The Advanced Ancient Civilisation That EVERYBODY Avoids Talking About

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the Osirian empire the Osirian Empire was one of the greatest to have ever existed yet there's so little known about this pre-dynastic culture originally located both on the fertile floor of the Mediterranean Valley and upon the edge of the North African continent where because they themselves were of Atlantean origin they lived in some sort of truce oriented peace with the surrounding Atlantean dominated peoples of the surrounding lands with estimates of over 200 sunken cities and towns on the mediterranean sea floor some of which have recently begun to be located and examined by deep-sea divers there's clearly little doubt if any at all that there have been quite advanced civilizations living within this once dry and fertile valley but far far back and what our academic scholars would probably describe as prehistory when the bulk of mankind elsewhere were still allegedly humble nomads living in caves and chipping at Flint's but why were these Oh Syrians living as a separate people if they were themselves of Atlantean origin had there been some sort of rift or falling-out between this group and their brethren were they a breakaway a splinter group why have they chosen to go their own way when their land of origin was doing so well for itself from what pieces of the puzzle we've been able to put together thus far and believe us they're hard to find it seems to come down to a matter of kingship the origins of the Assyrian Empire it appears that one of the original princes of the customary ten crowned rulership of the Atlantean Empire disagreed with some nefarious self-aggrandizing plot connected with the new cult of the sons of Belial which several of his brother princelings under the leadership of the depraved Prince Belial a puppet controlled by his elder brother Prince Seth or set were all deeply involved it was entirely against the health morality welfare and indeed the very safety of the Atlantean state and Prince Osiris a very good man and a champion of the benevolent law of one threatened to publicly expose them because of his unswerving loyalty to the sun-god and to the populace of the Empire his kinsmen expelled this eminently wise and honest prints from the oligarchy together with his wife Isis and his sister neftis and his son Horus upon pain of death the law of one was a monotheistic religion which revered only the Sun God raah who was thought to have his throne inside the Sun as being the sole ruler benevolent entity and the original creative force of the earth stars and the universe but when news of this treachery reached the region over which Osiris ruled his loyal subjects vowed to follow their prints and leave the island of Atlantis they were also adherents of the godly law of one religion so rather than live among Belial lists they resolved to secede from its empire and to set up their own nation in some unoccupied area of the adjacent mainland many of the populace of Atlantis who had heard rumors of the plot sympathized deeply with Osiris his family and their followers and join them to escape the growing depravity of their own rulers in due course Osiris and his people found a most suitable location in the Mediterranean Valley and before long they'd established great goodwill with their new neighbouring nations and the new Osirian nation began to prosper and grow because of their great wealth of Atlantean wisdom and knowledge of Technology several other nations and tribes elected to join them and thus the Osirian Empire was born Osiris himself became a greatly sought-after fountain of knowledge and wisdom upon all manner of technological and structural matters by many of the surrounding nations he's even said to have designed and directed the construction of the massive stone platform of Baalbek in Lebanon which is famous for its gargantuan stone blocks that are believed to weigh up to 1,500 tons each from all appearances it was originally intended for much grander purposes than being merely a foundation for the two or three very ordinary temple structures widget' later carried and those ruins can still be seen today could it perhaps have been the base platform for some enormous towering structure that would have dwarfed even the pyramids some historians have even speculated that Osiris may possibly have been the original biblical Nimrod who built the Tower of Babel however we have no idea of the massive constructional engineering marvels that still await eventual discovery should the Mediterranean Sea ever become a desiccated sandy depression again it's also reported that a huge 100 foot stone or marble statue of him was produced by one of the grateful nations he had assisted in a like manner and probably still stands buried in the mud and silt of the Mediterranean Sea amid the ruins of his capital city as a one-time ruling Prince of Atlantis Osiris is mental fund of esoteric and technological knowledge must have been enormous however to discovered just how much this was it seems that will have to wait the eventual solving of the puzzles and secrets which will lead to the final unlocking of the hidden repository