GET MORE CUSTOMERS - How To Use Google My Business effectively in 2021

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so you're a business owner and you're probably wondering how can you use google my business effectively particularly in 2021 as businesses are beginning to open up again and they're responding to the covert 19 pandemic well as you probably already know from this channel google my business is bringing in a lot of traffic to successful businesses for businesses that recognize the potential with google my business which is a free way of listing your business on google maps and being found in google search results and the results are that you'll get a lot of traffic if you know where the potential is how you can optimize your google my business listing and how you can make it effective so we're going to unlock some of that potential today in today's video so what type of things are we going to look at in this video there are several things you can do to give google the right signals so if you don't update your google my business it's just giving it's giving a signal it's giving a signal you don't care about your business and therefore you don't care about your customers so updating on a regular basis your google my business listing is the first thing you should always do and there's plenty of ways of doing that and google's looking to see are you responding to those emails they send are you updating your hours when they ask when it's to do with holidays are you giving a covered 19 update every so often they're just little signals that let google know that you're still around and your business is still relevant to you because there are thousands if not millions of businesses out there that never get an update and therefore google isn't going to reward them with traffic but if you keep updating your website and your google my business listing that is only going to have a positive effect on how google starts to rank you in those maps so it's kind of common sense really the responding to the little suggestions from google is going to be a big thing to do if you want to unlock the potential so what types of things are there well we're going to look at particularly some of the covert 19 things that have come along in the last few months and how that can help give the right signal to google there's also a new messaging feature so if you've ever wondered how do people have it where it says that you can request a quote they've got this large big button at the top of their business on their google my business knowledge panel or you've wondered how is it that you can respond well you need the app but also you can actually do it on your desktop now so you don't even need to have the app on your phone to respond to people that want to quote or even to respond to people that write a review that's again another positive signal and we're also going to look at some of the questions you've been asking in the last month like what happens if i've got two or three shops in the same area the same town but they're different addresses should they have their own google my business listing or do i have to put all three under the one heading well i'll answer that question for you i'm also going to answer some of your other questions to do with how you can get bigger traffic in fact massive traffic through adding photos so i show you why i can say that and also of course if you are part of the community which that means you're a subscriber so if you're a subscriber thank you for your support if you haven't subscribed yet then you can subscribe it's free but it gives you opportunity to be involved in polls and to be involved in some of the community things where i can answer your questions on videos such as these so do make sure that you click the button you subscribe you know the things you need to do and also later on in the video i've got a really good question that's been asked about podcasts and how you can integrate podcasts into google my business and look out for that so i suppose that leads us to the thought of then are you wanting to be effective with your google my business listing stephen covey was known to have quoted this in one of his books he said ineffective people live day after day with unused potential so do you have unused potential have you got photos on your camera that you've not uploaded yet have you got articles and products that you could upload to google my business is your google my business listing not completed yet well that's what we're going to look at today we're going to give you plenty of things you can do to make sure that you maximize the traffic and you get the inquiries that you deserve let's jump straight in so let's uh unlock some used potential one of the things you can do is just really try and keep an eye on this box here stay connected during covered for the next six months or so this is still going to be a quite an important way of giving a signal to google that your business is updated and you're on the ball so there's for example update service availability you may have done this a few times before but just do it every time you see it it takes a few seconds is your business open yes are you offering on-site services yes are you offering online appointments yes and then you can if you want to you can put the appointment link but that's my appointment link there and click done and what that does it just lets google know that everything is still on the ball you're all up together you're showing that rather than saying you've got unused potential you're now you're exposing you're being more effective with that potential and that'll be the same with these here as well update business hours post a covered update again a chance to put some keywords in there so depending on what your categories are depending on what type of business you do you might just want to mention those in there so it's just a very basic post it doesn't have any images it's a pretty straightforward the main thing with a covert update which is here is just to let people know what the latest status is of your business so are you open are you opening in three weeks time are you taking orders online it's that type of thing it does enable you to get a link as well to either your website or your appointment page but apart from that if you want images then you'd have to click on what's new and don't underestimate as well the power of things like products and events and so on so i've got plenty of tutorials that you would have come across if you're following me or if you've subscribed to me that will show you how to do each one of these effectively to get the maximum amount of customers but anyway that's the first area that i just wanted to touch on is making sure you fully use the potential that google has given you through the covert updates at the moment so the second thing is messages as well now if you click on messages there's been an update in the last week or two that's enabled you now to not only have messaging turned on but you can also respond to messaging that comes your way from customers as well so for instance i've got a quote here required so i fill that out and i can give a quote back google started