12 Hours on a Korean Overnight Ferry 🇰🇷 Busan to Jeju 제주도

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to say that we've spent a lot of time  in airports on this trip would be   a huge understatement add that to the fact that  every single airport is nowhere near the city it   serves and you have to get there four hours early  now and every airline charges you an arm and a   leg if you bring more than this flying just isn't  as fun these days i'm sure many of you can relate   we wanted to get to jeju island in a way  that we could enjoy the journey a bit more   some method of transport where we didn't  have to take all our clothes off and   get x-rayed and separate our liquids  something slower something more scenic here we are today we're taking this massive boat  on our first overnight ferry trip to jeju island   i can't wait as soon as we arrived at the  ferry terminal we were excited to see so   many outdoorsy people heading to jeju many had  bikes hiking gear backpacks and some even walked   on without any baggage at all we felt like  we were the ones who over packed for once bye busan once on the boat we were met with  shiny escalators a grandiose staircase and   staff helping us get checked in it honestly  felt a bit like a cruise ship this place felt   fancy we're like staying in a  hotel we have our own private rooms this ferry takes about 12 hours to get from busan   all the way to jeju and we were so  ready to settle into our nice room wow there's even air conditioning there's classy  music so we splurged a little bit for this   overnight ferry we paid for a second class private  bunk private bed private cabin it costs 150   dollars per night for two it cost 158 dollars per  night for two people to stay in one of these rooms but but it's a 12 hour ferry and it takes you  all the way to jeju island i'd like to think   that the 158 dollars is worth it because  not only are you getting accommodations   you're getting transportation so the flights to  jj were about 60 dollars per person anyway so   this is only thirty dollars more and although it's  much slower i think it's gonna be way cooler okay   this is an announcement i don't think you should  oh that's nice one of the weird things that we've   noticed since getting south korea's i like every  room is twin beds what's up with that we've got   our own little sink which is pretty great there  are no toilets in here so it's probably a shared   toilet on this floor we have some closet space and  life jackets we've got our own little couch and   workstation emergency stuff  hammers as always the view there's busan harbor bridge there's some beautiful  colorful villages it feels like we're moving   but we're not after checking out the room  we immediately hopped on deck to check out   the best part of the boat let's go check out  the rest of the ship this feels pretty fancy   wow it is so beautiful out here  the sunset is just incredible oh my god yeah like i just keep thinking about the  airport experience you know like comparing against   this the airport you get there like four hours  early during covert sometimes like six hours early   and you're just sitting there the whole time  in this like cramped small airport and there's   nothing really to look at not a lot to see when  you come out of the boat you just get on the   boat and then they give you your own private room  for the same price as the flight i mean it takes   longer it takes a lot longer but this is this  is an experience getting on a boat just feels   i don't know it just always feels  special let's go catch the sunset   we know this seafaring stuff isn't everybody's  cup of tea for some it's just too slow you want   to get to the destination quicker for others  feeling seasick just isn't worth the experience   even as we were trying to figure out how to  take a ferry to jeju we learned that for so   many in korea just the thought of a fairy brings  up very real feelings and memories of tragedy for us though today traveling by boat means that  we could take the time to really enjoy our journey   even if it means that it takes 12 times as long   maybe slowing down is exactly what we need  what a cool way to see the city it's so oh beautiful we're going  under the bridge right now i   wow this is what a cool night it is a little  bit chilly out here and slightly windy as   you can tell but i don't even care because  busan is shining they're very awesome wow i'm a little hungry you want to check  out the convenience store this time it wouldn't be korea without a  convenience store and a vending   machine that's for sure well there's so many  options there's like coffee sodas beers sochi   meats kimchi a whole row of cup  noodles so many choices i don't know   i'm gonna pick the one that's most empty because  that means people would have bought a lot of it   that worked right i'm going for the classic  one this is a nice little press station our first cruise in 25 years here i never  thought i'd be taking a cruise in south korea   this one right here is truly the king  of ramen cups the best of all of them after dinner we remembered that it was time to  get another video out so back to the room we went   time to edit good night see you tomorrow nothing like a 5 a.m wake-up call i actually slept pretty well that was really  comfortable i was actually really glad   that they woke us up when they did it's  been a long time since i seen a sunrise wow good morning jeju i said i would never brush my teeth  for the camera never say never that is amazing i think it's time to go  wow it's 5 30 and they've already come   around and asked for our room keys  they're on a pretty tight ship here after practically sleepwalking  off the boat we made our way to   the equally sleepy jeju fairy