12 new features in Microsoft Teams for Education for 2024

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I'll be showing 12 new features in teams for Education this includes annotate PDF for educators and students time-saving assignment updates reflect improvements and a whole lot more so let's get started the first new feature is a longtime request from Educators and that is the ability to annotate a PDF in an assignment I'll go to assignments here as an educator and click create and then new assignment we'll give it a quick title and instructions okay TPS report Explorations and I want the students to add their own TPS report to the assignment and to make it a PDF and I'm going to go click assign now we'll flip over to the student I'm signed in as a student and here is my TPS report Explorations assignment I'm going to open this up now I'll click attach and I'm going to add my TPS report PDF to this assignment okay here is my next gen TPS report PDF now I'm going to open this up and then click edit now as a student on the right hand side you can see that I can edit and annotate my PDF as well I'll click a pen here and we will will choose a nice purple color and I'm going to assign my name nice signature with the mouse I can go and highlight some things here as a student or I can erase so you have quite a few options as a student and now I will click save changes to save these back to the PDF and now I'll click close so my PDF is all ready to turn in to the teacher I'll go on the upper right and click turn in next I'll switch back to the educator and show what it looks like in the speed grader I'm signed back in as the educator and I'm going to open up T PS report Explorations and we'll scroll down and open up that assignment that was just turned in there's Ashley and here is that PDF I can go again and click edit just like I did with the student a teacher can do this too and I'll pull out my nice red pen and now I can mark up right here on the page I can point to the arrow right there on the tprs support scroll down Circle some things and if you have a stylus you can do this with a device I'm just using a mouse you can do all the same things that I was showing before now now as the educator though you can do this in your speed grader and when I'm done I can just go save changes and move on to the next student the second new feature allows Educators to easily send little reminders to students that might have late assignments I'll open up this assignment here that I've already sent out and here's a set of students that I still need to return it to they've not turned it in this one student has I'll select these three students right here Aaron Henry and Ella and when you select them you're going to see a couple options one of the options is to send a reminder I'm going to click this it'll give me a confirmation a notification will be sent to each of these selected students reminding them and this will show up in their activity bill so you'll ping them inside of teams so I will click Send and now all those three students just got a ping in teams the third new feature is in the same area I'm going to select a student here Aaron Collins and I want to give her an extended due date when you select that student in the list here you're going to get extend due date and I just want to extend the due date for her she has some some extenuating circumstances and I want to give her a little more time so I'll select a different due date we'll make it due January 12th and we'll make it due at 10:00 a.m. and then click done now this student erand has a special due date it shows up right here so you can know she has an extended due date the rest of the class has the original due date the fourth new feature is also in this assignment list I can select a couple of students and leave bulk feedback at the same time maybe I want to leave the same type of feedback across a of students I can just go here type in my feedback great job and click done now what happens is that will bulk put it across the board and in this case the students didn't turn it in I'm just giving you demonstration you typically do this if they've all turned it in maybe you just want to bulk leave something across the board the leave feedback and extend due date are in public peview rolling out globally right now so if you don't quite see it you should see it in a couple days in early January the fifth new feature is the reflect mindful coloring book I'm signed in as a student and I will go over and click on reflect and this is the students version of reflect there is a new option that is coloring book right here this is the redesign reflect student homepage and lots of fun things I've showed other examples in the past but the newest one is the coloring book so I will click here this is the reflect coloring book and there are different emotions along the bottom so one's about focused frustrated happy included so you can choose a page that you want I can go over here and there's lots of different options I can go random or I can choose one so I'm going to do why did you feel successful recently and I'm going to go over here and start clicking on the color so I'll click here and there's my little feelings monster he's now green maybe I want to give him a red tongue like this give it a nice sky blue background with the white clouds here is my mountain and I can click different parts of it so it's very easy to color different aspects right here I'm clicking on some green and give it a little bit of shading there be some more green here there's some green on the mountain as well and it's very quick and easy to start making a really fun design and we're going to finish this up get a a few more little places and what's nice is when you're all done you can say I'm done start over or change the picture I'll click I'm done and then oh gives me a little celebration and I can say save this so I can click here and it will offer to save this as a JPEG that I can open up so I can save this image I can share it or I can say try another picture so this mindful coloring book is a really fun and relaxing way that students and we've also heard from adults they like it too they can have a lot of fun with reflect the sixth new feature is also in reflect but it is Staff teams getting reflect so reflect for grown-ups I'm going to go into my staff team right here and when you create a new staff team as the owner you're going to see reflect up at the top I'm the staff owner so I get to choose the reflect check-ins we click into here and just like you've seen in the class here is a staff reflect I will click on new check-in and the options here are explore check-in ideas and when I open that not only do you have student well-being but you have educator well-being and these are specifically tailored for staff so how are things going in our school so far about your workload your ability to manage work related stress team meetings maybe I'm going to ask something about the progress your team has made this year so I click this and it adds into a check-in and I can do a preview so just like you've seen in the regular reflect a similar type of reflect this is where staff can choose these same type of feelings monsters and hit submit so all of these things operate in the same way that you would normally see reflect in the classroom so this is really just reflect for staff and I can create this check-in and I can capture all this information for my staff the seventh new feature is noise suppression for reading progress in teams reading progress is one of our learning accelerators that helps helps with reading fluency now I'm going to go into assignments as the educator and I'm going to open up the geography assignment and I'm going to open up an assignment from Ashley here is Ashley's reading assignment she turned it in she recorded herself reading out loud but sometimes Educators have said if I'm in a classroom and a lot of students are recording themselves reading there can be background noise and it throws off the autod detect AI that helps things like mispronunciations insertions self-corrections Etc what we've done is