13 Google Business Profile Tips to Rank Higher in 2022

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Don't you just love it when you get a Google  tip that's so good that you pause the video   and you then go and try it on your Google Business  Profile well that's how good these tips are today   I've spent the last few weeks collecting my  favourite tips ready for you for 2022 and I've   put them right here so let's jump straight into  tip number one so for my first tip I'm going to   take photographs and just show you how photos  can be uploaded but how they're also understood   and how they build trust through google so  you see here, we're looking at google images   and I've got this photograph here and I've not  called it anything other than one two three four   five now what happens if I upload that well  this is the intelligence that google has so   if I click on search by image upload choose a  file I'm going to pick on that image one, two,   three, four, five, open it. it uploads it to Google  and notice it recognizes it. it even says poss   be related to search plumber so even though it's  not called or given any names there's no letters   it recognizes the u-bend it recognizes the  wrench and it sees it as a plumber and then   it finds images that are similar to it so what do  we get from this we see the images are understood   Google has an intelligence it recognizes what  the image is so don't just upload any old image   upload images that are specifically going  to help your business that in itself shows   Google has the intelligence and this is all part  of the e-a-t really you're proving trust so we   know expertise and authority is a couple of things  but also the trust is involved and as google says   trustworthiness is measured by accurate results  you need to go through your exterior photos   interior photos your products photos of work  food and drink if that's relevant you notice   they haven't just written this for no reason add  at least three great exterior photo add at least   three great interior add at least three photos  google recognizes that photos will bring in   traffic that 35 will give you more clicks through  to your website 42 has been proven by google that   it brings in driving directions and 60 bright  local found out that good images pushed visitors   towards a decision now for my second tip i have  to give all credit to rob and he just pointed   out to me that when he gets customers and they  say they're really pleased with what he's done   he doesn't just ask for a review like you would do  perhaps on facebook or on google but he then just   says i've got my camera is there any chance i can  just get you to stand next to the van in under 30   seconds why you chose me or why you're happy with  me and what he's done is he's just built up this   reputation that's so strong and really benefited  but look at all these great reviews and of course   what he can do as well is he can upload them to  google as well so we do a search for premier lawns   which is robbie's company go into his photos you  notice then if i go to videos and again he's been   working for the last three years i always find  his look at that just again just a small little   video 30 20 seconds this one what this does  is it builds up a real trust goes back to eat   expertise authority and trust and this is one of  his uh real highlights is just get these reviews   if they're happy to give a review get them to  do it on a video because you can do so much more   with a video review it seems to be a much stronger  way of building trust my third tip is about links   and here's a great tool called gbp audit i'll put  a link down below for you it's a chrome extension   which you can it produces buttons like these basic  audit review audit post audit if you click on the   basic audits if i take the basic audit on my  website what it does it will produce some great   links and the reason why you want this plugin  is these links are direct links so for example   a knowledge panel link if i open that up it will  just produce the knowledge panel itself which is a   great way of displaying all the information you've  got but it's much wider it's a full screen you can   send that on to someone so there's a unique link  for that if you go back again you've got external   audit links you can do audits as well so you can  find new categories related categories you can   analyze your traffic through neil patrol's website  there's all sorts of brilliant links here you can   even see your website history in the web archive  in fact there is so many decent links here even   things like if you just want to review a list of  your links there you go and it just brings up to   you so with one url you can send people through to  all your links as well and there's lots and lots   of other things as well so a brilliant little tip  there is use these links link internally to each   other as well and that will certainly help you now  of course if you're enjoying these uh tips and by   all means if you've got any tips or tricks that  you use then put them down below in the comments   so we can all benefit from them and while you're  there give this a like if you're finding any   benefits from this video so far now let's move on  to the fourth area of keywords now when it comes   to keywords then keywords will bring in traffic  and you can find out what type of traffic google   is going to be rewarding particularly in the  future because it now is saying artificial   intelligence is meeting the algorithm and the  two working together and you can see this is a   new direction called multi-task united model or  mum a new milestone and this is the new kind of   current release it's going to be a thousand times  more powerful than the b-e-r-t the bert according   to the heads of search in google and in fact what  does this mean well it means it's going to reward   long tail keywords they're going to be more  important than ever so what can you do today   well let's just first of all understand what long  tail keyword is long tail keywords if you look it   up is basically key phrases that are more specific  usually they're longer they're more commonly   used keywords that are put together and it says  that long tail keywords get less search traffic   but we usually have a higher conversion rate so  you may be familiar with that but what you will   find is with the natural language the artificial  intelligence long tail keywords are going to come   into their own so how do you find your long  tail keywords that are working at the moment   if you put in your website and you then click on  the views this will then bring up your performance   if you come down your performance you'll see here  your keywords that have been producing traffic   if you click on this but things like how to  get google listing that's what five words   it support bournemouth is three words so if i  start mentioning these in posts and questions and   my website this is going to bring in more traffic  because no one else is probably coming close to   ranking in that area at the moment or where are  my google reviews what is google my business   