13 Google My Business TIPS & TRICKS

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in today's video I'm going to share with you my  very latest and newest Google My Business tips   they're going to help you get your google my  business optimized so it gets greater ranking   gets more phone calls and more traffic to your  business so i sat down the other day and just   wrote down what are my 13 best tips that i  can share with you today and these are the   13 that i came up with of course they're always  changing there's always other things we can learn   so initially this video is going to start off  with a little bit of information about seo   so if you know anything about seo you're going to  find this bit really helpful we're going to see   also what's the most important post that you can  use from an seo point of view did you know having   your mobile device with the Google My Business  app gives you something else that you can't do   for your followers and for your customers so i'm  going to show you that a bit later on and did you   know you can have your website having an sms or  whatsapp button to go right through to your google   my business so there are 13 great tips here plus a  bonus at the end as well that i've put by for you   so i think you're going to find this is one  of the best videos that i've produced to date   now during the video of course if you've  got any questions put them down below and   if you've got anything at all that you want more  clarification on then we can give you a detailed   video to follow up after this one so welcome to  these 13 Google My Business optimization tips   and tricks google really understands photos years  ago as a web designer we're always told that if   you wanted to put text in photos it was a no-no  because no one could understand it apart from the   visual human eye and to always use alt tags but of  course now google's changed and there's a lot more   artificial intelligence out there let me show you  how this works so i'm going to go to photoshop so   i've just taken a photograph there of my office  and put some brightness on it so let's just do   that before we go any further so that just gets a  bit of contrast as well and i'm going to now put   some text on here so I'm just going to put here um  I'm web designer so i'll put Bournemouth okay so   i think what i might do as well just give it a  little bit of extra uh boldness there you go and in fact let's do that to that  and let's put that to the right   so i'm not going to spend time on this  because it's just to prove one point is   i'm going to show you live i've got no idea  how this is going to exist whether this works   I'm going to show you live now how  this works I'm going to save that   right so the way this works is just going to show  you exactly how Google views images so I've got   a section here so i've just done that let me  just show you that image i'll bring it across and this is what google sees this is a  laptop a house plant it's sure on most   of these things so that's what it sees as  far as objects are concerned we go to labels   it's not really picked up on anything other  than it's labeling it as computer laptop   so just think about this if i'm a web designer  you'd expect my photos to include a laptop and a   table and a personal computer and some furniture  and a window that is fair enough isn't it for   so you can see it would be no point in putting a  photograph that wasn't relevant to your business   and the text so how's it picked up on this it's  got there it's picked up a few little bits off the   screen as well here which is quite incredible but  the main piece of text it's got here um look at   that that small piece there we design build manage  your website so you don't have to goodness me   um it's got Danette instead of Zanet so that's  a shame it's not quite got that Bournemouth   web designer block five there you go so this is  proof that it's even that there is my bino comic   that's what the bino is goodness me it's that one  there it's picked up on my Beano comic how on earth   has it done that so why are we doing all this  because i'm going to upload that image and what's   that going to do it's going to say to google guess  what google i've got laptops and i've got design   and I'm a Bournemouth web designer and that  can only mean one thing is it's telling google   again that i am what i say i am so it's all about  making us more authentic more trustworthy letting   google know we are what we say we are so my second  tip is based on posts and you'll be familiar with   the fact there are different types of posts but  one of the things you may not be familiar with   is that these posts can benefit you from an seo  point of view a search engine optimization point   of view now covert 19 doesn't really give you  any benefits at all it's just a mechanism that   lets google know that you're updating and of  course it's useful for inquiring customers   but when it comes to adding an offer updating and  adding products you don't really get a lot of help   from an seo point of view give an example if you  look at the pages i've made here you'll find that   there's no real h1h2 tags at all if you go to the  website this produces the h1 tag will always be   your business name so if you notice here h1 and  that's highlighting it there now for people that   know a little bit about seo they'll know there's  an importance of controlling h1 h2 and h3 tags   h2 again we have no control because it's  just updates and that's a standard heading   as is things like testimonials a bit further  down and so on so those are the h2s but on the   website you do get control over just one  particular h3 and it's the one that comes   through using