Small Landscape Design Ideas (10 Secrets)

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small landscape design ideas we're going to talk about 10 secrets right now we know that you're looking for it it's a popular subject even in a small backyard people want to be able to have an amazing outdoor space to be able to go hang out with their family and friends but just have a nice little sanctuary for peace and quiet in their backyard we're going to talk to you about those 10 secrets right now [Music] we're going to go as fast as we can but we're going to pack this with a lot of hidden secrets for small landscape design ideas in fact we're going to give you 10 secrets right now in this video i know you're going to like it stay tuned especially to the end because i have a really cool secret that people don't realize that will really change your outdoor space even in a small area alright guys enjoy this video secret number one is a common design theme in its destination you have to have destination in your spot in your outdoor living space without destination there's really no reason to go outside and that's the whole point of having an outdoor living space no matter what size of a property you have especially for a small space you have to create destination a main focal area a spot to go i love designing from a window or from a door something you capture or see from inside the house and that will pull you outside even in a small space so think about destination a main focal point as the number one thing to think about [Music] the number two secret to designing a small backyard space is a cover think about a cover it doesn't matter if you have a small backyard you can usually sneak a backyard cover of some kind into the space here you see some examples of getting really creative even in a small backyard look at the distance there between the house and the back fence that's a very tight space and yet we're able to get a nice size fully covered structure with a fireplace and tv in that space and look at the way we bridge the gap with a pergola now if you do not have the room to do a full covered space think about a pergola pergolas are very flexible usually they avoid permits and you can still have a very nice fully sun proof shade proof area as well as waterproof the number three secret to a small landscape design is privacy in fact privacy is probably the reason you are even clicking in and trying to figure out some ideas for your small backyard space you need privacy between you and the neighbor behind you or possibly the neighbor to your side now there's lots of different ways that we can do privacy this gets really creative you can do a trellis with an arbor on top of it and here's some examples of that you can do standalone privacy screens and here's some examples of some of those and here's one that even features a privacy screen on the back of a pergola a lean 2 style pergola or shed and look at the way we did this we put a louvered light behind to add an additional element of kind of a of an art feature out of the privacy screen also with privacy you want to think about hedges plants lots of different ways to create that privacy bamboo in a small area is a great privacy feature it's very it's a straight vertical privacy screen but it does require you to to be very careful with the way you prepare to plant that or you want to do a raised concrete planter like you see here so this was very immature planting in this picture but that will fill in and you won't even be able to see the neighbor behind that the number four secret to creating a beautiful landscape in a small space is water features think about adding a water feature to the space this could be really the highlight of your outdoor space so a water feature not only is beautiful to look at but that little bit of noise distraction that little bit of white water noise will just kind of drown out some of the sound behind that will really add to the space at that peaceful environment to your backyard space so water features come in lots of different shapes lots of different sizes you can do one as you see here on a seat wall you can create it in a very small little area look at that little water feature to the right that we have there got a little bit of splash there but you can see just how small that is it's little trough and yet you can really create a beautiful water feature in this space water features could also be done as from boulders for rocks as you see here you can do column water features as you see here one of my favorite water features to do is out of a flower pot you can either put spouts into the flower pot or you can have spouts coming out of the flower pot and they create such a beautiful almost like a mediterranean style landscape that gives you that sound of moving water in a small space [Applause] the number five secret to a small landscape design is a fire feature now this could be done either a fireplace or a fire pit or depending on the size of your small space you could do both we've done both even in a small area several times so here's some things to think about we've talked about that main destination spot or that main focal area and the fire feature could oftentimes be that feature you want to put these in a space that are close or in good proximity to the windows so they capture your eye and they pull you outside because fire features do just that they will grab your attention and make you just want to go outside and sit around them so a fire feature could also be on the wall of a structure so it doesn't necessarily have to be a full structure it doesn't have to be fully covered it could be a pergola as you see here or it could be a covered structure in a small space with a fireplace on the edge a fireplace does a wonderful job of creating that screening effect that we talked about in number three secret the screening fireplaces can act as their own screens so here's some other examples of fireplaces and fire pits in small backyard spaces that really will do wonders [Music] so a brief little interruption to this video on the 10 secrets to small backyard designs is i want to let you know that you need a good design don't try to do this necessarily on your own and i don't want