What Can $1,000 Get in VIETNAM (World's Cheapest Country)

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this is what a thousand dollars gets in Vietnam so I have four days here in Vietnam and I feel like this is going to be a challenge to try and spend this one thousand dollars where I'm from in New York City it's pretty easy to go out for one night and spend a thousand bucks but here in Vietnam I feel like this is gonna be quite interesting so I booked a five-star hotel here in Hanoi for 97 a night let's see what this gets us [Music] it's a gold I can get used to this this is living like a king we have a golden coffee set a gold lamp a golden shower a gold sink and gold mirror a gold tub meant for a king so you of course have your golden bidet and your golden toilet that comes with the remote controller let's see how this toilet works whoa this thing's got water pressure heaters a fan well can't this golden toilet do and how could I forget the entire building is gold and there's even a golden infinity pool I feel like I have to take a dip whoever built this place must really like gold I went for having crazy traffic making the easiest way to get around by motorbike and I don't have one for this trip but luckily there is a thing called grab Moto thank you [Music] after driving 25 minutes across town that ride only came out to a dollar twenty five but now the plan is to try and find some coffee which should be easy because I would say 9 out of 10 stores here in Hanoi are coffee shops [Music] the other thing that's crazy about being here in Vietnam is crossing the street honestly it's an adrenaline rush every time it's like playing a real life Frogger oh we got a lady right here Crossing too are you Crossing yeah I'll help you we're literally in the middle of the street but it's like totally normal here yeah okay oh thank you so nice to meet you maybe we should get out of the middle of the street okay thank you bye bye typically in New York I would help an elderly woman cross the street but that woman was so brave I feel like she was helping me I was definitely more nervous than her so now that we had our coffee we're gonna walk about 10 minutes to go to one of the most famous places to eat here in Hanoi so after coming to Hanoi now three times I have never eaten at this place it is called bancha Hong lien and if you are an Anthony Bourdain fan like myself this is where he ate at the Hanoi episode with Obama so excited to try this place out [Music] I feel like sometimes places like that don't typically live up to the hype but Bourdain I feel like never steers you wrong that was a certified flavor bomb it's also super funny that it's just like an Obama Shrine everywhere all the meals are named after him if you do come here to Illinois definitely worth checking that place out also only six bucks for a delicious meal you can't beat that as a web Center coming here to Vietnam you really do just see the most random things you would never see back home currently walking through a race track for little kids driving these electric cars okay I thought it was just that one block but it's literally like five blocks of just little kids driving electric cars imagine if they tried doing this in New York [Music] back on a motorbike on my way to a rooftop bar for some cocktails [Music] so I posted on my Instagram to see if there were any subscribers that were out here traveling in Hanoi to see if they wanted to come with me and get a drink at a rooftop bar and I had a couple people hit me up so let's go meet our new friends what's up guys how's it going nice to meet you thank you I'm Ewing it's a pleasure and what's your name Caitlyn Caitlin Brett nice to meet you where are you guys from UK UK amazing so we just made it here to this rooftop off called taraka and this just has incredible views of the city as well as portable drinks we came here for happy hour so guys drinks are on me luckily it's only like six dollars for a cocktail I didn't want to ask you guys so what brings y'all to Vietnam are you guys here just traveling southeast Asia in Vietnam for a full week um and then we're going to Lao Cambodia Thailand and the Philippines we're going to end up in uh amazing that's so awesome did you guys quit your job working remotely just finished school or what's your story travel [Music] okay so now we're here at beer Street this is one of the most crazy districts here in Vietnam I have no idea where all these people came from but if you are looking for a night out here in Hanoi you gotta come here to witness this so this is gonna be a lot harder than I thought except for another drink but this place it's only ten thousand dong for a beer which is about 45 cents for one of these giant pitchers there's only about three dollars and fifty cents so we're gonna get one for every person here right now so guys Cheers Cheers 50 Cent beer [Music] man this really is a challenge so as you guys can see my money goes a lot further here in Vietnam but there's reasons to believe it might not be that way for much longer because of this countries thousands of miles away are experiencing inflation and higher cost of living Japan's inflation rate is amongst the lowest in the world but still just hit a 41 year high and in order to do hedge inflation it's super important to always have your money work for you and a lot of my subscribers who are a part of this community of go-getters are already doing that with Masterworks because in the last year while inflation was eating into your savings while your stock portfolio was getting hammered well your 401k was losing over 20 percent of its value manager works with bang out over 25 million dollars in net returns to their investors by giving thousands of people access to the hottest luxury commodity on the markets Contemporary Arts in the last year art prices appreciated 29 on average at auction and according to Barons that's outpacing every other inflation hedge and I do want to say past performance has no indication of future results but when taking a look at Masterworks exit numbers every sale has delivered a profit to its investors so it's easy to see why over 650 000 people have signed up so far but my subscribers can skip the wait list and get started today just click the link in the description down below now back to Vietnam thank you Good morning Vietnam so Vietnam as we do know today not long ago was a French colony and now there's still a ton of French influence and even right now I'm heading to the French Quarter to stay at what is supposedly