Top 25 Tips and Tricks for Microsoft Teams meetings // A Teams Meetings tutorial

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i'll be showing 25 tips and tricks for microsoft teams meetings teams meetings has had some dramatic updates in the past few months i'll be showing those plus the basics as well as some hidden gems so let's get started the first tip is setting up the basics for your meeting so i'm an organizer and i've sent out a meeting and i'm going to click join hey here i am and i can also control background so i'm going to click here and choose a background for my video now first i can choose blur this will just simply blur your background i can also choose other backgrounds here it's a lot of fun ones i've added i've downloaded a minecraft background that one's pretty fun there's laser cats and there's a link in the description where you can download some other backgrounds but you can choose all sorts of different backgrounds and teams to make it a little more fun and exciting you can also add new ones with the button right here and you can turn it off with this button now i can also choose my microphone so right now it's on i can set it to off i can choose my speaker volume and also this is an important one device settings so i'm going to open this now i have choices for my audio devices my speakers drop this down choose different speakers your microphones noise suppression and i'm going to have some stuff on that in just a little bit showing some fun ways to use noise suppression in teams and then your video cameras and i have a bunch here maybe you've got multiple webcams or your laptop camera so this is where you can choose all of your device settings so now let's join the meeting the second tip is meeting options and the team's meeting options have dramatically improved in the past year i'll go to the three dot menu here and i'm going to choose meeting options this opens up the pane on the right i'll also show how to access them through the browser in just a bit first is the lobby and who can bypass it could be everyone it could be just the organizers and co-organizers maybe it's people in your organization but the lobby is a really important setting and you can say i always let people bypass one that i personally think that is a annoying one is when people are always joining or leaving by default this one is on but you can turn this one to off you can have co-organizers maybe the people who are set to co-organizers are the only ones that can present so there's some options here maybe it's a free-for-all and everyone can present at any time you can allow mics for attendees and cameras so you can turn these on or off maybe you don't want anyone to be able to share their mic during a meeting or even turn on their camera and also the chat is it enabled or is it disabled maybe you want to disable chat during the meeting even allowing things like reactions and providing cart captions which is a more inclusive way to provide captioning for your meetings when you're all set with your settings hit save right here and now all the meeting settings are saved now briefly i'll show maybe you want to change all these things before the meeting even starts you can do that as well here are all those same options just in the browser and you can set these before the meeting ever starts the third tip is noise suppression in your meetings i'm here in my team's calendar and we're going to join a noisy meeting to show this but first off i want to set the actual settings so in the upper right i'll click my name to drop this down and we'll choose settings i want to go to devices right here and there's this noise suppression setting and this is the one that we want to change so it's set to automatic which is the default if i drop this down there's a few options there's off and that has no suppression there's low and there's high it says choose low if you want others to hear music so just to give you a sense of where it is if i choose off that's where we're going to start so there'll be no noise suppression and i'm going to show back and forth what it is when it's off and how loud it can be versus when you turn it on and how much you can reduce that background noise so we'll choose off and i'll hit close now we're going to join the meeting okay so let's give it a test first up the chip test now here's a nice chips i hear that and maybe i'm on a phone call at a meeting and people eating chips in the background you care all that's crunching now i'm going to quickly change the noise suppression so i'll go back to the upper right here and we'll go to settings again go over to devices under noise suppression i will set this to high so this is going to filter out almost all sounds except for my voice so let's go and see how this sounds now okay let's try the chip test with noise suppression on high i didn't hear a lot of crinkling bags did you maybe if i try a chip i didn't hear much now a trick if you're getting chips you probably want to hide your camera on screen the fourth tip is uploading and presenting your powerpoint deck directly into a teams meeting i have a powerpoint deck open and in the upper right you're going to see a present in teams button that's recently appeared this is currently in the office 365 connected powerpoint desktop it's also on the slideshow tab there's a button right here present in teams so it's in two places now before i click that button let's make sure that you've already started the team's meeting so here's teams meeting i'm in this and there's a couple other people and i'm going to upload my deck directly into here with one click you need to make sure that the team's meeting is started before you do this or else you get a prompt okay back in powerpoint i'm going to go to the upper right and click present in teams it starts uploading now my entire deck has been uploaded directly