12 Signs Someone is Secretly a Sociopath

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Hey everyone, and welcome to TopThink. Today,   we are going to learn about 12 signs  someone is secretly a sociopath.  Now, let’s begin 1. Selfish Superiority  Many sociopaths have an air of superiority  about them. They act as if they are the   most intelligent and successful people  in the room, even if that isn’t true.   They believe they know everything. They frequently  disregard the opinions of others, and they often   belittle other people’s accomplishments. At some level, sociopaths don’t realize   how other people perceive them, but  general ignorance isn’t the only issue.   Their sense of superiority often stems from  something deeper: a lack of interest in the   lives of others. Sociopaths can be self-possessed,  arrogant, and profoundly selfish. In many cases,   they think they’re better than other people,  because a sociopath only values themselves.  2. Emotional Ignorance Sociopaths have trouble creating real   emotional connections. They may not experience  empathy in the way most people do. In fact,   it’s common for sociopaths to misunderstand  or simply ignore other people’s feelings.  Let’s say you and a sociopath get into an  argument. You try to express why you are   upset. Maybe the other person said something  that hurt your feelings or damaged your trust.   In this situation, a sociopath will not  genuinely apologize for their mistakes.   They may not even acknowledge  that they’ve done anything wrong.  Instead, they’ll turn the situation on its  head. They’ll justify their own behavior   and blame the entire conflict on you. In the mind  of a sociopath, they are never at fault. They do   not accept responsibility for their mistakes, and  they do not apologize to the people they offend.   In their world, nothing is their fault,  and they plan to keep it that way.  3. Manipulative Charm Sociopaths are skilled people-pleasers.   They shower other people with compliments,  praise, and encouragement. On the surface,   they are charismatic and likable, but they  use their social charms to gain advantages   and exploit their relationships. If you want to know whether someone   is a sociopath, pay attention to  the way they flatter other people.   A sociopath will praise and support anyone and  everyone. They are constantly giving compliments   because they need to be on everyone’s good side. For example, a sociopath will act like your best   friend. They’ll talk like your number one fan.  But deep down… they couldn’t care less about you.   Instead, a sociopath may see you as a  stepping stone to a greater advantage.   If they have to shower you with compliments to get  what they want, a sociopath will do exactly that.  Now, I’m not saying everyone who is positive  and encouraging has sociopathic tendencies.   But you may come across someone who seems a  little too good to be true. There’s no guarantee,   but it’s possible this person is a sociopath. 4. Undivided Attention  Good listeners give people their undivided  attention. They demonstrate confident social   skills by actively listening to people  when they talk. When someone does this,   you may feel validated or special. You may  gain a boost of confidence and self-esteem.  For these reasons, sociopaths give overwhelming  amounts of attention to the people in their lives.   They seem to make heavy emotional investments, and  they often demand as much attention as they give.  But they will just as easily  take their attention elsewhere.   One moment this person can’t stop looking at  you, but the next… they couldn’t care less.  In other words, sociopaths don’t make emotional  investments in the same way as most people.   One day, a sociopath may decide that they’re  bored or no longer interested in you.   They’ll disappear as quickly as they came,  leaving you wondering what went wrong.  If this sounds familiar, don’t settle for this hot  and cold dynamic. Stable friends and partners will   never rescind their emotions whenever they get  distracted or bored. If you know someone who does,   be careful. They may secretly be a sociopath. 5. Lack of Remorse  Guilt is not an emotion many sociopaths  experience. To experience guilt, you need   to experience empathy, which is not a strong  point for people with sociopathic tendencies.   That’s why sociopaths don’t feel guilty about the  mistakes they make. Most of the time, they simply   don’t recognize what they’re doing wrong. Instead, sociopaths find ways to justify   their words and actions. Even if they do or say  something that negatively affects other people,   sociopaths will not register the damage they’ve  done. They don’t feel sorry or remorseful,   because deep down, a sociopath only  cares about their own well-being.  6. Hidden Intentions  Sociopaths are prone to dishonesty. They tell  manipulative stories, lie about grand experiences,   and even fabricate their deepest emotions.  Sociopaths do not value the things they say,   and they don’t consider how  their words affect other people.  As a result, many people experience a weird  phenomenon around sociopathic people. When you   hear them talking, you get this instinctual, gut  feeling that this person is not telling the truth.   At some level, it seems like their words  are empty or hollow — almost like they   don’t mean a single thing they say. If this sounds familiar, pay close   attention to the way a sociopath acts, because  actions often reveal their true intentions.   