12 REAL TURKISH Street Foods - What Do Turkish People Eat? | INSANELY Delicious

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Oh my god, this is amazing... The best way to really see local Istanbul, is  on a street and fast food tour we're going   to show you 12 local real Istanbul fast foods  and street foods that Istanbulites actually eat Here you go, brother. Can you give me 1 simit? Here you, go. Thank you. Have a good day. Just like bagel in America,  in Turkey, Turkish people   start their day with turkish bagel which is  simit. There's a lot of sesame seeds around it   and it is so crunchy and so delicious and I can't  wait to eat it right now do you want some Steve?   Of ccourse. Do you like simit? Just a little bit  just a little bit. He likes it a lot actually Still got a very good crunch to it, of course  when it's hot it's a little bit more soft   but, I'm probably going to get in trouble  for this, I love American bagels, but   i think i like simit, just a  little bit more... just a little bit. Its a little bit sunny over there so  we came over here to try out street food   number two and it's kestane, roasted chestnuts  that's Gokce's favorite. Got my chestnuts and I can't wait to try it they just roast it in front of you, which is pretty cool actually It has a very sweet taste as well which is  so satisfying. In America I actually buy a   bag of chestnuts all the time because of this  addiction. So, Besiktas was our first stop on  the European side and there's a ton of stuff to do there, but we came all the way to Ortakoy   for our third food because there's two things in Ortakoy to see, the first is the food, the loaded baked potato   and then there's also the Ortokoy mosque which is  one of the most famous mosque in all of Istanbul.   If you're visiting Istanbul, you have to make it  stop in Ortakoy because you will get the best baked   potato ever here, this is called kumpir and they  put a lot of different ingredients in it there's   so many nice kumpir places lined up next to each  other, but we just came to our favorite place today   The only problem here is you can't actually have a  seat here, so you have to find a nice coffee or tea  place upstairs, or around here. Or, you can go by the water and have your kumpir there and enjoy the beautiful scenery.  We we're gonna go down by  the mosque right now to eat it but it's actually   jam-packed right there because it's a beautiful  day out here in Istanbul in November so we're   gonna go a little bit later as the crowds disperse  and just enjoy this beautiful kumpir right now. Delicious, we got a whole host of toppings sausage,   cheese, hot peppers, pickles, you name it they'll  put it on there for you it's all so fresh and so good. It's actually very crowded right now,  but I've never seen Ortakoy be not crowded.   When you're coming to Istanbul you absolutely have to come to Taksim Square, it's a historical square   but first, you have to stop by for an islak  hamburger or wet burger, it's kind of a burger   inside of an entire bun came to Kizilkayalar, because that is Gokce's favorite spot from university. so the wet hamburger is engulfed in the  bun and the juices are all compressed   inside and when you bite into it  they kind of all come out and it's   really a delicious hamburger. Honestly,  better than a lot that you get in the U.S., that's for sure. After eating a lot of food so  far, I am no longer hungry, so Steve is eating the  burger Probably i'm gonna just have one bite,  maybe now, is it okay, okay, just one bite nothing  more. probably I'm gonna regret not having  my own burger, but I'm really really full. Yeah, I wish I had my own burger, it's actually only   six liras, I can't beleive it so good can  i have one more bite, Steve hates me now. Our last stop on the day for the European side  is at the famous Istanbul Galata Bridge right   down underneath, where they're catching  fresh fish up top and they're bringing   that fresh fish caught straight down to  these restaurants underneath the bridge (not really) and they're giving us balak ekmek which is a fish  sandwich, along with as Gokce told me, you need a   beer with that fish sandwich pretty awesome  way to end our date on the European side, serefe!  This is actually Steve's first experience eating  here on the Galata Bridge, there are so many fish restaurants lined up next  to each other on both sides, we choose to sit towards the historical old town...  Istanbul is so beautiful. there's really a lot  of fish in the sandwich for 15 liras, so it's go time Im gonna finally try my fish sandwich. The fish is very delicious... so this might not  be one of the most fancy dinners that you could   possibly have here in Istanbul, but it's pretty  damn good and the most amazing thing to me is   you couldn't get scenery like this for this cheap  in any other major city and it makes Istanbul feel   much more affordable, much more  within reach for a lot of people. So, we are starting our second day here in  Kadikoy, in Durumcu Emmi and yes that is durum,  a Turkish wrap, but we are here actually  not for wraps but for one special thing   called beyran soup. So, Beyran soup, is actually  from Gaziantep, and it's one of two hangover cure   soups here in Turkey. Beyran is made of lamb and  also rice so it's actually a very filling food   of course that's why it's probably substituting  a whole meal of a breakfast, but it just tastes   you have to like a little bit of spicy, but Steven and I were kind of crazy, we add more spice in it. We squeeze our lemon into our soup and we have our Ayran, of course, because what Turkish meal would be complete without Ayran... Time to dig in, wow! The lamb is so nice and tender and it definitely has that Gaziantep spice to it also we have two icli kofte; the outside of the icli kofte is made of mix of bulgur (wheat), potato and some eggs and inside is ground meat. It's just one of the most common and well-known Turkish food, so here you go! I love the fact that they actually put sometimes pistachios, sometimes walnuts   some pines in it, then they're mixing it with the ground meat inside Thank you so much! we just got to Kadim, they have a lot of Turkish traditional food, but more importantly, I'm very excited about this next soup option, Iskembe Corbasi; it's actually a tripe  soup, tripe is the stomach lining of a cow(or calf). We actually drink the soup very commonly in Turkey, but it's also commonly consumed after midnight!   