port  to try and find a ride to our hotel we were desperately hoping to be able to  check in early but we made it nothing's open   rolling into a new city let alone a  relaxed island when everyone is asleep   and everything is closed is always  a strange experience but as we got   close to our hotel we started to feel both  excited and underdressed we managed to book   four nights free using points at jeju's tallest  building the absolutely epic grand hyatt jeju are we the only ones only they were unfortunately  and reasonably so not ready for us at seven in the   morning so we did arrive quite early it's not even  7am yet so we can't quite check into our hotel yet   luckily the hotel is massive i think it's probably  the biggest building in all of jeju island   the only option was to sit by a closed hot dog  stand in the mall above the check-in desk we   have this very very empty cafe third floor of  the grand hyatt here do some editing until 3 p.m so we still got eight hours till check-in they  just kicked us out of the little hot dog stand   that we were at uh i guess we can't sit there  so maybe mcdonald's after eating a few too many   sausage egg mcmuffins and doing some work  at the nearby mcdonald's for a few hours   thank you so much thank you so much we finally  got to check into our hotel good news it's 10   a.m and we're able to check in walking into this  hotel we honestly felt completely out of place   if you've been following along on our trip you  know that we are not particularly fancy people   but we are all about enjoying the  fancy things for free when we can   omg let me tell you a little story of how we ended  up here no not the ferry not jeju but this hotel   well we saved up points for over two years just  to spend on this one year around the world trip   we're on right now we just have a party in here  this is so big and when we made it to jeju and   noticed the not so budget-friendly hotels on the  island we decided now was the best time to bust   open the points piggy bank oh my gosh we were  able to stay in this hotel which is actually   larger than any apartment we've ever lived in this  might be the nicest hotel we've ever stayed in wow   that usually goes for 475 dollars for just 12  000 chase points per night which gives us a   whopping cents per point value of four  over twice the usual redemption value   and in case all this is confusing and overwhelming  got this for 12 000 points is that right yeah 12   000 chase points for that we we got you we got  this and we're staying here for four nights   for free if this isn't enough of a plug  we do have a skillshare course consider   checking skillshare is giving away a free month  trial so you can nerd out on all these travel   hacks through the entire island from here  the first 1 000 people that use the link   in the description below will get a one  month free trial they're like clouds okay hello isn't this amazing i have never this this  tops this tops at all so what do you guys think   oh jeez this is fabulous we're never going  to leave i mean as beautiful as jeju looked   we were really excited to just stay in for once so  because we're still us cup noodle cup noodle costs   cost money probably of course we uh we just bought  a bunch of stuff at the grocery store and that's   what we're eating for tonight what's the what's  the name of this restaurant that you're did you   just opened oh this is the skyview cafe please  have a seat we have fresh vegetables food and wine and the golden chips that taste like cereal  honestly this is the best way to eat i love   i love eating at home but the view though don't hurt yourselves safety glasses i've come up with stupider and stupider ideas as  time has gone on here what are you trying to do   okay so the chicken is cold and the  rice is cold we don't have a microwave for any of you wanting a cooking channel  here you go josh's cooking channel really is it hot they're pretty warm even  though it's dangerous to continuously raise   the bar this is pretty awesome back to the thought  at the beginning of this video traveling by boat   can seem so unnecessary these days and after  traveling for so long we've caught ourselves   taking things for granted things that shouldn't  be taken for granted we're just not appreciating   the journey as much anymore even seeing  it as a bit of an annoyance maybe because   of how easy it is to get to the destination or  more likely how long we've been away from home   taking this overnight ferry helped us get  out of that rut a little bit it was slow but   comfortable it cost just a little bit more than a  flight but it came with an incredible experience   for now we're going to enjoy this very temporary  life of luxury at our city view cafe and explore   jeju tomorrow this time maybe trying to enjoy  the journey just as much as the destination how do we do with the city view cafe it's  like the cheese is like slightly melted   yeah it looks oily and stuff like it's  glistening it's good yes i used the blow dryer you've got a smile when you say   i think restaurants are overthinking it they just  need to start serving breakfast here instead of   their fancy tiramisu cupcake upside down lava  cake shenanigans you're just mad cause you're   allergic to coffee well yeah but also i think  everybody just wants a bowl of cereal at the   end of their end of their meal they just don't  know it yet mmm that looks so good hi kitty what do you got to tell us so many things to say
Channel: Lisa and Josh
Views: 103,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel, adventure, lisa and josh, josh and lisa, lisa josh, josh lisa
Id: vr1bM3yksTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 12 2022
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