events you notice here it's an h3  so google recognizes that if you go into your   actual page itself that's produced again it's  an h1 given to whatever the headline is so you   don't really get any benefits of headlines you'll  notice if i go back to my post if i add say an um   an event i do get a title and that gives me an  h2 on the page whereas if i was to do say an   update the photo just write your post there's no  h1h2h3 on that and that's the same with covid and   even i think with an offer i'm not sure if you  get much on a title so you'll notice there's   just one difference here that if i go to a offer  which runs from say sorry an event that runs from   march 16th to may the 31st this does give me some  h tags so this is an h1 and this is an h2 so i'm   getting bournemouth web designer in an h2 within  google and here's the proof h2 and my website h1   so this is why this is particularly helpful  because not only does it run longer than seven   days but it also gives you some h tags that you  can play around with so that's my second big tip   so my third really important little tip and trick  is to recognize that most people are not using the   about page and the about us page is one that  most people don't understand where it exists   it's hidden away so if you go to your menu just  check you've got updates testimonials about us   gallery contact those all come by filling in  the dashboard on google my business so as you   fill things in you'll find those things occur  but let me show you how to get the about page   because most people don't know where it is you go  to website and there's another trick as well you   can do the about page as a bonus if you click on  edit and you've then got these extra buttons and   things here and this section here is often not  filled out so you can put your headline you can   put your description and you can put your  summary and then you can then put the body   and here you've got you can actually put links  in here as well so i've got links to my website   and this will trickle through some google  juice through to my website i've also put   some basic bullet points as well so you've got  a little bit of editing here you can add links   so you can add links to the google my business  website now most people don't realize you can   do that but let me just prove that works if i come  down the page you'll see this section here is your   about page and you've got the information and you  can put some extra information in here as well so   use it wisely but use it for all your keywords  because that is going to be pretty useful and my   fourth thing is really just to recognize that the  button even though by default it will be something   like make an appointment or it'll be called and of  course you've got other things here like make an   appointment and call but you can change this and  you can change this for some interesting things   so if you go into your edit and you've got make  appointment here and it directs customers to   and then you can pick what address it is this is  your primary button but were you aware that you   can have it so sms is you or will you aware you  can have a whatsapp button or you can actually   just have it so it goes through to your get a  quote and that will come through on your app   or just get directions so if i click that get  directions then need to remember to click tick   and now i've got get directions let's visit the  website get directions click on that and there you   go take them through to my map instead so you've  got to think again from a customer's point of view   is getting directions is sms is whatsapp which  one is going to be most useful for your customers   so my next tip is based on really a question  that you've been asking is how do you get these   products but how do you get these extra categories  to link through to your products again from an seo   point of view this means things like i can use  google my business i can use the area i work in   bournemouth i can use perhaps other products as  well so this is kind of another bit of real estate   that you can control how do you do this so you go  into google my business and you go to products and   you can add a product so you've got like different  product ranges here but if you add a product   and the way you do this is you just click on  so you fill out the information about your   product and the price and description but  on here you can create a new category and   when you create a new category you can then  assign several products to that category so   if you were selling glasses you might have say the  range of police glasses or calvin klein glasses   you would just use whatever categories made  sense for your business but the production of   that is it means it organizes your products and  at the same time when you go to a place like here   you'll see you can click on not only just see  all your products but if i click on say just to   google my business seo ones then they're the ones  that come up here and so they're all categorized   in various ways as well so most people don't  recognize that they can categorize their products   as well as adding their products now of course  at this point in the video just want to say that   if you're enjoying it if these tips are helping  you and your business then feed it back to me   by giving me a thumbs up and if you're really  not enjoying it at all if you feel that this is   not really giving you any content that's  going to help you with your business well then   if you want to give it a thumbs down and put the  comment below as to why you gave it a thumbs down   but hopefully you're seeing the value of this  video and if you are then of course subscribe   as well as click the alert