12 Most Incredible And Mysterious Finds Scientists Can't Explain

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[Music] scientists love a good mystery just as much as the rest of us but they have a unique problem when we don't understand something we turn to experts and scientists for explanation when they don't have an explanation either there's nobody for them to turn to the world is full of mysteries as scientists can explain both ancient and modern and we've packed some of the most puzzling examples together for you in this video it's not a secret that there used to be many different species of animals on this planet that have now become extinct fresh examples are found fairly regularly but the discovery of a previously unknown type of Gibbon in a Chinese tomb in 2018 left the archaeologists who discovered it totally perplexed the tomb had lain undisturbed for around 2,300 years in Shanxi province and also contained the remains of a Lynx a black bear and two leopards it's thought but cannot be proven that the human occupant of the tomb was lady xia grandmother to China's first emperor King Shi Huang extensive testing of the Gibbons skull revealed that it wasn't connected to any other species alive or dead and so it's the only example of the animal ever found records from China of the same time suggest that Gibbons were viewed as noble and so this one may have been lady Xia's pet companion scientists are now going to have to undertake fuller work to find out whether this was a common practice and if there are any more remains of this type of Gibbon out there waiting to be found right now military forces all over the world are experimenting with the potential of using eco skeletons as combat armor based on the sculptures inside the medicine chapels in Florence Italy it appears that someone else had the same idea centuries ago but may not have had humans in mind when they came up with their design allegedly the unsettling sculptures inside the chapels are supposed to represent Knights but their features clearly aren't human several of the statues are adorned with tentacles like something out of a Japanese manga and one of them depicts a strange worm-shaped entity emerging from the top of a suit of armor in fact almost everywhere there should be a human limb there's a serpent like creature covered in scales or suckers similar animals can be seen in reliefs on the walls close to the sculptures apparently wearing battle helmets what could the sculptors have seen that would inspire designs like this experts can't even begin to tell us what they're supposed to represent all cults and religions have their own sacred symbols and sacred items and we've usually been able to decipher the meaning of most of them the purpose of the hand of sebaceous remains a mystery though in fact it represents the only piece of evidence that the cult of sebaceous once thought to be a myth ever existed at all the cult existed across civilizations in the ancient world with both Romans and Greeks becoming members as long ago as the 3rd century CE II instead of being a unique system of beliefs Sabathia SMERSH AFER's borrowed elements from several other religions of the time including the Far Eastern concept of an afterlife followers of the cult occasionally wore these solid bronze hands but some examples show signs of it once being mounted on poles perhaps for marches or demonstrations Sibelius was a God of both fertility and vegetation with the fertility aspect perhaps explaining why there are so many snake symbols on the hands we've discovered although we found the hands we've never found a single temple devoted to sebaceous so it's possible that the cult who followed the deity met in secret if you want to go looking for historical facts and evidence a museum is a good place to go looking surely no Museum would exhibit something which they know to be false that that's the case though why is there a skeleton of a mermaid at the Danish National Museum in Copenhagen is the so-called mermaid of harald scare evidence that the legendary creatures exist hidden in plain sight the story associated with the skeleton is that it was found in harald scare by a farmer who was plowing his field in 2012 who took it to an expert and was informed that it was the remains of a hydra nymph especi the allegedly scientific name for a mermaid the official version of events on the other hand is that it's a fake skeleton made by the Danish artist mill Ruud for a special exhibition the explanation that it was made by an artist certainly sounds a lot more plausible but that hasn't done anything to stop a whole community of people on the internet from claiming that the skeleton is genuine and any suggestion to the contrary is a cover-up our ancestors had many weird and wonderful burial traditions if you were fortunate enough to be ancient Egyptian nobility you would likely be buried in a glorious tomb with a fine sarcophagus if on the other hand you were a medieval peasant you were more likely to end up discarded thoughtlessly in a pet if you were very rich and lived in China during the 4th century though you might have ended up inside one of these incredibly ornate jade burial suits weaved together with threads made from gold and silver the first written record of the suit's comes from the Year 320 C II although there's some anecdotal evidence that they were around a few hundred years before that not until 1968 did archeologists confirm their existence by finding a real life and when they found one they found to the two Jade suits you see here belonged to Prince Leo Shang and princess Diwan his wife and they date back to the Han Dynasty it's thought that making a single one of the suits would be 10 years worth of labor even for a skilled Jade Smith why jade was chosen as the material is unknown it's porous and so the skeletons within the suits had almost crumbled away completely one of the strangest items in England's Royal Armouries collection is the horned helmet which looks a little like something you might see in a steampunk movie or a horror film it's in immaculate condition and looks like it could have been made yesterday but it's actually over 500 years old the Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian the first commissioned it as a gift for England's young King Henry the eighth in 1511 but historians can't agree on the reasons why it's solid and sturdy and would presumably have been worn as a part of a suit of armor but there's no record of the king wearing it into battle nor any record of anyone else going into battle wearing such a bizarre headgear it could therefore have been a ceremonial use but what kind of ceremony would call for the full face mask like this why does there appear to be something running from the masks nose and why does it have spectacles the meaning is probably symbolic but nobody has any clue what it's supposed to symbolize staying in the United