these are bringing in traffic to my website  and if you want some ideas for say you're a   plumber then if you do a search for 24 hour  plumbers for example then come to the bottom   of the page and there you'll see related  searches and this just gives you some more   long tail keywords that are related or what google  sees is related to the 24-hour plumbers now this   next tip is all about mirroring your website with  google my business or google business profile   and particularly with services i mean here i've  got several services that i offer on my website   but what i've noticed actually is i've got a  lot more services that have been registered now   on google so on google my business it knows i do  marketing campaigns marketing materials marketing   strategy and so the challenge is is can you add  services and then get them to mirror what's on   your website i've got here mailchimp experts  if i go to marketing mailchimp expert the two   should mirror so you want the information here  to kind of dovetail nicely with the information   here this just gives you a chance per paragraph of  information and of course if it's a service where   you want to put a cost you can put a price as well  there's no links involved as such but you've got   300 characters you can put in here and this again  is just letting google know when someone does a   search for say mailchimp experts in my vicinity  then i'm hoping that i'll come up because i   mention it on my website and often you see then  google picking that information up on google maps   now for my next tip it's just all about  remembering audience think of your audience   everything you do should be with your audience  in mind and actually the key phrase here is your   audience is more important than the algorithm  i get loads of questions asked what should i do   should i do this to please google shall i do that  please google but actually ultimately the answer   is is what's best for your audience because the  algorithm is only trying to make sure that your   audience is happy and there's always the answer  is if it makes sense for your audience then it's   going to be rewarded through the algorithm  if it's not avoid now it'll be in the future   so for my seventh one it's about questions and  understanding what questions can you put in your   google my business listing you notice that if you  go to your knowledge panel there you get questions   and answers but how do you know what questions  to put well remembering the previous point point   number six was think of your audience what is it  your audience is asking you what is it thereafter   and with that in mind you can find out to some  degree because if you go to google so if i type   in web design seo as an example you notice here  people also ask what is seo web design is seo part   of web design do web designers need to know seo  what does seo stand for these are questions that   people are asking and you could just literally  take that question and answer it from your angle   from your perspective from your business angle and  if you don't have enough then click a few of these   and what happens is you get loads of more answers  so how do i design seo which website is best for   seo how can i do seo for free why is seo bad these  are questions all about just one angle seo of web   design and that's the key to getting some really  good questions and of course you'll know another   little bonus tip but if you want a particular  question to show which in this case i haven't got   you need to get more than three thumbs up so if  you get a couple of other people to give something   a thumbs up that question will then show so that's  a way in which you can supersede certain ones   above other ones as well if you want to be  in control of which question shows in your   knowledge panel so for my eighth tip it's all  about monitoring things you may notice that google   gave a massive update in fact i did a video called  awesome update recently which you may have seen on   november 2021 this is a tweet from google it spoke  about from november 30th to december the 8th there   was a huge update and the video explains what the  update did and how important that is so if you   want to know a bit more about that head over to  that video after this one but what you can do is   you can actually see how the update is affecting  your particular industry that's the average so   there's there's a huge peak december the 7th the  8th you'll notice the big algorithm change here   and if you then got the industry of say bars  and pubs this tells you that beforehand it was   slightly below and now afterwards it's kind of  peaked again but this is kind of the average and   then you can then see okay well i'm involved in  the cleaning services industry how does that do   against the average when it comes to the updates  and this is all about just the algorithm changing   its values and how the local rank is fluctuating  now if you want to know more about this i'll put a   link down below now my ninth tip is about bookings  and appointments and it's easy to not realize but   if you've got an industry that requires bookings  and you've got online bookings then this is a   really useful way because people can book online  here or you can take appointments which just leads   them through to an appointment page so how do  you get that well you can do a few things you can   you can sign up with simply book which  i'll put a link down below for you   and that will help you to put a booking system  onto your website there's other things as well   you can do for example here you can take a request  to quote through google itself and that will help   you to take bookings on my website you can add  calendly which is another one which is free   where people can make bookings you can then add  them into google my business and that will enable   you to have a booking system so for example if  i click here book online and then you can have   through google this is as well you can then have  bookings take place and you've even got the prices   and so on as well a really useful little tip there  tip number 10 is all about just keeping an eye on   spam around you so i've just done a search  here for randomly garage doors new york usa and   the type of thing you'll notice is sometimes  you can just look at the names of the businesses   and think well that doesn't look like that's  likely to be a name of a business it just looks   like they've put lots of keywords in and that  does obviously get lots of traffic but that's not   that's not part of the policy so you can flag  that with google and you'll notice if you go   through here i mean again i'm just randomly  going through so i'm not picking on anyone in   particular but you can see there's a lot that's  a lot of information for the business name and   that should just be the business name so i guess  that the business name there is a 80 garage doors   but you notice they've got a lot of other  information so how do you go about that how do   you flag it well you can click on it and you can  flag it and say to google can you just check this   is this right or you can go to a