button and  then you'll make sure you'll get the next   set of tips that i release too anyway let's dive  straight back in so one of the things that's often   not considered as important is to understand  that if you were say in the top 10 businesses   in google my business and google maps and so  on that if five of those top ten businesses are   spammy titles maybe using a primary category or  the area then you're going to find that actually   if they're removed you're suddenly going to go  top five so it is one of the factors to consider   removal of spam listings through spam  fighting and not everyone wants to do that   some people may feel that that's the last  thing you want to do is go around and find   where to remove spam but spam fighting is  actually one of the things that's kind of   encouraged by google they do enable you to report  spam as well um let me just give an example so   i've got the manchester area i'm not going to  pick on any business in particular i've got no   concerns with any businesses but because i  kind of just want to get an idea i'm going to   type in in title uh marketing agency so if  i do in title and what it's going to do is   going to look in the titles within the maps and  see which ones have the word marketing agency   in there the reason i use marketing agency is  that's a category that a lot of people will have   and what we're doing is ignoring the ads  because they show up because they're paying   for that you're now looking to see are any of  these businesses misusing the word marketing   agency and often there'll be other bits as  well like they might use the word manchester   so i've got no particular grudge with anyone  here but i'm just looking through and you can   see these longer larger kind of full of keywords  they can often suggest that maybe that isn't the   true business name now so if you're a plumber or  if you're a window cleaner you can just go through   and you can do a search in title window cleaning  or window cleaning services and you can see what   comes up and then see which ones of these do match  you could quite easily set up several companies   by several domains and you could pretty much own  a market and that's why people are finding quite   quickly that they were top three and suddenly  they're absolutely knocked out the top ten   and what's happening is two or three businesses  are coming along and they're pretty much bullying   their way in by using the keywords and the  areas that are being searched for now google   at the moment's giving too much relevance too much  credit to the main prime category which we can see   here it's the top thing that they give credit  to and then the keywords in the title as well   that combination there at the moment is making it  very difficult for genuine businesses to stand out   so fighting spam is going on uh it's something  that some businesses do others don't it's   something you may want to just look into to  see what's it like in your particular business so my next tip is if you need to go to info click  on info and there you'll then see the importance   of adding the time period when you opened so  there you go i opened in 1997 that was a time   when my business opened why is that important why  should you fill that in well if you opened in the   last few years it's probably no such big deal but  if you do a search for a business you'll notice   that it does provide the years of experience  now i think after 20 years you just get up 20   plus or we've got three plus some minutes i think  i'm 20 what 23 24 years now but you notice that   uh 10 years in business amongst the ranking the  five-star ranking you also get the amount of years   that you've been in business so that's just  something to consider it doesn't always show   for all categories but it's certainly showing  in some of the categories so five years here   seven years five years so do people want  experience well experience does count   towards those things eat experience authority  and trustworthiness and that's another way in   which google is seeing that as an important  part just putting the time when you opened   so just another thing to consider is maybe  you've not checked categories recently   it's always good to just check your categories  make sure you're using the latest ones that your   competitors are using as well and one of the  ways you can get through that is you can go   to a tool called gmb crush so if i just click on  that it's called gmb crush and it will just then   check out a few things so you can open google  maps search from here and you can then do a   search for whatever it is so i'm just going to go  marketing in manchester again let's just try that   and so various uh different results come up and i  can now click on get results because i've got gmb   crush and what this does it just goes through  has a look and then just provides a list of what   the categories are so it gives us an idea that  maybe marketing agency that's the popular one so   that's the one that we're probably going to have  as a primary one but you notice internet marketing   service comes up as well and that's uh three or  four times as well so that'll be perhaps a good   secondary one now how does this actually work well  what we want to do is we want to bear in mind that   the category needs to be relevant to what we do  so we asked a question in this list of just two   categories mentioned here does internet marketing  service is that more of a better explanation of   what i do than the marketing agency and we'd weigh  the two up to decide which one it is that we want   now you can argue that because there's more in  marketing agency than internet marketing service   the internet marketing service has less  