Turkish Breakfast Feast

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- This has got to be the best Turkish breakfast. (upbeat acoustic music) (engine revving) - So we are driving up to this secret little restaurant that only local people in Fethiye know about, and it's partly a museum as well. And the reason the local people go to this restaurant is because they make the most fantastic Turkish breakfast. (gentle music) - So here we are. - At Enver Yalcin's restaurant and museum hidden away in the hills. (rooster crowing) (funky music) So we're at Enver's little restaurant up in the hills outside Karga. And a lot of the people that come up here, they don't come up here to see the museum, they come up here for the breakfast, although they do serve food all day. So while we're waiting for our breakfast, let's go and see what the preparation's like in the kitchen. (speaking in foreign language) Most young people nowadays go and live in the cities because that's where they find work. But if they stay in the villages, they usually end up carrying on the old traditions. And that's how so many girls in the villages still know how to make the bread and cheese and yogurt. And this is just for the bread. (speaking in foreign language) He says there's olive oil and walnuts inside. Use quite a lot of oil as well. (gentle music) (speaking in foreign language) It's all in butter. Everything in this place is grown or produced here. It's like a little farm. Welcome to the Turkish breakfast experience. I know, I haven't got everything out yet. There's still tons of stuff. (gentle music) It's quite comical isn't it, 'cause we're never gonna eat all this, are we? - [Trudie] Oh, it's amazing. - [Kate] Quite hungry. (Mick laughing) - [Trudie] Isn't this amazing? - Yeah. Oh, and the juice. This juice is a mixture. Oh my God, that's amazing. That's one of the best juices I've ever tried. - [Trudie] So what's in it? - It's got nar, which is pomegranate. (juicer humming) (speaking in foreign language) Wow. (speaking in foreign language) Honeydew melon. (speaking in foreign language) (blender whirring) Wow, look at that for juice. So this is what the Turks would probably call (speaking in foreign language) which is a rich table. It's the sort of table that a king would have, I think. I'd call it a feast, which would be şölen in Turkish. One thing you have to remember is a Turkish breakfast is not just all about the food. A lot of it is to do with family and friends and the social gathering. But I'm with some I'm with some great friends today. This is this is Sherif, who is, he's actually a very famous guy because he's one of the descendants of a tribe, aren't you? Which is called, what's the tribe called? - Tar-te-ja. - So he's one of the Tar's and he's got a Facebook page as well, Tar-te-ja Facebook page. And there's a link in my description below to that. - And we have Kate. - And Kate is here. Kate is Sherif's wife. Has also been here for many, many years. - Also from tribes in England, Celtic. - Celtic tribe. - Celtic tribe, yeah. What am I, then? What tribe am I from? I'm the Scarsbrook tribe, I suppose, aren't I? (speaking in foreign language) Yeah, we've got so much stuff, I don't know what half of it is. But we've certainly got- - This is honey. - [Mick] Honey with (speaking in foreign language) which is- (speaking in foreign language) Honey, yeah but that's honey straight from the hive, isn't it? They look like Turkish bananas. - What do you mean? (friends laughing) Definitely Turkish bananas and no rude comments. They've got so many different cheeses here. That's beautiful. You all got peppers. This is the skin of the turuncu. Turuncu is like a natural orange which is sour. So sour, yeah. - The orange family. - Mm-hmm. That's amazing. Yeah. - Also this is delicious and is very, very popular in Turkey. - Oh God, it's so delicious, isn't it? Yeah, fig jam. Fig jam, and then we got this one which is ka-bak. Is that ka-bak? - No, no. - We don't even know what it is. - I'll tell you. - But it's jam. - I'll be the tester. - It looks like ka-bak to me. - It looks like iva to me. - Iva. - Iva, oh yeah. Is it quins? It's quins, iva. Iva the engine. (speaking in foreign language) - [Kate] It's really expensive, about $400. - These are whole Mandarin oranges, my favorite. They've been soaked in sugar and they taste just like marmalade. - [Mick] And this is (speaking in foreign language). This is made from pepper and tomato puree and nuts, (speaking in foreign language) which is a bit hot, spicy hot. - This is also a distant medicine. - Oh. - This is mine, all mine, I'm not sharing any. (Trudie laughing) (indistinct) It's got walnuts and honey and tahini which is the sesame paste, and I don't know all sorts of loveliness. All kind of just yumminess and I'm not sharing. (friends laughing) - [Mick] Why do they call it pistol? - Pistol, actually when you eat that, you start running up the hill. (friends laughing) - This has got to be the best Turkish breakfast. - Yeah, I agree with you. - [Kate] Yeah, here's to that. - Here's to that. - Serefe. - Serefe. - Serefe. (speaking in foreign language) And no Turkish breakfast is complete without some tea, of course. Emva is quite an unusual guy and years ago, he did a dune, which is a wedding for two donkeys. He invited 3,000 people. I think about 5,000 came, including a camera crew. (festive music) (horns honking) So let's have a wander around Enver's museum. (acoustic guitar music) (men chatting) Yeah. Oh, I know. Oh, my first camera looked like that. That looks very similar to my first camera. The museum's got an amazing array of old farming equipment and tools and lots of artifacts that he's been given over the years. It's really interesting stuff in here, isn't it? Children especially would find it really interesting because they probably haven't seen half of this stuff. (upbeat music) Don't forget to look around the orchard and some of the animals he's got. And also you can stay there in the summertime. There's even a swimming pool. (jazzy music) - No wonder they do such amazing fruit drinks. - So please follow us on Facebook, Mick Amca, and please subscribe to our YouTube channel, Mick and Trudie, if you haven't already, and hit the notification bell. - Notification bell. Thanks for watching.
Channel: Mick and Trudie
Views: 324,364
Rating: 4.9475942 out of 5
Keywords: Çalış, Tartacı, Enver Yalçin, Yörük müzesi, Mick Amca, Mick Scarsbrook, Turkish breakfast, Fethiye, Turkish food, Türk kahvaltısı
Id: zsTw9Mt5nLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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