12 Most Incredible Abandoned Technology And Vehicles

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every technological product we use today started off as an idea in someone's mind it then went from an idea to a blueprint and then to a prototype and then eventually to a product that we were able to go out and buy not every good idea makes it all the way along that chain some of them fail at the blueprint stage and others make it as far as a working prototype but they don't quite get over the line as fully realized concepts this video is packed full of great technological near misses of the past back in the 1960s military minds were still experimenting with the potential of helicopters and what they could be capable of one of the most experimental ideas of all came from the Soviet Union where a company called yakovlev dreamed up an idea they referred to as the V V p6 while it may have looked like an enormous helicopter the flying machine was actually a flying surface-to-air missile platform with rotors and would have been capable of vertical takeoff and landing we say would have because we never had the chance to find out a scale model of the V V p6 was built but never a full-sized working device or even a proper prototype the technical specifications of the craft were deemed to be too complicated and too difficult to build and so the military passed on the opportunity to pay for further construction and testing it might have been more suited to science fiction than science fact but it's still an idea that was probably years ahead of its time here in the 21st century we have a very clear idea of what a tank looks like how it moves and what it's made of back in the 1920s no such standardised idea existed almost every advanced military force in the world was busily trying to come up with a reliable large armored vehicle for use on the battlefield but their designs were very different from each other arguably the first country to come close to designing what we'd recognize as a tank by modern standards was Sweden who came up with the Lance farik l5 in 1929 despite its obvious promise and the fact that it visibly fulfilled almost all of the criteria that would have been expected of a tank of that era the machine was never tested on the battlefield the one unit that was built was a prototype and according to the records that still exist from that era it was never considered to be complete interestingly although it was Swedish by design all of the work on the Lance Burke was paid for by Germany at the time the development of Tanks was banned in Germany so their military had to rely on friendly nations for assistance with military development the life times and exploits of eccentric aviation enthusiasts and film maker Howard Hughes are well documented in books television shows and even a movie about his life he was involved in the design of many experimental aircraft during the middle of the 20th century including the Hughes X H 17 the first helicopter his Hughes Aircraft Company ever attempted to build the two bladed rotor system with its 134 foot diameter still holds the world record for the largest working rotor system ever built in a lot of ways the vehicle was a success it could fly and it was reasonably safe but its gross weight of 50,000 pounds made it cumbersome and inefficient from a power point of view and so it was decided that the primitive chopper shouldn't be considered for mass production having made its first flight in late 1952 it had been consigned to Hughes his scrap heap of failed ideas by the end 19:55 only one unit of the aircraft was ever built and so now it's forever lost to history during the 20th century both the Americans and the Soviet Union were constantly scrambling for new military ideas that would give them supremacy over their biggest rivals that led to the design and partial development of several experimental military devices including a flying submarine by the Russians and as absurd as the idea sounds it was very nearly a success the first thought of a Russian flying submarine came from the 1930s when engineer boris butakov drew up the first potentially viable blueprint for such a device it appeared to be fundamentally sound but expensive and difficult to develop so the idea was taken no further or was it a vehicle pulled from the waters off the coast of California in 1963 was claimed by the Americans to be of Soviet design and appeared to at least nominally resemble Yakov's idea the White House went as far as claiming that the Russians were building experimental planes and submarines on the island of Copelan perhaps they were just envious of the Russian design the Americans made numerous attempts to come up with a flying submarine of their own between 1945 and 1964 with little success before they finally came up with the Lockheed Martin cormorant in 2006 is this Boeing creation a plane or a helicopter well it should have been both the famous aircraft design company first announced its ambitious design in 2010 when it was unveiled under the name of the DARPA disc rotor helicopter with this unusual design Boeing hoped to combine the landing control and hovering ability that comes with helicopters with the high altitude and speed capabilities of a plane as is often the case with new inventions like these it was hoped that the military would be interested in ordering several units of the new vehicle Boeing had been working on the design since 2008 and said that they would begin Windtunnel testing in 2011 with a view to taking a fully working prototype out for its first flight in 2014 but we're here in 2020 and there's been no sign of it Boeing is never officially announced that the project has been abandoned but nor have they said anything new about it since 2011 we're left to conclude that at some point during the design process possibly even during the aforementioned wind tunnel testing a design flaw was identified and couldn't be overcome everything about the space race was big big Rockets big launch pads big costs and it nearly had big helicopters too had the Hiller Aircraft Company of California USA had their way all the footage we have of Saturn five Rockets would look very different as crazy as it sounds to hear this out loud now back in 1965 the company claimed to have designed a colossal helicopter that could not only carry the first stage of a Saturn 5 rocket but also catch one in midair while it was falling the diameter of the rotor alone would be larger than a US football field Stan Hiller who owned the company and came up with the idea referred to his creation as a rotary wing system for booster recovery wrote to NASA asking for funding so he could build a fully operational prototype it probably says a lot that NASA gave out money like candy to exciting projects back in the 1960s but it decided not to fund this one the only trace of the idea left is a small-scale working model that hangs from the ceiling in the company's Museum in the late 1950s America's curtiss-wright corporation decided that roads were boring