competition so potentially if we were being ranked   against internet marketing service in this area  there's only one two three four five to compete   against and it could be that say we're appearing  say tenth then we're ahead of three others so   actually in internet marketing services would be  number three which puts us on the map pack so just   something to consider have a look at the gmb crush  tool get an idea as to what the categories are on   your best search result and then decide whether  you want to change your primary category or update   it to something that's a bit more relevant but  less competitive so my next tip is about just   understanding your customers understanding what  they want we often talk about that we often talk   about what are they doing to find your business  and to search for you and insights gives you that   information but most people don't realize how to  do it so we often go to insights just to show that   if you add photographs you get a lot more traffic  you can see they're six point five five thousand   percent more um just by adding photos on a  regular basis but you notice there's this   new insight section now and i'm just going  to show you why this is particularly valuable   because again you've got time periods it gives  you information about who's made calls and who's   messaged you and so on and that's all quite  useful and also this gives you a bit of insight   as to are they finding you on mobiles or are  they finding you on their desktop so for me   84 of my visitors are finding me through either  maps or search but they're using the desktop   so i'm not really appealing to the mobile kind of  generation at the moment but that's fine because   in effect i'm building websites and they're mainly  for desktops but they do work on mobiles too but   the reason i'm here is i'm interested to know in  the last month these 1582 keywords have been used   to find me on google my business now quite a few  of them know my branding people know my branding   that's a good thing because branding is one of  those things that you'll notice if you go back   here that yellow section there we're always aiming  for one two three three thirds of each now at the   moment i'm being discovered a lot 67 discovery  14 branded 18 direct so 18 people know me   uh 40 as they've heard about me and they're using  brand to find me and these are new people finding   me so let's go back to the insights these  keywords here then are how they're finding me   and what searches they're making to find me  and you can get a much clearer breakdown so   some businesses are looking for me directly on  my company name but others are finding me through   google my business and others are finding me  through being a web designer so i'm wanting really   to get be known as the web designer but  because of these videos it seems that i'm   being found more as a google person and that's  understandable because obviously people get to   hear you in different ways and it seems that  my business is changing really from being   more of a web design company into  more of a google my business advisor   and that's kind of how businesses sometimes  operate so this is important to understand   how you're getting your business how you're  getting people visiting your google my business   are they coming through desktop or mobile are  they coming through the search engine or are   they coming through google maps and this is  the information you need to understand that   now if you're familiar with seo you'll know that  sharing links getting links to your website is   important but you'll also know if you're familiar  with google my business that when you add a post   you can't actually link you can't put links in the  post if you put links in the post it strips it out   or even just bars you from using that post and  what that's about is google wants you to click on   the learn more and if you click on the learn more  it takes them through then to your website link   this is all a bit of a pain from an seo point of  view because you've got no control over sending   link juice through to other websites and other  pages but there is a way around it and the way   around it is you can click on share post and on  share post you then get this local.google.com   but even that if you copy that you can send  that through to emails and twitter and so on   but if you try to put that in the post here it  still strips it out because it's too long and   because in effect it is a google.com post that  gets stripped so that still doesn't quite work   but what does work and i'll show you how it works  is you notice for instance here i've put a link to   my code update i've done a link to my insight post  as well and this is using a google kind of short   url and this doesn't get stripped out as you can  see it's still there and if i click on say this   one here it takes them through and it takes them  through to that article so i can begin to stack up   some juice on these articles as well and you'll  notice i get the special one the post.gle when   i click on that one so how do you get that that  shortened version how does that happen well the   way you do it is instead of going to share post  you just go to view on google and then when you   view it you then get the shortened version if you  then take the shortened version you can copy that   and that's now copied and you can put that into  your posts now i don't know how long that's going   to last for but i think that's a great little tip  to get in effect a bit of a funnel effect down   through some of your posts and then eventually out  to your main website there's nothing there's no   breaking any conditions here i think google's  allowing for that they