into powerpoint live mode i didn't have to click the share tray or upload other things i just did the one click from powerpoint and it puts it right into here and this is this new powerpoint live mode inside of teams so you can see my slides along the bottom if i have things like presenter notes they appear right here the fifth tip is presenter mode i'm here in my team's meeting i'm going to go up and click on the share tray here and you're going to see new options for presenter mode this allows me to superimpose myself over the content and we've added reporter and side by side to the existing standout view we also added customize so i'm going to click this and this lets me customize the background during those presenter modes a lot of options here i'll scroll down i've chosen the blackboard so i'll keep that checked i'm going to click the back button and now just choose the mode you want all to side by side first so click there and then just choose the window you want so i'm going to click here and i'm going to share my powerpoint click right here now you can see that the powerpoint window is shared and this little window here is only seen by the organizer so you can see exactly what you look like in this presenter mode and you can minimize it if you want but for this video i'm going to show this here only shows for me the organizer everyone else just sees the slide behind me but now you can see i'm superimposed on the right hand side of the content and my slide is on the left this is that side-by-side mode my team's background is behind me and you can see the blackboard is superimposed behind both pieces of content now if i want to change this view i can hover in the top and you can see the team's sharing options comes down let's say i want to hover here and this way choose reporter mode and i'll show how it changes so click this and now i'm superimposed a little bit bigger and you can see the content is still to the left of me and my team's background with the bricks disappeared and the blackboard is all that's there so now i'm in reporter mode and that's the way it is you have other options at the top as well so i'll show those really quickly hover again and this time i'll choose stand up mode this has already existed so click here now i'm much smaller and i'm superimposed above the whole powerpoint slide and lastly i can turn off all these presenter modes and just show my screen i'll hover again and this time just choose content only that preview disappears and this is just my powerpoint slides ready to go the sixth tip is updates to dynamic view now if you look in the upper left you can see the little drop down so you can choose together mode gallery full screen but we're going to show some new improvements to dynamic view so first i'm going to share some content here in presenter mode so i have my presentation here in powerpoint live now one of the things we've allowed is spotlighting multiple people so in this case i'm going to go down here and hit the three dot menu and i'm going to choose spotlight and confirm so now you can see that ann cosma is in the spotlight where she always is because anne's amazing now what you can also do is you can spotlight multiple people so i'm going to hit the three dot menu here and i'm going to spotlight george so you can add spotlight so here we go and confirm george and ann are both spotlit and the other folks we have gabby jerry and adam down below they are in a smaller space so this is a really great scenario for if you have a sign language interpreter for example you could pin the presenter let's say george is presenting and ann might be the sign language interpreter you can have a lot of flexibility in how you're going to do your presentation so i can have the content on the left and multiple people pinned on the right hand side and also with dynamic view in the upper left i can switch here and i can say gallery at top and you have ann and george pin in the upper left and all the other folks are on the right and unpin i just hit the three dot menu and choose stop spotlighting the seventh tip is focus mode let's say i'm looking at this presentation and there's some distracting videos on the screen of other colleagues and i just want to look at the content only if i go to the upper left and drop this view switcher if i choose focus on content let's check this on you'll see the other videos immediately disappear now i can just focus the eighth tip is a similar one i'll go to the view switcher in the upper left drop that down and choose full screen you'll notice the title bar on the top goes away in the bottom now it's taking up my entire screen a little extra real estate to focus on content and to go back on each of these i just go here and i will uncheck focus on content videos come back drop this down uncheck full screen and we're back to normal the ninth tip is a really important one and that is sharing your computer audio in a meeting so maybe you're playing a video that has audio and you want everyone else to be able to hear that and you don't want people saying i can't hear your audio what's going on so to do that click the share content button here and there's a choice include computer sound and i'm going to turn this on now what i'll do is i'm going to share my screen and i'll play a video and you'll be able to see how that comes through also sometimes you might forget to check this and i'll show you how to fix that in real time i forget that myself often so let's share the screen and i'll play my video so now this audio is coming through to all the other people on the call now let's say you forgot to share your audio or you just want to double check that you actually did if you hover at the top right here this little bar drops down and you can see that the audio is shared and if i hover here it's the audio computer sharing sound if some reason it was unchecked