror’s Haki. After all,  somebody fit to lead an entire army of 8,000   giants seems like the perfect candidate  to have the Color of the supreme King. Speaking of Conqueror’s Haki users, we might  just get the return of a former Yonkou:   Big Mom, albeit with way more lava scars.  I already mentioned with Kid how bad Oda   is with killing off characters,  so will Big Mom crawl her way out   of the lava beneath Wano to seek revenge  against the Straw Hats and their allies? Even if Big Mom is actually dead, she’ll be  sure to affect the Elbaf arc. Her flashback   with Mother Carmel is the first time we actually  got to see Elbaf in the manga. It also felt like   certain plot threads in Whole Cake Island  went unresolved with Big Mom seeking to ally   with the giants and add Elbaf to her forces,  enabling her to finally claim the One Piece. We’re certain to meet Loki, the Prince of Giants,  who was arranged to marry Big Mom’s daughter Lola.   Maybe while we’re at it, we’ll even get to  see Lola again as well as her twin sister,   Chiffon along with Capone Bege and Pound. It’ll  be a bonafide Whole Cake Island reunion. While   we’re at it, if Blackbeard shows up as the  arc’s villain, it would make sense for the   remnants of the Big Mom pirates to face him  down since he’s kidnapped Pudding. Katakuri   and Luffy could join forces to make the  stretchiest team up in all of manga. And while I’m talking about Big Mom - will the  giants kind of recognize Zeus and freak out once   Nami shows up on the island? Given their history  with Mother Carmel and Big Mom, a lot of them are   sure to recognize the concept of homies, and some  of them might even recognize Zeus specifically. And Zeus isn’t the only lightning user who we’re  bound to see on Elbaf. If there’s a Loki, we need   a Thor and El Thor happens to be a signature  attack of the one and only God Enel. Now,   for anyone who’s been skipping their cover stories  - you’re missing out - because one cover story has   confirmed that Enel survived Skypiea and ended up  flying his Arc Maxim all the way to Fairy Vearth:   The Moon. That’s right - it’s time for Moon Piece.  On the moon, he found the remains of an advanced   civilization and used his electricity to awaken a  literal robot army of automatons. Oh, also he met   actual space pirates…There’s no way that all  of this doesn’t become relevant in the story. With the Final Saga well underway, we’re running  out of time to bring Enel back into the fold,   so it’s only a matter of time before this wannabe  God shows back up. In fact, we’ll probably learn   a lot more about Sky Islanders in general: The Mad  Monk Urouge is the last supernova that has yet to   play a pivotal role in one of the story arcs. It  just so happens that Urouge is also from Birka,   the same Sky Island that Enel destroyed before  moving on to Skypiea with his priests. It’s   very much possible that Urouge even used to be  one of Enel’s priests before they parted ways. Elbaf will likely treat us to more lore  about Sky Islands in general. When the   Straw Hats went to Skypiea, the Sky  Islanders were shocked that they’d   used the Knock Up Stream to arrive there  since it’s an extremely dangerous route.   They referenced that the more common  way to travel to Skypiea is by taking   something called the High West Road - could  this be connected to the Treasure Tree Adam? During Big Mom’s flashback, we see a giant  black mass rising completely perpendicular   to the land. It’s so big we only get a sliver  of its total size from the panel. However,   most fans speculate that this is actually  the Treasure Tree Adam - the legendary tree   known for having the strongest wood in the  world, which the Thousand Sunny is made out   of. Could climbing this tree be the secret  to reaching other Sky Islands? After all,   the Giant Warriors of Elbaf are based on  Norse Mythology, which features the World   Tree Yggdrasil which stretches all the  way up to Asgard, the realm of the Gods. Of course, if the moon does become relevant  and the Straw Hats need to learn more about   the ancient civilizations of the One  Piece world, they might need to go even   higher than sky islands. Luckily, they have now  befriended the greatest scientist in the world,   and if anybody is capable of  space travel - it’s Dr. Vegapunk. Of course, the Moon is just the tip of the iceberg  when it comes to the wild lore reveals Oda’s   probably going to give us in Elbaf. In Egghead  Island, we learned that Robin’s favorite giant   Jaguar D. Saul is alive and hiding on Elbaf. That  means it’s extremely likely that he’s uncovered   the secrets that the scholars of Ohara learned.  We might finally get to hear the words that   Professor Clover was killed for threatening  to reveal: the name of the Ancient Kingdom. We’ll probably at least learn the location of  the Final Poneglyph and who could be guarding it,   if it’s not on Elbaf itself. Jaguar D.  Saul is one contender to be revealed   as the man with the burn scars, since he  survived the burning of Ohara. However,   since the Man with the Burn Scars is  supposed to be hiding on an all black   ship surrounded by whirlpools, Saul  doesn’t quite fit the bill. However,   Elbaf will likely give us a clue as to  where this mysterious figure can be found. Speaking of the Adam Tree, we might finally  learn more about the Treasure Tree Adam and   its counterpart the Sunlight Tree Eve, which  grows in Mariejois. And what grows on trees?   Fruits - like…devil fruits. So, while  we already got a lot of new information   about devil fruits on Egghead, we might  learn even more of their secrets in Elbaf. Along with the Norse mythology that’s  inspired characters like Shanks, Loki,   and the other Giants who take after Vikings,  maybe we’ll learn even more. All the way back   in Little Garden, when Dorry and Brogy use  their Hakoku Sovereignty technique to defeat   the Island Eater Fish, they mention that  the only thing their attack can’t pierce is   the Serpent Soaked in Blood. Norse Mythology  features a creature called the Jormungandr:   the giant snake that wraps around the entire  world. Hmmm…What’s something that wraps all   the way around the One Piece world and is also  red-  the color of something soaked in blood?   