12 Vertical Gardening Ideas using Flowering Vines and Climbers

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[Music] hi i'm roseanne and welcome to my garden i'm totally hooked on flowering vines and climbers i think that they and their decorative plant supports add so much dimension to the garden plus this form of vertical gardening is a great space-saving way to get more from your garden if it's small or space is at a premium in any given summer we have about a dozen arbors trellises tudors and other plant supports playing host to an array of annual and perennial vines today i'd like to take you around our garden and show you some of my favorite ways i garden vertically this is our newest addition this year the seller called it a tutor which from my understanding simply means a three-dimensional trellis which this is regardless of the name i absolutely am very fond of this shape it is narrow and tall and then it opens up to well an umbrella shape on the top and it's perfect for this jackmania clematis to climb up uh through and then cascade downward which clematis likes to do or at least jack manii does so when it's when it's in full bloom we should have flowers flowers flowers and then they'll come up here and then they'll cascade down and there'll be more flowers flowers flowers so stay tuned i certainly plan on filming this more this summer the jackmania clematis is a perennial vine that blooms throughout much of the summer it requires very little maintenance other than consistent moisture and some fertilizer or compost i started these plants from cuttings a few years ago in the fall i'll cut this one down to two or three feet you'll notice that we have wire around the base of the plant we do that to protect the plant from rabbits covering our shed door we have this a very rustic trellis my husband made from buckthorn now buckthorn is a very invasive and nasty bush tree whatever and um so it was really good that he could turn something bad into something so good because it's very hard wood and we've had this trellis for about 15 years now over the years i tried many different vines including sweet autumn clematis it was beautiful but perhaps too bountiful after that i planted the firecracker vine also known as the spanish flag vine it had interesting leaves and flowers that opened yellow and progressed to deep orange and red it was a vigorous grower for the last several years i've been growing love in a puff vine it frames the door perfectly and isn't a thug of a vine at least here in zone four it has these delightful green puffs little white flowers and delicate foliage the pods eventually turn brown in the fall which is when i harvest the seeds for the following spring these seeds are often slow to germinate so i always start seedlings indoors sometimes names are incredibly descriptive as in this case the seeds have a distinct marking on them that resembles a heart and they came out of a puff hence the name love in a puff or in botanical terms this plant is cardiospermum or heart seed here i am on the south side of our garden shed and it gets a lot of sun so many annual climbing vines love this exposure and here i have a rather unassuming wooden garden trellis now this trellis has been host to many plants over the years some of my favorites would be the cardinal climber also i had a lovely pink fenbergia it was just absolutely stunning and uh last year i had climbing snapdragon and had the most delicate little purple flowers and it was a great pollinator magnet as well so i've had some really nice vines on this this year i'm growing cardinal climber again and what's really nice about cardinal climber is that it works best if you sew it directly the seeds directly into the soil and and just keep it moist so that was simple i have about seven plants coming up now they're very small i was a little late getting getting these planted but i also have some chicken wire almost right above them and that is to really help get them started a lot of annual vines need help to get started they don't automatically you know spring up and have the ability to twine around one inch uh wooden slats this is our second maypole plant support we got two because i like them so much and here i have black-eyed susan vine that's the common name it's also thunbergia yellow and i grew these from seeds i will say i got these from my cousin and i had a 100 success rate so um that's great i hope i have 100 success rate as they climb up the twine fenbergia are stem twiners meaning that's how they ascend vertically they their stems love this twine it's really simple for them to grab onto and grow up i'm really optimistic about how this is going to look in a month or so this is probably our largest plant support it's about seven feet tall and it's really heavy duty so it can carry some pretty heavy vines this year i'm growing the fragrant corkscrew vine i started these from seeds i've never grown them so i'll see how they do i i like to experiment with new annual vines every year sometimes i go back to a tried and true but it's fun trying new plants last year i grew a morning glory on it and it didn't really flower much but it did give me a lot of foliage which was a really good look on this tall narrow tutor it provided a nice dimension of green on this very narrow bed so i got height without you know having a tree in here my favorite mine so far on this was the hyacinth bean vine i love the way it looked and i'm sure i'll be trying that in the next year or so again last winter we lost our beloved weeping willow tree and it was quite a loss because it was an anchor in this kidney-shaped bed and it added some real necessary height so to achieve that same layering effect but differently we decided to try this plant support and grow annual vines on it now this plant support is actually quite simple and elegant in its design it's a stem it has a cap with little hooks and twine and then we use landscape staples to hold the twine into the ground and that and that's basically it this year we're growing blush than bergia i think it'll look lovely and this than