chambers that lie inside the mysterious Great Pyramid of Giza 21st century man has already proved what woeful gaps exist in his constructional knowledge of such enormous lis solidworks by his complete inability despite all his modern high-rise building technology plus steel scaffolding cranes and reinforced-concrete to reproduce the wondrous massive stone structures of those ancient times very soon the Assyrian Empire even extended up into the North African Highlands from Algeria eastward across Libya and toward CEM and cush at the time there was no actual land of Egypt what was later to become the River Nile was then known as the Styx by the mountain people of Crete and tsipras it had carved out a nine hundred mile long ravine from the Aswan plateau where it thundered over a high precipice to where it flowed outward into the enormous Mediterranean Valley there it had gouged out a great freshwater lake to the south of Crete and tsipras before turning westward to flow between Malta and Sicily finally terminating in another deep lake between the highlands of modern-day Italy and Corsica even though two other large rivers also flowed into the Mediterranean Valley their waters were all evaporated from similar lakes as rapidly as they were filled thus the great depressed Basin remained largely dry land Egypt as we shall soon see missed quite literally a comparatively new land swiftly most of the vast valley came under the benevolent rule of the Assyrians and they built many large cities and towns upon its luxuriantly fertile floor a comparatively recent bathymetric survey of the mediterranean sea floor has shown up the remains of at least 250 cities some have even been studied quite recently by deep-sea diving expeditions and many ancient egyptian or Osirian artifacts were recovered and brought to the surface the end of Atlantis in the meantime however the rulers of Atlantis led by Seth had not forgotten Osiris nor did they admire his success in establishing a new Empire of his own and they sought ways and means to rid themselves of him once and for all if they could reduce his power his empire would be helpless and they could graft it back into that of Atlantis but they had not reckoned upon the unpredictable hand of nature for many millennia Atlantis and its several islands had been subjected to sporadic volcanic outbursts and frequent earth tremors in fact there were records of at least two quite large catastrophes having already engulfed some of its larger islands over the past 40 millennia the first such event occurred around 50,000 BC and the second around 28,000 BC in which the major continent was split into five portions however all had been reasonably quiet for some 19 millennia until this new bout of tectonic disturbances but it all finally came to a head with appalling suddenness in 9,500 BC when entirely without warning the entire major land masses of Atlantis simply burst asunder in a final series of cataclysmic explosions and within a single day and night most of Atlantis vanished almost without a trace beneath the Atlantic Ocean millions of native Atlanteans died in the catastrophe but quite a large number of survivors escaped in ships rafts or whatever they could cling to these eventually struggle to shore on the coast of Spain and Portugal and the shores of Morocco there were few if any of the original leaders among these survivors except for Seth who now bent every effort toward taking sole control over what he could of the Atlantean colonial power on the mainland of Europe and northwest Africa in this it would seem he was successful since many lands surrounding the Mediterranean Valley were already vassal states of mighty Atlantis and by intermarriage with its soldiers their people bore the essence of Atlantis in their veins many modern Europeans probably still do possess Atlantean genes the end of Osiris however this prince Seth blamed Osiris for the disaster assuming that he had called upon his God raw to bring down this final Cataclysm on Atlantis and one day he decided to gain his revenge he sent forth Scouts to locate the assyrian royal capital then after learning its whereabouts with a troop of his soldiers under cover of darkness Seth descended the steep incline from the Libyan Highland and approached Osiris's City their choosing only a handful of his most brutal henchmen Seth silently infiltrated Osiris's unguarded royal palace and surprised the king alone at his midnight devotions it was a foul deed of terrible actions that took place in the King's private chapel dedicated to rah Osiris had no time even to cry out after a final gloating inspection of their hideous work Seth led his team of revenge errs silently away completely undetected out of the still sleeping palace still sleeping that is except for one Osiris's wife had woken suddenly in response to some unbidden sense of urgency and discovered that her Lord had not yet come up to bed fearfully she went to her sister and together they descended to his dimly lit Chapel to find the door standing slightly ajar as she opened the door wider and saw the carnage they had wreaked when Horus now a grown man woken by his mother's screams entered a few seconds later and witnessed the horrific