12 Most Amazing Abandoned Technology And Vehicles

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we throw away technology all the time every one or two years we'll dispose of our smartphone and get a newer model perhaps every four or five years we'll get ourselves a new laptop or a new television because technology has moved on and we want the latest thing the same happens to much larger types of technology including planes trains and automobiles here are some examples of brilliant technological ideas which have found themselves condemned to the waste bins of history our story starts in Liege in Belgium where we find an example not only of abandoned technology but also an abandoned technological project during the 1970s Leesh decided it was going to join the big cities of the world by constructing a subway there was lots of excitement when digging work started between bat and st. Leonard but for a variety of reasons the work was never completed that left the city with a useless half built tunnel and so they decided to stuff it with unwanted buses trolley carts and coaches the more recent coaches are found close to the entrance of the tunnel but as you walk down it you're transported back in time at around the halfway point you'll find trams and carriages along with ticket booths and kiosks it would seem that all the facilities designed to run the subway were completed after all it's just that the subway never opened instead it serves as an unofficial Belgium Transport Museum and it's become a popular site with urban explorers we wish we could tell you where the abandoned motorcycle museum of Lockport was sadly we can only tell you where it used to be and show you these pictures of what it once looked like in a past life it was cold cycle sales and it was run by a man who simply never said no to the idea of buying or trading a motorbike bikes were far cheaper in the 1960's and 1970's than they are now so cole quickly built up such a large collection that he needed a warehouse to store the men when Cole retired in the 1990s he sold it on to someone who failed to take proper care of the warehouse and it quickly fell into disrepair by 2010 the roof was collapsing the walls were bowing in dangerously and the wood was rotting but all the old bikes were still inside some of them were rare exclusive models that may have been one-of-a-kind in the USA they're all now lost forever an arson attack in 2013 burned the building and all of the old bikes inside it to the ground there are many tales of abandoned Soviet military equipment laying around in Russia and other former Soviet states but you don't expect to hear about relics of the USSR in the middle of the Caribbean they're there if you know where to look for them though and we do Perls airport in grenada has accidentally turned into something akin to an open-air Cold War Museum it was used extensively by the Soviet side during the Cold War who used it as a handy alternative to nearby Cuba but the Americans took a strong dislike to the practice the US military invaded Grenada in 1983 and the airport was high up on their list of targets their attack put the airport beyond use and so it was abandoned along with any planes that were damaged during the assault one of them was this old crop duster which still just about has cccp printed along the side of its fuselage there was also a Cubana Airlines plane caught up in the crossfire which was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time the British weren't directly involved in the Cold War but they made plenty of military preparations in case they were dragged into it if they were they'd likely have made extensive use of the Handley page Victor a jet-powered strategic bomber which served in the nation's military between 1958 and 1993 envisioned as a defensive plane aircraft of this class were considered to be part and parcel of the UK's nuclear deterrent although this aspect of its duties was abandoned after 1968 when the aging planes began displaying fatigue cracks from that point on they were repurposed as strategic reconnaissance aircraft fitted with radar equipment and cameras V bombers were becoming unfashionable by the end of the 1960s and so the planes lived out their days as aerial refueling tankers excelling in this role during the Falklands War of all the V bombers the British built the Handley page Victor was the last to be retired the final surviving example of the plane was decommissioned on October 15th 1993 the Alpine mountains are popular with tourists but they pose a very specific transportation problem one that required unorthodox solutions for getting people from the bottom to the top with ease the Alpine funicular railway which is still standing as a shell in the north of Italy was believed to be the best solution to that particular problem for a long time it opened just after the start of the 20th century and it was still ferrying passengers until the very end of the 1970s not everybody is a mountain climber and so the railway would carry people from the side of the lake up to the very top where they could enjoy the restaurants and hotels at its peak it had 30,000 customers every year it closed down because it was old and in dire need of repair since then someone's been coming back to make sure the facilities and cars get a fresh coat of paint but nothing here has moved in over 30 years perhaps one day it will be put back to work if there was ever a piece of mining equipment we wouldn't want to accidentally get in the way of its bagger 258 created by the heavy machinery company lob hammer bagger 258 is a bucket-wheel excavator of the type used in mining operations by East Germany during the 1960's this behemoth of the machine featured 10 enormous blades each of which was capable of cutting almost 50 feet into the surface of the earth it ripped away the soil from layers of coal and then collected the coal into one of it's five thousand-square-foot buckets it was a clever robot it would then sift the coal and deliver it to its own engines which were dependent on coal to keep moving we don't know whether it's more accurate to call the 4,000 ton bag or 258 a vehicle or a factory on tracks it stood 160 