recognize that generally   they're just trying to stop you misusing links  in the wrong way but if you're keeping it within   your own branding then i think google seems  quite happy with that under these occasions   now for my 11th tip is one that if i said to you  just need to make sure you look in the mirror each   day well you know what i mean by that because we  all have to check ourselves we look in the mirror   but of course if you look in the mirror and then  don't make any adjustments so if you don't comb   your hair or if you don't straighten your tie  then there's no point in looking in the mirror   and sometimes people don't like to look because  they don't like what they see and i think you need   to do that when it comes to google my business and  the way you can do that is this is in effect the   mirror so what are my potential customers seeing  when they look at me what do they see well it's   pretty straightforward you just click on view on  maps and this shows me now rather than what i see   which is always kind of designed and wrong among  uh what i think people see this is what they see   now okay i've got an extra search engine on there  that's that gmb crush tool and notice it reveals   not just my primary category but if you go to a  particular one it will then reveal their secondary   categories as well so that's kind of harping  back to point number eight earlier so that's   an example of that but what is it that people  see well i want to go through this and just see   what are they seeing what images do they see  is that a fair representation are my words   that are being highlighted reasonable and you're  just going through what are they picking up on   google my business they're picking up experience  videos youtube is that in line with the fact   i'm a web designer it's not actually and that's  one of the challenges i've got at the moment so   that's one of the things to look at is how do i  look on google maps let's just go back to here   view on search how do i look if someone was  to actually search for me so again looking and   seeing what comes up on the right hand side does  that relate to my business does it give a good   mirror reflection of the things that i want  google to represent so that's kind of the honest   hard question sometimes we have to ask and also  if you wanted to share your business profile   again it's just worth seeing what would actually  happen if you did share it so just click on this so if someone visited this  is what they would then get   which is pretty much the same as viewing it on  maps as well so that there's any differences there   for my next tip is just going back to the fact  that you can share your business profile but also   you can get people to give you a rating so how do  you get more reviews we've got this button here   share review form so we've covered this before  in the fact that you can ask people to give you   a review but the fact you've got this nice little  small link that you can send through to them now   makes it a little bit easier but you can also  use whatsapp twitter share via email so what i   would suggest you do is think about your customers  think about the ones that have given you some good   feedback recently and then just contact them and  contact them on the medium that they're happy with   ask them will they mind just leaving a review  and the majority of people don't mind doing   your favor particularly if they've said  that they've enjoyed what you've done the   services you've offered and so on so don't ever  underestimate that getting reviews is important   but what i will say is it isn't important to get  the maximum amount of reviews google does not   rate businesses just on google reviews in fact  if we go back to this in fact if we go back to   this local pack finder factors one of the things  you'll notice is high numerical google ratings   well that doesn't actually act as the main factor  does it you can see it's quite low compared to   some of these other factors above it so it's  important yes google reviews keywords in google   reviews are important but it's not as important  as everyone says some people say well my rating   is higher than the other persons yet they're  above me well yeah because you're just looking   at one percent of of what makes up the ratings and  the algorithm that google's using it could just be   that that business the proximity of its address is  just a little bit nearer to the person searching   or it could be that the physical address is in  the city and you're not it could be that they've   got a keyword that's perhaps relevant on their  business title it could be they've got better   information and keywords on their landing pages  it could be something to do with the authority of   their website quality authority these finer things  here could all stack up and certainly outweigh the   fact that you've got a four or five star review  more than them so i think it's just important   there's so many things and that's another top  tip then is don't know forget to ask for reviews   because they are part of the factor my 13th tip is  really the importance of having the app downloaded   on your mobile because you can get followers  as well now most people don't realize but you   can have an offer and you can have an incentive to  get followers so that people follow your business   now that again would get some type of loyalty  and again would support the brand this is all   quite new and difficult to explain without going  on the app as well so what i'm going to do now   is show you first of all how you can get the app  i'm going to download the app i'm then going to   show you on my app how you can give this offer to  your followers this opening offer so