12 Most Incredible And Mysterious Finds Scientists Still Can't Explain

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who doesn't love a mystery almost all of us do that's why mystery thrillers are among the most popular genres of films books and television you don't have to resort to fiction to find a good mystery though they are all around us and they're found by archaeologists paleontologists and curious members of the public all the time we're going to prove that with this video tour of incredible yet mysterious discoveries [Music] we'll probably never know the truth about the history of atlit yam in haifa israel that's not the fault of archaeologists or historians though it's got more to do with the fact that it's very hard to perform any kind of research at the site because it's entirely underwater this was once a neolithic settlement on israel's coast complete with primitive homes wells for water and even graveyards the organized nature of the site suggests a surprisingly high degree of organization and planning for people living nine thousand years ago right at the center of atliam is a freshwater spring surrounded by a stone circle which was presumably a focal point for the community aside from being the most advanced early settlers in israel the people who lived here might also have been among the first to encounter what would later become a commonplace illness traces of tuberculosis have been detected in the bones of two skeletons recovered from the site making them the earliest known tuberculosis patients in the world who knows what the people of atleti might have gone on to achieve had it not been for the tsunami that appears to have drowned their village around 8 300 years ago cutting edge laser and satellite technology allow archaeologists to make discoveries that would never have been possible with the human eye thanks to a new study that took place in south america during 2020 we now know of the existence of more than 30 previously undiscovered ancient villages in the amazon rainforest and they're arranged in a surprising formation the villages which alternate between circular and rectangular in shape were built between the 14th and 18th centuries and all have a circular plaza at their center with mounds arranged around them like the hour markings on a clock face when seen from directly above they appear similar to the rays of the sun which is why archaeologists have nicknamed them souls prior to the study it was assumed that the majority of the rainforest had always been uninhabited but we now know that there was a seemingly connected civilization of small almost identical villages stretching across the terrain for centuries before european settlers arrived thanks to the technology it's even possible to see the remains of roads leading between the villages so it's possible perhaps even likely that we're looking at the remains of a cohesive society rather than a series of independent villages ever since it became possible to take detailed photographs of other planets in our solar system conspiracy theorists have claimed that they can see evidence of alien life in the images most of these claims are easily debunked or can be put down to people looking at the photos and seeing whatever they wish to see but it's not always easy to write off their claims one picture taken by nasa's curiosity rover in 2015 appears to show a creature that looks a lot like a lizard although it's probably just a strangely shaped rock another appears to show a humanoid creature sitting on a rock there are even a few full-sized pyramids on the martian surface which even the biggest skeptic would have to admit is an unusual shape to be forged by nature alone we're less convinced by the images of rocks that are held up by people believing them to be skulls but the spoon that was photographed in december 2016 is harder to explain away it's actually the second spoon that's been captured in pictures taken on mars both of them are solid shaped and have shadows and one of them even appears to be floating what natural process could make these shapes planet earth is old and has existed for far longer than human beings have lived on its surface during that time its climate has changed many times and it's also taken a heavy pounding from other celestial objects some of the most striking evidence of that was found in november 2018 when the presence of a giant meteorite crater was detected beneath the icy surface of greenland this is the first time that scientists have ever been able to positively identify a crater below a continental ice sheet the job was made slightly easier by the fact that the crater is so enormous it has a diameter of 20 miles which means it covers a larger area than the city of paris in france the meteorite that caused it must have had a diameter of around a mile and was probably made of iron according to the scientists who identified the crater and compiled the report the crater is just over 900 feet deep and is directly beneath the hiawatha glacier even though it's below the glacier scientists believe that greenland had already begun to ice over by the time the meteorite struck that process started about three million years ago whereas the crater might be as young as twelve thousand the legends and folklore of the native people who've lived around australia new zealand and the region's other islands all have one thing in common they say that about 500 years ago their people had to leave their island homes and seek new land because of monstrous waves that appeared out of nowhere the legends say that the waves were hundreds of feet high and even reached up the sides of mountains historians have always considered the tales to be exaggerated or fanciful and yet it's strange that the same story appears in so many places in april 2014 the origin of those stories may have been discovered scientists think that a giant asteroid crashed into the pacific ocean around five centuries ago creating the mahuka crater on the sea floor close to new zealand whatever made this hole must have hit the earth with incredible force the crater is 12 miles wide and 500 feet deep and the sea floor around it is covered in glass beads formed by the heat of the impact a strike like this at sea would cause colossal tsunamis and island villages would have been in serious danger the waves might not have climbed the mountains but they would have been extremely tall in september 2019 scientists found a strange creature far below the ice of antarctica and they're still not quite sure what it is today this odd gelatinous life form which was discovered at a depth of more than fifteen thousand feet might be a new and very advanced species of sea cucumber but that's really little more than a best guess whatever it is it's hearty enough to survive and thrive in conditions where they're subjected to more than 300 times as much pressure as we are on the surface the appendages at the front of the creature make it look more like a deep sea hippopotamus than a sea cucumber and it's the only one of its kind ever discovered as it's almost impossible to send a human being down to the icy depths that this life form was discovered at we might never lay our hands on another one because of that making a formal identification of the species may prove to be impossible the longer we look at it the more we think sea cucumber is an inappropriate description because of the clearly visible teeth jaws and vertebrae of this animal but knowing what it isn't doesn't get us any closer to working out what it