The Worst Fathers in One Piece RANKED!

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we need to talk about dads in one piece because a lot of them are not very good and many of them who aren't good have flimsy excuses for their not goodliness so we are going to rank every bad dad in one piece according to just how not great they are these fathers don't necessarily need to be biological however most of them will be because that's the running theme of the series and we'll be commencing with the spawn point of Luffy himself Monkey D dragon dragon is very much you're out of the box dead be dad he spread his seed effed off and occasionally thinks about what his kid is doing Maybe and then one day intends on meeting him but it's not all that important as far as bad fathers go I don't think the dragon is anywhere near the worst his biggest crime is his immunity to Parenting which I would very much prefer over bad parenting I would much rather have someone absent than present but in a very negative way and in a weird way dragon is almost the perfect father for Luffy Luffy doesn't do very well with rules and authority and ever since he was a tiny little lofing all he's wanted to do is be free and this is dragon's redeeming fatherly quality whether he knew it or not he gave his son exactly what he wanted and needed also oddly enough Dragon probably served as a much better father to Luffy's brother Sabo I say probably because like I don't know that for a fact maybe Dragon said hey hack you take this because I don't want to deal with it until it can help me seize the means of production and so we are going to open up by putting dragon in the absente here next up donot homing seed planter of doflamingo and rosinante is quite the tragic story of right idea wrong execution which then led to his literal execution on paper in is a perfect father he's humble he's caring and he just wants what's best for his family and the world however as a world Noble you can't have both the reason why homing makes this list is because he was naive to the point where he exposed his family to the horrors of this world that he should have known much much better to anticipate it's sort of like pushing your toddlers into a lion's den and then being confused when the lion see dinner being served I will say that anime homing made him seem even stupider than the manga in the anime there's a scene where homing introduces himself to the towns folk as of world Noble one of the town's people is like hey you look familiar and homing is all like why yes my name is Don kyote homing I used to live at mariju where I was a world Noble how do you do fellow peasants and it paints it as if if homing had just said nothing at all just talked about the weather or something then everyone would have lived happily ever after so as much as he destroyed his kids lives and ended up accidentally killing their mother hing's intentions land him in the tried and failed tier with the most tragic part being that homing even ends his existence by saying I'm sorry you had me as a father to the pirate king now Goldie Roger is a very interesting father figure who does fall quite cleanly into the absente tier however the absence in his defense was due to death with this one I want to take one step back or maybe two steps back because one step back would be Ace's conception but the twinkle in Roger's eye that inspired the existence that was Ace was done for very questionable motives Roger only decided to have a child after hearing Charli's prophecy as well as the words of the sea Kings in his final year Roger had a child for the purpose that he would grow up and do the thing it is that was meant to be done without any real thought of how his child's quality of life was going to be until that point and let's be clear about that Ace had a brutal childhood some all right teen years a lot of angst as a rookie pirate a couple of years of happiness and then the Bleak Eternal darkness of death by the age of 20 the one thing that always shows me how flippant this decision was is Ace's name Roger named Ace after his sword which was named Ace however a Twist Roger's parent parenting actually exists just elsewhere because he did Ray Shanks and buggy I did sort of I personally suspect it was Ray Lee who did most of the parenting however if we take those two into consideration then it probably bumps Roger up slightly but he's still clearly in the absente here now Diaz barrels isn't someone whose name will be brought up first in the bad dad conversation however he has more than earned his place here barrels is the father of Diaz Drake and he was a marine turned pirate very much what Drake went on to do except barrels did it for real real not for playplay and Drake to his credit was was a very good son even when barrels became a pirate Drake followed him and had faith in him however Oda has stated in the SPs of volume 78 that Barrel was a very physically abusive father and his descent into horrible deadliness only got worse and worse until strangely enough Drake was effectively rescued by doof Flamingo who murdered barrels and then proceeded to use his corpse as a comfy comfy chair which is something you may not have noticed here's the panel he is DOL Flamingo and he's sitting on the dead body of Diaz barrels it's actually two fathers on on this list that DOL Flamingo was killed and barrels is genuinely terrible but I have to ask is he the worst and knowing the other names that are coming up on this list I'm not so sure so for now he's going to be placed in the genuinely terrible tier so here's spandan and he comes equipped with a bit of a controversial opinion because I don't think that spandan is a bad dad yes I say that despite the fact that he raised spandam let me explain spandan gave his son everything he possibly could which yes resulted in the mess that is spandam but he was so proud of his son that when he thought he was going to die span's last words that