to scare you there but you could go wrong quickly this video is meant to educate you but i really want you to do it right so get a designer get some help we would be happy to help you but if it's not us find a good designer or at least do it yourself put it on paper it'd be great if you could do it in a 3d world because if you start doing things and it's wrong you're going to lose money by ripping it out and redoing it so the design will help you with that master plan and then you'll really have a beautiful space for the longevity of that backyard the next secret for a small landscape design is a bar now really i would so strongly recommend a bar for a small landscape design but look at how tiny their backyard space in this instance is so their property backs up to a river and because of the setbacks from the river they cannot go any further with their backyard space so we created a railing from their deck but really a bar it was a whole bar along the back side and i don't know if you can tell but we created some bar stools that were connected to the bar that you can pivot out to be able to use that space and not necessarily have to have bar stools there that are big and cumbersome so these are some creative ideas for small backyard spaces but look at some of these other ideas here in fact you can even do a small bar around a post as you see here look at how small this backyard space is and yet we are able to put a little bar in around the post of the structure here and this acts as just a wonderful little cocktail table for either standing and hanging out or you can put some bar stools in as well and have extra seating in a very small confined space but it'll really pack a lot of punch for your outdoor space the number seven secret to a small backyard space is garden spaces now you can do these in the smallest possible space you could do it even in a flower pot you could do it in a small herb bed on a fence or a vertical structure you could do it in a raised garden bed as you see here the trick is getting some way to get some greenery some way to grow something herbs vegetables or even flowers to just add that color that fragrance that vibrance to your patio space i would strongly recommend a small garden in a small backyard if you can squeeze it into the space the number eight secret to designing a small backyard space is built in seating as you can see here this is a small courtyard but really we maximize the use of the space by adding built-in seats now the reason i say maximize use is look at how we tucked a bench in there all the way in the corner really on both sides and the corners really that is was unusable space prior and all of a sudden we created two wonderful destinations because of the the ability of a built-in seat to tuck in in an unusable area prior now another cool thing about built-in seating is for the most part you can design these to have built-in storage so they're really a dual-use structure so all these that you're seeing are majority of the what you're seeing here is a dual use where you can lift up the seating portion and you can store you know pillows you can store or whatever you might need you know just to kind of keep out of the way in your outdoor space these work great for a dual use purpose for storage the number nine secret to a small landscape design is focal feature landscaping now what do i mean by focal features well here you have a small space and a garage from the neighbor is taking a part of your courtyard but look at how we use this garage or this wall to create really a living art piece with this living wall so we framed it in kind of an interesting way there and all of a sudden we've created this beautiful focal point that's really enjoyable to to the space here's some other examples of some living walls as well as some vines you can definitely use vines in a similar way maybe give them something to climb and all of a sudden you've created a beautiful living wall just out of jasmine or other vines that are growing up in a small space the number 10 secret to consider as you're designing your small backyard space is sunken areas now this is a really interesting one because you can go down in your earth and retain the area around it and all of a sudden you kind of create this little sunken hidden oasis so we did that in this job here we actually sunk down a fire pit with a seat wall location and we lowered in an area for an adu or a little office i should say for this client so as you see in the backyard space we did this to kind of give and maximize privacy now with this space we sunk in a fire pit and that just created a you know a very usable space for the client to kind of maximize some of the slope that they had in the back so this is another thing to consider can you or do you have some slope in a small in your small backyard that will allow you to do a little sunken fire pit area so i hope you guys enjoyed this 10 secrets on landscape design even in a very small space i hope one of them resonated with you and that you can use it in your own space also guys would you mind just doing me a favor and commenting which one you appreciated the most it'll help the community be able to kind of you know see the trends that are coming on and see what really are resonating with people like yourself also could you please like and click that bell notification we would love for you to get the videos as they come in and also of course don't forget to subscribe thank you very much guys we'll see in the next video very quickly you
Channel: Paradise Restored Landscaping & Exterior Design
Views: 1,381,483
Rating: 4.9017801 out of 5
Keywords: Small Landscape Design Ideas (10 Secrets), Small backyard, small landscape, small backyard ideas, small landscape ideas, small landscape design ideas, small backyard design ideas, small landscaping ideas, how to landscape in a small area, how to landscape a small backyard, how to design a small backyard, landscape design for a small space, designing a small backyard, designing a small landscape, fire pit in small backyard, fireplace in small backyard, patio in small landscape
Id: KxwoNBxHSTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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