this up only just a week ago and they're given this ex understanding of what's happening so they've archived previous messages what actually is this what are we talking about when we speak of messaging well maybe the easiest way is to show you how it looks in from the results so if i type in xanat design you'll be able to see my company and you'll notice that if you're a customer you can request a quote if you click on that you can then fill out a quote for information say for instance you're after a web designer then you could ask that and fill that out and what that will do is normally that comes through to my phone but now i can get it on my desktop as well with alerts as well so that's another way which means if i'm working on my desktop i can answer any quotes that come in uh if you go to here i'll leave a link down below you'll see that you can read and reply to messages and in the past it was just android and iphone but now it's computer as well and on here as well it just shows about the fact they've been archived how it works and some of the questions you may have about it but let me just say that again by replying straight away it gives good signals to google if you can reply within 24 hours that's well worth it because google kind of gives you some extra credit from the point of view of being an authority perhaps being reliable those types of things obviously there's metrics and there's all sorts of parts of the algorithm that take these types of things into account so don't underestimate the power of replying as quickly as you can to someone that messages you through or asks for a quote as well and in that way then it makes this much more effective now if you haven't got this then again i've got um a tutorial that will show you how to do that but basically the simple way is to download it download the app on your phone and then enable it and then by enabling it then that will help that appear so that's the simplest way to get the request to quote button in your results now the third way to improve your potential is to just go to whitespark i'll leave again a link down below but find out what types of citations would be best for your category and your country so depending on what country you're in i'm in the united kingdom so i've clicked that already and i want to know so if i was an accountant would be the best way to make sure that i've got some type of authority but i'm not an accountant i'm a web designer so let's just see what it says for web designers i've chosen internet services because it doesn't have web design and for citations you notice here it gives quite some credit to yelp but these are some ones here that you may not have considered so yellow pages you may know but broadband now is one to consider for citations on internet services and of course if you now want to then locate and register you just click on the button and then you can then list your business and there's a free listing there so it's as simple as that really now the next thing i just wanted to go through is potential is if you go to your insights on your google my business and i've often said about working towards trying to get a third or third and third so in this case i need to improve my branding getting branded is important but again i've often mentioned the potential with photos so just look at this example here photo views so you can sometimes get um so first we want to be beating your other businesses which i'm doing here but look at the potential you can get and it's the amount of traffic you get from photos is incredible so the views for example that photos bring in is quite some incredible the majority of traffic comes free photos so don't underestimate the benefits of having photos updated regularly so if you go to photos look at the type of views it brings in so the recent photos obviously are quite small but if i go to the um if i go here sort by popularity so look at these these are some of these photos are bringing one thousand sixty nine thousand seventeen thousand six thousand there's so much more potential of traffic that you can get just from having a few good photos to do with your business so that's just my next thing i just wanted to point out to you now one of the things i've done in recent times is i've tried to kind of reach out to my community so i've now got over 5000 subscribers and that's kind of growing daily which is great and obviously it's good if you're a subscriber then i really appreciate the support you're giving but i wanted to give back to the community as well i think what can i do to give back to my subscribers and i know my subscribers can actually go into the community area and also when i update things they get emails that come through if they've clicked the alert button that gets them involved in to perhaps communicating with me so i just put out a couple of polls recently i just wanted to quickly go through these with you and just look at the results so the let's go to the oldest one first so a month ago i asked what's the number one thing you're struggling with and it seems that google my business optimization half of you are still getting you know ways or you're wanting ways in which you can improve your optimization um there's a bit of website seo as well so when i combine those two things i can see that at the moment the majority of you my subscribers are wanting me to talk about google my business and website seo so i'll continue to do that for now as that seems to be the the way in which this community wants me to go how long have you been using google my business so most started over a year ago or 50 started over a year ago a few have given some comments of other things and others have started in the last year so it sounds to me like we've got half of you kind of new and you'll probably be enjoying the new series i'm doing of starting a brand new business on google my business which started just a few weeks ago with lurie window cleaning services so look out for that if you haven't seen that series already where we take it from scratch and we then bring it through so that that video is more for you guys and then for those that have had it for over a year then i've got the 13 optimization tips i bring out every so often so you probably saw those one recently a couple of other optimization videos are coming out i think i've got one at the end of here that i'll release as well that you can have a look at so i kind of try and cover because it is a 50 50 divide really between the two lots in the community and then on this one are my google my business tutorials too detailed so this was interesting because i thought am i going too deep on things and i was bearing in mind i had some that were kind of new and i had all the others that were perhaps not wanting to um be taught the same old thing again and again but it seems that i've got it right so that's great so i'm going to continue to do what i'm doing here but again comment below if you've got anything that you want to point out and then finally just asking about the pandemic just to see whether or not it's affected businesses in a negative or positive way because you think it's negative on all accounts but as you can see