and i forgot to share it like it is here i can easily go up and say oh and uncheck that and you can see that now it's shared the 10th tip is enhancements to powerpoint live this time i'll go to the share content tray and i'll turn on stand up mode and we'll do a powerpoint live presentation so i'll upload something from my computer here i'm uploading and here i am in powerpoint and i can navigate my slides i'm in presenter view and you can see this is how it's going to look to the audience if i'm in powerpoint live you can see that the little standout view is right here i can turn on content only and i'll go away oh i disappeared now i'm down here in the lower right again and i can turn this back on again just like i did before so it's really nice to be able to have this stand up view to make your presentations more engaging the 11th tip is a laser pointer in powerpoint live so i'm here in powerpoint live and you're going to notice now there's some laser pointers and pens and other great tools so if i'm on this slide here and i want to turn on the laser pointer and i want to be highlighting certain parts like this part here is really important i draw a little circle and it's temporary so it goes away so i can point to something like this so this is great if you're doing some sort of a presentation and you want to annotate that just temporary just like pointing to things with a laser pointer the 12th tip is translating your slides into another language in a single click using powerpoint live so i'm presenting here but this also works for attendees so as the presenter let's just show how this works i click the three dot menu and you're going to see translate slides and i've got a bunch of languages we'll be adding more languages in the future but to start you have quite a few choices let's say i want to translate these slides into spanish i click that immediately it real time translates all of these slides it's pretty incredible all my slides now are in spanish just to show on the attendee side i'm signed in here as henry and i also see the three dot menu i can go here and translate slides let's say henry wants to see it in italian there is your italian the 13th tip is the order of hands being raised so i'm an organizer here and i'm going to open up the participant pane here i have my attendees here but i want to be able to see what order are people raising their hands well now you can do this let's see now it looks like two different people have raised their hands i see the little two here on the participant notification but in the pane here i can actually see a one next to alex's hand and a two next to henry's hand so this lets me easily tell the order of people raising their hands it also shows across the top here but without the number and also just an older feature but it's kind of nice if someone forgets to lower their hand i can easily go into here and hit the three dot menu and choose lower hand that puts down alex's hand and now you can see that henry is in the pole position with a one next to his hand the fourteenth tip is improvements to the hard audio mute feature so in this case i'm gonna go to the three dot menu i don't want alex henry or ella to be able to unmute their microphones and i'm going to say disable the microphones for all attendees choose that and then hey disable the mics to confirm yep so you'll note the little microphones are completely disabled now and no one can enable them in the past it was an all or nothing thing and the only way that you can allow them to unmute their mic was to promote them to be a presenter which is kind of complicated but now with this new update i can go to ella let's say hit the three dot menu and i can just allow her to unmute her microphone so now you can see ella can unmute herself the other ones are still fully disabled henry and alex if you see their little microphones they're completely disabled in addition i can go to the three dot menu here and choose something like this and i can even go allow mike just from that three dot menu so now both henry and ella are able to unmute themselves if they would like the 15th tip is disable video in meetings this allows anyone who is the organizer of a meeting to disable all the videos of their participants or allow enabling or disabling one at a time so first off i'm going to hit the show participants pane and i'm the organizer in this meeting and i'm gonna go to the three dot menu here and you'll see this disable camera for attendees so i'm gonna click this and confirm bye bye everyone i've just disabled your video i feel pretty bad about that now you can see here all little videos are disabled where i'm hovering i can go on to individual so in this case i want to have ann cosma and i can say allow camera i hit the three dot menu because we know ann is always having something nice to say and show us i've re-enabled you hey ann good job now i can click on a three dot here you know journey i feel like i'm gonna allow your camera too so i can click the three dot on here and say journey can re-enable hey jorday welcome back and if i go back to the three dot menu here i'll say allow all cameras for attendees confirm you can all now re-enable your cameras welcome back everyone the 16th tip is a dramatically improved and renovated whiteboard app in your team's meeting i'm going to go to the shared tray here and choose microsoft whiteboard this opens the brand new whiteboard which is also based on microsoft fluid components you can see there's a new user interface on the left hand side you still have the ink pens on the top and for example i can turn the ink pens off by clicking here and i can hide this by just closing it and if i click the pen again the ink pens come back and click plus to open this pane now there's lots of options here the one i want to show first is probably the coolest one in my opinion which