bergya is a stem twiner loves the twine needs no help to get started you just plant it and watch the plant climb up the the twine so i'm really excited about this one this is probably one of my favorite plant supports we call it our umbrella trellis and you can see why for obvious reasons the top looks like an umbrella and it has little hooks and uh we attached twine to it all the way to the ground to some more uh supports that came with this trellis the same decorative design elements and it's overall has a very delicate looking feel to it so i don't want to plant a very heavy or thug vine such as morning glories which are beautiful but they can be very heavy and massive what i like to plant are cathedral bowels and cathedral bells climb via tendrils you can see these little tendrils reaching out from the stems and they will grab onto whatever they can be a twine or another stem or leaf or part of the cathedral bells also i might add cathedral bells if you look at the shape of this gorgeous flower it looks like a cathedral bell or a bell it's also referred to as the cup and saucer vine and if you imagine the flower upside down you can see why it has that name as well this is this is a repeat i do i do cathedral bells and i start them from seed every year and at this point i'll just say a few words about starting annual vines from seeds because most of them you know they they don't start getting a lot of presents till the middle of summer so it's really important that the structure can make up for the lack of plant and that's why i think so many of these structures are really garden art because right now even with you know the cathedral bells only a foot off the ground this is still an attractive feature in the yard i also like starting annuals from seed because it gives me about a month head start on the whole process we have such a short growing season here and most of the annual vines really don't start flowering until august this gives me a whole extra month to enjoy them this is a pretty high profile trellis right by our front door so it's important to choose the right vine for it we had this trellis custom made by an artisan blacksmith many years ago we met him at an art fair and we keep it out all winter because it's actually quite lovely in the winter too it adds nice winter interest to the house because it's so beautiful and i would definitely call this garden art choosing the right vine is important and i like to choose sort of a light and eerie vine i like to try different vines on this trellis to keep it interesting and this year i'm trying the purple bell flower vine i started these plants from seed and i expect them to take off any day now i'm thinking they'll look absolutely charming on this trellis over the years my favorite vine has probably been the red cypress vine it has feathery foliage and gorgeous little flowers plus it's very easy to grow from seed last year i was also pleased with the climbing snapdragon it and the trellis accentuated each other perfectly this is our original jackmania clematis and it never disappoints soon it'll be covered with beautiful purple blooms and the best part is it's growing up a downspout or actually a wire plant support made specifically for downspouts here's a picture taken in spring where you can really see the wire support because this clematis is so robust i find that the best way to control it and keep the stems growing upright is to use twine and tie it loosely to the support about every two feet ferns growing around the base keep the roots shaded and moist this jackmania also gets a balanced organic fertilizer two or three times every summer this is our garden entrance what a wonderful way to welcome garden visitors above me growing on the arbor i have blue moon wisteria we've been growing this for about 10 years and it comes back every spring and blooms profusely with very little help i've never fertilized this plant it loves the western and southern exposure however so i think that has a lot to do with it it needs sun it it climbs by twining its stems around a structure now over time those stems can get pretty thick and and strong so it's important that you have an equally strong structure for the wisteria to climb on it can get aggressive so you need to be careful to prune those wayward stems to make sure they don't go where they're not wanted and in the fall i give this a very hard prune lastly the fragrance is intoxicating a real perennial beauty is our william baffin climbing rose every june it covers the wooden trellis on the south side of our house most so-called climbing roses don't really climb on their own but need to be tied to a trellis or loosely woven in and around the wooden slats my husband made this trellis specifically for this space and our desire to grow climbing roses due to overgrowth we cut our climbing rows back quite a lot a year ago and it's still growing back into shape we hope to grow it back to its former glory sometimes you see roses that look like they're effortlessly climbing up the wall of a building in reality they are more than likely tied to a barely visible wire or cable lastly i would be remiss to not bring up containers there's such a great way to soften up and dress up lonely corners here we have a sweet pea plant beginning to climb up a tudor surrounding it for added color i have a mixture of annual flowers we're done with our garden tour and i hope i've inspired you to include vertical gardening in your garden design if you haven't already also be sure to match the vine with the structural support both in terms of how it climbs and grows as well as the aesthetics lastly i hope you'll try some new annual vines seeds are a great way to get started i hope you've enjoyed this video thanks for watching you
Channel: Rosannes Garden
Views: 190,819
Rating: 4.9577041 out of 5
Keywords: vertical gardening, flowering vines, annual vines, climbing plants, arbors, trellises, tuteurs, garden design, space-saving garden design
Id: Mb2FQaQ1iLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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