some businesses have grown 41 of businesses have grown uh since the pandemic and then 51 have struggled and then there's a few with some no change so it's kind of difficult in many ways for businesses to survive but it seems that most are getting through this which is great to see and i'm hoping that the google my business tips is giving you the advantage over other businesses so that you're the one who's getting the phone calls the inquiries and the footfall and again this is all about making sure that you've got the potential in place remember we started off by talking about being effective ineffective people live day after day without using their potential there's so much potential google my business and you are the guys that are doing that so hopefully you'll continue to grow your business in the coming weeks so i hope that again do get involved in the community uh to my subscribers now i also wanted to cover some of your questions as well that you've been asking so here's a question from aaron roby fitness is there a way to add a podcast to google my business profile so i just wanted to show you this i think what i'll do i'll go to uh one of my favorite podcasters which is chris evans um so i know this might not be necessarily a person that you pick up in all countries but chris evans how to wow um so he's speak spoke to some mo faro so just imagine this was my podcast so aaron's podcast probably do with fitness but let's imagine this is your podcast so you've got it up and running you can then normally you get a way of sharing it but if you click on here you'll notice that you can embed it in linkedin and other compatible sites and that's a link to the player so if i copy that i'll just show you what that does that brings up so if anyone clicks through to this it brings up and enables them to press play once i've and there you go there's there's mo faro talking and you can listen to that podcast so how do i get this all within google my business well it's pretty straightforward i'll go back to google my business i'll click on posts and i'm going to click on um add an update because that's generally for everything and you want to just add your podcast normally they're normally square aren't they so um i'm going to just add the chris evans one so bear in mind that i'm not chris evans and this isn't my podcast i don't have a podcast but i'll just show you how it works by previewing it and then you would then want to put some information in there so probably for your podcast you would um you would just take that one you probably have maybe that as well so you just add that in there so let's go back to my post and that would be my kind of information on the podcast you might then want to put something like um click below to hear the podcast or something like that and then this is how you get the podcast you just click on there you then go to learn more because i think that's pretty much all you can do you take that that link that we tried here so that one we copied and pasted you just stick it in there and it literally is as simple as that if i preview it so i've got my podcast i've got this is the one so every time you release a podcast you just release number 34 number 35. if they click on learn more they go straight through to it and then they can click play so what a great way of just getting podcasts out there using your google my business so obviously it would be related to your business and that was i think the the question that uh aaron was asking is there a way of adding a podcast to your google my business profile so assuming you've got a profile for your fitness company then yes that's the way i would do it get rid of that great just one final question some of you have asked about what happens if you've got say three locations for one business so say for instance you're running a chain of shops in a county or in an area and is it right to have three different google my business businesses registered or should you register one even though they're in three different locations and it's a tricky one because google my business is for businesses but if you've got three shops in different areas of the town or in the county then yes you can register each shop with its own google my business and the reason i say that is if you do a search for say a supermarket so if you do a search for say sainsbury's near me so sainsbury's is a shop it's a supermarket shop you'll notice they've got um three dotted around and they've got their own references their own businesses so what's the key here well the key thing is is really to make sure that if you've got multiple locations that you just register each one individually you build its own website i would do that so that you can appeal to your various characters each shop might sell slightly different things as well so bear that in mind so one google my business per location should be fine that's that's kind of my current understanding of course google may change things so you need to check with google make sure that's acceptable when you watch this video so you'll need to create one listing per shop and then register one business with one address but just be careful so i hope this has been a really useful way of helping my community as well so that's my community part do make sure you ask questions and i will try and answer them as best as i can from my own experience and bear in mind of course everyone's responsible for their own business so hopefully that's giving you some things to think about maybe now as you go away you'll then think i'm going to apply these things to my business and of course comment down below if you've got any questions comment down below and let me know how you get on in the coming weeks ahead as you unwrap and unlock the potential in your business but it's always important also to have a plan for your business and i've been covering a few plans in recent times talking through how i go about planning my updates on my business so why is planning so important and i truly agree that a goal without a plan is just a wish so you need to have a plan for your google my business so if you want to get a bespoke plan for your business that takes into account your categories and the types of things that your business needs to do well then i've got this video here that's going to show you exactly how to make that bespoke plan but if you want to view the fastest video this year my growing video of optimization for google my business with 13 tips then make sure you join me over here you
Channel: Zanet Design
Views: 2,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to use google my business effectively, how to use google my business to get more customers, how to use google business effectively, how to use google my business for seo, google my business seo, google my business optimization, how to use google my business, how to use google my business posts, how to use google my business website, google business listing, google my business how to use, google my business, google my business tutorial, google my business seo tips, local seo
Id: b_AplYWoJi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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