So the Iskembe is cut very tiny little pieces and  then we also got Sirdan, on a thicker outer lining of the stomach  I actually have never had Sirdan, this is going to be my first time... This is actually really good! Should I feed you? Hold on, wait a second!  I'm gonna switch the camera, let's do it real time!   Okay, ready for that Steve? Maybe! Perfect... There you go! You know what, I like the Sirdan better! All right, cig kofte time! Cigkofte is actually  a vegetarian kofte, don't let the kofte name fool you! Cigkofte is made of bulgur wheat, it's a special kind of wheat,   it is mixed with olive oil, hot pepper, garlic, all the good stuff and most importantly and my favorite ingredient is walnut in it. This is actually the traditional way of serving it but we also got two durum durum is a wrap! I don't know how we're gonna finish all this food obviously, probably we're gonna take some home really good? Very delicious, seriously! and we have Ayran on here, of course, but we have to shake it first, you shake it... I'm not gonna do it Steve. Each place in Turkey has their own unique food and  cigkofte is no different, it's actually from Adiyaman, I'm hoping I'm pronouncing that correctly   Adiyaman is correct! In the southeast of Turkey, so that way with  the south of Turkey you can know where this   little bit of spice is coming from because it  definitely has a nice little kick to it! Speechless We walked around a little bit to burn all the calories that we just consumed this morning,   but then it started raining so we're like "Oh well, you know, we have to continue eating today"   so now we're at a tantuni place, tantuni is a very popular food from Mersin, it's a city in the southern part of Turkey and what makes this dish very special is the red pepper, the flavor that it has... even these Tantuni places in istanbul are  bringing that sauce from Mersin especially and   this also has to be made fresh so you can't just  make it and contain it for days they actually make it in front of you and it looks so delicious and today Steve and I were sharing yogurt for a portion a half and we have a wrap here we definitely suggested to have the meat instead of chicken because it's more traditional way to  do it and we have a Salgam suyu today, Salgam suyu is a fermented hot black carrot juice &( turnip & pepper) and Ayran is the yogurt drink as you've been seeing us drink it all day! So I'm just gonna start with this amazing dish if Steve otherwise once to take the first dip. Enjoy! Thank you! Wow, I really miss it! so the durum is left up to me now... That's some good meat! Oh my God, it stopped raining, now we're gonna  go have some Kokorec and don't please   question us how we eat so  much we know how to burn it   We saved the two best Istanbul street foods for  last we are talking about, of course, Kokorec which is lamb intestines and midye dolma which  is stuffed mussels with rice, of course we've already tried those in other parts of  Turkey, but when you're here in Istanbul   doing Istanbul street food, you absolutely  have to have Kokorec as well as Midye Dolma it's so good now now I'm so excited to try this, this is actually our second time here and we came back because it's delicious taste, i love it! Kokorec, never gets old! All right, it's go time on the Kokorec, bit spice in there very similar consistency to just kind of regular meet the lamb intestine. and you get the big chunks in there they really don't shy away from providing a good amount of meat lamb intestine in there, really delicious  highly recommend coming to Reks Kokorec (in Kadikoy) So they actually invited us up to show us how the  Midye Dolma is actually made they make it above the street level because of course they only have the  Kokorec stuff down there, it's called Midye Dolma, and the way that you eat it you squeeze some lemon and then by using the other shell you're spooning it wow this is probably the best one I've ever had before! All right, your turn my life. I always screw it up to shelling it out but yeah oh come on Steve, you can do it! it's so nice when they're fresh like that, coming out of the pot the muscle is nice and large they don't skip at all and the rice is just perfect with it Can we ask for a check? This place called Super Mario, the only reason why I know about this place is because because   Steven and Gokce told me about this place and   why you guys know this place? we have a Turkish friend, she was like you have to have to go to Super Mario... they don't do just... say they have to have to one more time... They have to have to Have to, have to! The regular tradition is you go to the Galata Bridge and there are so many   restaurants underneath the bridge based on the regular tradition you have fish bread, but this place is special because they actually make   fish wrap, not just bread, and she said "don't leave Istanbul without trying this" Oh my god, I can't wait to try this You have to, so exciting! it's so good Wow! They weren't kidding! So good! Have a nice time, maybe, maybe we want to open a new restaurant in Thailand :)
Channel: Travel Interesante - Gökçe and Steve
Views: 455,895
Rating: 4.883842 out of 5
Keywords: real turkish street food, what do turkish people eat, 12 real turkish street foods, trying turkish street food, eating turkish food, eating turkish street food, istanbul food tour 2020, turkish food tour in istanbul, local turkish food, local turkish street food, unique turkish food, turkish street food, turkey street food, street food in istanbul, street food in turkey, turkish food, turkish street food istanbul, street food turkey, turkey food tour, turkish food travel
Id: mhz2rpptthE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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