is templates if i click here i have all these beautiful template options brainstorming problem solving strategy games etc so if i go to brainstorming for example i've got all these different options that are pre-created so let's choose affinity diagram and then click it creates this beautiful board which i can use collaboratively with other people in the meeting so anyone can go in and start filling out different parts of this i can zoom in and zoom out by just scrolling the mouse wheel and holding down the control key let's look at a few others undo to remove it hit the back button a bunch of really cool options in here let's choose assumption grid go here and click a whole new different design board that's a template i encourage you to explore in here there's even fun things like games two truths one lie there's workshops team alignment workshop for example this is the last one that i'll show again it creates these beautiful setup whiteboard templates and you can just go in here and collaboratively have people fill these out and i'll hit the back button again and we'll go back here so you can choose your other options like you normally would so notes so here my sticky notes you know i can go here and click on different notes on the board there are also note grids this is new if i click on note grids and then here and click i get a grid of notes i can zoom in like this lots of options for putting little note grids and brainstorming just go over here click again and i'll hit the back button text is similar as before we have shapes like before so it's really easy to click and drag little shapes out onto the board and change the colors we also have a new option which is reactions this is really cool a new one if i click reactions now you can have people put their reactions onto the board so something they like maybe i have a thumbs up you know i like this one and i like this one over here maybe if i don't like something i hit the x so you can have people put their little thumbs up and other reactions onto the board or whatever else that you're presenting or showing so this gives a lot of options when you're trying to calculate how many things people like or they're voting on and these reactions are really handy to be able to use with your whiteboard the last new feature in whiteboard i'll show is in the upper right if i click here you're going to see an option to format the background so i'll click here and now i can choose different backgrounds so a lot of options to make your digital canvas look a little bit different paper wise or design wise also i can choose colors so here's a grid here's dark here's green here's yellow and this is graph paper maybe i want ruled paper or maybe i want diamonds and we'll close that the 17th tip is live captions and speaker attribution so i'm here presenting inside of teams i have my class we're going to go through my solar system deck now the first thing i'm going to do is turn on live captions so the three dot menu i go here and choose turn on live captions and you can see along the bottom that now it is captioning with my name next to it now i'm going to ask the class what their favorite planet is so hey folks what is your favorite planet my favorite planet is mars because m is my favorite letter my favorite is jupiter because it's the largest planet in our solar system and my favorite is also saturn the rings are gorgeous well great and as people can see as they've been talking it captions right next to their name and their picture and then on the right hand side you were seeing their video gets highlighted so it makes it really easy to tell who's talking the 18th tip is meeting transcription and recordings so let's go turn on the transcript i'll hit the three dot menu here and choose start transcription now on the right hand side you'll see that the transcript is open and as i'm talking in real time it will be captioning everything that i say so anne i want to know from you our friend elon musk is planning a trip to mars what do you think about that i think it's going to be an incredible day when man actually gets to mars any other comments from the class on a trip to mars would you go if you had the opportunity to go only if i could go with matt damon then it would be cool so you can see the entire transcript is going along the right hand side and i'll also go and choose stop transcription and i'll turn off live captions now i'm done and i'm in the team's meeting chat for the meeting we just finished you can see that that meeting recording is right here and i can do things like open it up i can share it and also this meeting transcript is here now if i click this it opens this up into this new recordings and transcripts tab and now i have the entire transcript that we just talked about and i can download this so i can download it as a vtt file which is common for transcripts or as a word document or i can delete this the 19th tip is the ai infused content from camera i'm here in a teams meeting and i'm going to go up to the top and click the share tray you'll see a new choice that's called content from camera click this there's three options whiteboard document and video and we're going to show whiteboard today but you can experiment with some of the other ones choose whiteboard this brings you to the new dialog for content from camera click got it what it's going to do is it's going to look automatically for a whiteboard it's going to scan the zone and it found a whiteboard and you saw that it put little borders around it and you could see me hey i'm superimposed on top of that i have some options i can change my camera right here i can choose the content type we'll leave it at whiteboard i can turn off the presenter overlay so hey look now i'm looking normal click that on and to put you into overlay mode you can even choose to detect the edges or not and you can choose