were he wished for spandam to inherit his direct position and after any slobby spandan even goes to visit spandam in hospital and helps him plot the assassination of the Rogue cp9 members but here's the best part in volume 777 it's revealed that spandan has now contracted an unknown and incurable disease and now spandam is on a mission to find a cure for his father what a relationship they're both individually Terri terrible people but not to each other and that's why spande is getting plonked in the unexpectedly good dad tiar kaido is a strong contend of for worst father in the series which I think is epitomized in yam's early formative years when yam expressed the desire to become Odin kaido's response was sure thing screaming child you want to be Odin well go and starve to death in this cave with three Samurai who probably want to kill you so you enjoy being eurodan and stuff kaido does have a a sort of Twisted redeeming factor in his own way he's been very unknowingly supportive of yam's ambition to become Odin like the aforementioned child in cavem kaido's last words to yam there well you're Odin you'll be fine mate but yeah kaido is being a prick toam that's reinforcing that yeah I am Odin and I will be fine father dragon and kaido even acknowledges yam as his son oh I see what's happening just bear with me for a second one day I will fix this but it's not today and it probably won't be anytime soon all right all right give it a go so to some degree kaido is going along with yam's desires but it's in the quest to break yam's spirit and he did also imprison his child in handcuffs that would genuinely kill yam because that's just what kaido does and there probably a lot of yam's childhood that best goes unseen for the sake of our mostly fun pirate manga so kaido is definitely going to be our first worst dad and you know what yaso is a pretty immediate candidate for this list as well one piece is full of absentee fathers but they usually put in a pretty decent excuse for their absence Dragon for example has dedicated his life to making the world a better place he sacrificed Parenthood in favor of making sure that every child on this planet can someday live in peace Roger has the excuse of the excuse of being dead with yop however there is no excuse that we know of Shanks arrived at the gecko Islands In Search of a man named yaso and then yaso did the meme of the guy looking back at the girl and decided to abandon his family to go party with Shanks during this time we know that bansin was sick Mary even says that it wasn't too long after yaso left that banina died so he knew he was essentially leaving Usopp to become an orphan however I do have faith that one day maybe Yas op's reasoning will be explained and it'll be something that chanks told yop and bans China was going to be very important worldly changes something Joy boyish perhaps but at the moment it looks pretty bad because really the only time we ever see yop is partying with Shanks so he's going into the absent father tier but I want it noted that he's got a bit of an extra red mark against his name compared to his fellow absentee parents now speaking of Shanks as it turns out he belongs on this list as well and this is entirely because of one Piece Film red and the fact that UTA is a Canon character in The One Piece world so I would say that things start out well enough until on a Leia UT accidentally summons top musicer who kills checks notes everyone everyone on the island except for UTA and Gordon and Shanks does stop the demon but he elects to leave UTA on Alleia rather than take her with him and the theory is that it's because it was be too dangerous to have her on his crew after they took the blame for the slaughter and UTA wouldn't be able to achieve her dreams as a pirate however at the same time UTA also wouldn't be able to achieve her dream stranded on an island full of corpses and were it not for an accidental shipwreck with some snails she would have lived out the rest of her days on an abandoned Dead Island and not only that but she would have done so thinking that her father was a mass murderer never loved her and abandoned her at the first point he could some will also say that shank's left to protect UTA from feeling the guilt of killing everyone but you know here's a good idea lie to the child I mean that's what they did anyway but like let's tell a more comforting lie say that it was a rival group of pirates or something UTA doesn't remember anything anyway but no instead we leave her in the only place in the world where she can go and summon the demon again what she needed most was a parent and what she got was abandonment and so every time I watch film red it makes me actively dislike Shanks because I don't think he would ever do this but because UTA does exist we need to acknowledge it and blon Shanks in the tried and failed tier I now present Outlook III who treated Sabo less like a son and more like an expectation or perhaps like a project to SN time into for to benefit an investment however I do think it's difficult to say that Outlook didn't care for Sabo because like he did just perhaps not in your typical parental manner which I think is best shown in that when he realized that Sabo was being compromised Outlook sourced a backup child Stelly who would go on to become his air in the event that the Sabo project failed here's a rare word of praise for World noble families there's definitely something to be said for the fact that they do genuinely care for each other or at least respect their kids enough to look after them no matter what like rosad with charos they have a very good relationship and rosad cares for charos always coming straight to his Aid whenever anything happens to him it's very different from the lower nobility like Outlook who are essentially cosplaying wealth but the world Nobles are the real deal they have no need to use each other for positions and gaining power they have everything