Kingdom for a moment we head north to Scotland we'll find many examples of Neolithic art known as either toe e stones or toe e balls they're not especially rare but finding multiple examples of them doesn't get us any closer to understanding why they were made or what they were used for the first example turned up in abandoned Shire in the 19th century but more of them were still found as recently as 2013 they're small enough to fit in the palm of your hand measuring on average between 2 and 5 inches in diameter and can be made of any common rock from granite to sandstone rather than being spherical they're deliberately covered in raised areas and decorated with intricate lines and circle patterns similar patterns have also been found on artifacts belonging to the Picts who lived in Scotland 2,800 years ago but the stones are far older than that theories as to their use range from the potential uses weapons to a sort of resume carried around by Masons to demonstrate their skills when seeking paid employment but they're just guesses life for infants was a lot harder in the ancient world than it is now only a third of babies born during the Bronze Age lived through their first year and even then 2/3 of them would pass away before becoming adults that doesn't mean that their parents were neglectful or uncaring though in fact if experts are right about the purpose of these ornate drinking vessels they weren't totally dissimilar to the parents of today these cue cups have been found all over Germany and the analysis of their contents has proven that they once contained the milk of a variety of domesticated animals the oldest of the cups found a date is 3200 years old it's believed that the animal designs were intended to make the cups more attractive to children and therefore encourage them to drink their milk they might even have doubled up as toys the people of the time would have no way to pasteurize their milk so drinking it was dangerous but they couldn't have known that similar designs can be seen in the baby bottles of the 21st century the French cartoon character Asterix is known and loved all throughout the world he's a funny but fearless freedom fighter who entertained and inspired several generations since his first appearance in 1959 could he have had a real-life equivalent though we asked because of the july 2019 discovery of a mysterious ancient Gaelic warrior in West Sussex England based on this style this ornate headdress it's thought that the warrior was French and probably came to Britain in an attempt to fend off the advances of julius caesar's roman empire somewhere around the Year fifty C II England is full of warrior grapes but none quite as well knitted out as this one his sword is one of a kind and the helmet features elaborate crests that would have made him appear much taller than he actually was and therefore probably much more intimidating on the battlefield also found at the burial site was a beautiful headdress which may have been an indicator of his rank his identity though is sadly a secret that's been lost to time and may never be recovered having spares of important items is useful you might have a spare wallet a spare purse or a spare phone charger or a spare tire for your car how about a spare head that idea sounds ridiculous but it's one theory about why so many ancient Egyptian tombs contain sculptures of human heads all of which have personalized features and are probably intended to resemble the appearance of a deceased person buried in the tomb it's known that the ancient Egyptians believed that the dead would reanimate in the afterlife after they've been buried but it's possible that if the deceased person had suffered severe head trauma or lost their head they would need a new one to complete the reanimation process 30 of the heads have been found so far with the earliest dating back to the reign of snafu in 2613 BCE while the features are unique the hair is always cropped close and traces of paint on some of the heads suggest that they were painted a vivid shade of red the traditions of the time meant that funerary statues were always placed above the ground and so the placement of these so-called reserved heads far below the surface is unusual the spearhead idea is only a theory but it's the best theory we have the stone of to Zack is so mysterious that archaeologists can't even agree on whether the artifact appears the same way now as it did when it was first created during the 15th century or whether it was amended a century later by way of a round Depression carved into the top it's definitely an Aztec object and might have been a QX akeli a fairly gruesome stone altar used to hold human hearts after ritualistic sacrifices the stone which measures almost 10 feet across the centre was discovered by road workers in December 1791 all around the side of the stones are depictions of a warrior in full battle dress grabbing the hair of another warrior both warriors have smoking foot motives and smoking mirror designs in their headdresses which identify them as followers of the Aztec god Tezcatlipoca a series of eye designs run along the rim along with primitive depictions of stars and what might be the planet Venus they're grabbing was a common symbol of defeat in Mesoamerica but what meaning it could have in this context is unclear it must have taken someone a lot of time to carve out so much writing onto wooden objects on Easter Island so we wish they'd also left us a translation guide so we could figure out what they were trying to tell us the writing is known as Rango Rango and takes the form of glyphs but every attempt that's ever been made to translate it has failed explorer Eugene Arad was the first to notice rongorongo when he arrived on the island in 1864 and testing revealed that the oldest wood that bears the writing comes from 17th century some much more recent examples including one from around 1860 have been also found but it's possible that they're just imitations of the original the most common spoken language on the island today is Spanish and none of the natives have regained the memory of what this language is how to pronounce it or how to decipher its meaning if you think you might be able to succeed work countless others have failed full copies of the script are available on the Internet and so you're welcome to attempt to translate it yourself thrive to the channel turn on the notification belt and enjoy watching new videos on my channel thanks for watching and see you soon [Music]
Channel: Lightning Top
Views: 154,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 12 Most Incredible And Mysterious Finds Scientists Can't Explain, Unexpected Finds, Mysterious Finds, Incredible Finds, mystery, abandoned, 12 most, top 12, lightning top, compilation, lightningtop, EverSee
Id: Thr3GAAP_6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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