to scan again if you want to get a better scan i'll click share now i'm sharing and i'm going to go right on the whiteboard so right now you can't see what i'm writing so i'm watching the meeting i'm like oh what's mike writing when i'm done writing the ai is going to detect this so now tps report has been detected now watch what happens i can get in front of that i underline it so now i can get in the whiteboard and write things and it overlays it's really powerful hey look at me i'm dancing in front of the tps report and you always got to make sure to have those cover sheets so this is a really great way for remote work and hybrid work hey here i am you could say don't overlay the presenter i could also choose snapshot watch what happens there now there's a snapshot of that whiteboard in the lower right the 20th tip is intelligence powered polls using forums technology so i'm going to go here to a meeting i've set up and i'm going to choose edit now we have the ability to add a forms app so i'm going to click plus here and let's choose forms and this has existed already click save now it added the polls tab here but here's the new parts you get suggestions automatically poll suggestions so i could say how are you feeling how energized or what's the status of your current task let's do how are you feeling today i'm going to select this one and add poll to meeting so now i've got this poll all ready to go i can create new ones right here click create new and i have other suggestions here so there's a whole bunch of different suggestions maybe i'll do do you agree with this proposal as well and this is similar technology that has already been shipped in teams meetings with forms now you just get that automatic suggestion to speed it up and save yourself some time so this looks pretty good i'll click save now i have two different polls ready to launch in my meeting the 21st tip is quick quiz multiple choice options inside of teams meetings with your polls so just like we created before i'm going to create new right here and instead of a multiple choice poll in this one i'm going to do multiple choice quiz so i can do a quick quiz this is great for education or in the enterprise environment you want to quiz people on what you've been talking about so i'll select this here and i can give a couple of options and so we'll say what is mike's favorite app oh and automatically i get some suggestions so i'll add a couple more here we'll add an option you know sway stream forms delve so here are all the options about what my favorite app is i'm only going to allow one answer and note you got to select what is the right answer so i'm going to say you know onenote is my favorite app that's the correct answer but no one else knows that okay let's save this great and now i'm ready to launch this once i joined the meeting so let's go back into the meeting okay we'll go back up and click the forums button here scroll down and you can see what is mike's favorite app let's launch that one all right my favorite app i'll choose onenote because i know that one and i'll hit submit and you can see the little green check mark down here that's the right one but if then someone else guesses a different answer it'll show up on the x the 22nd tip is the ability for the organizer to lock the meeting meaning no one else can join after i lock it maybe i don't want any distractions or disruptions after i get going so i will go here and click on the show participants pane and then i'm going to go to the three dot menu and i'm going to choose lock the meeting and i'm going to click this it gives me a prompt hey after i choose this no one else can join but people can still access the chat the recording and other meeting info they just can't join during the meeting happening so i'll click lock now i get a little prompt up here that says the meeting is locked no one else can join i'll dismiss it so you know rosie patterson right here she never joined the meeting even though i invited her i guess she's not going to be able to join now if i was really hardcore i could leave it locked but i feel a little bit bad about rosie not being able to join on time so you can unlock it as well i go back to the three dot menu here and i choose to unlock the meeting there we go you know i'll unlock it people can rejoin again and you get a little prompt at the top the 23rd tip is the ability to pre-create breakout rooms so i've sent out a breakout rooms meeting to a set of people here and i'm the organizer i'm going to click it and then choose edit what you'll see is there's a breakout rooms tab right here and i'm going to click this here's the new create breakout rooms pre-meeting experience so i'm the organizer and i'm going to click create rooms and i'm going to say i need four rooms and we'll click add rooms now here are the four rooms ready to add people to now i can assign participants here and i can choose automatically or manually i'll pick automatic and go next assigning participants now you can see all these rooms have participants assigned i can go to the three dot menu and i'll choose edit to rename the rooms save and i'll name the other ones now i've named my four rooms if i have other participants i can go up here and i can easily change the rooms that they're in so maybe i want to have alex join the green room instead and hit a sign now i look in here i see that has four participants and alex is now in that green room so now i can join the meeting up here and join if i click on the breakout rooms icon here and opens up the pane you'll see all of the people are assigned to these four different rooms i can still assign new people and i have all the other options for breakout rooms that i normally would the 24th tip is live captions languages for your team's meetings i'm going to go to the three dot menu here and i'm going to turn on live captions