sight he was seized with a terrible admix of horror grief and a towering paroxysm of uncontrollable rage like his mother Horus guessed at once who had done the deed and after doing his best to comfort her he left his mother to the tender care of her sister neftis and her handmaidens swiftly marshalling a large troop of royal cavalry he self at a wild maddening gallop into the darkness to catch them but alas by then they had vanished like mystery men into the night he and his cavalry troopers scoured the surrounding region all the rest of that night and much of the following day before finally abandoning their fruitless search however Horace pledged himself to a solemn vow that he would strive to have Seth caught before he passed a black pall of sadness and despair descended upon the entire Osirian empire for many days thereafter but eventually as time began its healing work horace realized that Osiris's empire must go on and return to their now onerous duties of leadership guidance and justice for his people Horace now reluctantly ascended his Father's throne and ruled over them jointly with his mother one of his first acts as king was to declare revenge upon that last Atlantean King and uncle who had taken his own brother they engaged in many battles with Imperial forces led by Seth in this they were aided by a large colony of ancient Athenians the forerunners of those Athenians mentioned in the more recent and familiar Greek classics who occupied the northeastern end of the vast valley and who had no reason to love Atlantis since they had long been their deadliest enemies and at once even try and blur ously over them however the Assyrians and Atlanteans proved to be too evenly matched in these battles since both shared the same advanced weaponry and military stratagems and the only material results of such often bloody and bitter encounters were thousands of dead warriors as well as many casualties among the Assyrian and Athenian civilian populations who were greatly exposed on the low valley floor to the pitiless fire of Seth's heartless soldiers far more safely positioned high upon the Libyan plateau above them eventually though his hatred of Seth had in no wise diminished Horus had to call a reluctant halt to the fighting since both their unarmed women and children and their Valley cities were suffering far more than the atlanteans above on the highlands an uneasy ceasefire was mutually agreed to least for the time being but Horace still nursed a burning hateful desire for personal revenge upon his father's murderer in the fullness of time Osiris became a god to his people and their descendants and his memory was greatly revered and venerated so much so that at the behest of his aging widow they undertook a great task in his honor by building a great stone pyramidal Cenotaph to perpetuate his memory high upon a great plateau of solid rock that formed the towering western corner at the mouth of the deep gorge of the Styx near the Mediterranean valleys eastern end strangely there was already a giant monument on that plateau in the shape of a great elongated stone lion resting upon its belly with long four paws outstretched before it within a shallow depression and facing towards the Rising Sun the Assyrians had no idea who had built it or how long it had lain counted their gazing toward the eastern horizon but judging by the deep weathering upon its worn stone surface it was obviously the totem or god of some archaic race that had vanished into the mists of ancient time even before Poseidon founded Atlantis as mentioned before this deep dark and narrow Gorge which the River Styx had gouged out over many millennia ran back for 900 miles to the huge thousand foot high waterfall at Aswan the Pyramid of Osiris was completed within a single year using the ancient almost miraculous technological skills and mental powers of the Atlanteans by a team of men only 300 strong vast blocks of stone were quarried and precision trimmed from carefully selected sections of rock strata using crystal powered drills and cutters as well as melting wands which cut through the stone like a hot knife through butter then they were teleported along the long canyon and levitated up to the great flat plateau entirely by the concentrated mental power of groups each consisting of ten chosen sages chanting in unison and focus their minds is one the huge Atlantean style pyramid whose shape was designed to withstand the ravages of tsunamis and earth seeking catastrophes over an eternity was constructed primarily as a Cenotaph to the memory of their god Osiris but it also became a repository for all his collection of scrolls and tomes of ancient Atlantean wisdom and technological secrets especially inscribed for the purpose of preserving his knowledge these were carefully sealed inside secret air and watertight chambers deep within and below the pyramid which could only be discovered by some future race who might develop the required degree of intellect to unlock its hidden secrets some of these keys related to these stellar constellations of their time some Jew mathematical and geometrical puzzles and some deplane mental prowess and abilities of logic and reason but all the answers