and that nobody would use them in the future instead every family would travel around together in their own personal hovercraft they were so sure of this idea that in 1959 they came up with the Curtis Wright model 2500 aircar looking back on it now it seems like a quaint and quirky curiosity but at the time this was a deadly serious vision of the future of transport from a company that honestly believed that this was the way the future would look the aircar had room for a driver and four passengers and was lifted on a cushion of air by to 180 brake horsepower aircraft engines using air ducts on the side of the vehicle for maneuvering headlights bumpers and a convertible top were all added to the design but in theory none of them were necessary the company just thought that adding them to the design would make it look more like a conventional car and therefore make the public more likely to buy one the public sadly never did fall in love and the army passed on the chance to have the vehicles customized for the military and so the idea was dead by 1961 you can do almost everything with this prototype Lexus car that you can do with a regular car other than driving at home in the rain or getting the wheels wet first showcased in 2015 this is the world's first ever and possibly only ever origami car made almost entirely out of cardboard the doors interior wheels and even headlights are made from delicately carved and shaped cardboard and so the only non cardboard components are the lightweight aluminum frame and electric motor this isn't so much a rejected concept as a car that was built to prove a point the point being that it is possible to make vehicles more environmentally friendly if designers are willing to think outside the box it took a team of five people three months to complete the design and build work on the lexus which can be driven just like any other car the seats look a little uncomfortable to us but we can't help but be impressed by the level of skill that must have gone into putting all of this together back in 2012 French naval Technology Group D CNS was very excited about its concept for a brand new type of submarine known as the SM x26 the futuristic looking and oddly shaped marine craft were allegedly going to be capable of patrolling the places that other submarines couldn't go literal zones and shallow waters the SM Max 26 would thrive in areas where water was less than 50 feet deep and could also remain submerged for up to a month with no adverse effects to the ship or the crew that lived aboard her an extendable wheeled undercarriage would allow it to land quickly and securely in any type of seabed and hoses could be rapidly deployed to the surface to access air in an emergency it sounds like a fantastic piece of equipment and every Navy in the world would want one they might be waiting a long time though after getting everyone excited with their 2012 announcement and artist's impressions they're still yet to deliver anything that looks like a prototype this looks like yet another idea that looked great on paper but didn't translate well when someone tried to take off the page and put it into the real world in the sea an aircraft carrier looks like a gigantic ship but what does it look like in the air if history had gone another way it might look like a gigantic airship similar to the ill-fated USS Makin it's harsh to call this a failed prototype because it remained in service for almost two years after it was launched in March 1933 but after a disastrous crash in 1935 it was abandoned and no replacement was built it had been decided that the use of airships like this was just too dangerous the makin could carry five single seater Sparrowhawk planes at the same time or two-seater fleet into y1 biplanes instead if required many military minds were suspicious of it from the moment it first flew and when it came down in a storm off the Big Sur coast of California it was the excuse that they'd been waiting for to demand that the makin be forgotten about and no sister ships or replacement craft should be developed its earlier sister ship the USS Akron had also been involved in a fatal accident by the time the makin went down which further underlined the unreliability of the design a fast reliable vertical takeoff and landing aircraft was a long-standing desire for both sides of the Second World War conflict and every major nation involved in the war was working on a design some of them got closer to coming up with a working model than others and it would seem that the Nazis weren't far away from success at all in 1944 this is the FACA Vogt tribe flugel the name of which literally translates as thrust wing hunter the Germans hoped that it could be used to intercept Allied planes which by that stage of the war were penetrating further and further into the German mainland on bombing missions a full sized prototype had been built by the Germans and was in the process of going through Windtunnel testing when Allied forces seized the production facilities that housed the unit with the Germans driven back the Allies seized the prototype and the project came to an abrupt end presumably anything useful that could be gleaned from the design was then shared between Allied intelligence agencies and used to improve their own designs before the invention of the airplane travel between countries across the sea was a slow and tedious process often taking weeks by the late 19th century her nest Bazin had grown bored of long journeys on boats and so he resolved to come up with a workable idea for a ship that would move faster the roller ship it was an ambitious design but only one unit was ever built showing excellent humility he named it the Ernest beza basins idea appeared to be fine on paper the ship would be raised up above the waterline by a series of wheels which would mean less friction in the water and therefore more speed what he'd inexplicably failed to take into account was the fact that each of the enormous wheels which were 30 feet in diameter would encounter water resistance of their own and they'd experience it on an individual basis when in the water the waves pushed back against the wheels and killed the ship's momentum dead meaning that even more coal had to be used for propulsion than would have been used on a standard ocean liner of the time embarrassed by his failure Bazin went back to the drawing board but he passed away in 1897 without ever coming up to a solution to the problem subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications and you will be the first to know when a new video comes out thank you for watching and see you soon
Channel: Amazing Stock
Views: 551,323
Rating: 4.7249122 out of 5
Keywords: 12 Most Incredible Abandoned Technology And Vehicles, vehicles abandoned, abandoned, incredible abandoned, abandoned car, abandoned ship, abandoned vessel, most abandoned, 12 most, top 12, most incredible
Id: 6XoOq6c-P5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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