you can see along the bottom that live captions are coming in english this has been something that's been supported for a little while the new update is now i can change languages for the entire group so what that means is let's say i go down to the three dot menu in the lower right i click this and say change spoken language let's say i'm in a meeting and everyone is speaking norwegian this is going to change live captions for everyone so to be really clear when you change this it changes live captions for everyone in that meeting so it's not each person chooses their own it is changing it for everyone so i'm going to scroll down here and i'm going to choose norwegian and when i click confirm i'll speak in a little bit of norwegian that i know and that it's going to change along the bottom so this is going to change for everyone yes now at the top notice that it says spoken language was set to norwegian and that bubble appears for everyone in the meeting so if i want to change the language to spanish it'll change the language for live captions to everyone who's going to be on this call the 25th tip is the q a app that you can add into your team's meeting this allows you to really easily manage questions and answers during might be a webinar or other large meeting where there's a lot of questions happening now i've set up my meeting right here as the organizer i'm going to click it and i'll choose to edit now this is before the meeting starts i will go up to the plus menu and there's a new app called q a and if you don't see it just search for it right here i'll click q a and then add this is the setup screen that you'll see for the q a app so first you can say yeah i want to allow attendees to ask me questions and respond to conversations you can choose to turn these on or off during the meeting or before i'll leave them on before the meeting starts this one here allow organizers to moderate attendee conversations if i check this one on i cannot turn it off once the meeting starts but i'm going to do this for allowing moderation now i'll click save what this does on the meeting organizer side is it adds this q a tab so my q a tab is already as the organizer and i'm going to click join i'm here in my meeting and i have ella and alex and we're going to try out the q a feature what you'll see is in the top there's this little q a icon and that is what i added just before the meeting so i'll click this now the pane has opened up and there i have no questions that have been asked so far but i have a feeling that alex is going to ask one i'm signed in as alex and i'm a meeting attendee and i'll go to the top here and click q a this opens up the q a panel for the attendee side and so i'm going to ask a question click here and here's my little spot to ask my question when is the drop dead date that i have to start using these new tps report cover sheets and i'm going to highlight this part here and choose bold you can also do indent if you hit the three dot menu you can add links you can add bullets and other things but i'll keep it pretty simple right here and click post now because i'm an attendee i have to have the organizer go and approve that question so i'm going to flip back now to the organizer account and show how that works where i will publish a question to my audience i'm signed back in as the organizer and as you can see alex's question just popped up under my in review area so i can publish this or i can dismiss it maybe it's an appropriate question i'm just going to dismiss that if i go to the three dot menu i can also just delete it but in this case i'm gonna publish it because this is a very important topic so i'll hit publish now if i click on the publish tab you'll see alex's question is there and because you know i'm a big fan of tps reports i can give that a thumbs up if you hover you can have a bunch of different reactions but i'll give it a thumbs up i could also comment right here and i'm gonna just answer this question and respond tomorrow's the drop dead date and i have the same options here bold italicized and adding links and other things so i will post the response to this question now other people can respond as well other people can give it a thumbs up and they can have other options you know i'm the organizer so i have the chance to mark as the best answer because sometimes there's a lot of answers and my answer is the best so i'm going to mark that as the best answer and then you get a little check mark like that now as the organizer i have access to all the meeting details afterwards and right at the top there's a q a tab like we started with if i click here now i can see all of the same things i saw in the meeting i go to published here are the questions that we were working on if you had dismissed topics they'd be here the pinned area and other people can come in here as well so you can even have questions happening after the meeting if you found this video useful give it a like now if you want to keep up with all the latest videos i'll be releasing subscribe to my channel and then just ring the bell to keep notified for all the latest posts
Channel: Mike Tholfsen
Views: 264,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft Teams tips and tricks, Microsoft Teams tips and tricks 2021, Teams tips and tricks, teams tips and tricks 2021, Microsoft Teams tips, microsoft teams 2021, microsoft teams new features, microsoft teams new features 2021, microsoft teams new update, teams tips 2021, new features in microsoft teams, new features in microsoft teams 2021, teams new features, new features in Teams 2021, Mike Tholfsen, tips and tricks for Microsoft Teams meetings, Teams Meetings tutorial
Id: w8XWzvF5G-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 24sec (1944 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 03 2022
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