is the mysterious creature isn't the only strange discovery that's been made in antarctica recently but we don't have marine experts to thank for this next one allegedly it's a 14 mile long structure buried beneath the continent's icy surface and it was found by everyday people using google earth seen from orbit the structure shows up on the mapping software as a deep white blur which could indicate that it's been deliberately censored or removed from the map to conspiracy theorists that indicates that it might be a secret government base alternatively it might show up as a blur because it's buried below the ice if we assume that the blur is a single solid object it's 14 miles long and four and a half wide it's true that google earth blurs out buildings if national governments ask them to do so for security purposes but what kind of secret government facility could be this large research stations do exist in antarctica but this would be far bigger than any research facility we've ever seen the anomaly has been visible since 2012 and is still there so there's clearly something to the story we wonder what it might be our next discovery made headlines all over the world when it was discovered so you might remember seeing and hearing about it in november 2020 it's a strange reflective steel and glass monolith that was discovered standing alone in the remote deserts of utah in the united states of america based on photographic records available through google earth it seems the monolith had been standing for at least three years before it was discovered the column stands just under 10 feet tall and has a polished finish its design is similar to the sculptures of american artist john mccracken who passed away in 2011 but might conceivably have made and installed the column during the final years of his life but it appears to be unlikely perhaps it was a fan of mccracken's paying tribute to his work almost as mysterious as the monolith's appearance was its sudden disappearance by the morning of december 2nd 2020 no more than a week after it had found viral fame the monolith had vanished an almost identical sculpture subsequently appeared in romania but it's impossible to say whether this was the same monolith or a copycat installation we're back to strange discoveries made by the general public using google earth now in april 2016 amateur sleuths on the internet were pouring over pictures of this structure standing in the barren deserts outside the egyptian capital city of cairo as is always the case when oddly shaped buildings are found in this manner conspiracy theorists tried to claim it as an alien base more plausible suggestions included the idea that it might be a nuclear bunker or a missile launch site whatever it is it's unlike anything else in the country the v-shaped structure of the building is unique and the circular shapes around it certainly look a little bit like launch pads a second mysterious building stands a few yards away albeit one that looks a little more traditional in structure than the v-shape whatever happens here it's kept top secret if aliens exist on earth we don't think they'd leave their bases somewhere they'd be so easy to spot so a secret government facility sounds like a more likely explanation even with that idea in mind though we can't help but wonder why it has this shape and what those circular paths are for if aliens aren't building bases in the egyptian desert perhaps they're building them on the moon and maybe they look like the alleged alien lunar base on this google moon picture from july 2019 the pictures used on google moon are taken by the nasa lunar reconnaissance orbiter which has been keeping a close watch on the surface of earth's satellite since 2009. according to ufo hunter scott warring it's also collected evidence of a lunar base and perhaps even an entire lunar city scott says these images clearly show a nine mile long structure in the middle of the demores crater his justification for the claim is the fact that the object appears to have a tube shape but also has sharp right angles of a kind that are unlikely to be caused by any natural process to make it stranger still the object seems to have vanished when the google provided visual imagery and colorized terrain tools are used warring says this is evidence that the images generated by the tools have been doctored whereas the original image is a picture of the terrain as the nasa orbiter saw it we think this might just be a case of wishful thinking on scott's part but what do you think sticking with the theme of alien conspiracies and sharp-eyed people on google earth did we catch american authorities in the act of building strange new hangars at area 51 in december 2018 these pictures seem to suggest so the images were backed up with more photos taken by pilot gabriel zeifmann who's been granted permission to fly over the nevada test and training range three times in the past three years by studying his pictures we can see that a giant hangar that was seemingly still under construction in april 2019 had disappeared entirely by july 2020 flying directly over area 51 is prohibited but zeifmann was granted access to enter the larger airspace of the test and training range which allowed him to get closer than any non-military or government personnel have been in years why anyone would go to the trouble of building a hangar this large and then disposing of it less than 12 months later is unknown but it seems that someone must have wanted to hide something conspiracy theorists will tell you that it was an alien spacecraft that was undergoing deconstruction they have no evidence to back that up with obviously but that doesn't change the fact that strange goings-on definitely do happen at area 51 and pictures like these are the closest we'll ever get to keeping track of them at the risk of stating the obvious not all alien conspiracy theories are what they appear to be when they're first reported as long ago as february 2014 ufo hunters were getting very excited about a monument in the egyptian desert which they claimed as a landing pad for alien spacecraft it was of course nothing of the sort this is actually a delicate and beautiful work of art it's called desert breath and it was designed and created by the team of da nai stratu alexandra stratu and stella constantinides their artwork which covers more than one million square feet is intended as a celebration of the desert as a landscape of the mind it's actually been in situ since 1997 so it took the conspiracy theorists quite a long time to find it and latch onto it back when it was freshly dug it had a lake at its center but the lake has long since dried up the whole artwork is designed to decay and will fade as the desert winds flatten the mounds that make up the spirals the artists initially thought it would have already disappeared by now but it looks like it might make it all the way through the 2020s subscribe to the channel turn on the notification bell and enjoy watching new videos on my channel thanks for watching and see you soon
Channel: Lightning Top
Views: 147,986
Rating: 4.6910076 out of 5
Keywords: 12 Most Incredible And Mysterious Finds Scientists Still Can't Explain, Incredible Finds, top 12 Mysterious Finds, Archaeological Finds, Scientists Still Can't Explain, Mysterious Finds, 12 most, top 12, lightning top, compilation, lightningtop, EverSee, Mysterious, Incredible
Id: Rt8pcmSZ5og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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