already so their family is just their family and so again a put Outlook in the tried and failed tier and St rosad in the unexpectedly good tier AO desen the n9th king of the Goa kingdom is now on your screen for some reason and here's what the One Piece Wiki has to say about his parenting skills desen has an amiable relationship with his daughter and strangely enough amiable immediately skyrockets him as not as bad as a lot of the rest of the dads on this list although in chapter 587 his daughter asks why all of the poor people are being burned to which a des and resp responds that it's their fault for not being born as Aristocrats also AO des's name literally means I am an idiot and his daughter's name AO zuro is a reference to Aura meaning idiot face with a code being added because it's a very common way to end a girl's name in Japanese so in English you could think of it as idiot facet and you know for what it's worth we know that AES got what was coming to him because Post Time skip sty is now Go's King and it was noted that the previous royal family died from highly suspicious circumstances and I don't know if this is a point for or against Outlook because he did raise a very successful stepson but that stepson is Stelly either way again horrible person in general but AO desen not a terrible father so he falls into the unexpectedly good tier now Frank and Morgan and this this is our classic one piece bad dad the first of ever so many I mean he's almost comically evil and completely devoid of any feelings for helppo any feelings outside of shame that is he even has this fantastic line after helppo says that Morgan never laid a hand on his quote lovely yet masculine face and then Morgan's just Flacks him saying that's because he's never been worth hitting and in a way a way that only works on this specific list that's a redeeming quality Morgan sees such little value in hppo that he can't even be bothered to abuse him and he even allows him to go about doing whatever cocky he desires so it's sort of like a mix of absentee and genuinely terrible but Morgan certainly hasn't tried and failed so he's definitely going to go into the genuine terrible to but now kuki Sukiyaki he's he's a bit of a strange one as the father of kuki Odin I do think he did about as well as he could have in the early years it's the post kaido years that I seriously come to question as one of the greatest twists of wano was turns out Sukiyaki never died and instead he just put on a mask and hid for reasons he stood by as his son danced naked for 5 years he did nothing as his son was boiled alive and also nothing is his grandchildren were hunted and almost killed by the Beast Pirates and in fact the one and only only time he did do something was enjoy a lovely Festival as everyone else was fighting during the raid on onigashima in order to liberate the country that Sukiyaki used to rule I do feel like joining the raid is the least he could have done it's not like he didn't know it was happening he was part of the planning team he just decided not not going but we're getting away from the point here duty to wanu is a whole different matter and as a father we're going to have to put him in the absentee here because he simply was not there now for furrari the character that the anime staff keep forgetting about because he's had a total of three different color schemes at this point and I have to say oddly good dad he's such a good father that he tried to get his son married to a bomshell mermaid princess and his son was very agreeable to this adding papy I like her his son's name is tributo by the way and together they are thought to be a reference to the Ferrari fa tributo however and this this is crazy because this car was first unveiled at the 2019 Motor Show in Geneva however Ferrari and tributo both first appeared in 2018 in chapter 96 so here's the theory right Ferrari as a company are all colossal one piece fans as they should be and as soon as they laid eyes on tributo which is conveniently already a word in Italian it means tribute so they decided that he had to be the face of their new 2019 model but you know whatever the truth just so happens to be Ferrari is going to go into the unexpectedly good tier and now here's some honorable mentions Frankie's parents get brought up a lot in conversations like this but we know so little about them that I can't even be bothered to rank them there is an argument to be made for stron as a bad dad like a really bad dad perhaps even an argument for Neptune locking his daughter up for 10 years maybe we could have found a better solution to that and you know some people have also suggested big mom despite her lacking any dadly qualities both physically and mentally and also Chopper's Dear Dad gets brought up a lot and to that I have to say he's an animal so they've got a parent based on an entirely different set of instincts so I don't think that Chopper's reindeer dad was inherently evil but there is another Straw Hat who who does have such parentage and forgetting everything about Sanji for a second the horror of Vince smoke judge is very apparent with sanji's siblings because judge engineered them to remove their emotions so that they could better serve him judge blames Sanji for sora's death he imprisoned Sanji with an iron mask and viewed him to be a quote utter waste of space and air judge's only redeeming action is that he actually allowed Sanji to leave the German Kingdom although I feel like if he was going to do this he could have maybe shipped him away a lot earlier instead of all if the imprisonment and psychological torture and such but I think it's pretty clear that judge is definitely going into the worst here and that's all of the bad dads or at least most of them in one piece ranked by a man on the internet
Channel: GrandLineReview
Views: 147,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2023
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