If their words and actions are sending different  messages, this person may have something to hide.  7. Persistent Patterns Many sociopaths have trouble   keeping their lives stable and balanced.  For the most part, they do not take their   commitments seriously. In fact, sociopaths  consistently avoid their responsibilities.  As a result, their lives tend to be unstable.  Most sociopaths are unemployed and struggling   financially. For example, many sociopaths borrow  money they have no intention of paying back.  In general, sociopaths do not value their  commitments or responsibilities. Instead,   their impulsive personalities are drawn toward  short-term rewards and superficial activities.   If someone you know demonstrates a pattern of  persistently impulsive behavior, there’s a chance   this person is a sociopath. 8. Constant Conflict  Sociopaths are always at the center of some kind  of conflict. Their lives feel like TV dramas,   in which they are the main characters. But  the twist is… none of these conflicts are ever   their fault. If they get fired at work,  it’s because their boss is incompetent.   If they argue with a friend, it’s because  their friend is jealous or selfish.  In other words, sociopaths are surrounded by an  unnatural amount of drama; yet they refuse to   take any of the blame. Time and time again,  they frame themselves as victims of a cruel   environment. In their minds, they are good, honest  people being bullied by the rest of the world.  When you hear their side of the  story, it’s tempting to believe them.   Sociopaths are good storytellers whose natural  charm can sway your opinions in their favor.  But it’s important to keep every one of their  stories in perspective. Otherwise, you will buy   into their lies, giving them the sympathy  and attention that every sociopath craves.  9. Redundant Mistakes  Since sociopaths don’t take responsibility for  their mistakes, they never learn how to grow   or improve. When something goes wrong, they  avoid all mention of their personal failures. So,   they make the same mistakes over and over again. From the outside, it feels like these sociopathic   personalities are walking in circles. You  hear them complaining about the same problems,   day after day. They get a new job. They make  new friends. Yet they experience the same   issues. Why? Because sociopaths are unwilling,  and often unable, to learn from their failures.  10. Relieving Anger Every once in a while,   you will catch a sociopath making a mistake. They  may lie about something obvious or fail to take   responsibility for something they said. You may  get angry at them and start thinking to yourself,   “why do I spend so much time with this person?”  But feelings like these never last long.  Why? Because sociopaths are very skilled  at winning people over. They can and will   manipulate your feelings using charm, praise, and  empty charisma. Anytime you feel angry with them,   they will find ways to talk you out of your anger,  even if that means lying through their teeth.  To a sociopath, all that matters is that they  stay on your good side. They’ll say and do   anything to win you over. Unless you see through  their hollow compliments, there’s a good chance   this sociopath will sweep you off your feet. So, keep your wits about you. If you’re angry,   remember why you’re angry. If they make a mistake,  don’t let them sweep that mistake under the rug.   Each of these mistakes are big red flags, no  matter how often a sociopath tells you otherwise.  11. Reckless Lifestyle Choices Self-control does not come naturally to   a sociopath. They have a hard time ignoring their  short-term desires in favor of long-term rewards.   So, it’s common for sociopaths to behave without  considering the consequences of their actions.  If you know a sociopath, you may be familiar  with their reckless behavior. They act without   thinking, and they never plan ahead. They  allow their impulses to control their life,   even if that means damaging their relationships. If you’re friends with this reckless personality,   you may feel like it’s your job to slow them down.  You may feel like you are the only voice of reason   in their life. But no matter what you say, a  sociopath will always follow their instincts.  12. Exploiting Relationships If someone is secretly a sociopath,   you may be able to identify red flags  by looking at their relationships.   Sociopaths may not experience real emotional  bones with their friends and partners.   Instead, they create relationships in  order to exploit the people in their lives.  For example, sociopaths often take  advantage of their friends and partners   by asking for favors and displacing their  responsibilities. In the mind of a sociopath,   relationships are tools they can use to push  their own agenda and gain social reward.   If you notice this toxic behavior in your life,  someone you know may secretly be a sociopath.  Thank you for watching TopThink,  and be sure to subscribe,   because more incredible content is on the way.
Channel: TopThink
Views: 535,863
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Keywords: signs of a sociopath, sociopath, psychopath
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Sat May 28 2022
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