were there hidden in plain view in the pyramid structure for those in the future who might have the intellect and mental perception to work them out once the great pyramid was completed it was sealed up by various cunningly devised mechanisms operated by natural physical forces the damp air was expelled by a chemical explosion through specially constructed ducts and then its exterior was coated with pure kaleidos silver cladding which was blended again by technological wizardry and allowed to run down the beautifully smooth and polished sides the gleaming silvery white structure was finally surmounted and crowned by a gold sheathed pyramidal capstone the memory of great Osiris and his achievements would live forever the finished pyramid was a brilliant sight to behold especially during the first moments of the sunrise whilst the valley still lay in darkness and the sun's first Ray's struck its silver eastern side and its glistening golden pinnacle the nation gathered far below to watch this wondrous spectacle and pray for the spirit of their great god Osiris a few years later Osiris is widowed Queen Isis died peacefully in full of years this time the people required no urging by their grief-stricken King Horace again the same man came forward and began work upon a second pyramid to honor the beloved widow of the Great God again the work was done swiftly and with total perfection but this pyramids hidden chambers contain new secrets pertaining to the future of the earth and the universe it also housed a wonderful library of all the arcane knowledge that Isis had required during her lifetime since she had been a great seer and prophetess in her later years and had been granted many great visions of the future the universe and the unseen kingdom of its Great Creator the glorious Emperor of all the gods this time the finished pyramid of Isis was covered with brilliantly white alabaster lovingly hand polished to a mirror finish by the women of the kingdom and it was capstone with silver coated pyramidal block so as not to outshine the great gods memorial nevertheless the two pyramids both made a truly glorious site in the Rays of the Morning Sun and the whole Empire sent representatives to observe the awesome spectacle and to pay obeisance to their venerated God and his widely beloved wife pilgrims and travelers came from all quarters of the then-known world to witness and bow before these magnificent memorials and many of them stayed to join the growing nation of the Assyrians which now lay under the single benevolent kingship of King Horace himself now a man of mature years and full of his illustrious father's vast wisdom great knowledge and amazing gentleness the Mediterranean flood sadly however there was a disastrous aftermath to the Atlantis catastrophe it was during the latter part of the lifetime of Prince Horace that the last great judgmental Cataclysm occurred the grand finale of the series of cataclysmic explosions and the subsidences in which the last vestiges of mighty Atlantis had vanished forever in a welter of scalding steam and plumes of red-hot lava and smoke beneath the boiling ocean these same explosions of the vast subterranean gas chambers which had finally blown Atlantis apart and then caused the sinking of its remains as their depressurized caverns collapsed under the weight of rock and the ocean also caused a great weakening of other nearby strata the Atlas mountain barrier that ran from Morocco into Spain barricading the Mediterranean Valley from the cold gray green waters of the Atlantic suddenly began to breach a couple of decades later permitting the ocean to start leaking into the valley it was just a mere dribble at first but like a breached dam wall the rock soon began to crack and collapse under the pressure of the in rushing ocean and began flooding the Great Valley with a vengeance the newly forming pillars of Herakles at last stood open wide along the dark salty Atlantic sea water to pour into the lovely valley polluting its great crystal clear freshwater lakes drowning its luxuriant park-like vegetation and poisoning the rich soil that had made the valley so wonderfully fertile as the cold Atlantic began slowly to fill up the once lush Mediterranean Valley the Assyrians along with their neighboring occupants of the valley floor had to seek higher ground taking what they could of their great treasures with them the southern wall of the valley was the more accessible especially by way of the Malta Ridge which was part of their territory and up to the Libyan plane of North Africa and it was there that the assyrians the last direct repository of Atlantean wisdom and technology led by Horus established a new domain among the green Plains and palm grove vistas of the open Highlands many of their former neighbors from the valley especially a large number of Athenians who had also occupied a large area of the northeastern end of the valley joined forces with them and suno Syrians became a strong and mighty Empire the foundation of Egypt it was this wonderful change that attracted the Libyan Assyrians into the new land that was to become Egypt where they set about establishing yet another great Empire one that was to become almost as