the best five-star luxury hotel in this area so let's go see what's 220 per night gets us here in Hanoi now this is my type of hotel [Music] foreign foreign that last Hotel was very nice and definitely luxurious but I feel like this one is much more My Vibe I feel like it's very similar to a Soho house from the design the architecture and even the smell of it this hotel smells like it should be worth at least 620. [Music] can I get the egg yolk coffee a coffee uh big yeah so I just made here to the famous note Cafe it's why this place is famous is because of the inspiring notes on the wall but also for their egg yolk coffee back in the day there was a big milk shortage here in Vietnam so they decided to put egg yolk in their coffee it's kind of like an eggnog with an espresso shot in it I love it [Music] that no Cafe was five stories Post-it notes so if you are trying to find somewhere to get a cool view of Hanoi as well as read some Post-it notes and try some traditional egg yolk coffee that's your place so as I was walking around I met some fellow travel vloggers so time to shout out your channel what's the name of it two pounds Sports One dream and how long have you guys been traveling around the world two years two years yeah we don't have a house we don't have an apartment I think we just have our two passports I'll leave a link to their Channel Down Below go check them out it's crazy how I feel like we need to try harder to spend all the money for this budget so now we are still here in the old quarter and going to be eating at one of the best restaurants in this area as well as one that's supposedly on the more expensive side so let's see what we get [Music] one of the reasons why I do love to travel is to get a better understanding of the world and this right behind me is known as the Hanoi Hilton Museum which is where the American prisoners of wars were held captive let's let's see what this is all about entry fee into the museum was only one dollar but then for four extra you get this audio guy getting to explore this old prison where American prisoner of wars were kept including John McCain and even one of my own relatives was really a sight to see even though it's a bit of a dark experience it's a reason why I love to travel the world and learn about a country's history [Music] where I learned that although it's the actually a luxury fine dining restaurant steaks pastas and other dishes so now back on the ground to get some dinner we still got a lot of money to spend so let's see how much find dining experience also I did want to say there is no rules here in Vietnam we're currently going the wrong way down to one way oh my gosh [Music] I couldn't decide between the pasta or the steak so I went with both [Music] oh so a quick review the atmosphere and the service were phenomenal the pasta was good but then the steak for the price was really delicious but now I am going to head back to the hotel and get a good night's sleep because tomorrow morning I gotta wake up early and for the next two days I'm gonna be staying on a mega yacht [Music] uh good morning guys today we are setting sail for the next two days here at one of the natural Seven Wonders of the World Ha Long Bay and I do need to add that when I was looking to book one of these experiences since there are so many ranging from forty dollars per night all the way up to what we're paying since for this video's sake we are going with the most expensive most luxury experience to see how long bay so let's see if this is worth the money [Music] so this is what 387 a night gets you in Vietnam I tried coming into this with pretty low expectations for 387 a night on a boat typically won't get you much if even on a boat where I'm from in New York city so to come here to Vietnam in one of the natural seven words of the world that is just absolutely beautiful and have a room like this is just mind-blowing I did also want to disclose that I did pay for this myself since I feel like this is such a bucket list item that I am checking off all right someone keeps knocking at my door because I think it's time to do some kayaking [Music] included in that 387 dollars per night also comes with food as well as some other activities and I must say the food even though we just had lunch was phenomenal and now we're off to our first activity got the kayak and we are exploring halong Bay especially we got some secret caves and some other little beaches that we're able to see from here so let's get to it [Music] so we did just make it back from kayaking which was great but to take up an hour and a half of time and we are limited to only about 22 hours here on the Stellar of the Seas ship so let's not waste any more time and see what else facilities has to offer foreign that in addition to the room you also get a complimentary 30 minute massage as well as a nice bottle of Cabernet and I did want to quickly explain why I did want to make this video since it's not to exploit how affordable a country is rather because I studied Finance in New York City where a lot of my peers think of spending a thousand dollars and having fun as a night out at the club getting bottle service but to me a thousand dollars is coming here to Asia and having experiences memories and stories that will last a lifetime so cheers to exploring the world so later that night the ship hosted a barbecue for dinner with delicious steaks and fresh seafood and then the next morning I woke up to enjoy my last day here in Vietnam well I hope you guys enjoyed this experience as much as I did and I think filming this video even solidified more why Vietnam is one of my favorite countries you really haven't lived until you come to Vietnam after four days of living large here in Vietnam we spent a total of 781 dollars and 50 cents the value for travel here is unbelievable and the country has so much to offer for everyone on every budget until next week let's get out and get busy in the next one more this time
Channel: Brett Conti
Views: 1,181,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What Can $1000 Get in Vietnam (World's Cheapest Country), VIETNAM, Brett Conti, What Can $100 Get in VIETNAM, World's cheapest country, cheap luxury, brett conti vietnam, SE Asia, travel, world travel, buzzfeedvideo, worth it, how to travel vietnam, luxury, millionaire, Hanoi, ha long bay, travel the world, inspiration, digital nomad, cheapest places to live
Id: YDrWu85yTDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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