added a background noise suppression so what an educator can do is if they want to have an AI layer applied on top that does background noise suppression it can give a cleaner reading of the student so if I was an educator and I wanted to turn this on I would just flip this background noise suppression to on what it'll do is recalculate the entire passage and remark it up based on the noise suppression layer this is fully rolled out globally now the eighth new feature is a warning for students if they forgot to turn in their attached work this is a great timesaver for teachers so they don't have to nag the students who forgot I'm an educator and I'm going to click create new assignment and I'll give it a title and instructions I've said please write an essay on the Amazon rainforest and attach your work when turning in all we do is we key off the words attach or add or attachment as keywords in your instructions so when the student is turning it in if they didn't attach anything we will give them a little prompt and I'll show how that works I'll push this out as an assignment and then we'll show what the student sees on her end and at the bottom I'll click assign now we'll switch over to the student I'm signed in as the student and here is my assignment list here's the Amazon rainforest essay I'm going to open this up now let's say I was all excited about this essay and then I opened up my assignment and I totally forgot to actually attach any work and I go up here and I click on turn in oh a little error no work attached are you sure you want to turn this assignment oh yeah I'm supposed to turn in the assignment with that Amazon rainforce attached so I can click cancel and go back and attach it okay now it's attached I can go back up and click turn in and I'm all set the ninth new feature is an updated entry point for assignments to make it easy for students to edit their own work I'm signed in as the teacher and I will click create and new assignment right here I will click new and I will choose Word document and we'll give it a title and click done now in the past the only way you could make it so students could edit their own copy was hit the three dot menu and say students edit their own copy some Educators couldn't find that very easily so what we've done is exposed it right here so it's right in your face so right here it says students can't edit I can go here and say students edit their own copy now when I make this assignment students will get their own copy to edit and it won't be readon the 10th new feature supports tables inside of assignment instructions so I will give a title here now when I click there's a little table button I'll click this and say insert table I can go and I can say add more columns if I want to make it bigger I can insert a row like that I can even go and say format the table click here and say format table I can make it border color oo pretty we'll choose orange now it's got nice orange colors I can go and delete the entire table or delete columns and rows now I can fill out my table and I can put whatever I want to into that table I can even click here and size it to make it bigger like that the 11th new feature is updated Turnin celebrations this is one of my favorites I'm signed in as a student student and I'm going to open up this assignment here and I'm going to just turn this in so you can see an example of one of the newest Turnin celebrations and it's different every time for the student so in the upper right I'll click turn in hey hey there's a new little celebration woo the 12th new feature is the school connection app which is built into the teams mobile consumer app on iPhone or Android and it lets Educators keep in touch with parents on how students are doing I'm here in class teams and I'm going to go to this parents area and this has been enabled by my it admin what you see is a set of students and their map to different parents and Guardians the way to do this automatically is if your school uses School data sync and you have those parent emails in the school data sync that will map automatically so everything will be set up with the students and those parent emails to see a deep dive demo of the parent app something we call Parent Connection and how you can communicate outwardly with parents I've got a video link in the upper right that goes into much more detail now in this case we're going to pretend that a parent has already been mapped to a student and I'm going to switch over to the mobile phone as a parent I'm here in the mobile phone and I'm going to launch teams for education on my iPhone now I'm going to choose my guardian account so that's my outlook.com I'm the parent I will tap demo Guardian account so I'm the parent and it's going to sign me in okay here I am as my consumer parent and we're going to go and add the school connection app this is the consumer version of team so in the upper left tap on the little mg that's the name of the parent and we're going to go into into settings so now tap settings and then at the bottom you're going to see this school connection tap School connection and now go to enable and we're going to turn this on and then hit back and close that dialogue in the lower part you're going to see in the middle this little school connection little parent and the student tap that and now we're going to load up school connection this is going to pull in the information for my child whose name is Ryan Ryan's a student he's at Scottdale Academy I can see that he has three assignments activity I can tap on Ryan and it's going to show more information about what's happening in the class so you can see assignments and quizzes still do today turned in pass do Etc I'm going to drill into assignments and quizzes back up at the top I can see all the different assignments I can see all classes in a different date range I'm going to tap into one on Spanish and here's all the information oh this one's pass due you can see the teacher you can see that I have information about it I'm going to scroll down and go into this is essay on MCB Beth and this is has already been graded I can tap into the rubric so as a parent I can even see the rubric and how this was scored different types of points the waiting so all this information is available to me as a parent now I'm going to go down and go a little further let's tap back and go out of this now I'm going to go and look at ones that have been graded so I can go and see oh it's been graded this essay from meth was graded I can see that like I did before I can go back and we also have insights bottom you see insights I flipped over to an example I don't have all the data filled out on my actual phone but here's an example of all the types of things you'll be able to see for insights what assignments are turned in if you have learning accelerators like reading progress you'll be able to drill in and see reading accuracy even new practice words and what type of digital activity your student is doing to show an example of what that might look like here's reading progress I can tap when I hit done at the bottom new practice words I can even see the words that my student might need to practice when they're using reading progress so all sorts of insights will be showing up in this area in terms of learning accelerator so stay tuned for even more coming in the future if you want to keep up with all the latest Microsoft updates and tips and tricks subscribe to my channel and then just ring the bell so you get all the latest videos that I post
Channel: Mike Tholfsen
Views: 7,773
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Keywords: New features in Microsoft Teams, new features in microsoft teams 2022, new features in microsoft teams 2023, new features in microsoft teams, microsoft teams new features, new features in teams, new features in teams 2022, microsoft teams new features 2022, microsoft teams new update 2022, microsoft teams tips and tricks, teams new features, new ms teams features, Mike Tholfsen
Id: rT_sxYut07Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2024
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