powerful and rich as the one from whence they had originally hailed beyond the now famed Pillars of Hercules needless to say they brought with them all the ancient wisdom of Atlantis and part of this was their vast and jealously preserved fund of technological knowledge and skill in the art of handling enormous feats of high-tech stone construction of which we still know nothing sadly by this time King Horace himself was a fading but beloved memory he had died soon after his Libyan Empire had begun to develop lying propped up on his death bed facing east towards the pyramids of his beloved parents to witness his final sunrise as he lay dying he had a great vision and rallied his wasted frame into a sitting position his frail arms held out to greet the Rising Sun behold he cried in an awesomely strong voice for a dying man the Sun boat of rob brings my father Osiris upon his daily rebirth to gaze again upon his children I go now to join him upon his flight across the heavens and so saying he fell back upon his couch at that very moment his favorite falcon would have been perched upon the foot of his bed took to the air with a loud clapping of wings and soared upwards into the dawning sky until it was lost to the view of the gathered elders surely this was a sign from the King's final words registered deeply with all present and they marvelled greatly at them from thence forward the ship of the sun-god rah who had been a god of Atlantis but somewhat less than Poseidon in their Pantheon became revered as the great shining bark of the god of life who resurrected Osiris every dawn and carried him back into the underworld each evening a sign of hope for a new and glorious future life to everyone after their life on earth was done king Horus became as one with the Falcon who was able to accompany roz celestial boat across the sky so it was that the Falcon became a God an embodiment of Horus who would carry prayers and supplications to raaah who kept close watch over her subjects below woe betide any whom horus reported to raw as they would later have to face trial before Osiris in the underworld for their misdeeds and he had the power to destroy their souls if they were found wanting thus Osiris became both the god of resurrection and life for the good and of soul death for the wicked so the eye of horus glyph became a symbol of fear for all who worked evil for Horus was the eye of rah although Horus had not seen Seth's evil head raised upon a sphere at least he had eventually confronted his wicked uncle when he challenged his right to the assyrian throne and had fought a mighty battle against him in this he had succeeded in emasculating seth and mortally wounding him at the cost of one of his own eyes but at least Horus had retained his throne honorably wealthy now impotent but still malevolent spirit of seth was relegated by the god rah to serve a minor role as the god of storms wherein he could only vent his vicious spleen with thunder hail and lightning bolts Horus himself now became recognized as the protector of the righteous and was later frequently included in sculptures of Pharaohs being shown shielding the Kings head from behind with protective wings even though all future pharaohs to come would not necessarily be good or righteous men Horus perhaps feeling unworthy for not avenging his father and quite the way he had vowed had requested that no pyramid be built for him lest he might intrude upon the memory and dignity of his beloved parents however his court advisors were determined that he deserved a lasting memorial if only for the solace of his subjects and built him a smaller period besides those of Osiris and Isis in this way they felt that the Senate's half of Horus would not in any way detract from those of his parents who had now been elevated to full godly status but he would still have a fitting memorial close beside them it was a compromise but one that was acceptable to the populace better a smaller memorial than none at all Horus had been greatly loved by all the subjects thus did the great culture and architectural splendor of the glorious Egypt spring from the Assyrian Empire which had in turns sprung from the wondrous lost continent of Atlantis and the rest of this story is all recorded in ancient Egypt's marvellous and colorful history with the passage of time a whole new pantheon of gods appeared many of them being deified animals and birds following the elevation of the falcon to full godly status to symbolize the new god horus and even though the glory that was Egypt is now long since faded and gone the pyramids upon the plateau still wait ever patiently to render up their Atlantean secrets and the ancient and enigmatic Sphinx maintains his own silent and expectant vigil towards the east awaiting the return of something we cannot even begin to guess at their ends the amazing saga of the Assyrian Empire [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: DTTV Studios
Views: 287,173
Rating: 4.3791318 out of 5
Keywords: civilization, osirian, egypt
Id: 2cz9WpdojYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 35sec (1835 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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