Remove a Fake Google Review (Complete Guide For 2022)

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if you've received a fake review and you just  can't get rid of it on your google business   profile then stick around for this video as  a complete guide on how you can remove it so   you've got this new review and you think great  and then you get oh no it's a disaster that's   so unfair and you're crushed and you're thinking  about how it's going to cost your business because   they've given a one-star review and then you then  look and you see when you read the review there's   no information it's not someone you recognize it's  just a rating it's just someone's decided randomly   to put a fake review on your business so what  can you do they're breaking the violations of   google this video is going to show you exactly  what you can do and how you can make sure this   is disappearing off your reviews it does mention  there that if you did reply to the review   then it lets the customer know and this is the  biggest mistake most people make is immediately   they reply but you know by replying you're telling  google you've made the judgment you've assessed   it and that review could be considered a  genuine review because you've responded to it   now before I show you the best solution that  you can do a quick question that's going to   really help you understand what's involved here  are three listings on a search for a doctor now   when you look at these three listings they come  in order in the map pack now which of these three   listings would you actually pick up the phone and  make a call to would you go with a dr logan would   you go with B GP surgery health centre or would  you go with c bearing in mind they are in order   in the map pack now put your answers down below  in the comments do it now commit to it put a b   or c and then we'll address the answer a bit later  so here's the situation you received a review it's   from someone you don't understand we don't know  it's not a customer you've ever come across you   need to just think for a moment you need to make  a judgment call here and the judgment you have to   make here is you have to click on it and find out  is this a genuine review so if you go into your   management user didn't write a review just  left a rating and because I know it's not   a genuine review then don't reply to it and  this is the biggest problem most people make   is they see a name they don't understand they  reply immediately and as soon as you reply it's   much much harder to get it removed so don't reply  so there's a judgment is it fake or is it genuine   genuine one-star review address the problem  make sure you do respond and make sure you   put things right with the customer as best  as you possibly can and secondly just bear   in mind that a one star review isn't a  disaster if you can collect several other   high four five star reviews because it's  an average as we saw a moment ago a b and c   different ratings exist and it's not a disaster if  you're not number one which we'll come on to see   in a moment so this is a fake review so therefore  you do is you flag as inappropriate and you need   to now be familiar with what these things are  because there's a reason for flagging the review   you need to know is it personal information  is it discrimination is it bullying profanity   conflict of interest spam off topic now  most of them will probably either be spam   fake account or fake reviews and that's  the one that i'm going to to put this on   it's fake review it's like a bot it's been  done maybe even from someone that wants to just   bring it down and there you go you're reporting  a policy violation to Google it may take three   working days to process it and then you click  submit and that's it if you want to know more   information about what these all represent if you  click on these three dots and help and support   and there it explains what spam and fake  content is off topic and restricts and so on   now for fake it's basically your content should  reflect your genuine experience of the location   and shouldn't be posted just to manipulate  a place's ratings don't post fake content   don't post the same content multiple times so  it's very clear what the content policies are   and if it's been broken you know the person's  not had a genuine experience with you at that   location then you can report it as spam and fake  content and that's the same go for all these   if it's something different now in most cases it  will then disappear over three or four days if   it's over seven days then you need to then move  on to the next stage and that's why this is a   complete guide because most people don't cover  this second part some of you ever had a bad review   and did google remove it in the end well please  comment down below and let me know how it went for   you so welcome to xanat design this is a channel  on youtube that helps you to grow on google on   here i guide you through all the challenges  that small businesses find as they try and grow   on google and particularly on google business  profile so make sure you subscribe down below   click the notified bell so that you don't miss out  on the next great bit of content that i release   so let's go back to our search here a b or  c so what did you put a b or c well a would   be the obvious answer because it's top but you  know most people aren't going to go there why   because they've got no reviews at  all and there's not even a website   so most people's trust won't be there and  over time because people won't click on this   it will gradually go further down the pack what  about the second one b did you put b well b does   have more reviews than c and certainly a lot more  than no reviews at all look at the average 2.7   that means on average most people and 79 reviews  are putting ones and twos and maybe a few threes   and fours to bring it back up but that means that  they're not getting a great experience but you   notice with 78 4.8 is a nice trustworthy average  you may want to look at what the one and two staff   reviews are and they may tell you some information  and so actually c is the right answer because c   builds trust and c will over time get to number  one not because of the reviews but because of the   quality of the reviews and the quantity of the  reviews so if you put c well done you got the   right answer so what jason healey was saying was  that he had a similar situation and after a couple   of weeks he still had a fake review so he spoke  to support at google and they eventually said look   just get several other gmail accounts to report  the same issue and that's what he did he reckons   he did about 15. now there are others out there  say that even just if you report it multiple times   around five times on a regular basis so what you  could do is if you're in an office we've got some   friends and you know it's a genuinely fake review  then just ask them would they also report it but   give the same reason and the multiple times seems  to then kick the algorithm back in to reviewing it   again now either it gets reviewed manually again  or it could just be that the google algorithm   picks it up realizes that a lot of people are  saying it's a fake review and they then follow   through on removing that review for you so keep  reporting it get other gmail or google business   owners to report it to if they can confirm that  it's fake now if you want to know how you can   increase your google business reviews and get more  reviews then head over to here for my seven tips
Channel: Zanet Design
Views: 600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zanet design, how to get a bad google review removed, how to get a google review removed, google my business fake reviews, how to remove fake google reviews, how to get rid of bad google reviews, how to remove fake google business reviews, remove a fake google review, how to delete a google review, google fake reviews, how to remove google review, removing google reviews, how to get fake reviews removed from google, false google reviews, google my business reviews, zanet
Id: BMqh_u_IfpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 35sec (455 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 10 2022
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