That’s right - the Red Line itself. Maybe we’ll  even get to learn the history of this expansive   geological structure - along with another winged  race of people who lived there: the Lunarians. Will we even see an apocalyptic war on the  level of the Norse Myth of Ragnarok? Well,   we’ve already seen weapons with apocalyptic  power in the series: the ancient weapons.   The three islands that have had the most  buildup in the series were Fishman Island,   Wano, and Elbaf. Fishman Island, which was first  mentioned during Arlong Park, ended up being the   hiding place of Poseidon, AKA Princess Shirahoshi.  Wano, which was first mentioned in Thriller Bark,   is the hiding place of the battleship  Pluton. So will Elbaf, which was first   referenced all the way back in Little Garden,  be the place where we see Uranus in action. Since it’s likely that Uranus is the weapon  that was used by Imu to destroy Lulusia Kingdom,   we may have already seen it - but Elbaf could be  the place where the World Government tries to use   it against the Straw Hats themselves. Of course,  that’s not the only possibility. Maybe the real   Uranus is whatever hatched from the giant egg  on the back of Roger’s ship, the Oro Jackson. Most important of all, though, is more lore about  Sun God Nika. Thanks to Mother Carmel during Big   Mom’s flashback, we already know that the giant of  Elbaf worship a Sun God. This means that Elbaf is   the perfect place to learn more about the original  Sun God Nika and the original Joyboy and their   actions during the Void Century. In fact, since  Imu is guarding a giant Straw Hat within Pangea   Castle, it’s likely that the original Joyboy was a  giant or at least a member of the Bucaneer Tribe,   like Bartholomew Kuma - and the person who’s  inherited his will has retained the same fashion   sense. What better way to learn about this  ancient giant than from the giants of today? But even more than Lore Piece, what fans are  really craving from the Elbaf arc is some non-stop   giant sized action. We want to see battle axes  the size of buildings flying around and super   sized conqueror’s haki clashes. So who will  be the ultimate villain of the Elbaf Arc? Will another Gorosei or even Imu-Sama descend on  the island after Saturn gets stomped on Egghead?   That would be a good reason for Uranus to show  up as well as a good reason for the Straw Hats   to call on the help of the Grand Fleet.  After all, the world government has been   trying to use science to recreate giants for  ages - maybe this time they’ll come straight   to the source. Will God’s Knights leap  into action - resulting in Shanks having   to reconcile with his past when his probable  father, Figarland Garling sets foot on Elbaf? What if Prince Loki is unlike the rest  of the kindly giants we’ve met so far   and more like his trickster namesake from  Norse mythology? Maybe the Straw Hats will   actually find themselves at odds with the  Giant royalty. Or perhaps there will be   an even greater twist where someone we assume  is a friend is actually an antagonist and the   Evil Shanks theory will come true after  all. Maybe we’ll even get a completely   anti-climactic Enel rematch with him leading  a robot army against the Land of Giants. But more than all these, there’s one  villain more likely than any other:   Blackbeard. Shanks has been a rival of  Blackbeard throughout the series. Teach   gave him his signature scar across his eyes and  Shanks took the time to warn Whitebeard of the   threat the wielder of the darkness fruit posed. At  Marineford, Blackbeard stated that it wasn’t time   for his crew to face Shanks…yet - which implies  the two will fight before the end of the series. Blackbeard could roll up to Elbaf in  search of the remaining poneglyph,   either to steal whichever ones Shanks might have  or to gain clues from Jaguar D. Saul. After all,   Oda’s stated his primary hobby is archaeology,   so he’d love to get his hands on the remains  of Ohara’s library. As he approached,   he’d lay waste to the weakling crews that are  allied with Shanks, succeeding where Kid failed. He’d have an epic matchup with Shanks,  making for one of the greatest duels in   One Piece history. Shanks, the greatest  Haki master in the series vs. Blackbeard,   the only character to wield multiple devil  fruits. Perhaps we’ll even get the reveal   of Blackbeard’s long-rumored third devil  fruit, which many fans think is a Cerberus   or Kraken fruit - a mythical zoan to  go along with his logia and paramecia. The worst and most likely outcome of  this fight is that Shanks would lose   before Luffy is able to arrive. Imagine the  heartbreak every One Piece fan would feel is   Luffy was finally able to reunite with  Shanks and return the straw hat to him,   only for Shanks to give dying words of  how proud he is of Luffy and leaving   the One Piece and the title of King of the  Pirates in the hands of the next generation. I absolutely don’t want this to happen  because Shanks dying at the hands of a   coward like Blackbeard would be criminal.  However, the resulting rage that Luffy   would fly into in facing down Blackbeard, who  was now responsible for the deaths of the two   most important people in his life, would be the  most intense scene in the entire series so far. Elbaf is sure to deliver one of the  craziest arcs in all of One Piece,   finally letting us know more about the culture  of the giant race. Of course, there are still   many people in One Piece we still need to  learn more about like the Lunarians and Sky   Islanders. Here’s to hoping we get more answers  in Elbaf - but for now, you can get a reminder   on everything we know so far by checking out  this video covering all of the One Piece races.
Channel: Ohara
Views: 351,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ohara, one piece theory, grandlinereview, bda law, morj, tekking101, anime balls deep, one piece, ohara one piece, one piece latest chapter
Id: J3prL9I5xb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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