feet tall and was over 500 feet long it could still probably rip the ground up now if someone powered it up but it's been out of use since 2002 because it's basically got nothing left to dig for earlier on we mentioned that there's a lot of old Soviet military equipment laying around in Russia and this is a great example of what we mean it's an il-28 u bomber and it's been minding its own business under a canopy of trees for more than 40 years presumably waiting for whoever left it here to come back we may never have found it at all but it was discovered by chance by a man who'd walked alone into the forest to pick some mushrooms unable to believe what he was seeing he ran home to grab his camera and took some photos of his discovery when he first saw it he says all of the equipment was still on board including the radar identification system and its power supply since then it appears that scrap metal thieves or military enthusiasts may have gotten to it although it's still unmistakably in il-28 you sticking with Russian military equipment for a moment here's a vehicle which had an even grander purpose than the il-28 you it's the bare Eve v VA 14 and it was built to combat American missile submarines this is a hybrid vehicle more accurately described as an amphibious aircraft the Russians needed a genius to develop it for them and so turned to famous Italian designer Robert Barr teeny the great master created a prototype model in 1972 but it didn't quite tick all the boxes the military wanted it flew in the air without a problem and it could move over water but the Russians wanted it to be able to take off from and land at sea bar teeny was still trying to make that a possibility when he passed away in 1974 with nobody capable of replacing him in the role the prototype was abandoned nowadays it's peeling and rusting at the soviet central air force museum which has been charged with its care since 1987 is this a car is it a tank is it a boat well on its best day it was intended to be all three this curious one-of-a-kind vehicle was the brainchild of designer Nikolaevich Melnick nkow and went by the name of the Argo we think he might have watched one too many James Bond movies when he designed it in the 1960s it's supposed to be an amphibious car that could be driven underwater Melnik nkow worked at the GSK be Chelyabinsk tractor plant and was convinced he could turn his dream into a reality the Argo wasn't a bad attempt the eight wheels generated power which was conveyed through a special hydraulic system into the engine which almost made it self powering the thick plating on the exterior has a hermetic seal so it would probably be fine to go underwater sadly he never got around to fitting an engine so we'll never know if it could really swim unless someone wants to buy it now and finish the job for him when a plane is lost in a frozen lake it's pretty much a given that it's never going to find its way home again there's an exception to every rule though and in our case the exception is this p39 Airacobra which was loaned to the Soviet Union under the Allied lend-lease program during the Second World War nobody knew why it vanished during the war it simply disappeared from the formation group it was flying in and disappeared 60 years later it was discovered by chance in the icy depths of Martin yavar Lake Russia and considering all the time that's passed it was an incredible condition investigators were even able to pinpoint the cause of the crash two engine rods failed and oil pressure dropped suddenly even the flight logs were legible and the tins of stew that were still stashed on board looked edible although we probably wouldn't recommend trying once safely extracted from the water this veteran p39 was sent on its long voyage home to its original assembly plant vladimir Chernykh oov is a man who likes to investigate rumors thoroughly for years he'd heard stories that there was an old train of some kind in the middle of the Siberian wastelands and so one day he got on his bike and decided to go and check it out for himself he assumed he'd find pieces of an old Russian train or tank but what was waiting to greet him was much harder to explain it was all that remained of an old Victorian British steam engine right in the middle of the taiga in Krasnoyarsk he did some digging and found out that the train was sent to help ferry loads during the Yenisei gold rush which occurred during the middle of the 19th century it was once the property of a company named richard garret and sons but they presumably declined on having it back when the gold rush was over vladimir believes that 150 years in the wilderness is long enough for what's left of the train and so he'd like to find a home for it in a museum finding an old British steam engine in the middle of the snow is probably quite exciting stumbling across 200 t-72 tanks you weren't expecting to see is likely to be downright terrifying but it's happened to someone in Yekaterinburg forest in Sverdlovsk they look like an occupying army but according to the Russian military they're just temporarily being stored there until a more permanent placement can be found allegedly they're under constant surveillance but the number of people who've been able to walk up to them and climb on them to take pictures without being interrupted seems to cast doubt on that suggestion the tanks come along the train tracks to Ellen skya and are then moved to the forest pending further instructions it's been happening on and off since late 2010 occasionally the tanks are all moved on but a few months later they mysteriously reappeared again subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications and you will be the first to know when a new video comes out thank you for watching and see you soon
Channel: Amazing Stock
Views: 2,495,419
Rating: 4.5285587 out of 5
Keywords: Most Amazing Abandoned Technology And Vehicles, abandoned, abandoned vehicles, abandoned planes, abandoned technology, abandoned car, abandoned train, most amazing, amazing abandoned, top 12, 12 most
Id: kubERteR0Nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 08 2019
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