first of all   if you go to your home page in google my business  and here depending on what mobile you're using you   can get the android app or the ios app so you've  probably already got that if you haven't you click   to download it and you can download it from  whichever place you go but just to say on this   that on messages if you click on messages at the  moment some of your followers and some of the   people that want to contact you they can message  you here and you can follow up with explaining   perhaps what it is that you can offer and so on  so there's a certain amount of messaging that   you can do online at the moment on your desktop  but you can't put the offers to your customers   that way this is the way you're going to do it  and i'm now going to take you over to my mobile   so i've gone into my google my business app now on  my phone and what i want to do is go to customers   and this is where people can follow you they  give reviews at the top here i've got messages   and i've also got followers so at the moment i've  got five followers and i can increase my amount of   followers really by creating a welcome offer so  you can turn your this as their followers into   customers by creating them a special offer now  if you click on create an offer you might have   in mind that you want to have a particular offer  like a a coupon which you could add here you can   fill out the voucher code and they can perhaps  then redeem that on your website or you can just   get some ideas as to what types of offers you  might want to create so let's have a look here   but it's more like a marketing campaign that  you could have if you've got say 500 followers   you could market information out to them using  this type of thing so welcome offers only for   when they join but i'm sure there'll be new things  when in the pipeline when google gets this sorted   out but again it's really important to just get  these things in place because suddenly they'll   be released and you'll be glad that you've already  got them up and ready to go now as a final bonus i   just wanted to go back to this tool persuaded  which i mentioned a few videos ago and i just   want to again just say how great it is because  they've now added an extra feature as well where   you can not only do you do a search to see where  you appear for certain search terms so like in   ranking history a search was made a few days ago  and this shows me where i appear for bournemouth   web designer so if someone's searching for web  design well how would i appear well i'm number one   near my area but as i go out i certainly  seem to be number one around this area too or   sorry top ten around this area but i can see i've  got plenty of places to expand into that's nearby   if they're searching local web designer i'm  interested again to see i'm doing pretty well   but i need to work harder on that and google my  business i mean there's a variation here because   i was number one number two i've stopped doing  that recently and look at that i'm almost out of   it all together now so it's fiercely competitive  but great to see you can keep an eye each week on   the search keywords that you want using this  persuaded tool this is a great new feature   that's just been released this week so again if  you want to know how you can get all this for free   there's a link down below that will give you it  give you some credits for free if you use my link   and then if you then use an extra code i've got  down below it will double that free credit as well   so i just wanted to make sure that everyone that's  following me on my channel is getting the benefits   of this because it is free at the moment and then  once it runs out you can either then choose to add   extra credits or you can try a different tool but  i think the reason why this one's so good is it's   so simple to use it's really easy to use and once  you start you'll be quite addicted to see how you   can improve locally so hopefully these tips and  tricks will help you to optimize your business   there are 13 there maybe even 14 or 15 there was  some little hidden gems in there which hopefully   you've picked up on too now of course the idea  is to now go away go to your google my business   listing and to start to implement some of  those things then come back to the video   and then go for a few more and the thing is is  as you gradually do all these extra little things   if everyone else in your business category isn't  doing these things then you know what's going to   happen you'll start to improve your ranking and  that's what this channel is all about it's helping   you improve your ranking now there's been other  google my business tips in the past i've released   and it could be easy to miss those so again if you  want another 13 google my business tips that were   released at the beginning of this year then meet  me on this video and if you want my original one   then here is my 13 original google  my business tips i'll see you there
Channel: Zanet Design
Views: 8,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Optimize Google My Business, google my business seo, google my business optimization, google my business, google my business tips and tricks, google my business tips, local seo, google my business optimization tips, google my business tutorial, zanet design, Zanet, tips and tricks for google, gmb optimization, google my business seo tips, google business tips and tricks, google my business tips and tricks 2021, tips for google my business, google my business citations
Id: mezCVwyt-U8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 9sec (1989 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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