page here which  again i'll put the link down below called the   business redress or complaint form and there again  if you're aware of what the guidelines are and you   see someone's breaking the guidelines then to make  things a bit more a fairer platform google just   wants to be made aware so google can just check to  see if they agree with you now tip number 11 is a   great little tip because most people have the free  website so if you go into your google my business   profile manager once you get to the website then  you can just check to see is it live which you   can connect it to a domain which i've got another  video that covers that but also you can then click   on view site and so on but there's just one  thing that most websites forget so this is my   site when you view it notice i've got five pages  so updates testimonials about us gallery contact   now if i do a search for others say plumbers you  notice four pages and here four pages and here   four pages what's going on why is it everyone  seems to have four pages not five well this one   has updates testimonials gallery and contact but  notice this one has update testimonies gallery   contact this one has the about us but doesn't have  testimonials i think it's testimony testimonials   is there about us is there so why is that so why  doesn't this put testimonials well he's got no   testimonials so that page doesn't show but what he  has got is he's got an about us page which is this   bit here and this is the bit that most people  don't remember to do there's not about us here   how do you get the about us page well all you do  is within the website if you then go into edit and   then if you come down a bit this section here is a  really important section because if you fill this   out it will give you an extra page and in fact  what i would suggest you do is you put information   you mention towns and villages near you you  put links through to things that are useful   and by doing all these things you're actually  encouraging google to spider it to make you   an authority in those areas and to make you  a bit more trustworthy too and it gives you   an extra page as well so if you've got only four  pages check to see is your testimonials working   have you filled in the about us page as well tip  number 12 is the pareto principle it's the 80 20   law so for example if you put in 20 effort in the  right area you'll get 80 of the results i mean it   said that's true of hoovering that actually uh 80  of the dust is in 20 of the carpet which is the   main walkway so if you want to do an efficient  hoover just hoover the middle 20 of the carpet   so with that in mind google does give you a big  clue as to where to put the 20 to get 80 benefit   you could worry all the time about your distance  and how close you are and where your office is   you could worry about the prominence and being  prominent in everyone's face but ultimately there   are three things google's looking at relevance  distance and prominence and these two things you   can't control you can't control the distance of  how close you are to the person searching for your   local business and you can't really be prominent  that takes time it takes effort and that's about   building up the eat the expertise authority and  trust what you can do is be relevant because you   can put the information the key words the details  the five pages all the tips we've done so far   it's about mirroring your website with the  services you've got it's about understanding what   images people use and what artificial intelligence  keywords google understands and that's what you're   looking for i also cover this your 80 20 focus  tips so i'll put a link to this video that's all   about some local business tips based on the 80 20  rule and ultimately as this image shows don't try   boiling the ocean and so what you need to be more  efficient is you need to have a local seo strategy   and i'm going to show you how you can get a local  seo strategy in a moment but before i do that   let's move on to our 13th tip and the 13th tip  is all about messaging and messaging has changed   because in the past they encouraged you to have  your messaging through your google my business app   but as you know google my business app is  now being stopped it's not being supported   they're pulling the plug on it from 2022 but what  they are doing is encouraging you to turn on web   notifications and by doing that then when people  now try and contact you through google my business   you'll get an alert in your chrome window and so  the idea is you can turn on messaging you can send   receipts as well to your customers to let them  know that you've read their message when it comes   through so google is changing dramatically the way  in which you communicate with your customers and   so with that in mind even things like requesting  a quote now has done much more through the browser   rather than using the app so this little bonus tip  is just looking at how you can use this tool gb   gmb everywhere and it just gives you things  like review audits and post audits why do   you need those well it would be useful  to know what your competitors were doing   and how many posts and how many  reviews so if they're number one   it could be that they're just doing  something in particular that's right   in google's eyes so just what it will do it will  just work through look at all of the information   just allow it to tick through for a moment and it  will then analyze how many reviews they've done   what the ratings are what the average ratings are  and so on and so just gives a bit of information   about how many reviews what their average reviews  are and you could just set a few goals for you to   beat these it's the same it does the same with not  just reviews but it does it with posts as well how   regularly do they have posts and you can then  see how often and what google is going to reward   is to do something regularly so it's not about  100 views coming in in a week it's about 100   views coming in constantly you can notice each  time they add a review add a review add a review   and that's kind of really important so this is  a great report that's going to help you and also   look at the keywords that have been used again  that might help you so i'll put a link to that   down below so i mentioned earlier in the video  that what you need is a local seo strategy i've   got three small strategies you can now apply by  heading over to this video so i'll see you there
Channel: Zanet Design
Views: 1,787
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Keywords: google business profile tips, 13 google my business optimization tips, 13 google business profile optimization tips, google my business tips, google my business optimization, google my business optimization tips, how to setup google my business, google my business, google my business secrets, google my business tutorial, google my business seo tips, google my business seo, google business, local seo, zanet, zanet design
Id: RlwB8DjOs9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 28 2021
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